• l’année dernière


00:00Put your seatbelt on, today I'm concluding this series titled You're Doing Too Much.
00:04I'm preaching, let God do it.
00:06I promise you, there are some things you're taking on that the Spirit of God, the Word
00:11of God, prayer to God can handle for you.
00:15It is not just wait on God, but it is work with God and know when to fall back and let
00:21God do it.
00:22Do me a favor, tell somebody that you love, that you want to see go to heaven, that's
00:26been doing too much, taking on too much, premature, aging, brain sickness, they're just stressed
00:34They need to let God do it.
00:36Watch this and be blessed.
00:44She didn't know I was coming today, so she'd been crying for 20 minutes, amen.
00:49She thought scheduling conflicts would let me be here, but I changed everything I had
00:53to change to get here.
00:54Because you've been that faithful and I love you and I wanted to bless you.
00:58The other elephant in the room is that I gave my word and the Word Church did, that before
01:02you got married, you were one of the people we picked that we would pay off all your debt.
01:09And as of right now, I have a check in my hand from the tithing members of the Word
01:13Church that pays off all your debt.
01:18You are going into your marriage debt-free, baggage-free, demons-free.
01:26In the name of Jesus, it is so.
01:31And now, by the power invested in me, by the state of Ohio, and most of all by our Lord
01:35and Savior Jesus Christ, I now pronounce your debt-free self, husband and wife, what God
01:44has joined together, let no man put asunder.
01:48Demar, you may kiss your bride.
01:54Ladies and gentlemen, I give you Mr. and Mrs. Demar Belayo!
02:05Something happened this morning at 9, and I'm not trying to manufacture it, I don't
02:09try to make 11 be like 9, sometimes there's a different anointing.
02:13All I know is I felt led to pray at 9 o'clock, and something broke out.
02:17The Bible does not say my house should be called a house of preaching or a house of
02:22The Bible says my house should be called a house of prayer.
02:25And so I decree and declare that as she's on her honeymoon right now, she's debt-free,
02:30demon-free, baggage-free.
02:32But I want to come closer than that.
02:34I speak over your life, that whatever a man sows, that shall he also reap.
02:38And so Father, in the name of Jesus, anybody that walked in here heavy today, I come against
02:44the spirit of heaviness, and I release the oil of gladness right now.
02:49Say, you have no authority in this place.
02:53And I don't know what this sister walked in with, but she's not going to leave here like
02:56she came.
02:57Devil, you have no authority over her life, that brother, his brokenness is behind him,
03:02you're doing a new thing, have your way in this place.
03:06But whoever the enemy has been messing with all week long, I release them from captivity
03:12of mental bondage.
03:14In the name of Jesus, whoever the Son sets free is free indeed.
03:19And so Father, have your way over young adults this morning and teenagers this morning and
03:24seasoned saints this morning.
03:25Satan, you have no power, you have no authority, you are a defeated devil.
03:30I'm going to preach about you today.
03:32You are a defeated devil, because we now walk in the power of the Holy Ghost, and whoever.
03:40There's a woman here, I felt it at 9 o'clock, you are hurting.
03:45In the name of Jesus, I call you healed.
03:50You were healed from mistakes you made.
03:53You were healed from places you shouldn't have went.
03:55You were healed from people you shouldn't have hooked up with, but the blood of Jesus
03:59is cleansing you right now.
04:02And your kids have been tripping, and your mind has been tripping, and your family has
04:06been tripping, but because you, I don't know who I'm talking to, but in the name of Jesus,
04:10Lord, I prophetically pray for the woman I'm talking to right now, that you are breaking
04:15every yoke and bondage over her life.
04:18She will be freer this week than she's felt all month long.
04:22Her mind has been playing tricks on her, demons have been trying to bring depression, but
04:27I call her mine, free God.
04:29In the name of Jesus, every brother here that is feeling some kind of way, encourage his
04:36Oh, I wish I had somebody that had the Holy Ghost that would just take two minutes and
04:40intercede with me right now, and believe that God is breaking every yoke and every bondage.
04:45I curse the spirit of heaviness, I release the oil of gladness over this house.
04:51You won't leave here like you came, the enemy didn't want you to come, but just because
04:56you're here in the name of Jesus, I call you free, and free indeed.
05:02I need you to praise him, that he's already set you free, the devil is a liar, the devil
05:08is a liar, the devil is a liar, the devil is a liar, the devil is a liar, the devil
05:15is a liar, the devil is a liar.
05:27Don't get scared, visitors, don't get scared, guests, when you go to the club, you expect
05:34to hear cussing, when you come to church, you aren't expecting to hear the Holy Ghost.
05:38Oh, don't get scared, you weren't scared in the club, don't be scared in church, they
05:45got a language in the streets, we got a language in the church, devil, I'll break every bondage,
05:50devil, I'll break every bondage.
05:56Why don't you grab your neighbor by the hand right quick and say, I touch and agree with
06:09you, that you'll be blessed during this service, that you won't leave here like you came, that
06:16whatever you need today, God's got it, that you came to the right, come on, touch and
06:20agree, whatever the enemy's been trying to do, the Spirit of the Lord is in this place,
06:26I may not even know your name, but I touch and agree with you, that the Lord sent you
06:30this morning, that you will walk out of here free of that you walked in, that your home
06:35is blessed, that your family is blessed, that if God don't change your family, God's gonna
06:40change you today, God sent you for a reason, whatever you've been struggling with.
06:56Shake that hand, shake that hand, that's not sweat, that's anointing, shake that hand,
07:01that's not sweat, that's anointing, shake that hand, shake that hand, you don't know
07:06what she's been through, shake that brother's hand, you don't know what his daddy did to
07:10him, shake that brother's hand, you don't know what his wife did to him, shake that
07:14hand, you don't know what her husband did to her, shake that hand, touch and agree,
07:18with two or three touch and agree on anything, he'll be a God in the midst, Lord, come in
07:24this house, come in this house.
07:30Now let that hand go and start praising God right quick.
07:36Those watching across the world, California, he's touching you right now, we gotta have
07:43a night of prayer, I feel something, Mississippi, he's touching you right now, Chicago, he's
07:48touching you right now, all of the Carolinas, he's touching you right now, New York, New
07:53Jersey, he's touching you right now, England, he's touching you right now, Italy, Africa,
07:57wherever you're watching from, there's no distance in prayer, he's coming through that
08:01phone right now, he's coming through that computer right now, he's coming through your
08:05TV right now, he's in your bedroom, he's in your kitchen, he's every place at the same
08:09time, he's omnipresent, he's ubiquitous, he's every place right now, at the same time, wherever
08:16you've headed, he's already been there, he knows, he knows, the way that I take, I feel
08:30God, I better stop, I gotta preach something, somebody walked in here, heavier than you
08:41normally are, look me in my eye, he is the lifter of your head, I don't know who this
08:48word is, he is the lifter of your head, lift up your head, and be you lifted up and the
08:55king of glory shall come in, who is the king of glory, the Lord shall get mighty, the Lord
09:02mighty at that, he is.
09:33Come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on,
09:38come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on,
09:41come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on,
09:43come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on,
09:45come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on,
09:47come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on,
09:49come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on
10:19hey, come on, he mad, he mad, he mad, he mad, who cares, he mad, who cares, come on, get your money back, come on, call your son home
10:50hey, in the name of Jesus, hey, hey, hallelujah
11:08hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey
11:38you're doing too much would you push five people and tell them let God do it
11:42go ahead and tell them that's the wrong person they won't even high-five you
11:48back they don't want God to do it find somebody that agrees with you and tell
11:52them let God do it you can't do it on your own let let let God do it go ahead
11:59go ahead and sit down so so we've been in this teaching for the last few weeks
12:03titled you're doing too much and the premise and the theological thesis and
12:08the biblical backdrop has been this it is the fact that there's some stuff
12:12you're doing that God says if you trust me I'd do it for you at least I do it
12:17with you but you're doing some things apart from me and it does not speak to
12:22indifference or apathy or laziness I'm gonna let God do everything while I do
12:28nothing it's not that it is the idea of taking on stuff taking on people taking
12:33on unnecessary stresses you have not been called to you just have a good
12:39heart you want to be the hero of the family there's some people that don't
12:42want to change and while you stress it over them they sleep they sleep while
12:50you stress it over them I can't want more for you than you want for yourself
12:56even when it comes to grown children now of course school-aged children they get
13:01a certain time and season we just have to keep working with them and keep
13:05pushing them we birthed them we had them it's our job to keep pushing them and
13:09keep talking to them and taking on their pain and taking on their stresses but at
13:13a certain age even adult children every man the Bible says the Galatians must
13:18bear his own burden even the ones you birthed at some point you can be doing
13:24too much I told the nine o'clock service that I was talking to Ralph
13:28yesterday Ray was such a good big brother he blast down to Florida to go
13:32to the Colorado game with Dion and them played in Florida UCF and so my boys
13:37went to the game and I called Ralph getting ready to say something and Holy
13:41Spirit says shut up just ask him how you doing and don't give no advice today
13:46yeah you've already put enough in him he tired of your whole voice yeah just ask
13:53him how you doing tell him to enjoy the game whatever you put in him by now it's
13:57in him let me do it now yeah pick your places and pick your spots where you
14:04give advice just ask him how you doing and get off the phone let God do it the
14:08book of Ephesians is he make it's simply amazing some scholars call it the
14:13Magna Carta of the New Testament have some Bible readers here who read the
14:18Bible all the time and so you know what I'm getting ready to say because of your
14:21biblical intelligence you know that in Ephesians 1 Ephesians 1 blessed be the
14:26God and Father who has blessed us with all spiritual blessings and high places
14:31Ephesians 2 and you have he quickened who were dead in your sins and your
14:36trespasses Ephesians 3 we see the mystery of Christ Ephesians 4 we know
14:42there is the idea of bonding and being built up in him and unity one Lord one
14:47faith one baptism one God who was above all and in you all and through you all
14:51Ephesians 5 husbands love your wives and wives submit yourself to your husband
14:58verse 20 mutual submission submit yourselves one to another and then as
15:02you sneak to the circumference of our text there is chapter 6 Ephesians 6 is
15:07major because it delves into demonology it talks about spiritual warfare it is
15:14as though Paul is saying if you're gonna pull off this idea of knowing he's
15:17seated in heavenly places pull off this idea of understanding the mystery of
15:21Christ pull off this idea of being married to one person to you die and not
15:24sneaking and creeping and huffing and puffing and laying and playing and being
15:28a straight-up spouse you're gonna need the Holy Spirit you're gonna need the
15:33Word of God you're gonna need the power of God so Ephesians 6 for those who
15:37care about it is about spiritual warfare I could do a better job as a pastor some
15:42of you go to conferences looking for spiritual warfare teaching because it
15:45is critical I could do a better job as your pastor on spiritual warfare and I
15:49promise I will I'll do the best I can to deal with it even more because you are
15:53in a spiritual battle sometime I tell you I wish all of you could put on a
15:57pair of what I call spiritual 3d glasses I wish right now everybody can snatch
16:02out your spirit realm glasses and you'd be surprised what's happening above your
16:06head right now this is not spooky this is Bible I wish you could see what's
16:11happening above your head right now there are demons floating around your
16:15head pastor should we be nervous no grandma told me all night all day
16:19angels watching over me my lord so so so so there is the demonic realm and the
16:27angelic realm and what are demons fallen angels fallen angels head demon being
16:34who Lucifer right used to not just be in the choir but was the choir had music
16:40inside of him and pride lifted him up and thought he was just as good as God
16:45and now he don't live there no more he was cast out of heaven Isaiah tells us
16:50that's a whole nother teaching for another time but Ephesians 6 is
16:53powerful and it begins by saying something powerful in verse 10 I gotta
16:57go gotta go you got your Bibles got your Bibles it's on the screens both screens
17:00want you to look at it pastor but you quoted it so what I want you to read it
17:04for yourself finally finally after all these things I've given you in chapters
17:091 through 5 right right don't make me revisit that everything I've given you
17:13in chapters 1 through 5 let me leave this last thing this this is the thing I
17:18want you to leave with Paul says let me end the letter with something that's
17:21critical and crucial finally receive your power from the Lord and his mighty
17:26strength put on the armor that God supplies and this way you can take a
17:31stand against the devil's strategies now you grew up on King James right right
17:37what does it say the schemes of the enemy right
17:41metal achi metallurgy in the Greek it is stratagems of metallurgy in the Greek
17:46methods metathotic in the Greek it is the idea of understanding that the enemy
17:52come here is strategic for some reason you think he just willy-nilly or the guy
17:58on the hot sauce bottle I wish he came like that at least I would know it yeah
18:04I wish he came hot sauce bottle star the problem is he'd be putting on Daisy
18:09Dukes the problem is he'd be smelling nice with muscles I wish I wish I could
18:18just get the hot sauce bottle don't you wish people would just show you who they
18:21are as soon as you meet and be like oh I'm gonna drive you crazy I'm gonna get
18:24you pregnant I ain't gonna take care of your baby I believe you I'm gonna drive
18:27you crazy I'm gonna turn you off I'm gonna see how you are just just start
18:31that way why you gotta start smelling good just let me see the devil in you
18:36from the beginning the Bible says he disguises himself as an angel of light
18:46right right so so strategies that I want you to understand we call them evil we
18:52call them mean we call him the accuser of the brethren we call him the father
18:57of lies what I never hear anybody call him is strategic he's strategic don't
19:04don't minimize his strategy he's strategic the Bible says in Jeremiah
19:09when you were born I had plans for you God told Jeremiah I tell people just
19:13like God had a plan for you the devil did too I guess what determines your
19:20success or the lack thereof is who planned you follow come here young
19:25people because both have a plan for you we know that God's plan of you to
19:29succeed and prosper and to walk in his purpose and callings the enemy wants to
19:34destroy you and get you off target watch this and take eight years out your 20s
19:40take a strong four years out your 30s take a strong 10 20 years that you
19:46could have been producing but you didn't understand he was coming for you and you
19:51cannot defeat him by yourself the Bible says he has a strategy so therefore if
19:59he got a strategy I'm gonna have a strategy those of you that like to take
20:04notes let me just give you a few things to ruminate on to muse on mature
20:10spirituality requires strategy mature spirituality requires strategy not
20:19willy-nilly I go here pastor I don't fall asleep first church ever went to
20:24I honestly don't fall asleep when he's preaching I feel that it's funny it's
20:28relative it's relevant it's substantive cool appreciate it that's not enough
20:32you're gonna have to have more strategy than just me no your own personal
20:38relationship with Christ maturity hear me maturity understands the criticality of
20:46strategy okay let me burn an eyes modernize and contemporize it I'm losing
20:51you only got 20 minutes left please catch this Browns don't play the four so
20:54leave me alone I think I don't know what time they play just hope they win now
20:59watch this this is important this is good everybody say strategy so you're
21:03gonna have to be a little bit more strategic and how you live your life
21:08understanding your deficiencies that if there's somebody sitting up all day and
21:13night plotting my demise then I need to learn something about how he attacks me
21:18and I need to have a strategy to combat that as opposed to just waiting on it to
21:22happen and thinking I'm a 9-1-1 my way out of it I just joined the word church
21:27if you did I love you if you did I love you if you did I love you I just joined
21:31the word church two weeks ago I'm not in new members class I ain't been here six
21:35months and saw him on YouTube and came post pandemic no I've been walking with
21:38God a while I've been here past I was a teenager now I got a daughter I was
21:42single now I'm married I've walked with you pastor I've walked with the Word of
21:45God I've walked with this church and at some point I'm a little upset with you
21:49if you don't have a strategy what do you mean strategy strategy is based on
21:54knowing you let me let me go forward and then I'll come back a second thing to
22:00ruminate on amuse on self-awareness prevents self-sabotaging did you hear me
22:08a couple of weeks ago I'm not healthy because nothing's wrong with me but I'm
22:13healthy because I know what's wrong with me that's like the best thing I said all
22:17year you missed it I'm not healthy because there's nothing wrong with me
22:21I'm healthy because I know what's wrong with me and therefore because I know
22:24what's wrong with me because of prayer and strategic thinking spiritual
22:28strategic thinking so you you're strategic when it comes to your
22:31entrepreneurship you're strategic when it comes to your entrepreneurship you're
22:35strategic when it comes to schoolwork but most of you are not strategic when
22:38it comes to spiritual things most of you write some of you journal you do all
22:43kind of things regarding your business or even your children some of you're
22:46very organized your structure so you know how much you're gonna spend on
22:49vacation how much you're gonna do here how long it's gonna take to graduate how
22:51many credits you need to get your master's degree but are you that
22:54strategic when it comes to spiritual things I now need you to take that same
22:59strategic ability and say the most important thing is my soul the most
23:05important thing is my life so I need a strategy for my spirituality self
23:12awareness prevents self-sabotage right right Shakespeare said to that self be
23:18true in other words know what's wrong with you okay let me let me get right to
23:22it so I'm better in the morning I get dumber as the day go not only do I get
23:28dumber I get more evil I can cure cancer at 5 in the morning 730 I want my
23:33spongebob pajamas can I get a witness in here praise God I'm done I ain't got
23:38no brain power so therefore praise God I get to lead our staff so they know my
23:42meetings are in the morning 6 o'clock 7 o'clock I'm sorry want to work for me
23:46gotta get up I can't be meeting at night because I don't want to get evil I want
23:51to be snappy I'm better in the morning I know my deficiencies and so therefore I
23:56know when I'm tired I can be a little short so there are times I won't even go
23:59out with my wife I'll say nope I'm too tired and I want this date night to go
24:03wrong because the enemy may use my tiredness to make me get short you'll
24:08view it as being impatient or insensitive when I know me enough to know
24:12my best time some of you know you got issues in the flesh so there are certain
24:16things you can't look at there are certain places you can't go and then
24:21like oh you just being too deep no you being too shallow I need you to
24:24understand for me that's a trigger I used to do wrong to that song
24:33I'm a straight-up heterosexual brother I can't have every app on my phone
24:38because the enemy is putting stuff in my face and as much as I love my wife me
24:42not gay yeah me can still see what's nice so I have to have a strategy I
24:49don't put myself in places where women have a chance to come at me wrong I'm
24:53not going no place where somebody's gonna come at me because I honor and I
24:57have to have a strategy and I know it saved as I am women still pretty to me
25:02too so I got a guard myself you're not gonna work for me or be in ministry
25:06around me wearing just anything well that's prejudice sue me get over it
25:09praise God you're not gonna be in my office shaking your fanny in front of me
25:16all day the devil is alive you're gonna cover yourself and get another job I'll
25:19see you in court okay y'all y'all not care okay some of
25:24y'all acting like there's nothing wrong with you if you don't raise your hand
25:26I'm gonna call out your name and your sin and put it on the screen is there
25:30anybody that knows you have some deficiency so you have to have a
25:34strategy and say I gotta watch where I go I gotta guard my heart
25:42according to Proverbs 4 I gotta guard my heart so there are certain things your
25:47pastor does not look at there are certain moments my family knows I'm
25:50leaving now I can't watch that I don't want that in my spirit I have to have a
25:54strategy I'm too single to look at mess I'm too sexual and single to look at
26:01mess that's just crazy that's almost not even intelligent for a believer to look
26:05at something you can't have and to mess up a marriage on a delicious from
26:09Oklahoma you crazy you better delete her out your phone delicious from Oklahoma
26:14got you in the bathroom acting crazy the devil is alive I curse that phone I
26:19curse that app I curse whatever is keeping you out of God's plan will for
26:24your life you have to know when they hang up with your own mother say okay
26:29mama I'm gonna hang up now because you see she's starting to get toxic she's
26:35starting to say something push you in a certain place strategy strategy I pray
26:41in the morning during my best time I wore in the I wore in English and I wore
26:45in tongues I call out my wife's name then I call out my children's name from
26:49oldest to youngest and spend about five minutes on each one in English then in
26:53tongues and I call out my family members name then I call out the
26:56elders name that I asked God to guide my day I asked God to order my steps I have
27:00to have a strategy by the way if you were the devil who would you try to kill
27:04first at the word church if you had to just get somebody who you think you
27:10would go for if you were the devil if you just had to go for somebody do you
27:15think maybe you go for the head guy so why y'all think I'm up here in a suit
27:20talking I have to war for my life and war for my children and war for my
27:27marriage so I don't become another statistic or do something you gotta
27:30apologize to me for at work what's your strategy self-awareness I need all of
27:36you to take a look at yourself he says in verse 12 oh my goodness I'm out of
27:40time but we're not fighting mr. parts you know right oh you grew up on King
27:44James but we wrestle not right we wrestle not against flesh and blood
27:48right but against principalities and powers of how places of darkness that
27:51you know the NLT version says but we are not fighting I try to bring these more
27:55modern versions for people who maybe didn't grow up on King James so we're
27:59not fighting against flesh and blood enemies but against rulers and
28:03authorities of the unseen world this is almost this is almost an apologetics
28:09class on systematic theology specifically demonology pneumatology
28:15spirit Christology the study of Christ right ecclesiology the study of the
28:19church but then there's this idea of demonology demons demons are real pastor
28:24you scaring me we'll get over it there's a real devil you cannot believe in Jesus
28:28unless you believe in the devil because Jesus believed in the devil and so I
28:35gotta do a better job of dealing with spiritual warfare because we got all
28:38these teenagers and who has this many young adults sitting first three four
28:41rows that's crazy churches would kill for this and I got to make sure you
28:45understand you want to fight for your life and it's more than just coming to
28:48YF and eating some pizza and hearing me preach you're gonna have to get serious
28:52or you'll be one of the defeated young people in church nasty in church messed
29:00up in church temper issue in church can't stand being married in church and
29:06I'm not saying that church takes away all struggles but I am suggesting that
29:11you can be victorious if you if you let God do it let me show you what I mean
29:17we're not fighting against flesh and blood enemies but against who watch this
29:21unseen unseen world watch this evil rulers mighty powers in the dark world
29:29that's three different places I wish I had time to unpack that demonology
29:35unseen world dark places these are different places and spheres in other
29:41words you're dealing with the spiritual mafia come here the spiritual mafia
29:49because demons have rankings principalities powers rulers of darkness
29:56these are different areas of demonology and Paul becomes or gives us an
30:00apologetics class on demonology but I don't have time to unpack it like I want
30:04to maybe we'll do a course or a small group of people who like pastor take me
30:08deeper take me deeper we can just deal with this right now I got a lot of
30:11people here so let me just do this and tell you there are ranks of demons and I
30:15believe based on your spirituality you get assigned different demons see some
30:23of y'all y'all so weak y'all got an old drunk demon he don't even check on you
30:27either no she drunk is she I mean you don't even pray like she all right I'm
30:34going back to sleep she'll read the Bible no way you got a drunk demon he he
30:40can't walk Satan gave you the oldest beat-up demon he got just just check on
30:45her sometimes she don't pray she'll read she go she dealing with this guy he
30:50married 30 years she ain't gonna change you know she get a little knees met this
30:55brother gonna creep on his wife till he died till he get caught he good we don't
30:58we even got a he good he good all those of you because you've girded up your
31:04faith principalities and powers and rulers of darkness and major demons and
31:10I think when it comes to me as the pastor he come himself I don't think he
31:17send nobody for me I think he show up sometime I feel the presence of demons
31:21so heavy I'd be thinking that's Satan mentally trying to bother me and kill
31:25the vision and get me to be depressed and I feel the presence I know because
31:29I'm spiritual enough you call it depression I call it demons I'm not the
31:35church that doesn't believe in clinical depression but I believe it does come
31:38from the devil I think you can be cured of it I think sometimes it requires the
31:43Word of God and a good therapist and sometimes some medicine pastor you want
31:48an impassive preach against medicine I'll take all your medicine for you come
31:51here praise God take everything please don't come in here without it we got
31:55water in the back take it don't come in here acting the fool on us till you pray
32:01take all your medicine I'm with I'm with your therapist I'm with your therapist
32:05I'm with him we got a pill station for you go back there and I'm just playing
32:11don't allow me on YouTube I'm just playing it's it's not it's not so so
32:19there are these rankings of demons that are sighing and sometime when I land in
32:25cities I was just in Atlanta this past week I had to ordain one of my female
32:29pastor daughters she ordained her first six deacons since her husband died she
32:33took over the church in Atlanta and so I went to help her ordain six deacons and
32:37sometime when I get off planes I sense principalities resting over areas right
32:44sometime you can feel a spirit of heaviness you can feel a sexual deviance
32:49spirit you can feel a poverty spirit you don't know this but I pray for
32:54Cleveland on a on a daily basis no I don't sometime I don't like I should but
32:58I try to lease on a weekly basis to lift up Cleveland because I come against the
33:02spirit of depression they they said that Cleveland is the most depressed city in
33:08America I said devil you a lie I live here and the joy of the Lord is my
33:13strength and as the apostolic covering or one of the apostolic coverings of
33:18this city you don't click the pressure on me I have joy unspeakable full of
33:23glory I don't care what runs in your family the curse is broken over your
33:27family because you alive there are certain curses and demons that reside
33:32over last names I know for a fact got cousins never met their father and start
33:48acting just like it's in the DNA and you have to break that in the name of
33:54Jesus am I boring you to death I cannot talk I know we love Jesus but can I talk
34:01about this defeated devil for a few more minutes so you can take a 40 over him we
34:09wrestle not against flesh and blood that's the part you know but don't know
34:12that's the part you know but don't know we wrestle not against flesh and blood
34:16what's sitting in front of me flesh and blood who are you arguing with your wife
34:20what is she flesh and blood your Bible just tells me we wrestle not against
34:24flesh and blood so my wife and I going at it like crazy she getting toxic I'm
34:28getting toxic she's saying stuff she's throwing a low blow I'm throwing a low
34:31blow we're talking and one of us got to realize this not us talking because I'm
34:38wrestling with you in the flesh but it's not really you one or both of us has not
34:43prayed this week one or both of us don't go to church like we should so the
34:48enemy okay old school world church members will remember this old school
34:56world church members will remember this there there's a lot of things that the
35:00devil is but let me tell you what he's cold at he's a good ventriloquist oh
35:07I'm sorry young people don't know what a ventriloquist is a ventriloquist is the
35:13guy that have a dummy on his lap and the dummies mouth is moving but he's
35:19doing the talking come here all across the world but if he's a good
35:23ventriloquist the dummies mouth will be moving so good that you forget that
35:29dummies can't talk so you'll be looking at the dummy and forget cognitively that
35:35devils can't that dummies can't talk and so you'll look up and you're watching
35:42the dummy not realizing his lips is moving but the other guy doing the
35:47talking Satan is a good ventriloquist sometimes your spouse be sitting on his
35:52lap your spouse mouth is moving but that's the devil talking preach right
35:57now it's your sister's mouth moving but that's the devil talking it's your
36:03child's mouth moving but that's the devil talking so you gotta look past the
36:07dummy I'm sorry hip-hop people say don't be no dummy go ahead praise God
36:14that's the wrong person is there anybody been a dummy before and let the devil
36:19talk through you and use you
36:28I tell pastors if you're gonna use yourself in an illustration use yourself
36:35in the negative don't use yourself as a hero they come to hear about Jesus not
36:39you if you're gonna use yourself say something bad about you that God
36:43delivered you from I happen to be out of my wife and out the more emotive one
36:47believe it or not I got more more home of origin issues the enemy can try to
36:50mess with my mind save prayed up all that and we'll be talking she's more
36:53calm she tends not to start any arguments I'll be doing something saying
36:57something and she'll stop and say baby I think we should stop now because I don't
37:02think this is going anywhere let's just revisit this let's stop and that is a
37:06reminder married the right person that's a reminder to me that I'm really not
37:11talking to her I'm talking to my past but she got enough sense not to cuss me
37:18out but to calm me you're trying to stay married come here you got to know which
37:24one tends to go off and the other one got to say wait a minute one of us got
37:27to be spiritual here and one of us got to have a strategy that says if I go off
37:32he already going off that's gonna have us both going off and how's that gonna
37:35help us we got to understand that her lips may be moving but that's the devil
37:40talking that's the enemy using them and so it'll help you to love people when
37:50you can start seeing the enemy through them and love them you see a brother
37:56acting all crazy and think he's this and think he's that and all out of who he is
38:00and your child you got to say you know what I see what the enemy is trying to
38:04do here you'll love this let me hurry because because I want you to catch this
38:07the Bible says the devil say devil where is he right now he is present
38:12Ephesians 2 2 says he is the prince of the air all right 2nd Corinthians 4
38:17verse 4 says he is the God of this world Revelation 12 says Satan will be thrown
38:23down all right Satan will be thrown down the great serpent the ancient serpent
38:27will be thrown down where is he now he's in the heavenly realm okay I got to
38:32hurry my time is done he's in the heavenly realm how do we know that
38:36because one time he had a talk with God about Job the Bible says the angels came
38:42before the presence of God and Satan came to this is demonology y'all how
38:47did Satan come to how did the angels get audience with God and Satan came to
38:53that's above my pay grade we'll find out when we get to heaven all I know Satan
38:57has audience and access to the heavenly realm the Bible says in 2nd Corinthians
39:024 verse 4 he is the God of this world little G God of this world why my mama
39:07gets sick cuz he's the God of this world how'd that molestation stuff happen he's
39:11the God of this world how my daughter gonna break my heart like that he's the
39:14God of this world how can my husband do that he's the God of this world we have
39:18been delivered from the penalty of sin Romans 6 23 we've been delivered from
39:23the power of sin Romans 6 14 but we have not been delivered from the
39:27presence of sin that's Revelations 12 when finally Satan shall be cast down he
39:33is a defeated devil but right now he's going about like a roaring lion seeking
39:38who he may devour he's defeated but he's roaming now watch this I ain't coming to
39:44drop you I come to lift you up he is a defeated devil but you only can defeat
39:52him if you let God do it let me show you what I mean and I'm done because the
39:57Bible says in Ephesians 6 13 I got one minute watch this therefore put on every
40:02piece of God's armor so you'll be able to resist the enemy in the time of evil
40:08now I know Pentecostal people don't get mad at me you've never heard me say from
40:12this stage those who said I'm not mad pastors you can disagree with me you've
40:15never heard me say devil I bind you now you've heard preachers say that I'm not
40:20mad at people who say that I just think it's erroneous how can you bind what's
40:23been loosed so you're gonna bow where God is loosed he's loosed him in the
40:30earth so the Bible does not say we're supposed to you ever say not buying you
40:34like you got the devil tied up in your basement let me go Sheila let me go
40:39Sheila let me girl you can't bind the devil sorry my Bible says he's loosed in
40:44the earth but you can resist him you can resist him you can resist him you
40:51have the power to say no you can't tie him up if you tie him up that means he's
40:56not bothering nobody else you have no control over who else he's
40:59bothering that's based on their spirituality so you don't hear me
41:03teaching don't say it here Satan I'll bind you we can't bind what's been loosed
41:07he'll be bound in Revelations and thrown into the lake of fire where he'll spend
41:11eternity forever and ever death sin and Satan shall be cast into the lake of
41:15fire for eternity but right now he's a loose devil so he walking around looking
41:22for young people on their phone and can I tell you you better not minimize him
41:28because if your phone got an algorithm you don't think the devil do I didn't
41:36realize how cold my phone was all iPhone people look at me every two
41:42months my phone just decides to do a whole photo gallery on what happened in
41:48my life and take pictures out my phone and put music under them without my
41:54permission and shows me my grandchild and my granddaughter and us at the park
41:59I'm thinking who told you to do that and how did you get access to that come
42:03everybody because there's a portal by which you can go inside your phone and
42:07understand the algorithm of what makes you smile and what makes you sad and put
42:10what you want to see in your phone so that you will continue to support that
42:13if you think your phone got an algorithm Satan knows your algorithm that's how
42:18come ugly girls don't pop up on your feet
42:22Satan know what kind of body you like he's seen your wife
42:25thank y'all or maybe so he knows he's short-tempered let me get him quiet so
42:40he'll snap at somebody she has the best heart in the church but she likes men a
42:43lot so let me let some brother shoot at her she's lonely let me have some married
42:48brother come at her because she'll take any man over no man let me catch him
42:52right now because his wife is tripping this is a good time for him to run into
42:55somebody on Facebook he hasn't talked to because she thinks he just wants
42:59physical stuff he's really seeking emotional support yeah she thinks it's
43:02all physical sex she has no idea he just want to be admired and respected so let
43:07me have some girl in his job talk better to him than his wife and so here's this
43:11girl dressed up like she's cute but she's a satanic influencer sitting by
43:15Satan to blow it but you gotta see that stuff you gotta be spiritually mature
43:19and say devil you are a lie because there are some people in your life that
43:28were placed other people were planted preach already oh y'all don't want to
43:34talk to me I'm finished yeah some people you think they were
43:37placed by God they were planted by the devil that's why HR here we take our
43:41time and pray over people and let them work for free for a while let them
43:44volunteer get to know them because one person can come on your staff and mess
43:48up your whole chemistry they come smiling filled out the application got
43:51five degrees but they the devil soon as they get into your place they tear
43:54yourself up the praise team was fine until one girl got on the praise team
43:57shit to the whole thing up she was playing she came with her resume from a
44:01megachurch she got an album that's why you don't see me hiring superstars okay
44:05how many records you got I got a team I don't need Beyonce I'll just take no
44:11offense Beyonce I'll take the Jackson 5 I don't want Mike y'all just missed that
44:16cuz cuz cuz when you got Mike when Mike ain't there the Jackson 5 feet they
44:19can't sing but I need to do I'll take the pips y'all missed that praise now
44:24let me 45 and over Gladys Knighton I'm sorry YouTube Gladys Knight and the
44:32pips write it down Gladys Knight midnight train to Georgia the Delta's
44:40okay okay I'm running out now I'm done oh sicky sicky my time is gone therefore
44:46put on every piece of God's arm I'm not gonna have time to finish the arm be
44:50prepared here it is it's on the screen let's shout now you're up against far
44:54more than you can handle on your own take all the help you can get every
44:58weapon God has issued so that when it's all over but the shouting you'll still
45:01be on your feet I'll see y'all next week I'll see y'all next week when it's all
45:05over but the shouting you'll still be on your feet let me talk to somebody
45:09that's cost him hell the last five or ten years or got one unperfect imperfect
45:14child or been through some stuff in relationships or has some health scares
45:17or your mama wasn't there your daddy didn't care I got a word for you when
45:21it's all over you'll still be on your feet y'all didn't say nothing I'm gonna
45:26try it one more time when it's all over but the shouting which means there's
45:30nothing left to do but give God praise anyhow and say God the devil tried to
45:35kill me but I'm still here I wish I had ten people watching me across the world
45:40would you do me a favor high five six people and say I'm still here go ahead I
45:45should have been dead but I'm still here some wrong people came in my life but
45:50I'm still here I'm married the wrong man but I'm still here I got a baby by
45:54somebody I shouldn't but I'm still here I've been to prison pastor but I'm still
45:58here I messed up my credit but I'm still here is there anybody that after all the
46:04things you've been through you still got joy can I get 50 people to slap
46:08somebody high five and say let God do it
46:19put on the whole armor of God my time gone thank you nobody moves nobody gets
46:25hurt in another sermon I will talk about dressing up in spiritual clothes I'm out
46:30of time so I won't even try the Bible says number one put on truth the Bible
46:34says put on righteousness the Bible says put on faith that's a whole nother
46:37sermon but then finally it says put on salvation as your helmet and take the
46:41sword of the Spirit which is the Word of God so put on truth can I tell you why
46:45you come to church not just objective truth but subjective truth there's
46:49certain things you know in your soul that are true put it on the Roman
46:53soldier would put on this belt and this belt held everything else in place truth
46:57holds you together the reason why the devil hates for you to come to church
47:01because you hearing truth your mama didn't spit this much truth your daddy
47:06didn't spit this much truth no offense but they didn't your friends didn't spit
47:09this much truth you get truth on another level and you better not at 25 than you
47:14were at 22 you better not with 47 then you were at 40 you better at 63 then you
47:18were at 59 you better at 80 brother for it then you were at 71 cuz truth builds
47:23you put on the breastplate of righteousness which mean guards your
47:27heart the Bible says above all else guards your heart righteousness guards
47:31you righteousness guards your heart people can't play you like they used to
47:35people can't get you in the bed that easy no more people can't get you to go
47:39to clubs and drink and act crazy and cuss no more why because you got on the
47:42breastplate of righteousness and then put the peace on your feet and peace is
47:46ordering your steps peace is telling you where to go put on the helmet of
47:50salvation which means he's guarding your mind he's guarding your brain he's
47:56guarding your decisions but y'all missed it every weapon I've named is a
48:03weapon of defense every weapon I've named is something that protects you it's
48:09something that shields you but then he says but take the soul let's tear the
48:16club up of the spirit which is I feel it the Word of God y'all missed that can I
48:23tell you why the devil hates for you to come to church because you are hearing
48:26the Word you got the nerve to go to the Word Church you read the Word you go in
48:32the groups hearing the Word you coming on Sunday hearing the Word and the Word
48:35is not just defensive but the Word is offensive y'all not saying nothing he
48:40says you've been defending your heart you've been defending your mind you've
48:43been defending your breastplate he said but when you take the Word of God when
48:46the enemy come at you the difference is start cutting his behind when he starts
48:50saying one thing you say something else when he tell you you can't make this I
48:54can do all things to hurt you
48:59I can do all things to hurt you
49:01to hurt you stripping me
49:03you not gonna make I shall live and not die
49:05to the claim of the works of the Lord
49:07you gonna sleep around
49:09let not fornication be once named among you
49:11your marriage is not gonna make a way
49:13God is trying to get less no man from the church
49:15you gonna be in the dark and ready
49:17the Lord is my light and my salvation whom shall I fear
49:19the Lord is in my life whom shall I be afraid
49:21you gonna run under silver and gold is mine
49:23the earth and the Lord the fruit is thereof
49:25devil you can't wish I had five people
49:27I wish I had five people
49:29that would put the Word all over you
49:31and tell the devil you can't have me
49:33somebody take out your sword right now
49:35and say I'm above and not beneath
49:37I'm blessed in your city blessed in your field
49:39blessed when I come in blessed when I go out
49:41I'm the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus
49:43you better cut that devil out
49:47the devil's gonna kill your child train up a child
49:49the way he should go when he's already sitting down in front of you
49:51cut that devil out
49:53I'm sorry I need five people to take out your sword
49:55and just cut that devil
50:09you gonna be crazy
50:11you gonna be crazy the rest of your life
50:13cause your parents dropped you
50:15when my mother and father abandoned me
50:17the Lord shall take me up
50:19your mind will always play tricks on you
50:21Philippians 4 whatever things are lovely
50:23whatever things are pure, whatever things are good or poor
50:25whatever things are noble
50:27think on these things
50:29devil you can't tell me what to think
50:49stop trying to do it on your own
50:53let God do it
50:57let God do it
50:59I was so heavy this morning
51:01you just have to be a pastor
51:03all pastors
51:05if you're not one I promise you
51:07it's like being an NFL quarterback
51:09you either been one or you haven't
51:11you can't understand it by storytelling
51:13but there's certain times
51:15when the enemy attack it
51:17I couldn't get it in my head
51:19what he wanted me to say and I couldn't sleep
51:23and I went in my wife's room
51:25right before I went out
51:27and she said in the name of Jesus
51:31we'll cover his mind
51:33be careful who you sleep with
51:37be careful who you have a baby with
51:39be careful who you say I do to
51:43there's gonna come a time when sex won't fix it
51:47there's gonna come a time
51:49it's better to be alone than married wrong
51:53all of you that are single
51:55on my heart
51:57listen to me
51:59you're so blessed to be by yourself
52:01the sex thing is real
52:03but at least you're not being tormented
52:05by some demonic person you're stuck with
52:07at least you can believe God
52:09and connect with people at your church
52:15put your hands on me
52:17and I thought to myself
52:19I can do this
52:21see you gotta let God do it
52:23stop trying to intellectualize your way out of this
52:25with your smart self
52:27stop trying to use that dog in you
52:29no it's more than that
52:31you need the Holy Ghost
52:33oh I know this is more Pentecostal than usual
52:35but if you come to the worship
52:37sometimes you'll kind of hear the seminary in me
52:39and the Dr. Vernon part of me
52:41other moments you're gonna hear the Pentecostal
52:43check all the degrees at the door
52:45I need the Holy Ghost
52:47the reason I say that
52:49I'm finished is because the last verse says
52:51and pray in the spirit
52:53now y'all didn't say nothing
52:55I feel like tearing this church up
52:57at all times
52:59on every occasion
53:01stay alert and persistent in your prayers
53:03for believers all over the world
53:05which means I don't just pray for me and my man
53:07I pray
53:09for Israel
53:11I pray for Hamas
53:13I pray for those who lost their lives
53:1523 people
53:17I hate social media
53:19I love it but there's some things I hate about it
53:21what I hate about it is that information comes so fast
53:23that you skim stuff you should stop on
53:2523 people
53:27died yesterday in a storm
53:29those people had a mama
53:31the Bible says pray
53:33and intercede, pray in the spirit
53:35people say what that means, you can argue
53:37theologically, what does Paul mean
53:39I don't know, I think it also means to pray in the spirit
53:41to pray in tongues
53:43to pray in English and when my grandma
53:45used to be walking around praying
53:47I thought she was the most old fashioned woman in the world
53:49but I think I'm old enough now
53:51to know when I'm in my car
53:53can I talk to somebody?
53:55is there anybody been walking around the house saying God watch over my niece
53:57watch over my son
53:59I wish I had some praying people
54:01I wish I had some single mamas that be warring for your son
54:03saying God I can't raise them
54:05like a man can raise them
54:07I pray for the mothers around my baby God
54:09watch over my sister God
54:11she's sexually confused God
54:13Lord I pray for my mother right now Father
54:15I pray for my father
54:17I pray for the word church
54:19I lift up my pastor God
54:21I lift up my first lady Father
54:23I pray for Delta Sigma Theta
54:25I pray for everybody present
54:27I pray for those who need a word
54:29pray in the spirit
54:31I missed the plane
54:33last year
54:35last year I missed the plane
54:37I was coming from someplace
54:39doing the one night stand
54:41for singles
54:43I'm tired I want to go home
54:45and they announced that my plane
54:47going to be two hours delayed
54:49I'm feeling some kind of way
54:51and the Holy Ghost said I want you to pray
54:53in the spirit until the plane get ready to leave
54:55I start walking around that big airport
54:59Lord you are wonderful
55:01Lord I thank you for
55:03this victory road
55:07don't be scared you don't get scared in the club
55:09when they cussing
55:11I know Paul said be careful
55:13come on now I'm seminary trained
55:15I don't say stuff up here I haven't studied
55:17and I know Paul said be careful
55:19speaking in tongues with people who are there
55:21for the first time what he's really saying is
55:23give them an explanation
55:25don't just start in tongues to a brother from the hood
55:27he don't know what you're talking about
55:29so let me explain what I'm doing
55:31if you walk in the club you expect people to be cussing
55:33you expect to smoke weed
55:35or hear weed or smell weed
55:37I don't know if you can hear weed but you can smell it for sure praise God
55:39and when you come in church
55:41there's a language you're going to hear sometime when you come to this church
55:43I'm not spooky I'm from the projects
55:45but God got a hold of my heart
55:47and filled me with the Holy Ghost
55:49and sometime when I'm in trouble
55:51I say
55:57and if that scares you this the wrong church
55:59I need some people that will pray in the spirit
56:01and say devil you can't have my mind
56:03you can't have my sister
56:05you can't have my brother
56:15pray in the spirit
56:21I'm just going to stop this series
56:23because I can never finish
56:25you're doing too much
56:27I've been preaching
56:29and I pray that you caught the theme
56:31the thesis let God do it
56:33rest in him don't take on more than you're supposed to
56:35ask God for your assignment
56:37do me a favor share this with somebody
56:39let them know they have to watch the entire series
56:41get it into your heart
56:43you're doing too much
56:45next Sunday be ready I'm serving Holy Communion
56:47it's been a couple of months
56:49and I'm feeling a major desire
56:51to give seriousness
56:53and gravitas
56:55to this supper so be ready
56:57have your communion in front of you
56:59go to the grocery store get you some juice and crackers
57:01we're going to serve this supper
57:03have some people watch with you
57:05I'm sensing as we go into this fall season
57:07let's make sure we realize
57:09it was nothing but the blood
57:11I love you share this series with someone
57:13by the way this is a blessing to you
57:15I don't do this a lot but here
57:17you're part of our virtual audience
57:19you watch us you're part of the Word Nation
57:21help us help people help us keep changing lives
57:23be ready for Communion
