• l’année dernière


00:00:30It's such a great part of what we do.
00:00:39In Romans chapter five, we have talked a little bit about grace and the fact that grace is
00:00:47not fair.
00:00:50And in Romans five, beginning at verse six, for when we were yet without strength in due
00:00:55time, Christ died for the ungodly.
00:01:00Now in that single verse, he has dealt with two levels of weakness.
00:01:08The first is when we were without one strength, when we were weak, in due time, Christ died.
00:01:16And the second is we were against God or ungodly.
00:01:22For scarcely for a righteous man will one die, yet for a good man, some would even dare
00:01:29to die and most of them are trained, secret service, police officers, trained to get in
00:01:38a situation to offset something negative.
00:01:43It's not that somebody just without training except a mother or a father who is going to
00:01:50intercede quickly for their children.
00:01:53But the average person, if the bullets start going off, all of us are going to duck and
00:01:57you better run for yourself.
00:02:00But he says yet for adventure, for a good man, some would even dare to die.
00:02:08But God commended this love towards us in that while we were yet, and here's the third
00:02:16level of weakness, while we were yet rebellious, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us.
00:02:25Much more than being now justified by his blood, we shall be saved from the wrath through
00:02:36For if we were, and here's the fourth, enemies, so we were without strength, we were ungodly,
00:02:45we were sinners, now we were enemies.
00:02:50We were reconciled to God by the death of his son.
00:02:54Much more being reconciled, we shall be saved by his life.
00:03:01And not only so, but we also joy in God through our Lord Jesus Christ, by whom we have now
00:03:07received the atonement.
00:03:11And under atonement comes reconciliation, justification, redemption, propitiation,
00:03:23and all of that is to bring us into the presence of a just God who requires a blood sacrifice
00:03:33in order to be able to deal with us.
00:03:37So grace is not grease, you don't just slide in.
00:03:45Somebody had to pay the price for you and I to be qualified to get into the presence
00:03:54of God.
00:03:56We were enemies, we were weak, we were rebellious, and all of us fall within that category.
00:04:07Therefore as by one man sin entered into the world, that's Adam, and death by sin,
00:04:15and so death passed upon all men, for that all have sin.
00:04:23For until the law, sin was in the world, but sin is not imputed where there is no law.
00:04:29Nevertheless, in spite of the fact that you need to have a law in order for sin to be
00:04:36imputed, there was still death.
00:04:40Death reigned from Adam to Moses, and the reason he goes from Adam to Moses is because
00:04:45Moses had the law.
00:04:47But death was reigning before the law, because all of us were condemned in Adam.
00:04:56Even over them that had not sinned after the similitude of Adam's transgression, who is
00:05:04the figure of him that was to come.
00:05:09That means very simply that he has now taken Adam as a typology of Christ, and he's saying
00:05:17that for those who did not sin after the similitude of Adam, or did not sin as Adam sinned, yet
00:05:28they died, because even though they did not transgress as Adam transgressed, they were
00:05:35still lineage of Adam, and had to live with the generation curse that started with Adam,
00:05:43so everybody died even before there was a law.
00:05:50He makes him the typology, and what he's saying in the same sense that you died because of
00:05:57Adam, and you had nothing to do with Adam sinning, is in the same way his grace has
00:06:06given you life, and you had nothing to do with dying on a cross.
00:06:16He is giving you something that you don't deserve, and that is why he says, but not
00:06:23as the offense, verse 15, but also is the free gift.
00:06:32For if through the offense of one, many be dead, much more the grace of God, the gift
00:06:41by grace, which is by one man Jesus Christ hath abounded unto many, and not as it was
00:06:50by one that sinned, so is the gift, for the judgment was by one to condemnation, but
00:06:58the free gift is of many offenses unto justification.
00:07:06For if by one man's offense, death reigned by one, much more, oh my God, and none of
00:07:16us can cognitively, intellectually measure the much more.
00:07:22When you see in this Bible much more as it relates to God, you nor I have the intellectual
00:07:30capacity to figure out how much more.
00:07:33The much more in God is unfathomable.
00:07:38You and I can't figure it out.
00:07:40You know, God has so much more for you than you can even think.
00:07:49And he's already doing for you when you're sleeping.
00:07:55When you're complaining, he is already working it out.
00:08:01Much more, by which, and he said, which receive abundance of grace and of the gift of righteousness
00:08:12shall reign in life by one Jesus Christ.
00:08:17Therefore as by the offense of one judgment came upon all men to condemnation, even so
00:08:22by the righteousness of one, the free gift came upon all men unto justification of life.
00:08:30For as by one man's disobedience many were made sinners, so by the obedience of one shall
00:08:38many be made righteous.
00:08:43And then he says something interesting, and this is for all the judgmental people.
00:08:48He says moreover the law entered.
00:08:51Now he brings the law and the law comes to show you your weakness and to show you your
00:08:59incapabilities, your incapacities, to show how weak and helpless you are.
00:09:10So when you point out what's wrong with me, I already know what's wrong with me.
00:09:17But I can't help myself, so you point out what's wrong with me and you make it more
00:09:23That's why he says moreover the law entered, that offense might abound.
00:09:29But where sin abounded, grace did.
00:09:34And again we go back to the word much more.
00:09:39So as bad as I am is as good as I can be.
00:09:46But my being good has nothing to do with me.
00:09:50It has to do with me receiving the righteousness of Jesus Christ.
00:09:57Because when I came with my righteousness, God said filthy rags.
00:10:02But when he sees the righteousness of Jesus Christ in me, then he receives me.
00:10:11And it's not fair.
00:10:13I'm complaining about the trials I have.
00:10:19But I'm supposed to have trials.
00:10:24Because I'm a sinner.
00:10:26But I don't complain about the blessings I have.
00:10:33But I don't deserve the blessings.
00:10:36What I deserve, I complain about.
00:10:41What I don't deserve, I don't praise about.
00:10:47Everybody in here should be praising God no matter what they're going through.
00:10:55Because whatever you're going through is not all you should be.
00:11:01I wish somebody would get it.
00:11:05Whatever you're going through is not all you should be going through.
00:11:11Because God has put no more on you.
00:11:16Oh, they're talking about you.
00:11:23But they're talking about you at a time when you can take it.
00:11:28Because all they're talking about you has not yet stopped your blessings.
00:11:33God is blessing you in spite of what they're saying about you.
00:11:36In spite of how people are treating you.
00:11:40And they're getting even more mad.
00:11:44They're getting even more crazy.
00:11:47Because every time they talk about you, God takes you to another level.
00:11:51And every time they try to put you down, God raises you up higher.
00:11:56So now you've come to the place where you're giving God praise for your enemies.
00:12:02Because your enemies are getting you blessed.
00:12:07Keep on talking while God is blessing.
00:12:10Keep on talking while God is taking me higher.
00:12:13Keep on talking while God...
00:12:15You talking, he's blessing.
00:12:16You talking, he's blessing.
00:12:18You cursing, he's blessing.
00:12:20You putting me down, he's lifting me up.
00:12:22You doing...
00:12:25It's not fair.
00:12:30If nobody is envious of you, ain't nothing happening in your life.
00:12:45If nobody wants what you have, you ain't got nothing.
00:12:53That as sin hath reigned unto death, even so might grace reign through righteousness
00:13:06unto eternal life by Jesus Christ.
00:13:08And then somebody got mad and said, what shall we say then?
00:13:12Shall we continue in sin?
00:13:15Because if grace abounds much more where there's sin, then are you suggesting we should keep
00:13:21on being sinners so we can get on with more grace?
00:13:28And then he made a point, he says, no ye not that so many of us as are baptized into Jesus
00:13:34Christ were baptized into his death, therefore we are buried with him by baptism into death.
00:13:42That like as Christ was raised from the dead by the glory of the Father, even so we also
00:13:47should walk in the newness of life.
00:13:51How, and he makes a point, how can you live in sin if you're dead to it?
00:14:01And so when you have repented and given your life to Christ, then you become dead to sin.
00:14:09Yes, sin has no more power over you.
00:14:15Through the blood of Christ Jesus.
00:14:20Look at your neighbor and say, grace is not fair.
00:14:24Now I'm getting ready to close this message.
00:14:28So I want number four to be placed on the board.
00:14:33We did one, two, three, and we talked about grace without merit.
00:14:40Now grace is not exercised in the just payment of a debt.
00:14:51Grace has put me in a position where I owe something.
00:14:58And if I owe something, then I'm expected to pay what I owe.
00:15:06If I can pay for what God has done in my life, then I have accomplished owning it.
00:15:19Because if I can pay for it, now I own it.
00:15:25But grace is something that none of us can own.
00:15:33Why? Because none of us can pay for it.
00:15:39And if I can't pay for it, I can't own it.
00:15:42But if I could pay for it, it wouldn't be grace.
00:15:46Because then I would deserve it.
00:15:51You say thanks because mother taught you to be mannerly, daddy taught you to be mannerly.
00:15:57So when you get your paycheck at the end of the week, you say thank you, sir.
00:16:04But if he doesn't give you the paycheck, we're going to court.
00:16:13Because you owe me the money.
00:16:17I say thanks not because I feel like you did something for me.
00:16:24I say thanks because that's a mannerable thing, you put something in my hand.
00:16:29I say thank you, sir.
00:16:31But what you have given me, I have worked for.
00:16:36So you're not doing me a favor when you give me something that I have worked for.
00:16:44So my thanks is not a deep thanks of appreciation for what you're about to give me.
00:16:51It's thanks because of a transaction of you putting something in my hand.
00:16:58But I deserve it because I worked for it.
00:17:05Indeed, and in fact, when I think about how hard I worked, this check ain't enough.
00:17:17If I can pay for it, then it's not grace.
00:17:25The problem with the church today is too many ungracious people are trying to pay for what God has done in their lives.
00:17:37Because we have taught humanism instead of the depravity of man.
00:17:46I am so depraved that I shouldn't be in this pulpit.
00:17:52But grace isn't fair.
00:17:56I can't pay God for what he has done in my life.
00:18:02That's why I praise him.
00:18:06Because my praise is predicated not on my ability to pay for what God has done for me.
00:18:16But my praise is predicated on the fact that what he has done for me, I couldn't do for myself.
00:18:22And nobody else could do it for me.
00:18:24So every time I walk into his house or every time I wake up in the morning and the breath is running through my body,
00:18:32the first thing I do is give God praise for another day that he has made.
00:18:37I will rejoice and be glad therein because I don't deserve to be alive.
00:18:44I don't deserve it.
00:18:48The reason I don't make any judgments about people is because I don't deserve to make judgments.
00:19:01I would have to be in a class that is above the people that I make judgments about.
00:19:12But I am not better than anybody else.
00:19:16No matter how bad they look.
00:19:20Because God doesn't see degrees of evil.
00:19:25All he sees is evil and good.
00:19:29And since all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God,
00:19:34you can't measure how much shorter I fell than you fell because short is just short.
00:19:42So you're looking around trying to feel good about yourself by judging other people
00:19:48and by putting other people in a worse place than you.
00:19:51When God has put all of us in the same category, he said all have sinned.
00:19:58Fall short of the whole of the glory of God.
00:20:01You ain't better than anybody else.
00:20:04So you can't put somebody out of a house that you don't belong in yourself.
00:20:11I wish somebody would understand me.
00:20:14What can you say about me that I can't say about you?
00:20:21I feel like shouting now because you didn't get caught.
00:20:28Because you didn't get caught.
00:20:41Can I justify?
00:20:43You didn't get caught by man but you were already caught by God
00:20:48because he saw your down sitting and your up rising a long way off.
00:20:54When Jesus died, all of my sins were future.
00:21:05I think I missed that one.
00:21:10When Jesus died for me, all of my sins were future.
00:21:20He died some 2,000 years ago and covered my sins before I was born.
00:21:31I don't want to get too deep with it but I might as well get deep with it.
00:21:37The Bible says he chose Jacob over Esau when Esau was the older brother.
00:21:49And the Bible makes it clear.
00:21:52He chose Esau because that is his sovereign choice.
00:21:58He didn't have to wait till the children were born in order to choose them.
00:22:05Because he didn't have to wait to see whether they'd be good or bad in order to choose.
00:22:13Because none of them deserved to be chosen.
00:22:18So it wasn't by works, it was by his choice.
00:22:24You're sitting here today saved and sanctified but you were chosen in him before the foundation of the world.
00:22:34Well, why didn't he wait to check you out before he chose you?
00:22:41He didn't have to wait to check you out before he chose you because he already knew you wouldn't deserve to be chosen.
00:22:49So I'm not waiting for their works to choose them, I'm going to choose them because it's my good pleasure.
00:22:56It's his good pleasure to give you the kingdom.
00:23:00Can't nobody stop what God did before the foundation of the world no matter how they hate you.
00:23:10Give somebody a high five and say neighbor, you don't have the power to stop my blessing.
00:23:23You don't have the power to talk God out of blessing me.
00:23:28God knew everything about me before he called me to preach.
00:23:33He didn't wait to call me to preach by checking my record out.
00:23:38He didn't wait to call me to preach before I was even born.
00:23:43Because it ain't about me, it's about the praise of his glory.
00:23:54You're looking for somebody good to hang out with.
00:23:57God is looking for somebody bad to give him glory when he changed their life.
00:24:03You're looking for somebody good to lean on and to talk to.
00:24:07God is looking for somebody evil that he can turn around that will give him some real praise.
00:24:13You're too good to praise God.
00:24:16I'm too evil to praise God.
00:24:19I'm praising him because what he has done for me, I don't despise.
00:24:37I don't know, can I talk to you?
00:24:47Now, I can hoop anytime.
00:24:50All I gotta do is say, let's have church, Pat.
00:24:53And we can hoop.
00:24:56But sometimes hooping don't get it.
00:25:08We got a world today, and we never knew how judgmental people were until we got online.
00:25:28We never knew how hateful people were until Facebook and Instagram and everybody's opinion is now heard because people can say whatever they want.
00:25:45We never knew that we were living among a group of people who are trying to cover their own weakness by exposing someone else's.
00:26:08We never knew that people were down low hating until they got a chance to speak.
00:26:26And I discovered something about that.
00:26:30I discovered that these people would never get any attention until they're arguing with you.
00:26:46Nobody knew they existed because they ain't doing anything.
00:26:52Nobody knew they existed until they attack you who's doing something.
00:27:04So the only success they have in life is attack somebody who's successful.
00:27:22The only significance that they have found for their lives is to find fault with you.
00:27:32So because everybody knows you, they get to know them when they attack you.
00:27:51I was in Jamaica. When I was in Jamaica, we were walking down the street, and one fellow said to the other, I want to hit you upside your head.
00:28:02And the fellow said to the fellow who said, I want to hit you upside your head.
00:28:06He said, well, what are you going to do with your head while you're hitting me upside mine?
00:28:14Because your head's going to be exposed while you're messing with mine.
00:28:20You see, the problem is you're trying to cover your head by whooping somebody else's head.
00:28:27But your head is still seen by God.
00:28:31And the reason I don't make any judgments is because God set a day aside to make the judgments on everybody.
00:28:42Even those who are judging others will be judged by God, and God is the only righteous judge.
00:28:49What I have learned through grace is that God loves me with the evidence when you hate me on suspicion.
00:29:00So you're not in the news, but it's not because you shouldn't be in the news.
00:29:20You just ain't important enough to get in the news, but you ain't any different from those that are in the news.
00:29:44And if you had got a chance to get in the house, you would be.
00:29:53So again, grace was evident in your life because God kept you out of a place where you would have quickly run into if you had the chance.
00:30:15I am looking at a group of people who God spoiled their plans.
00:30:23And some folk only came to God because they didn't get the chance to live the life they wanted to.
00:30:34And that's grace.
00:30:39God is stopping you from getting into a place that you couldn't handle.
00:30:47Because success for some of us is more damaging than not being anybody.
00:30:57Some of us couldn't handle the success, so God put a break on our success until he built our character.
00:31:06The gift is still out there, the blessing is still yours.
00:31:10God already has the blessing set for you.
00:31:14Then why don't I have it? Because I don't have the character.
00:31:18And what God does is he builds my character, then he releases the gift.
00:31:24Because if I get the gift before my character is built, I won't keep it for long.
00:31:30But if I'm going to keep his blessings, he's got to build my character.
00:31:35He's got to put me through some stuff in order to make me strong enough to handle the blessings he gives.
00:31:42So that when I get the blessing, I won't embarrass him.
00:31:46I won't embarrass him.
00:31:53I feel the Holy Ghost in here.
00:31:56He'll hold you.
00:32:00While you're complaining, nobody will use me.
00:32:04I can't get anywhere. Everybody's getting somewhere but me.
00:32:08Holding you.
00:32:11Because he knows your weakness.
00:32:15And he knows if he blesses you with enough money that you can go private.
00:32:24You will mess it up.
00:32:27God does not elevate to be embarrassed.
00:32:39I want to show you something.
00:32:42When David sinned, it was a terrible sin. It was a Peyton Place kind of a sin.
00:32:54He took the black man's wife.
00:33:02Oh yes, yes, Uriah.
00:33:05Uriah was black.
00:33:09What was Uriah?
00:33:12What was his nationality?
00:33:15He was a Canaanite.
00:33:18Canaanite covers the whole gambit of Hittite, Girgashite, Hivite, all of the ites.
00:33:27And David was complacent in his sin.
00:33:36He was what we call a despotic monarch.
00:33:40Which means he was on the same level as Nebuchadnezzar A. Hazarious.
00:33:45He was on the same level as Darius.
00:33:47He was on the same level as Tigath Pliny.
00:33:51He was on that level he could have you killed without a jury or a judge.
00:33:57He was a despotic monarch.
00:34:03The radicals argue with me that David had the right to Bathsheba.
00:34:08And he could have done anything with Uriah that he wanted.
00:34:11But David was a despotic monarch.
00:34:14They argue with me that David had the right to Bathsheba.
00:34:18And he could have done anything with Uriah that he wanted to.
00:34:21He could do like Nebuchadnezzar.
00:34:23I said no.
00:34:25I said because Nebuchadnezzar, A. Hazarious, Sennacherib, Kuglachan, Caesar.
00:34:34None of them wrote the Lord is my shepherd.
00:34:38I shall not want.
00:34:40None of them wrote the Psalms.
00:34:44None of them boasted of a relationship with the almighty Jehovah.
00:34:49They had other gods.
00:34:51But none of them had the sensitivity of David.
00:34:55Yet David in his weakness and his weakness was always women.
00:35:03It didn't just happen.
00:35:06Oh my God.
00:35:09David had two women while he was running from Saul.
00:35:13I said come on baby, go with me.
00:35:19Run with me baby.
00:35:23So that was his weakness.
00:35:27And yet still God in his prescience called David.
00:35:35Knowing his weakness from eternity.
00:35:42Didn't stop him from calling him.
00:35:47And gave him an everlasting throne.
00:35:51And somebody said he was a man after God's own heart.
00:35:58And you have to have spiritual understanding to know what that is.
00:36:04He's a man after God's own heart because he was merciful.
00:36:10When he could have killed Saul, he didn't do it.
00:36:16And because he was merciful, he's a man after God's own heart.
00:36:21Not because of his ill behavior, but because he was merciful.
00:36:27And blessed are the merciful so they shall.
00:36:34I ain't got no time for judgment.
00:36:38Because I need mercy.
00:36:41No, no, no, no, no, no.
00:36:46In his complacency, God sends Nathan.
00:36:53And you have to understand this when you look in the political world.
00:36:57A theocrat is always above a democrat, a republican, an aristocrat, a meritocrat.
00:37:07Socialist, communist.
00:37:10There is no human government that the preacher is not above.
00:37:16When you talk about speaking truth to power, you're not talking about the preacher speaking up to power.
00:37:26From an earthly point of view, he's speaking up.
00:37:29From a heavenly point of view, he's speaking down.
00:37:34Should I help you with that?
00:37:38John the Baptist spoke up to earthly power.
00:37:45But he was speaking down from heavenly power.
00:37:50Well, argue with me.
00:37:53So he lost his head.
00:37:56Herod, who was above him earthly, took him out.
00:38:04But here's what Jesus said.
00:38:07No man born of a woman is greater than John the Baptist.
00:38:15Because he took him out earthly, didn't move him from his position heavenly.
00:38:22And at the end of the day, the only position that really matters is the position God gave you.
00:38:30Because man can't give you a position above God.
00:38:34A man can be over you, but not be above you.
00:38:39So Nathan spoke down to David.
00:38:43And told David, there's a man who had a little pet.
00:38:50And a visitor came to the man who had all kind of animals.
00:38:55And he went over and took the man's pet.
00:38:58Killed the man's pet to feed his visitors.
00:39:01And David said, that's not a man.
00:39:03He took the man's pet.
00:39:05Killed the man's pet to feed his visitors.
00:39:08And David said, that man shall surely die.
00:39:12See, everybody's got a conscience about what somebody else is doing.
00:39:18But they ain't got no conscience about what they're doing.
00:39:24He said, throw out the man.
00:39:29David fell apart.
00:39:32Now, be very careful.
00:39:37Be very careful.
00:39:39He said, I have forgiven you.
00:39:43Thou shalt not surely die.
00:39:47But the child has got to go.
00:39:56Now, I don't know if you're able.
00:40:04Somebody say, go on Bishop, tell it.
00:40:08All right now, you told me to tell it.
00:40:11You gave me permission.
00:40:13Now, God could have covered the situation by a miscarriage.
00:40:22But he didn't do that.
00:40:28There was no aborting this baby.
00:40:33This baby was born.
00:40:38And God said to David, the child has got to go.
00:40:44Why, Lord, are you taking an innocent child that had nothing to do with their parents' behavior?
00:41:00I want you to think now from a woman's point of view.
00:41:05Can you imagine the pain that Sheba is having?
00:41:12When God has said, the child has got to go.
00:41:18The child that I have had in a love relationship with David.
00:41:26We can argue that.
00:41:29Because he was the king.
00:41:33But he was sensitive enough, since he wrote all them Psalms that all of us love.
00:41:40If she had said, king, you shouldn't do this.
00:41:48We're not going to blame that Sheba.
00:41:52But I wonder what would have happened if she said, king, you shouldn't do this.
00:41:59Every now and then a powerful man needs a good woman to say, don't do this.
00:42:10This is not you.
00:42:14This is not what you ought to be doing in your position.
00:42:22It may not stop anything, but it would help.
00:42:28Thou art the man, he falls apart.
00:42:32The child has got to go.
00:42:35Now, why are we removing the child?
00:42:39He says, because David, you have caused the enemies of the Lord to speak evil.
00:42:53Now, I want you to go with me down this road.
00:42:58Who did he say would speak evil?
00:43:03The enemies of the Lord.
00:43:08Now, what am I saying?
00:43:11The child has to go because the child is a personification of David's sin.
00:43:20Now, not a monument now.
00:43:23Do you remember Paterno?
00:43:25Paterno, the coach in Pennsylvania.
00:43:28They built a monument when he was doing well.
00:43:32They had a statue of him.
00:43:34Oh, he's doing well.
00:43:36We're successful.
00:43:38He has a big statue.
00:43:40Now, when he got caught in the scandal of not speaking up when there was abuse among his team, what did they do?
00:43:47They torn it down.
00:43:50You know, they since rebuilt it.
00:43:57Somewhere along the line, there must have been some kind of forgiveness.
00:44:05Something we don't like to deal with.
00:44:10And you have the nerve to put it back up.
00:44:15I wonder how many statues would they have torn down with your name on it.
00:44:24I have to do this because you have to see that grace is not fair.
00:44:33And grace brings praise out of your mouth, not judgment.
00:44:38Now, let's get in it.
00:44:42Let's get in it.
00:44:44He's a personification, not a monument.
00:44:48If it's simply a statue, you tear it down.
00:44:51Nobody sees it.
00:44:54But this sin has a life.
00:45:00The child.
00:45:02So now, here's how it goes.
00:45:06The enemies of the Lord riding down the street and took a look at 7-Eleven.
00:45:18And here is David going into 7-Eleven with the little boy to get him some ice cream.
00:45:28And somebody says to the person in the car,
00:45:31Hey, wake up.
00:45:33Look over there.
00:45:35You see that little boy right there?
00:45:38You know who that is? No, I don't know who it is.
00:45:41That's David's son that he had with Bathsheba.
00:45:45You see him right there?
00:45:48That's the boy that got Uriah killed right there.
00:45:52The boy is graduating from high school.
00:45:57Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey!
00:46:01Look over there, number 6.
00:46:04You see that little boy right there now? He's grown now.
00:46:07But that is the one that David killed Uriah over.
00:46:14That's that sin baby right there.
00:46:20Yeah, we use the word illegitimate.
00:46:24Which human being is illegitimate?
00:46:29How does a person become illegitimate?
00:46:34Born out of wedlock.
00:46:37See, what we do is we begin to make a child that's born out of wedlock.
00:46:41With all of the problems that it brings.
00:46:46Even more psychologically debilitated.
00:46:50Because now we put to a child an attitude and a disposition that does not exist.
00:46:58Nobody is in the world illegitimately.
00:47:02I wish somebody would help me in here.
00:47:07Because your mother and father weren't married didn't make you any less real.
00:47:14You still better get a license if you want to drive.
00:47:19You still better study if you want to get an education.
00:47:23Why are you going to put a child down?
00:47:26See the wickedness in people.
00:47:28If a child is graduating from college, you see that one right there.
00:47:38Number six, look at him.
00:47:41So the Lord says the child has got to go.
00:47:46Because as long as this child lives, the enemies of the Lord.
00:47:53Now, I want to say to you who feel free to do anything to anybody at any time.
00:48:02Because you have found out some fault.
00:48:05Make sure that when you are talking about them, you're not being classified as an enemy of the Lord.
00:48:14Make sure that when you're running them down, that heaven doesn't see you as an enemy of the Lord.
00:48:24In all of your so-called self-righteousness that you got to point out sin.
00:48:32If you got to point out sin, don't point that way, point this way.
00:48:38Because if you got to point out sin, point out your own sin.
00:48:59Think with me.
00:49:02Enemies of the Lord.
00:49:05What would be the behavior of someone who wasn't an enemy of the Lord?
00:49:17I'll tell you what their behavior would be.
00:49:21Love covers a multitude of sins.
00:49:34I propose to you very carefully that the same mouth that was used to destroy someone that you had no relationship with.
00:49:58Was the same mouth that was used to cover somebody you loved.
00:50:10I want to talk to some real people here.
00:50:13I'm going to hoop next Sunday.
00:50:16I'm going to shake the mic next Sunday.
00:50:19I want to talk to some people here who feel so free to run people down you don't have no relationship with.
00:50:35And with the same mouth in the same situation, cover somebody you care about.
00:50:48To the point where you even know they were wrong.
00:50:57But you couldn't get yourself to join with the folk who knew they were wrong and you knew they were right about how wrong they were.
00:51:12But this is my son.
00:51:15This is my daughter.
00:51:19This is my child.
00:51:21This is my husband.
00:51:23This is my wife.
00:51:25So you abstain from judgment to the point of even lying for them.
00:51:36Because you love them.
00:51:41Yet you surprised.
00:51:45I'm so surprised at so and so's daughter.
00:51:52As bad as your daughter is, how come you so surprised?
00:52:04I don't love them.
00:52:07I don't care about them.
00:52:10But who you care about, you put a blanket on.
00:52:18You just make one look.
00:52:22People come to me and say, you know Bishop, here's what they're saying about you.
00:52:27And they go through an encyclopedia of what they're saying about me.
00:52:30Well, what were you saying?
00:52:36While they were talking.
00:52:40Because you and I know that in a car, when somebody's name comes up, all you got to do is give them the look.
00:52:51And immediately they shut up.
00:52:56You know how to cover who you love.
00:53:00And you know how to blanket them until they get some strength.
00:53:05And here's what I want to say to you.
00:53:06Through the grace of God, when I was in my weakest moments, God covered me.
00:53:14So that my enemies couldn't see how weak I was at the time and how vulnerable I was.
00:53:22He covered me.
00:53:24And then he would visit me in the cool of the night and ask me, how are you doing under there?
00:53:30I know you're under fire, but how are you doing?
00:53:32And I said, thank you, Lord, for even making me feel the power of your Holy Ghost.
00:53:38Thank you, Lord, for allowing your name to still be in my mouth.
00:53:43Thank you, Lord, for giving me a comforting spirit, even in the midst of my weakness.
00:53:49And then he would strengthen me under cover.
00:53:53Then he'd take the covers off and let me tell my enemies, you could have got me last year.
00:54:01But God kept me under his hand.
00:54:06And now he's brought me out and let me tell what he did for me.
00:54:12Because we overcome Satan by the blood of the Lamb and by our testimony.
00:54:19It ain't fair.
00:54:22Give somebody a high five and say, neighbor, if it wasn't for the goodness of God, I wouldn't be here.
00:54:31I wouldn't be here clothed and in my right mind.
00:54:36I wouldn't be here under the power of the Holy Ghost.
00:54:41You can take my house.
00:54:43You can take my car.
00:54:45You can take my clothes.
00:54:47But Lord, don't take the Holy Spirit away from me.
00:54:55I want the Holy Spirit to guide my walk.
00:55:00I need the Holy Spirit to keep me afloat.
00:55:06I need the Holy Spirit to guide my walk, guide my talk.
00:55:13I thank you for the blood.
00:55:17I thank you for the blood.
00:55:40Woke me up this morning.
00:55:44Started me on my way.
00:55:48Put food on my table.
00:55:51Put money in my pocket.
00:55:57Made a way out of no way.
00:56:01Lifted me when nothing else could help.
00:56:05Lifted me when nothing else could help.
00:56:08I want you.
00:56:10I want you.
00:56:12I want you.
00:56:14I want you.
00:56:16I want you.
00:56:18Give somebody high five.
00:56:20For the last time.
00:56:22And say neighbor, I'm glad.
00:56:25I'm glad.
00:56:27I'm glad.
00:56:29God gave me grace.
00:56:35I'm glad.
00:56:37I'm glad.
00:56:39I'm glad.
00:56:41I'm glad.
00:56:49I'm getting ready to go.
00:56:51What I want to tell you is this.
00:56:56For as many women.
00:57:01That I broke.
00:57:03You too, Patrick.
00:57:10I should never be a happy man.
00:57:14But grace
00:57:20Oh, I feel like Mary Chan.
00:57:28Woke me up one day
00:57:31Woke me up one day
00:57:34And said in spite of
00:57:37All of the mess you created
00:57:40I'm gonna bless you
00:57:42With somebody
00:57:44That ain't gonna give you no trouble
00:57:47You need a woman
00:57:49To give you a lot of trouble
00:57:51Cause you ain't been no good
00:57:53But glory to God
00:57:56He smiled on me
00:57:58And said, you must be living right
00:58:05Because I'm gonna give you a good woman
00:58:08Not because I deserve it
00:58:12Because none of us
00:58:15Deserve a good person around us
00:58:19As bad as we've been
00:58:23It's grace
00:58:26When God puts people in your life
00:58:29Who love you
00:58:32And don't tear you down
00:58:34It's grace
00:58:36When you have even two friends
00:58:39Talk to me, people
00:58:41It's grace when you have folk
00:58:44Who will not sin with you
00:58:47Because the folk who sin with you
00:58:51Will sin against you
00:58:57I want to thank God
00:59:00For my life
00:59:03And I want to give him praise
00:59:06That when I could and should have been dead
00:59:10He kept me alive
00:59:12When I should have been useless
00:59:15He made me useful
00:59:18And so I have no judgments
00:59:21I'm praying
00:59:24I am praying earnestly
00:59:27And sincerely
00:59:29For every person
00:59:32Who has been caught up
00:59:35In any kind
00:59:37Of negative situation
00:59:40And I am
00:59:42Standing on the word of God
00:59:45When he says
00:59:48You who are spiritual
00:59:52Not perfect
00:59:55See, you can be spiritual and still not be perfect
00:59:59But ye who are spiritual
01:00:03Good God almighty
01:00:06I need some spiritual people
01:00:09On the internet, on Instagram, on Facebook
01:00:13I'm sick of this sensual carnal
01:00:16I need some spiritual people
01:00:19Because if you're spiritual
01:00:22You're restored
01:00:25In the spirit of meekness
01:00:30Looking at yourself
01:00:33Because you're just as vulnerable
01:00:36As everybody else
01:00:39I was talking to a man as I conclude
01:00:42For the third time
01:00:44I was talking to a man once and
01:00:49We were talking about a good friend of mine
01:00:53That they found
01:00:56Dead in Manhattan
01:01:00They found him dead
01:01:03And everybody wanted to know
01:01:06What the autopsy report was
01:01:09They wanted to know what killed him
01:01:13The individual said to me
01:01:17So and so is dead and I hear
01:01:21That this
01:01:24Was a drug death
01:01:27I said to the individual
01:01:30I said now you're going by what you heard
01:01:34But when my friend died
01:01:37I called the chief of police in LA
01:01:40At the time
01:01:42Who called the investigating officer
01:01:45In Manhattan, New York
01:01:48And he said that there was no
01:01:52Foul play
01:01:55In his death
01:01:57I said now
01:01:59You going by what you think
01:02:01I'm going by what I know
01:02:04Because I called who I could call
01:02:07And I got down to it
01:02:09There was no foul play
01:02:11He said now the autopsy report
01:02:13Might say something else
01:02:14But as far as we're concerned
01:02:16Nothing went wrong
01:02:18The individual said to me
01:02:20I'm glad you said that Bishop
01:02:23Because I always enjoyed
01:02:27His preaching
01:02:30I'm glad you told me that
01:02:32I said sir
01:02:36If it were true
01:02:39If it were true what you thought
01:02:43Would you now unenjoy
01:02:51Come on people of God
01:02:54Would you now unenjoy
01:02:57God has blessed you
01:03:01With many a great gift
01:03:05The gift did not stop working
01:03:10Because of their character
01:03:18I'll do it the next time
01:03:20But I can go through this Bible
01:03:22And show you every person
01:03:25That was great in the sight of God
01:03:28God did not hide their weaknesses
01:03:34And you ought to be glad
01:03:37That grace doth much more abound
01:03:43And people who receive grace
01:03:47Are gracious
01:03:52If you're out here you're not born again
01:03:55I extend the grace of God
01:04:00Blessed assurance
