Kurt Tay Q&A (24 May 2024) (Part 1)

  • 3 months ago
00:00 From.
00:00 Jerry Tan.
00:04 If unfairness or injustice happen to you,
00:09 will you still call yourself the Singapore Dragon, Kurt Tay?
00:14 I'm known as the Singapore Dragon, Kurt Tay?
00:20 Everyone know that I am a Singapore Dragon?
00:23 In America?
00:25 You have the American Dragon?
00:28 Daniel Bayan, or Bayan Denison.
00:31 In Singapore, you have Kurt Tay,
00:34 as the Singapore Dragon.
00:36 But, however, if injustice happen, unfairness happen,
00:41 then of course, I will no longer,
00:46 call myself as the Singapore Dragon, Kurt Tay
00:50 If unfairness happen, if injustice happen,
00:53 I will be known as the American Dragon, Kurt Tay.
00:57 That's right, same as Daniel Bayan, that's right.
01:00 We still, it's true, it's true, it's true?
01:02 So I hope this thing don't happen,
01:05 because I am proud to be Singaporean.
01:08 I'm proud of my own country, Singapore
01:11 That is why I am known as the Singapore Dragon, Kurt Tay?
01:15 But, if there's no fairness, there's no justice.
01:19 Then no more Singapore Dragon, that's right.
01:22 its's true t's true, it's real, it's real.
01:23 so, the next question,
01:27 the next question for Tiffany.
01:30 Why you go out to work also have to carry a large trolley bag?
01:37 Cannot carry a small bag?
01:40 actually, by right, I can no need to carry a large,
01:45 gigantic 24 inch trolley bag?
01:48 That time, I remember, you know,
01:50 I carry this bag, huge trolley bag?
01:53 This one?
01:56 So, I carry this, I pull this large,
02:00 gigantic trolley bag to the workplace?
02:03 Like Tanjong Pagar?
02:05 Then, after that, the manager say,
02:07 your kitchen is not so big.
02:09 to put such big big bag
02:12 because they got different outlets.
02:14 I have been working for this company for different outlets.
02:17 Then Tanjong Pagar one, the kitchen is very small.
02:20 So, the next day actually, I carry a small one for the back one.
02:24 I can actually carry small bag,
02:26 no need to pull until such a huge bag.
02:29 But why I need such a huge, gigantic trolley bag?
02:32 there's a few reason.
02:34 Example, look at this Championship belt?
02:37 This is a 100% real Championship belt,
02:41 for the official WWE show.
02:43 it's fucking damn big.
02:46 so that is why I need to pull the huge,
02:50 gigantic trolley bag.
02:52 I got another, the WWE Championship belt,
02:54 the toy version, it's smaller in size.
02:56 That one, I don't need to pull such a huge,
02:59 gigantic trolley bag.
03:01 That one, small bag will do.
03:02 so, sometimes when I do the Q&A, right,
03:05 I need to carry the real Championship belt?
03:08 That is the reason why I need a huge trolley bag,
03:13 the large trolley bag.
03:14 Then, there's another reason.
03:16 Right now, of course, due to court case,
03:18 I've been a long long long time never go to cosplay event.
03:21 After my cosplay event is finished,
03:24 then I need such huge bag to put my cosplay costume?
03:29 So, small bag, if too small, will be a problem.
03:33 also, when you cosplay, right,
03:35 it's better to pull rather than you carry it on the back.
03:39 You will feel heavy,
03:40 because you'll be walking around for a few hours.
03:43 then also, Christmas, Chinese New Year,
03:46 this, the season, right, the decoration?
03:50 Sometimes I need to carry the real Championship belt?
03:53 So, that is why I need the huge gigantic trolley bag?
03:56 So, if I just carry the toy Championship belt,
03:59 no cosplay costume, no need to go to cosplay event,
04:02 or whatever right?
04:03 Small bag, actually, is enough,
04:05 or it's true, it's true, it's real, it's real
04:06 So, the next question.
04:08 so, the next question,
04:11 next question for, let me see, huh?
04:14 Next question for Jiayi.
04:16 Teh Tarik can answer this question
04:19 for 24 May, 2024.
04:22 Thanks, number one, Teh Tarik,
04:26 you say you can use your mind to auto-cum.
04:30 Then, can you use your mind to control other men
04:33 to force them to cum,
04:35 like the superhero Magneto, but for cum?
04:39 Can you, for example, make shouldn't from SingaPlex, cum?
04:43 In his underwear, so, the answer is no, no, no, no.
04:46 No, this is a very common sense question.
04:48 How am I able to control other people to cum?
04:52 Then, like that, it's called super natural power?
04:56 Common sense, you think also know?
04:57 Of course, I cannot lah, Wah lan eh.
04:59 I only can use the mind power to control myself
05:03 or to autocum, to cum, handjob without using it?
05:06 But cannot control other people mind?
05:09 Like that, I've got super human power already
05:12 Super natural power already
05:13 So, answer is no, no, no.
05:16 so, the next question for the Jiayi, or Jiayi.
05:20 I mean, Jiayi, because it's a guy, man.
05:22 So, Jiayi, every time I pronounce as Jiayi, Jiayi,
05:24 the next would be Jiayi.
05:25 Jiayi sounds more like a guy name.
05:28 so, this question for Jiayi.
05:29 -
05:30 I want to ask, do you think the taller the man is,
05:34 the bigger his kkj
05:36 example, Yao Ming
05:38 do you think his dick
05:39 longer than your arm, and my arm combined?
05:42 Not really necessary, I mean,
05:45 some people might not be that tall?
05:48 But he can still have a gigantic,
05:50 huge, large, long kkj
05:53 but I do feel that somehow that
05:57 if the taller the man is?
06:01 I think it is possible that his kkj
06:04 might be longer than the people who are actually shorter.
06:09 So, he mentioned Yao Ming
06:11 is like, he is like a giant?
06:15 Or maybe the Big Show?
06:17 So Yao Ming, Big Show
06:18 all these, they are like a giant
06:21 So, when they're actually like a giant, right?
06:24 It's quite rare that their kkj
06:29 will be small, tiny.
06:31 So, I do think that when they are very, very tall,
06:34 when they are very, very huge, they look like a giant.
06:37 I think their kkj
06:39 definitely is a much, much, much gigantic
06:42 than average people.
06:47 so next question for Jiayi.
06:49 If secondary school hire you be sex education teacher
06:54 to teach young student about in, in, out, out,
06:57 进进出出
06:58 will you say yes?
07:00 They say you can bring your own toy,
07:02 so you can pin your dildo
07:04 and show how to put on condom,
07:07 like your famous out, out, in, in, out, out,
07:09 进进出出
07:12 then you bring the dildo, right?
07:15 Might not be a good idea,
07:17 because different people got different views.
07:22 So, some people might be feel,
07:26 see already they might be feel offended, right?
07:28 They might feel like this is not appropriate,
07:30 but of course actually it's your teaching process.
07:33 Using the dildo as example actually is,
07:36 which actually is nothing wrong?
07:38 So, if I am really going to,
07:41 let's say I teach about sex in school,
07:47 of course it's better to ask the principal for permission first,
07:52 to ask the principal for his or her oppinion first,
07:55 whether the parents can accept this type of teaching?
08:00 For their children.
08:02 So, this one must be approved first.
08:05 If the parents,
08:07 all are they don't mind.
08:09 Ah, this is sex.
08:10 MYou use the dildo as an example, it's okay.
08:12 If they don't mind, then of course,
08:15 the answer will be yes, yes, yes.
08:18 but, however, if majority of the parents,
08:21 they object, they don't like the idea,
08:26 then the answer will be no, no, no?
08:30 So, must see,
08:34 majority of them, their views, their opinions.
08:36 so, the next question.
08:40 The next question for the Jiayi,
08:42 what if one day you take lift
08:44 and the hippo also inside with you,
08:47 the lift spoil and you stuck inside with her
08:50 for 10 billion years,
08:52 but you're very horny and want to have sex,
08:55 what will you do?
08:56 All right.
08:58 So, trap inside lift for 10 billion years.
09:01 What the fuck, man?
09:02 10 billion years.
09:03 This is, I think, a bit of a silly question.
09:06 so, wait, wait, wait.
09:10 -
09:11 Wait, wait.
09:12 So, 10, 10, 10, 10
09:17 10, 10, 10, 10
09:21 10, 10, 10, 10
09:24 10, 10, 10, 10
09:27 it's a big exaggerating and a big Jiayi,
09:33 -
09:35 what 10 billion years?
09:36 No need to eat is it
09:37 What 10 billion years?
09:38 Okay.
09:39 If you put,
09:40 10hrs, still reasonable?
09:47 but of course, I think the main thing that this,
09:50 this Jiayi, that he want to say is that
09:53 you are trap inside for too long.
09:55 then, after you feel horny, then how?
09:58 I think that's the main point.
09:59 Okay.
10:02 No matter trap inside for how many years?
10:05 I will not feel horny on the hippo?
10:11 Because I am full of hatred?
10:15 So, even trap inside for many, many years?
10:20 Let's assume that you can survive without eating?
10:23 Example?
10:24 no matter how long?
10:27 I will not feel horny, on the hippo.
10:31 That's right.
10:31 -
10:33 So, I feel horny on the hippo, answer is no, no, no?
10:38 Because there is only full of hatred, on hippo.
10:43 That's right.
10:44 So, the next question.
10:46 So, next question from Jiayi.
10:47 What if one day you wake up at home,
10:51 first thing you see is Teo Eng Ming, naked beside you,
10:55 with his kkj sticking out,
10:57 and he rubbin' it very fast.
10:58 But that day, you possess by Brock Lesnar spirit.
11:02 When you do Brock Lesnar submission with the kimura lock
11:06 on Teo Eng Ming's long harden, penis,
11:09 you become purple, color,
11:11 no blood circulation, and make him tap out.
11:13 Question is all very, I don't know what to say here.
11:19 Kimura, kimura lock?
11:22 I think you use it on the arm, is more suitable.
11:27 I don't think you'll use a kimura lock on your kkj.
11:31 so answer is no, no, no?
11:36 So, if I wake up and Teo Eng Ming is beside me naked,
11:41 I will be shocked, shocked?
11:46 But of course, that is impossible,
11:48 maybe inside the dream, if you chew on it,
11:50 inside the dream, maybe it's possible?
11:52 So, the next question from Jiayi.
11:55 Teh Tarik, if you can choose between
11:58 unlimited KFC for life and unlimited McDonald's for life,
12:02 which will you choose?
12:04 Quite a tough question.
12:07 Because you see, I actually like fried chicken a lot.
12:11 So, KFC is specialized for their fried chicken.
12:15 But, however, McDonald's, they got
12:18 a very, very delicious, I suppose, like those Frappés,
12:23 the drinks, the ice cream one is very nice.
12:27 so that's why I say it's very hard for me to choose.
12:29 McDonald's, actually, I like those drinks,
12:32 the Frappés drinks, those ice cream kind of drinks,
12:36 more than those burger.
12:39 And KFC, the chicken is very nice,
12:42 and they got different type of chicken,
12:43 they got bak kwa chicken, you know, different type of chicken.
12:46 So, it's very, very hard to choose.
12:50 But if you didn't have to choose one,
12:51 let me just think first.
12:53 Then, maybe I will choose KFC.
12:58 Like I said, it's very hard to choose,
13:00 but I think I will choose KFC.
13:01 so, the next question.
13:04 the next question from Jiayi.
13:06 Teh Tarik, I have tried to follow your advice
13:10 on wearing male chastity device.
13:12 But, somehow, my kkj now stuck in between the cage.
13:17 Because my erection go through the cage.
13:21 Should I call the fire engine to open the cage for me.
13:24 If you got erection, I mean, it cannot be 24x7.
13:31 once your erection is what I call normal,
13:36 your kkj size will definitely, let's say that,
13:39 become smaller.
13:40 So, how is it possible, your kkj,
13:42 because of erection, keep on stuck inside.
13:45 Stuck outside, what the fuck is this?
13:47 so, then, your erection go through the cage.
13:52 How can you go through the cage?
13:54 Oh, you mean the cage got hole.
13:57 Then, part of the kkj go through the cage.
13:59 Wow, very, very cheam.
14:02 if you felt is necessary to call fire engine,
14:06 or to call ambulance, or to call police,
14:08 or whatever fuck that you like, just go with it,
14:12 because you like that talk.
14:14 You must picture.
14:16 Then, I can see more, clearly understand better,
14:19 because right now, I can't fully understand.
14:21 I only can try to imagine, but,
14:23 you do whatever you felt is right for you.
14:29 So, the next question.
14:31 The next question is from Jiayi.
14:33 Could you eat viagra before?
14:36 Make your Lanchao go how many cm longer than usual?
14:40 Is it different viagra can make kkj go different length?
14:44 Like $100 viagra make your penis go 20cm longer,
14:49 and where you buy ?
14:51 If you want to buy viagra, but you go to those clinic,
14:54 those like neighborhood clinic.
14:57 I'm not sure whether all the clinic got sell.
14:59 Think should have lah.
15:00 So, you go to those clinic to actually to say
15:03 that you need viagra, because don't buy online,
15:06 because you buy online, right?
15:08 You do not know whether is it real one or fake one,
15:11 because if it's fake one, right,
15:13 then it might be dangerous to your health,
15:15 and it would be a, how do I say, a waste of money also.
15:20 Because you spend the online, you buy, you don't know,
15:23 maybe fake one now.
15:24 Fake one, you waste money,
15:25 then it might be harmful to your body,
15:27 so you take the risk?
15:29 So, you buy from those neighborhood clinics.
15:33 Then those are safe.
15:35 Because the government, what they call it,
15:39 those clinic, they must go through the government,
15:42 before they are allowed to sell certain products?
15:47 So, go how many CM, this one, I never go and measure,
15:52 so I cannot tell you how.
15:53 But definitely, your kkj will become longer,
15:57 will become maybe, from this, to this become longer,
16:00 will become thicker, and will become harder.
16:03 Will become harder.
16:04 So, if you never take right,
16:07 then maybe it won't be so hard, if you take anyway,
16:11 the blood circulation will go inside the penis,
16:14 then your kkj will be harder?
16:17 So, it will be stronger.
16:21 so, there are two types, I think they are,
16:26 what do I say, what I call the ML or something.
16:30 One is the 50 one, vaigra, the same brand.
16:34 One is 100 one, of course 100 will be more powerful
16:37 than 50, so I will actually recommend you
16:40 to buy the, you know, the volume is 100 one.
16:43 Rather than the 59 one, because if you need it,
16:47 you need it more effective, I can use the 100.
16:51 so, the next question for Jiayi.
16:55 "Kurty, my friend asked me to ask you to ask Angle,
17:00 "what is it like to have his penis inside a woman's vagina,
17:07 "because he is a virgin, and also what it feel like
17:11 "to poop his kkj inside another man anal hole?
17:15 "Is it different than female?"
17:17 obviously Jiayi, you'll never pay 100% attention
17:22 to my Q&A?
17:24 Angle is bottom, he's not top.
17:28 He has never put his kkj
17:31 inside another man's anal hole before?
17:34 I think I've got to explain before my Q&A now,
17:36 Angle, you'll never pay attention, no?
17:37 Angle, he got, tell me,
17:41 actually, he also need viagra to make his kkj
17:46 very, very strong, very, very hard, to fuck someone.
17:51 don't be surprised, a lot of men might need viagra,
17:54 just a lot of men, they might feel shy to share it.
17:58 so Angle got, tell me, he got ever meet customer
18:02 who are bottom, bottom customer means they prefer to be fucked
18:06 in the ass, so in the men's spa, right,
18:09 there are two type of customer, do, do, do, do, do, do, do.
18:13 One type, is they are top,
18:15 so they're looking for the person who are bottom,
18:18 who can be fucked.
18:20 Another type of customer is they are called
18:22 bottom customer, they prefer to be fucked.
18:25 So usually, right, usually they will check with the boss
18:28 of the massage parlor, which one is bottom,
18:33 which one is top.
18:34 Of course, some masseurs can be versatile,
18:36 that can be top, that can be bottom.
18:38 then, Angle, I think I could tell before,
18:43 Angle will say that viagra is very expensive,
18:48 so he don't want to waste money to go and buy viagra,
18:51 for his men's spa, thing, everything.
18:55 Anything like that, he will be wasting money,
18:57 because he only want to earn money.
18:59 So, he got quite before, wanted to be top,
19:04 to be a fuck the customer, the anal hole,
19:09 but unsuccessful.
19:11 So in the end, Angle choose to be bottom instead.
19:15 So Angle is bottom.
19:19 So all the customer fuck his anal hole.
19:22 so your question of how does Angle feel
19:24 or putting his kkj inside the man
19:27 anal hole, your question doesn't valid,
19:30 because Angle doesn't fuck other man anal hole.
19:32 -
19:34 so, the next question for the Jiayi.
19:38 Hey, wait, wait, wait, wait,
19:40 what is it like to have penis inside the woman vagina?
19:43 regarding the putting the penis
19:48 inside the woman vagina, right.
19:51 Angle can tell me, I think most men will definitely feel
19:55 shiok, most men will definitely feel shiok.
19:58 next question for the, let me see here.
20:03 next question for Jimmy, JI and then what?
20:08 Have Angle ever fucked the woman's anal home before?
20:12 Answer is, I go and ask Angle this question,
20:15 but then before he tell me, answer is, no, no, no.
20:20 so Angle, he got tell me before that
20:23 his wife got actually request to actually fuck the anal hole.
20:30 So Angle got tried before and unsuccessful.
20:35 Because you see, the anal hole is actually very small
20:39 compared to vagina, so it's not that easy to fuck the anal hole.
20:46 so the next question for anal hole.
20:50 What if one day you finding job on the app,
20:54 but somehow the boss is actually Muslim Supatra
20:57 As you paynow him $30 to borrow money,
21:01 buy breakfast again, what will you do?
21:03 What the fuck is this?
21:06 If one day I finding job on the app,
21:08 how I know the boss is Muslim Supatra
21:10 What the fuck are you talking about?
21:13 If I know the person is Muslim Supatra
21:17 That means this person is a fucking scammer.
21:19 If I know this person is a fucking scammer,
21:21 why do I want to paynow him $30 to buy breakfast?
21:26 Of course answer is, no, no, no.
21:30 so the next question for Jiayi.
21:33 When was the first time you PCC,
21:36 and how did you discover PCC?
21:39 When you were younger, what type of thing you see
21:43 to PCC
21:48 I actually never PCC.
21:51 Even that time in army, I don't know what the fuck is PCC.
21:54 Seriously, I'm not joking.
21:56 Then the army, the platoon mates, they thought I'm joking.
21:59 They say how is it possible, you go to army,
22:01 you don't even know what is PCC.
22:03 Then I say I really don't know.
22:04 really, I'm not joking my whole life
22:06 until when I go army, I've never PCC before.
22:09 until my platoon mates all think that I'm joking.
22:12 They think it's impossible, but it's really true.
22:14 So I only find out about PCC.
22:16 when I first, people in the army talking about PCC.
22:20 Then I only find out what is PCC inside the army.
22:24 So after I find out what is PCC, right,
22:27 then I find out about porn, porn.
22:31 Then I go and watch porn.
22:33 then only, oh, PCC, hand job.
22:36 That means you use your hand to.
22:40 Seriously, man, I'm not joking, man.
22:42 so some people might be thinking,
22:44 what, how is it possible until your army life,
22:47 you never cum before.
22:49 So they might think impossible.
22:50 let me just explain to you.
22:51 Long long long time ago, right,
22:55 before I discovered using my mind to autocum.
22:59 Then that time I don't know how to use hand to hand job.
23:02 Seriously, I'm not joking, I swear I'm not joking.
23:06 Because nobody teach me, nobody tell me,
23:09 I don't know what the fuck is PCC until I go to army.
23:13 I don't know how to use my hand to,
23:15 then how can it be, so many years never cum, right.
23:19 let me explain to you.
23:20 I still remember before I find out what is PCC, right.
23:25 That time, I haven't discovered the technique of autocum.
23:29 So you know what I do, I squad down.
23:32 Then I use the knee, the knee, right,
23:35 here, right, here, the knee, right. The knee.
23:38 Then like that, I do the knee,
23:40 the knee, right, then like that.
23:44 You know what I trying to do, I trying to squeeze the,
23:48 my kkj until it cum out.
23:53 But this method is very dangerous.
23:56 I got shock, ah, one day, when I use this method too hard,
24:00 until my penis got blood.
24:03 I was shocked, man, because all the while I use this method,
24:08 nothing happen, can cum, until I one day,
24:11 well maybe I use the knee, yah, to go like that, you know.
24:15 until like too hard, until the kkj got blood.
24:18 So I was shock, ah, I wasn't shock.
24:20 After that, I stopped using this method,
24:22 because it's not safe.
24:24 So until I go to army life,
24:26 then only I find out about PCC that's using hand
24:29 to put on your penis like, that's right,
24:32 -
24:34 So after that, in the later years, right,
24:37 I can't remember when, ah, ah.
24:39 After that, ah, I discover the technique of autocum.
24:43 Squad out, no need to use your knee to,
24:47 no need to use your knee to,
24:48 no need, no need, just watch the porn.
24:51 Not watch porn also can,
24:52 Just use your mind to imagine.
24:54 When you feel horny, use your mind to control,
24:58 to cum out, that's right, so it's possible.
25:02 so, ah, I go and end the video now,
25:05 because I'm running out of time.
25:06 So thank you very much for watching this video.
25:09 So if you've got any question you want to ask me,
25:11 you can put your question on the comment section
25:14 below this video, or you can watch that knee,
25:16 or you can tell your great message to me.
25:17 so the WWE champion, the champ is here, that's right.
25:22 The Singapore Dragon Kurt Tay, bye-bye.
25:29 The Singapore Dragon Kurt Tay, the WWE champion.
25:36 Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes.
25:42 (knocking)
25:44 (knocking)
