Kurt Tay Q&A (14 Jun 2024) (Part 1)

  • 3 months ago
0:00 - Why you cut on your hair on 8th June 2024 and not 4th June 2024? I thought 4th is your favourite number.
02:19 - Your hair style looks very nice. This is number what haircut? (Kurt Tay's persona)
03:30 - Did you receive any tips when working as a waiter?
05:42 - If you suddenly receive a text from that someone wishing you Happy Birthday, how will you react? Will you reply?
07:23 - Have you received any birthday presents this year? (Kurt Tay's persona)
07:42 - If that someone give you one year membership for your birthday, will you be happy?
10:26 - If Lesnar and Kairi wish their 好爸爸 Happy Birthday? If never wish, did you take belt and whack them?
10:50 - If I give you a blowup doll and you in in out out with the doll, will it be considered as cheating?
13:01 - If 2 blow up dolls, one with vagina and another with asshole, which one will you choose? If asshole not considered as cheating right?
13:29 - If 4th June is real Kurt Tay's birthday, then your other split personalities (e.g. BDSM, dog slave spirit) got birthday?
14:04 - If you have 2 job offers, server job daily pay $1000, dishwasher job daily pay $700, which will you work and why?
00:00The first question from Tiffany, why you cut your hair on 8 June 2024 and not 4 June 2004?
00:11 I thought 4 is your favourite number.
00:13 Ok, the sign is such as like, ok, actually my original plan is to cut hair on 4 June 2024 on my birthday.
00:22 But however, I actually intended to join Hair for Hope, 2024.
00:29 So I registered for the event.
00:31 And the event date is like fucking damn long, because it's 27 July 2024.
00:38 And 27 July, last year, you know what happened? It's 27 July.
00:43 The tragedy happened.
00:47 That time, I was gong gong dai dai kenna possessed by the BDSM dog slave spirit
00:51 and go and obey someone go and do disgusting video.
00:55 But then, I still gave a try even though the date is still far away.
00:59 After that, I found that North Point 16 June 2025 also have Hair for Hope.
01:05 So they got Hair for Hope also, somemore near my house.
01:09 So I registered for this 16 June 2004 event.
01:13 But however, Hair for Hope emailed me back and then they cancelled my application.
01:21 So it seems like Hair for Hope wanted to ban me forever.
01:26 Because last year, the haters emailed to sabotage me.
01:30 So haters like to email and sabotage me here and there.
01:34 Tey email to sabotage me, kenna ban by Hair for Hope.
01:38 They emailed to the gym, then I kenna banned by the gym.
01:41 They emailed to many, many security companies, abd whatever company and caused me to lose my job.
01:45 If you got watch my own YouTube video where I go to video the Hair for Hope.
01:53 It's very, very positive. There's nothing nothing funny about that.
02:00 Because you go and watch my old Hair for Hope videos on my YouTube channel.
02:05 So I go and spread awareness of the importance of Hair for Hope.
02:09 And then this Hair for Hope ungrateful, go and ban me just because haters email them. Ok, never mind.
02:15 The next question from Scott Tay.
02:20 Your hairstyle looks very nice, this is number what haircut?
02:24 Actually, that time when I go, I ask for the number 3 haircut but this looks nice.
02:30 Because this hairstyle doesn't look like botak head. It looks short.
02:33 Even my mother said wow, this hairstyle is more nice. In the past, it looks like more round, more like botak head.
02:41 So this one looks more like number 4 haircut.
02:43 Because last time when I go to this salon, the woman, the haircut one, they would use the shaver..
02:53 Sos it will make the head looks round. And this guy, that time who cut my hair on 8 June 2024, I'm actually very very impressive because he got the skill.
03:06 If you could notice in the video, he only my side, and then my behind, he used the shaver.
03:12 Here, he used only scissors. He used the scissors cut cut cut. He never used shaver.
03:17 So, I actually felt wow, this looks very very nice.
03:20 So the next question. The next question from AnyNameIsGoodGood.
03:30 By the way, you got any tips from any of your waitering jobs before?
03:35 Waiter job.
03:40 Last time when I worked at the K-box, and then also recently, after my security license got suspended,
03:50 I got worked this waiter job at this casino also.
03:54 And there are certain places that they say, when the customer give your tips, you are not allowed to take the tips.
04:00 So, there are certain companies like K-box, and also the one at casino waiter job.
04:06 So, if you ever receive the tips, you must put the tips into the tips box.
04:11 Then, after that, the company will actually count how much money they receive from the tips, from the customer.
04:17 Then only they will divide for the staff.
04:20 So, I actually wondered if there is actually a restaurant that is actually ok for the server or the waiter to actually receive tips from the customers?
04:31 Because if the customer give you tips. For example, your service is good, customer likes your service.
04:37 So, customer likes your service, customer gives you tips, but you are not allowed to take the tips.
04:42 So, sometimes the rules they make is a bit, just doesn't make sense, you know.
04:46 I mean, why you have to put into tips box or whatever. That time, the customer even say
04:55 if you take the tips from the customer and you never want to put them into the tips box,
05:00 We can report police. Wahh. Wah piang eh. So serious man.
05:04 It's not like you steal the money right? The customer gives you the money, they also can until they have to report police lah.
05:09 So they say very very clearly.
05:11 The rules and regulations before you start work.
05:13 I can't remember last time whether K-box got give tips or whatever.
05:18 I can't remember. That was quite a long time ago.
05:20 Because I actually lost quite a lot of memory.
05:25 I think yes, I think no. Not very sure. Can't remember sia. K-box that time got receive tips or not?
05:31 Ahh, K-box, I think maybe have, but not so often. Never mind.
05:36 So the next question.
05:39 The next question is from 001 Odnisgod or Pork Bun.
05:43 Kurt, if you suddenly receive a text and it's the someone wishing you happy birthday, how will you reply?
05:50 This is quite impossible.
05:56 Because the someone and me, we are enemies.
05:59 Not only the someone, and other someone, who is the mastermind, and me, we are also enemies.
06:05 So thus therefore, this thing is actually impossible.
06:10 But, however, this question (if), if I ever receive happy birthday message, from the someone, how will I react?
06:19 I think I will not reply lah. I won't reply.
06:24 Because usually fans text me right, I will reply them thank you for wishing me happy birthday.
06:29 That time got one hater called WP.
06:33 I think if not wrong, is it WP? He got message me happy birthday.
06:39 So he turn hater, then I ask him why you text me.
06:44 because you are a hater, so why you go and text me.
06:51 Then he say that is not him. He say he kenna hater spirit.
06:58 So, for WP, I still can reply, why you text me.
07:05 but for that someone, I don't think I will even reply.
07:08 or for another someone, which is of course possible lah.
07:11 The next question from... So many questions, answer which one?
07:20 Next question from Cody Tan.
07:25 Have you received many, many, many birthday presents this year?
07:30 Answer is no, no, no. I never received any birthday presents this year.
07:38 The next question from Shawn.
07:42 Kurt, if the someone give you free one-year membership for your birthday, will you be happy, can you answer in Q&A?
07:49 This is a silly question, because I actually hate that someone
07:57 So, what give me what free one-year membership? Don't even talk about the someone
08:02 Talk about normal BDSM mistresses, normal one. Let's say maybe a random BDSM mistresses
08:08 want to give me one year free membership on my birthday, as a birthday present. My answer will be no, no, no
08:16 because, only retarded, idiot, stupid people, stupid men, will go and kenna humiliated and punished by women.
08:25 that's called bo nao, that's called stupid idiot. If you're going to pay money to the woman to punish you,
08:32 and to humiliate you, that is even more worse, even more retarded
08:36 They call it 神经病. Siaolang.
08:42 So, for the someone, of course, answer is even no, no, no.
08:49 next question from Keith, why this year you never buy Doraemon birthday cake?
08:54 if you go watch my YouTube video, I go and buy the cake.
08:58 Wah piang eh. This year very, very disappointing. Totally don't have any cartoon at all.
09:02 I'm go and ask the auntie seller why? How come don't have any cartoon cake?
09:05 Then you know what she said or not? She tell me, it's not popular, it's not popular.
09:11 She said that very, very few people want to buy the birthday cake, got the cartoon one.
09:15 You cannot say like that. Different people like different things. Like me,
09:21 I like to buy the cartoon cake. On top of the cake got cartoon one,
09:24 Got doraemon lah. All types of cartoon one ok?
09:29 So I prefer this type of cartoon cake. It's not that a few people buy,
09:32 maybe less people buy then you don't sell. It's not right.
09:36 Just like, recently I went to one shop,
09:39 I went to buy swimming trunks, the triangle type 三角形
09:42 Then the shop only sell those like shorts type of the swimming wear.
09:47 Then the uncle say "very few people buy this type so I never go and sell".
09:50 This is wrong mindset, totally wrong mindset. Not everyone is the same
09:55 just like me, I prefer to wear the triangle type of swimming trunks,
09:59 I don't like to wear those shorts type of swim wear,
10:02 so same for the cake shop, I like to buy the cartoon type of cake,
10:06 but then they decided not to sell the cartoon type of cake anymore.
10:09 So that's why it's very disappointing. That's why you see this year right,
10:12 don't have Doraemon cake, or else I sure confirm go and buy the Doraemon cake one.
10:16 Again, then nearby my house got 2 shops. I go to both shops.
10:20 none of the shops got sell cartoon cakes. Very, very disappointing.
10:23 so the next question from Shawn.
10:26 Did Lesnar and Kairi wish their 好爸爸
10:30 happy birthday, can answer in Q&A? If never wish, will you take belt whack them?
10:34 Can answer in Q&A? Yes, yes. So Lesnar and Kairi, they did wish me happy birthday,
10:41 -
10:43 Even never wish, I won't take belt whack them lah. Talk nonsense.
10:46 So the next question from Shoku.
10:50 IF I give you a blow up
10:55 dog, and you in in out out with the doll, will it be considered cheating?
11:00 Please answer in Q&A. So you in in out out
11:05 with a doll,
11:08 that of course is not considered as cheating because it's just a toy
11:12 but as soon as you got contact with a human being, a live human being
11:17 even you never touch the human being right, let's say if you are nude,
11:21 you let the human being touch you, that is considered as cheating also
11:24 By the way, I'm not interested in in out out with a doll,
11:28 but however, in 2013, that time in 2013 right
11:35 before I lose the money in the casino. That time got one time, I was actually a bit kee siao
11:40 because that time I actually feel really lonely because I couldn't find any girlfriend.
11:44 that time haven't married yet, then of course you can go to the Geylang 亚龙
11:49 to actually to have sex with a prostitute。 ut that time very very foolish,
11:53 yeah, I thought wah piang eh.
11:55 How about I save money, I'm go and buy the doll.
11:58 then after you can fuck the doll everyday. You can buy one time, you can save money,
12:04 you can use many, many times, that was a fucking, fucking big damn mistake.
12:08 I can't remember. I think I spent a few hundred dollars to buy the stupid doll,
12:12 the stupid dog some more, It's not the whole thing some more,
12:15 it's only the vagina. What the fuck, what the fuck
12:17 am I thinking that time. It's just a vagina,
12:19 and then when you go and fuck the fake vagina toy,
12:23 The feeling is totally not the same as you go and fuck a real woman,
12:27 It's totally not the same. It's not the same man. You go and fuck the vagina
12:31 toy, it's like made of 塑胶 rubber of whatever.
12:35 So it's totally a waste of money. So I don't recommend people to go and buy
12:40 what human doll or whatever. Seriously man, trust me man,
12:44 The feeling is not the same so don't go and waste money.
12:48 The next question from
12:55 What is this? Kurt, this question from
12:59 001 Odnisgod or Pork Bun. Kurt, if a blow up doll with female hole and one blow up doll with asshole,
13:06 which one you choose? If asshole, not considered cheating right?
13:09 I would say the vagina one, and not the asshole one.
13:17 And by the way, asshole is also considered as cheating.
13:20 The next question for
13:26 on the 3 smiley icon. So he asking me,
13:30 If 4 June is real Kurt Tay's birthday, then your other split personality or spirit got birthday?
13:35 like BDSM dog slave, shemale all that?
13:40 I am born on 4 June, so of course, whatever split personality/spirit,
13:46 of course, they got the same birthday. Of course, I can't remember exactly
13:50 on what date, which date, which year, which month then the BDSM dog slave first enter my body,
13:56 but I can't remember which year, but they are not the real person,
14:00 they are just the split personality, so they don't really have birthday.
14:02 Ehe next question for Ebe. I have a question for Q&A.
14:06 IF you have two job offers,
14:08 Number one, server daily pay $1,000. Number two,
14:12 dishwasher daily pay $700, which will you work and why?
14:15 Of course, I will choose number one, server.
14:22 Money is more important, since you say that it's more money,
14:27 But anyway, your question also funny lah. Daily pay leh. How can one day pay $700?
14:32 If I got one day pay $700 right, I will choose number 2.
14:37 Dishwasher job because $700 one day,
14:41 one month is super a lot of money already.
14:45 That is of course one day is $700, then I will choose the dishwasher job lah.
14:48 But let's say it's not one day lah.
14:53 Example, maybe server job, maybe $3,000,
14:57 Dishwasher job, $2,000,
14:59 So there is $1,000 difference between the two jobs,
15:03 Then in that case, I will choose the server job,
15:05 because there's a $1,000 difference. But in this case right,
15:09 $700 per day is actually good enough for me
15:12 I don't want to go and choose the $1,000 daily job
15:15 Even though more money, but actually $700 daily is enough already.
