Don't Fumble Your Favor -- Dr.Dharius Daniels

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00:00YouTube family, Pastor Darius here.
00:03Well, listen, maybe you don't know who I am,
00:04maybe you're watching this for the first time.
00:06At any rate, you're about to watch a message
00:08that I taught at one of our locations,
00:10our Atlanta location.
00:12And this message is called Don't Fumble Your Favor.
00:17Favor is fragile.
00:18The word the New Testament uses is grace.
00:21The word the Old Testament uses is favor.
00:23Unearned, undeserved assistance.
00:27And it could be fumbled.
00:28We wanna steward it well.
00:30This message is gonna help you do just that.
00:33One request, if it blesses you,
00:35would you just send it to somebody else?
00:37Hope you enjoy the message.
00:38See you soon.
00:40Until we not, amen?
00:42Yeah, we just in a season where we're soaking up wisdom.
00:45We had something called a 818 conference on yesterday.
00:49Deuteronomy 818.
00:52And we got wisdom, what?
00:54We got wisdom for the next level in the area of our finances
00:57and we're just excited about what God's doing.
00:59I wanna read a scripture found in Proverbs 10,
01:02verse number nine.
01:03It says this, whoever walks in integrity walks securely,
01:08but whoever takes crooked paths will be found out.
01:13I wanna talk from this subject, from this scripture.
01:15It's very simple.
01:17Don't fumble your favor.
01:22Don't fumble your favor.
01:24I need the 1145 to clap better than that.
01:27Don't fumble your favor.
01:33I wanna start this sermon by communicating a quote
01:37that is credited to Dr. Mark Batterson.
01:41He says this significant statement
01:46that if we do little things like they are big things,
01:51God will do big things like they're little things.
01:55Let me say it one more time.
01:57If we will do little things like they're big things,
02:01God will do big things like they're little things.
02:05In other words, there are times
02:07when we don't experience the major
02:11because we aren't doing the minor.
02:14Small tweaks lead to giant peaks.
02:19And when we are unaware of this reality,
02:21we will end up minoring in what God thinks is major
02:26and majoring in what God thinks is minor.
02:31And when we minimize what matters to God
02:34and maximize what matters to us,
02:37we end up working hard on the wrong thing.
02:40And hard work only works
02:42if you're working hard on the right thing.
02:45And I wanna know at the 1145,
02:47am I talking to anybody in the room
02:50or anybody online that is in a season of life
02:54where not only do you refuse to waste time,
02:58you also refuse to waste energy?
03:02I'm gonna say that one more time.
03:04Am I talking to anyone that is in a season of life
03:08where not only do you refuse to waste time,
03:11your testimony is I refuse to waste energy.
03:15I don't wanna invest energy or effort into anything,
03:19come here, or anyone that is not producing
03:24the kind of return that is commensurate with my investment.
03:29If I'm working hard, I need this hard work to work.
03:34Therefore, we need wisdom to discern
03:39what do I need to work on?
03:40I need wisdom so that I'm clear on the difference
03:45between what is major to me and what's major to God.
03:50And this is where Proverbs becomes an amazing
03:52and an essential asset,
03:54because Proverbs is a book of wisdom.
03:57It is wisdom literature.
04:00It exists to provide a wisdom to the godly.
04:04And in the text here in Proverbs chapter 10,
04:07verse number nine, the writer Solomon here
04:10gives us some insight, gives us some godly wisdom
04:14regarding an area many people minor in
04:18that God wants us to major in.
04:21Pastor, where is it?
04:23It's right in the text, we read it together,
04:25Proverbs 10, nine, listen to what Solomon says.
04:28Now, I not only want you to read who says it,
04:33I mean, read what he says,
04:34but I want you to be reminded of who says it.
04:38We also need to be reminded of who he says it to.
04:41This is Solomon speaking from the posture
04:44and the position of a father,
04:47talking to the one that he loves.
04:50So this is not some vicious tyrant.
04:53This is a loving father speaking to the ones that he loves.
04:58And he says these words,
04:59whoever walks in integrity, walks securely.
05:05Whoop, there it is, that's the asset right there.
05:07That's it, that's it.
05:09He articulates something that is easy to minor in,
05:13that God wants us to major in.
05:16And what's the operative word there?
05:17Whoever walks in integrity, that's the operative word there.
05:22Come on now.
05:22I said, that's the operative word here,
05:24because integrity is simply this.
05:27It is the ability to align your behavior
05:31with biblical values when everyone is looking
05:34or when no one is looking.
05:40Now notice what he says here.
05:41Notice what he says here.
05:42He who walks with integrity.
05:45This clause is not communicating
05:47an expectation for perfection,
05:50because to be perfect means without flaw or without weakness
05:54and no one is without flaw or without weakness.
05:58This is why we all need something called grace.
06:02God only gives what he know we needs,
06:06even when we don't know we need it.
06:08We are all grace cases.
06:13Am I making sense here?
06:15Yep, so none of us are perfect or without flaw,
06:18but notice what the word says.
06:20Whoever walks in integrity, whoever walks in integrity,
06:25in integrity, whoever walks,
06:27we all will make mistakes or missteps,
06:32but there's a difference between a step and a walk.
06:39A walk is a way, a walk is a pattern,
06:43a walk implies consistency,
06:46and what the writer is articulating here
06:49is the importance of a walk.
06:51We never arrive at a destination called perfection,
06:56but we should always be walking
06:59in a direction called integrity.
07:03I hadn't arrived at a destination, come on,
07:06but I've got long, we should have long obedience
07:09in the right direction.
07:11If I'm making sense here, say yes.
07:14Yes, yes, and so notice what it says here.
07:17If a person, this is what makes this wise,
07:19it's not just right, it's wise.
07:22It's not a vicious tyrant pointing his finger at us
07:25and say, you better walk in integrity.
07:28It's a wise father saying, now listen,
07:30I'm trying to show you how to win.
07:35It's a wise father saying,
07:36I'm trying to help you avoid unnecessary pain.
07:43It is a communicator whose heart is to be a covering,
07:47and some people are adverse to the word covering
07:50because what they've experienced is a lid,
07:54and a lid doesn't move
07:56because a lid only wants you to go as high as them.
08:00A covering will go as high as you do,
08:03and what a covering does
08:04is a covering serves like an umbrella.
08:07It doesn't stop the rain,
08:08but it minimizes how wet you get,
08:13and God is using Solomon to be a covering,
08:17saying, I can't stop it from raining.
08:19Life is going to life.
08:21Pain is going to come,
08:23but I want to be a covering for you
08:25so that you minimize your exposure to unnecessary pain.
08:29Now, you might get wet, but you don't have to be that wet.
08:33We might get hurt, but we don't have to be that hurt.
08:36So it's a loving father, am I making sense?
08:40Saying that I love you,
08:41and I'm trying to tell you how to win.
08:43If you'll walk in integrity,
08:45you walk securely,
08:50and this security refers to protection,
08:53but not only protection,
08:56but the peace that comes with knowing you're protected.
09:02It's a double blessing.
09:04You not only get protection,
09:07you get the peace that comes with knowing I'm protected,
09:13I'm protected,
09:14and peace makes you walk different.
09:19Peace makes you talk different.
09:23Peace makes you respond to threats differently.
09:27Just because there's a threat doesn't mean I'm in danger,
09:34because my Bible tells me that the weapon may form,
09:39and the weapon may be used,
09:42but the weapon will not prosper,
09:45that it will not do what the enemy intended for it to do.
09:50I got peace.
09:51Y'all aren't talking to me.
09:53This is the imagery David uses in Psalms 23.
09:56He says, thy rod and thy staff do what?
10:01Comfort me.
10:03Come on, 1145.
10:05David is saying, I don't have the rod.
10:08I don't have the staff,
10:09but because I know you got the rod,
10:12and you got the staff,
10:13I'm comforted by knowing you packing, y'all.
10:19The Lord is my shepherd.
10:28He says, he who walks in integrity walks secure.
10:31It's a double blessing.
10:32I not only get the protection,
10:34I get the peace that comes from knowing
10:38that I'm protected.
10:39And I want to know,
10:41am I talking to anybody in the room
10:44that's in a season of your life
10:47where your testimony is?
10:48My peace is priceless right now.
10:53Don't play with my peace.
10:57I will block your number over my peace.
11:02I will mute you on social media over my peace.
11:07I will walk out of the room over my peace.
11:11I'll let you think you won the argument.
11:14You win over my peace.
11:19Is anybody in the room?
11:21Is your testimony?
11:22My peace is priceless.
11:30Say, the way that I get this peace and this protection
11:34isn't by majoring in peace and protection.
11:38It's by majoring in the walk of integrity
11:41that gives me the peace and the protection.
11:45So I'm not chasing the peace.
11:47I'm chasing what peace is on the other side of.
11:52Am I making sense here?
11:53So I don't get the peace by pursuing the peace.
11:56I get the peace by pursuing the integrity
11:58and I need to pursue it,
12:00not just in a compartmentalized way,
12:03but I need to pursue it comprehensively.
12:06Because especially in Christian spaces,
12:08when we start talking about integrity,
12:10many people have a reductionist view of it
12:12and they limit it to one thing instead of everything.
12:19But integrity should show up not just somewhere,
12:21but everywhere.
12:23It should show up, number one, in my walk.
12:25How am I managing my life?
12:28Listen to this.
12:29If people who don't know God know me,
12:33will they want to know God because they know me?
12:40My walk, it should show up in my words.
12:43How am I managing my words?
12:46If my words were a contract, would I sign them?
12:51Do I trust me to follow through on what I say?
12:56Can people,
12:59can people accuse me of saying something about them
13:03that I won't say to them?
13:06My words, it should show up in my relationships.
13:09How do I manage people?
13:12Do I see them as image bearers of God?
13:15Do I see them as the apple of God's eye?
13:18Do I see them as his beloved?
13:20Do I see them as those who which he gave his life for?
13:24Or do I see them as a means to an end?
13:26Am I predatory?
13:28Am I exploitive?
13:29Am I manipulative?
13:31Am I shiesty?
13:32Do I use people?
13:34Do I only call them when I need something?
13:40If everyone in a relationship with me were just like me,
13:43what kind of relationship would that relationship be?
13:48It should show up in my work.
13:51This is how I manage my work responsibilities.
13:55It is a conviction to carry out
13:57what Paul said to believers in Colossians,
14:00when he said, whatsoever you do,
14:02whether you eat, whether you sleep, whether you drink,
14:04do it all to the glory of God.
14:07It is a behavior that rests on the revelation
14:12that God uses my work to care for his creation.
14:16Come on here.
14:17It is the doctrine of vocation
14:20that all work is sacred work
14:22and God uses work to carry out his work.
14:26And when I've got integrity in work,
14:28my integrity becomes an invisible supervisor
14:32that somebody doesn't have to watch over me like a hawk
14:35to make sure I'm going to do what I said I could do,
14:38that I value my word and my work enough
14:41that you don't have to follow me around
14:43to ensure I'm carrying out my responsibility.
14:46If I said, I'm going to be here, I'm going to be here.
14:49If I said, I'm going to do it, I'm going to do it.
14:51And if I say, I'm going to show up, I'm going to show up
14:54and I'm not going to show up half-hearted.
14:56I'm not going to show up giving you 98%.
14:59Lord, I'm running, trying to make a hundred.
15:06It should show up in my wealth.
15:13Do I use money as a tool or a trophy?
15:22Do, I don't, what if I had time?
15:24You got time, River?
15:26Yeah, do I use it to overcompensate
15:30for deficiency in my character?
15:36Did you hear what I just said?
15:38Yeah, yeah, uh-huh.
15:39Do I have to use it to get a date
15:42because my character can't?
15:45I don't have time, but if I had time, I wouldn't bother that.
15:49Why do you have to lead with how much you make?
15:52Why do you have to?
15:54Yeah, what, what, what?
16:08It should show up in my walk, in my words,
16:14in my relationships, in my work, in my wealth.
16:18Do I lord it over people?
16:28And I want to know, am I talking to anybody who want peace?
16:33I want to know, am I talking to anybody who wants protection?
16:38Well, what Proverbs gives us is the process.
16:42Because whenever God gives a promise, he gives a process.
16:47And it takes faith to work the process.
16:50Faith without works is dead.
16:53What works?
16:54The process.
16:57I can't just do any kind of work.
16:59I got, come on, hard work at the wrong thing, doesn't work.
17:03So when the Bible says faith without works is dead,
17:06what kind of works is he talking about?
17:08He's talking about the works that are corresponding action
17:12that aligns with my belief.
17:13It is my willingness to work the process.
17:16I can want Jericho walls to fall,
17:19but it takes faith to walk around the wall
17:24once a day for six days and seven times on the seventh day
17:29and then shout on the seventh time around
17:31so that the wall will fall.
17:33It takes faith to work the process.
17:36I want peace.
17:38I want protection.
17:40What's the process?
17:42Long obedience in the right direction.
17:46So I'm gonna ask again, am I talking to anybody
17:50who wants peace and who wants protection?
17:55Here's the process, not perfection,
17:58but long obedience in the right direction
18:03because you never get to the destination,
18:09but you're always headed in the right,
18:12should always be headed in the right direction.
18:16So how do I increase and how do I cultivate
18:21this integrity that Solomon's talking about here?
18:25We don't increase it or cultivate it
18:27by trying to increase or cultivate it.
18:29We increase or cultivate it
18:30by increasing the things that increase it.
18:35So I can't increase integrity
18:37by trying to increase integrity.
18:39Most of us have tried, that doesn't work.
18:42We increase integrity by increasing the things
18:45that increase integrity.
18:46Passover increases integrity.
18:47Three things I'm gonna pull from scripture here.
18:49Number one, faith in God.
18:52Integrity requires faith
18:56because it means that I have to trust, watch this,
19:00God with my success and trust God with my satisfaction
19:06and our greatest missteps and mistakes
19:09are often an attempt to achieve success
19:13or achieve satisfaction.
19:16Here's what Jeremiah says in Jeremiah 2.13.
19:19My people have committed two sins.
19:22They have forsaken me, the spring of living water,
19:25and they have dug their own cisterns,
19:27broken cisterns that cannot hold water.
19:33He's saying they're trying to quench their thirst
19:37by putting their satisfaction in something
19:41that can't hold it.
19:44So they're always trying to quench their thirst
19:49at the wrong place.
19:50So they live in a constant and chronic state of thirstiness
19:55because there's a thirst we have that only God can quench.
20:03Do I trust him to satisfy my thirst?
20:10We see this all through our scripture.
20:12We see it with a man named Esau.
20:15In Genesis chapter 25, verse 29, it says,
20:19once when Jacob was cooking some stew,
20:21Esau came in from open country.
20:23He was famished.
20:24He said to Jacob, quick, let me have some of that red stew.
20:28I'm famished.
20:30And Jacob replied, first, sell me your birthright.
20:34Now, I don't have time to bother this,
20:37but here's what you see.
20:39This is what I'm talking about.
20:40You see a godly man, Jacob, who's in an immature state
20:43because he's not Israel yet.
20:46So now he's running into a person.
20:48So you're about to see the absence of integrity
20:50in relationships because he sees the hunger of a man
20:55and instead of serving it, he exploits it.
21:00Did you hear what I just said?
21:02See, this is why you gotta be careful
21:04who you're around when you're hungry
21:06because some people won't meet your need.
21:11They'll exploit your need.
21:12They'll take advantage of your need.
21:14They'll become a predator with your need.
21:22So Jacob says, first, sell me your birthright.
21:26Esau says, look, I'm about to die.
21:28Now, Esau, you're not about to die,
21:33but hunger will make you feel
21:40like you can't live without this.
21:46Did you hear what I just said?
21:49I said, the hunger will have you feeling
21:51like you can't live without this.
21:53So you do, so watch this.
21:55Esau's getting ready to do a thing to keep from dying,
21:57but the thing he's about to do is about to kill him.
22:01So the thing that he thinks
22:02is actually going to kill him isn't going to kill him,
22:05but the thing he's doing in response
22:06to what he thinks is going to make him die
22:08is actually what's going to kill him.
22:10The hunger isn't going to kill you,
22:13but the response to the hunger is what will kill you.
22:17The greed might not kill us, but the response to the greed,
22:20the envy might not kill us, but the response to the envy,
22:24the jealousy might not kill us,
22:26but the response to the insecurity might not kill us,
22:29but the response to insecurity.
22:36So here's what it says, sell me your birthright.
22:38You want to know what the birthright is?
22:40You want to know what the birthright is?
22:42Do you want to know what the birthright is?
22:44Okay, birthright was three things.
22:45Number one, it was given to, watch this,
22:48whoever got the birthright got a double portion
22:52of all the father's wealth.
22:54That means when wealth was distributed,
22:55when the patriarch died, out of all the family,
22:58you got twice as much.
23:02So he, read the text, is about to give up a double portion
23:08for some soup.
23:13Chicken noodle soup, chicken noodle soup.
23:18Chicken noodle soup, chicken noodle soup.
23:28So two times the wealth of everybody else
23:31in the family over soup.
23:36Something long-term over some short-term.
23:38Woo, woo.
23:44Tarrio, they're ready, we got it guys.
23:49It is, second thing it was, it was the seat of the patriarch
23:53which means the leadership seat that the father had
23:56was the seat you got.
23:59So he gave up that for some chicken noodle soup.
24:04And then there was a spiritual covenantal blessing
24:06which was the bestowing of favor that was on the patriarch.
24:12He fumbled favor.
24:18You can't earn it, but you can fumble it.
24:24Let me, did you hear what I just said?
24:27Are you hearing my heart?
24:28You can't earn it, but you can fumble it.
24:33Because how, where we end up is not whether or not
24:37we get favor or grace, it's your response to it.
24:42All of us get it, some of us manage it differently.
24:48Some of us see it as an excuse to continue,
24:51while others see it as an opportunity to change.
24:56And where we end up in life is not because
24:59we didn't get grace, where we end up in life
25:03is based on how I responded.
25:15And it take faith to say whatever inconvenience
25:19God let me endure is the best inconvenience for me.
25:29Did you hear what I just said?
25:31It take faith to say I'm going without the soup.
25:38I'm hungry, but I'm going without the soup.
25:42I'm not getting what I need here,
25:44but I'm just gonna go without the soup.
25:50Because going without the soup agitate me.
25:53Responding to the hunger annihilate me.
26:01So I got two hard options here.
26:04So I gotta choose my heart.
26:07So I'm gonna choose the heart of being agitated
26:12because I can't be annihilated.
26:15I don't wanna fumble, disfavor.
26:21That take faith, that take faith, that take faith.
26:28It take faith because when your passions
26:31override your principles,
26:32it keeps you in situations that make you pitiful.
26:46It takes faith in God too.
26:47It takes fear of God.
26:49That's not a phobia.
26:50The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom.
26:51I'm D'Ontario, it's not a phobia.
26:53It's not like I'm scared of God.
26:54Like, it's almost like,
26:56I want you to think about your parents.
26:57You need to love them enough to come to them for anything,
27:00but then respect them enough to know they don't play.
27:07So this fear of God isn't a phobia.
27:10God's not a vicious tyrant that's gonna zap me.
27:12He's a loving father that has earned my respect.
27:18See, respect is earned.
27:22When you're in awe of someone, you respect them.
27:26You're like, man, he's done great things.
27:28I respect him.
27:30Come on.
27:31You can be cordial to people you don't respect.
27:34How honest can I be at 1145?
27:37Most people that you don't respect,
27:38don't even know you don't respect them.
27:43You're just a nice person.
27:44It's like, they have no idea.
27:45I don't believe a word.
27:49Come on, don't let you be spiritual.
27:50Praise God, amen.
27:52And you leave and say,
27:53I don't believe a word that came out of their mouth.
27:56Praise God, amen.
27:58Well, God bless.
28:01That's it, I'm about to leave.
28:02I'm about to get up.
28:03Well, God bless.
28:05It's a soprano at the end for me.
28:06God bless.
28:09I'm through with you.
28:10God bless.
28:14It's a reverential respect.
28:19It's this recognition.
28:20When I break the principles, the principles break me.
28:23He's not breaking me, the principles are.
28:27He's put the principles in place to protect me.
28:29So when I go against the grain, I'm getting splinters.
28:36Here's what the Bible says.
28:39Whoever scorns instruction will pay for it.
28:42But whoever respects a command will be rewarded.
28:49And number three, I got to focus on what matters most.
28:54In Luke chapter 10, there's a story about two sisters.
28:58Jesus is at their house, one's named Martha.
29:00She working, she fixing everything.
29:01She's making sure stuff is right for Jesus.
29:03And there's this woman named Mary.
29:04She's just sitting at his feet.
29:06Watch this.
29:07And the overcommitted become easily agitated
29:09and they become accusatory.
29:13I don't even have time to deal with that.
29:14So now she go to Jesus and say,
29:16aren't you going to say something to her?
29:19Because when you're overcommitted, you become irritable.
29:23And when you're irritable, you become accusatory.
29:27And Jesus says to her, listen,
29:29you focus on the wrong thing.
29:31Because what you're doing, responsibility,
29:32somebody going to replace you with that.
29:38Did you hear what I just said?
29:40Yeah, he said, she's doing something
29:42that can't be taken from her.
29:44The deposit that's made in her can't be taken.
29:48This role you got, gone.
29:53So watch this.
29:54She's allowing her work for the Lord
29:55to distract her from the Lord of the work.
29:56She's working harder for the Lord than she is on herself.
30:00And God's like, you majoring in what you think
30:01is major to me and you mad
30:03because that don't matter to me as much.
30:06You want me to reward you for something
30:07that I don't even care that much about.
30:10What Mary is doing is the needful thing.
30:14She working on herself.
30:17So let pastor ask you something.
30:19Let pastor ask you something.
30:21This was an important word.
30:22If not, I would just let y'all worship today.
30:24But we need this.
30:27In our current climate, we need this.
30:30You too anointed and gifted to live reckless.
30:36It's going to cost you everything.
30:41If I take the crooked path, at some point it catches up.
30:53So I got to work hard on me.
30:58Because let's look at pastor.
31:01Everybody's badness is tied to blindness or brokenness.
31:05Blindness, it means it's things about me
31:07that need to be fixed.
31:08I can't see.
31:11And your spirituality doesn't always affect,
31:13doesn't always, spirituality doesn't give you
31:16perfect self-awareness.
31:17It makes you more self-aware,
31:18but everybody got blind spots.
31:20You know how I know?
31:21Because David in the Bible, who defeated Goliath,
31:23he got blind spots.
31:24The same one that says,
31:24as the deer pinneth after the water,
31:25so my soul thirsteth to be.
31:27The same one that was a man after God's own heart
31:29is the same one that was engaging in behavior.
31:31He couldn't even see himself.
31:34A man named Nathan had to tell him a story
31:36that wasn't even real about a man who had did something
31:39that David did.
31:40And David was like, who's the man?
31:41Bring him to me, I'm going to kill him.
31:42Nathan said, you the man.
31:45He couldn't even see himself.
31:48I got to know there are things about me I can't see.
31:52My spirituality makes me more self-aware,
31:54but it doesn't give me perfect self-awareness.
31:58We done, we over time.
31:59That's because y'all shouted though.
32:06You got to work hard on you
32:09because nobody tries to blow up their life.
32:12Nobody wake up one day and say, I want to wreck everything.
32:21I got to work on my blindness and my brokenness.
32:30Guard the heart with all diligence
32:31for out of it flows the issues of life.
32:37Lord, I'll never be perfect, but give me grace
32:43to have integrity with my walk, with my words,
32:48in my relationships, with my work, with my wealth.
32:55Because this is the one thing that can cost me everything,
32:57but it's also the one thing that'll bring you everything.
33:03What does it do?
33:04It'll bring, here's what it does.
33:06It protects your influence.
33:08In the book of Daniel, Daniel got to advise kings.
33:13Listen to me, somebody say kings.
33:17He was able to advise and influence kings.
33:20He was gifted, so his gift gave him something to say.
33:24His credibility is what made him worth being listened to.
33:31And kings are looking for credibility
33:34because you can't really impress them
33:36because they've seen too much.
33:40Kings are impressed with character
33:44because that's a rare commodity.
33:46All right.
33:49It preserves our peace.
33:51The wicked flee when no one pursues,
33:53but the righteous are as bold as the lion.
33:54Lack of integrity has a price, and the price is paranoia.
34:02Nervous about everything.
34:02Phone ring and you nervous.
34:04That's too much.
34:06Y'all not talking to me.
34:08You're too, oh my God, where's my phone?
34:10I don't want to live like that.
34:16Number three, are y'all okay?
34:20It positions for promotion.
34:22We aren't promoted to the level of our talent,
34:23we're promoted to the level of our trust.
34:30I want to be a man that God can trust.
34:40So many people reach out to us about,
34:43so many people reach out to us about made men.
34:45Hey, who's doing made men?
34:46How can I do made men?
34:47How can I do made men?
34:48I say, brother, you can't get men
34:50unless you become the kind of man that men can trust.
34:55This curriculum not going to do it for you.
35:01And number one, it pulls in provision.
35:04Number four, it pulls in provision.
35:06It bring the right kind of increase.
35:09Boaz looked at Ruth's integrity with Naomi
35:14and said, you know what?
35:15That's a woman worth investing in.
35:19The blessing of the Lord make rich and has no sorrow.
35:31You too gifted, you too anointed.
35:36We have too much favor.
35:39To fumble it.
35:42Lord, help me steward this favor.
35:49I don't want to ruin this.
35:55And everything I'm preaching is seen in the life of Jesus.
35:58In Matthew four, nobody was looking.
36:03Was he's in the wilderness, nobody's around.
36:07But God was, he could have turned those stones to bread
36:10and nobody would have knew, but God would.
36:15And he said, man shall not live by bread alone,
36:18but by every word that proceeds out of the mouth of God.
36:22And he did that not just to show us he could do it.
36:26He did it to show us we could.
36:28Lord, may we not use grace as an excuse to continue.
36:35May we use it as an opportunity to change.
36:42You're a loving father that want to protect me.
36:47This isn't control, it's protective custody.
36:51This isn't control, it's protective custody.
37:03We gotta go.
37:14God loves us.
37:17He doesn't hate us.
37:19He's not fussing at us.
37:21He's trying to protect us.
37:23He said, I need you to fix this
37:25because I don't want it to cost you
37:28what I know it can cost you.
37:35So father, give us grace, wisdom,
37:42for long obedience in the right direction.
37:47It'll pay off after a while.
37:53Father, would you bless us?
37:56Would you keep us?
37:58Would you cause your face of favor to shine upon us?
38:02Would you be gracious to us?
38:03Would you protect us?
38:06Would you provide for us?
38:07And would you grant us peace?
38:09This is my prayer for your life.
38:11In Jesus name, amen.
38:14God bless you.
38:19All right, well listen, I hope that message blessed you.
38:22I've just got one request.
38:24Again, don't forget, send it to somebody,
38:27text it to them, email it to them.
38:29Bless those with something that's blessed you.
38:32And if you wanna be a blessing to this ministry,
38:34you wanna sow back into the teaching ministry,
38:37the field that you're harvested from,
38:38ways to do that on the screen as well.
38:41We love you, see you next time.
