Kurt Tay Q&A (4 Jun 2024) (Part 4)

  • 3 months ago
0:44 - Which year was your happiest birthday celebration in the past?
1:33 - Why you never organize birthday celebration with your fans? (Question by Kurt Tay's persona)
5:20 - When you first have sex with your wife, was she a virgin then? Was there blood?
7:00 - What is the purpose and meaning of life to you? What is considered as a meaningful and fulfilling life to you? How do you know when you have lead a fulfilling life or not?
8:40 - What happened to your breast implants after you took it out from Thailand? Did you kept it or threw away?
9:41 - Why your split personality disorder can immediately heal the moment your video kenna leaked? Also can suddenly disappeared after seeing your mother cry.
14:17 - Last time when I ask you employer pay you use phone or work, you straight away blocked me. Now you saying the same thing. Different spirit or what? So you saying your previous employer pay you to use phone? No right? People give you advice then you block. Then few months later wake up already. If the old Kurt see whatever you are saying now, you will be labelled as a hater and blocked.
16:29 - You hate Ivan Ong or Eddy Low more?
17:18 - You prefer toy or real championship belts? You prefer to carry big trolley bag or small bag? (Question by Kurt Tay's persona
20:16 - Do you still wear wrestling championship belt when you go out to take MRT? (Question by Kurt Tay's persona - Scallop Tay)
21:55 - When you do the dishwasher job, which place you like/dislike the most? What if you cannot finish washing all the dishes? (Question by Kurt Tay's persona - Scallop Tay)
30:22 - What do your working colleague usally call you? (Question by Kurt Tay's persona)
00:00 So this video is supposed to upload on 4 June 2024 but however due to the haters
00:07 sabotage me, go and report my YouTube channel. As a result, my YouTube channel kenna ban for one
00:13 week. Thus therefore, I couldn't upload this video on 4 June 2024. Today 4 June 2024 is my
00:21 birthday. So happy birthday to me. Happy birthday to the icon Kurtberg. If you
00:31 got any question you want to ask me you can put your question on the comment section or you can
00:35 actually WhatsApp me or telegram message me. So the first question
00:40 from Tiffany. Which year is your most happy birthday celebration that
00:52 you have in the past? So which year birthday celebration am I most happy
00:59 in the past? Basically, I don't really celebrate birthday. I mean have lah but simple
01:06 one. Usually is like just a birthday cake. Then after that,
01:12 take photo with my family. That's all lah. Don't really like have
01:20 a birthday party or whatever. I got similar question regarding birthday.
01:27 This question actually comes from Jerry Tan. Why you never organize birthday
01:34 celebration with your fans?
01:41 If i could open a birthday celebration, it might attract actual fake fans.
01:49 Haters might come and pretend to be fans. So for me, usually i only meet
01:58 people whom I can trust. And those trollers on my telegram chat group, I don't trust them.
02:05 Because I know who are the trollers, who are the real fans, who are the fake fans.
02:09 I know. It's not like I don't know. Even let's see i have trusted fans,
02:16 I don't really organize birthday celebration. I rather spend the time with my family.
02:22 Why i want to spend time you know.... Imagine
02:29 now I grow up. I leave my family at home to celebrate with fans. No.
02:34 I rather I spend the time at home with my kids, with my children and my family.
02:38 That is more meaningful. Then, the most happy birthday birthday in my life
02:47 in the past? Quite a few like unforgettable birthday. Like the year, my
02:57 father actually buy a real championship belt as a birthday present for me. So I remember
03:03 that time, that was the year when my father buy for me the WWE universal
03:09 championship belt. That was like fucking damn expensive you know. After the shipping fees, cost like $700++.
03:13 That time, I haven't had kids yet. My father buy for me as
03:18 a birthday present. Then i also have some unforgettable birthday
03:24 moments. That time, it was actually the day before my birthday.
03:31 So on 3rd of June.
03:37 I still remember it was Covid that year.
03:43 So 3rd June 2020, I was working the Red Zone job.
03:50 My security colleague at the Red Zone job
03:56 have a birthday cake and then sing birthday song to me
04:03 So that was a unforgettable moment. But the time, didn't upload the video and I
04:08 actually lost the SD card. I only have the photos. I upload the photo slideshow
04:13 before but unfortunately i lost the SD card. I don't know why that time I never uploaded the
04:17 video. So that was very special. I actually got the video but i never upload.
04:21 If I never upload right, the SD card will be lost. So that was actually a quite unforgettable
04:27 moment. That time I actually celebrate at the red zone. Actually it was
04:31 3rd of June so it was like just a few more hours will be 4th of June. So my working
04:37 security colleagues at Red Zone celebrate. They sing
04:41 birthday song to me. I think unforgettable happy birthday moments
04:47 was maybe in my army life. So that time, I was in the army. My platoon mates
04:55 actually sang birthday songs to me also. These are the few happy moments.
05:04 Then of course when my son was born, when my daughter was born then that was also like
05:10 a bit special. The first time I celebrate my birthday with my son, with my daughter.
05:15 So the next question from Derek Ng.
05:23 Last time my girlfriend
05:29 kenna fuck by other boys before. So when she have sex with me
05:36 ,she's not a virgin.
05:45 -
05:50 When you first have sex with your wife for the 1st time, was she a virgin?
05:57 This question unfortunately, Im not going to answer because this is too
06:03 sensitive. Don't ask me about these type of questions. What come out got blood or not.
06:09 My wife don't like these types of questions. So certain question is a bit sensitive
06:14 so try not to ask because need to care for my wife's feeling also. So don't
06:18 talk about what this ok? This question is a bit sensitive so I'm not going to
06:23 answer this question. So skip this question. Jump to next question. Don't ask me about
06:28 whether the first time got blood come out. This is a private information and try not to ask about sex
06:34 life between my wife and whatever blah blah blah because all these sex life thing is supposed to be private
06:40 thing. It's supposed to be confidential things. If I going to have sex with my wife, its
06:47 a private thing. I'm not going to announce it. "I just have my sex with my wife". This is the stupid.
06:53 It is not supposed to be the way. It's supposed to be private. So the next
06:58 question. This question from Keith. Kurt can answer in Q&A. What is the purpose
07:04 and meaning of life to you? What is considered as a meaningful and fulfilling life to you? How do you
07:10 know when you have lead a fulfilling life or not?
07:16 Meaningful? What is considered as meaning and fulfiling life. Actually, to have a meaning and
07:25 fulfilling life, of course if you can be rich, that would be best but let's say if
07:31 you are not rich, you are poor, also never mind as long as you have loving
07:39 or caring family, you can actually be happy also because they are family. They might
07:48 not be like living in bungalow, condominiums all these. They just living a normal life.
07:54 Poor but you can still live a happy life. So the most important thing of course is
08:01 to have a happy family. But of course, if you are poor, of course you'll
08:07 struggle. Right now, I can say that I actually hope
08:15 one day I can be rich. Because when you are rich, you can give your family
08:21 a more happy life, a better life. So money does factor a bit. So I do hope that
08:31 one day, I can be very very rich. So the next question from
08:39 Keith. What happened to your breast implants after you took it out from Thailand?
08:44 Did doctor asked you if you want to keep or throw away?
08:49 I think i've answered this question before. So that time after taking out the breast implants,
08:55 the doctor asked me. I kept the silicone but I lost. So you see, I always
09:01 lost things. So I got the silicone. I brought home to Singapore. I put in the bag whatever and then
09:07 I put in storage space but I think now its like all gone already. I lost
09:12 it. But i did take photos before. I got post on Facebook before.
09:17 I can't remember. So the silicone, after you take out from my chest,
09:22 you know the shape likes its going to rupture.
09:27 So the shape is not good. You can see from the shape, its like
09:31 going to ruptured. Luckily got take out. Because if never take out, if ruptured
09:35 will be harmful to your body. So the next question. What the fuck
09:41 why your split personally disorder can immediately heal, the moment your video kenna leaked?
09:48 The shemale spirit also can suddenly disappear, after seeing your mother cry.
09:53 I forget where i heard this one. I may be wrong. He say "you can anyhow transform
09:58 into the Flash suddenly. What the fuck? First of all, BDBYZD
10:02 i got explain before. I was talking about the dishwasher job. Then I try to
10:08 imagine I am the Flash so that i can do the dishwasher job very fast. I did
10:16 not say it's the spirit enter. I mentioned before. I like to use the word "spirit" but
10:22 it's not a spirit. Just like every time in telegram when i ask "Today which wrestling spirit?"
10:26 Doesn't mean the wrestler's spirit enter my body. No. I explained many times before. I like to use
10:31 the word "spirit" with a hyphen or whatever.
10:36 So I explained before. Dishwasher job, I try to imagine
10:43 imagine. 想象力. Imagine that I am the Flash so that i can do the things fast. Not the Flash suddenly enter my body. Understand or not? Understand simple English.
10:48 You don't have split personality so you BDBYZD. Split personality can happen.
10:59 Example, maybe I explain. When i got depression, then after that
11:07 I go and watch the porn. Then I go commando. So all these factors add together
11:15 can cause the BDSM dog slave split personality to enter my body.
11:23 The split personality. Listen carefully. Split personality, not spirit. Not some ghost spirits.
11:28 Split personality. That time when this evil black
11:37 hearted someone go and leaked out my video, without my concern, without my permission, my wrestling
11:44 split personality returned to my body. This is a part of it. You don't have split personality then
11:52 you don't act like you know. BDBYZD. Don't know anything, don't act like you know. And who tell
11:58 you that my split personality has already cured? Got some stupid haters say my split
12:04 personality can cure by eating panadol. Talk nonsense. You come and show me which sentence did I
12:10 say that my split personality cured because I ate panadol? I never even say that. So the haters gong lanjiao way.
12:15 My split personality. The reason right now that I can still maintain my
12:22 wrestling split personality and I don't let the BDSM dog slave split personality return back to my body is because
12:29 i stopped watching porn. I have stopped going commando. I am serious. If I watch porn,
12:37 especially the BDSM porn, my BDSM dog slave split personality will come back to me.
12:42 If i go commando, my split personality will come back to me. That is why I wearing underwear,
12:47 I no longer go commando and i stop watching porn. So if i feel stressed,
12:52 I will listen to the wrestling theme songs to relieve my stress so to
12:58 prevent the BDSM dog slave split personality from entering my body. Because last time when I stress,
13:02 what did i do? I go and watch porn. When you watch porn, you will 走火入魔. Maybe to some people, they don't have lah.
13:08 But to me, I have split personality disorder. So if I watch porn,
13:14 that will cause the BDSM dog slave split personality to enter my body. So who told you
13:19 it has healed completely? Then also the same thing for the shemale split personality, when I
13:27 see my mother cry, the moment suddenly you will feel wake up.
13:34 So if you don't have split personality. I talking half then suddenly thunder, raining.
13:46 If you don't have split personality then don't act like you know and then talk talk talk talk and talk like you very smart like that. This is called BDBYZD.
13:51 Don't know anything, don't act like you know.
13:56 So split personally, you need certain factors to cause you to switch from
14:03 this split personally to another split personality. So just like... Very hard to explaint to you. I talk until I very pek chek. I already explained enough.
14:08 Last time when I
14:18 asked you employer pay you use phone or work, you straight blocked me. Now you saying the same thing. Different spirit or what?
14:22 So you saying your previous employer pay you to use phone? No right? People give you advice
14:28 then you block then a few months later, wake up already suddenly follow the advice.
14:33 If the old Kurt see whatever you are saying now, you will have been labelled as a hater and blocked.
14:39 Again. BDBYZD. You really BDBYZD. Security job is totally different.
14:46 That time, I working F&B line, waiter job. Even if there is no movements, now no customers,
14:53 very quiet, you cannot use phone. Because why? They got what they called image or whatever.
14:58 If the waiter go and use the phone, customer see. Wahh, how come waiter use phone one.
15:02 Even though, there's no movement. Maybe got only a few
15:06 customers then there's nothing to do. Maybe a bit free and you use phone then the
15:12 manager will scold you. Security job is not the same. Security job is zhuo bo lan. Understand or not. zhuo bo lan.
15:19 So at night, you zhuo bo lan, do nothing. You sit down there. You shake leg. Do nothing.
15:25 You can put small tripod stand watch videos, watch Channel 8, watch MeWatch, watch wrestling, watch WWE, WCW,
15:33 go and watch AEW whatever, TNA. You can watch movie whatever. Its different.
15:39 Understand English or not. Don't understand simple English. So these are two different
15:45 jobs. One job is you got a lot of things to do.
15:51 Example, now you do dishwasher job, some of the places are
15:56 super damn busy. From the first second to the last second of your working time. Every single second
16:01 you need to wash and wash and wash. You got no time to use phone. Security job is
16:06 different. Why you don't understand simple English. They are two different jobs. Then dishwasher job like I
16:12 mentioned in the part 1 video, some might not be so busy one right. If you
16:16 wash finish your dishes, you can use phone. Manager won't scold you. But depends on the type of job you do.
16:22 Next question from someone who telegram message me.
16:29 You hate Ivan Ong or Eddy Low more? Both are the same. Both are cheebye kia, pubor kia, lanjiao lang.
16:42 So I hate Ivan Ong and Eddy Low. Both are the same level of hate. Same level.
16:49 So even though this Eddy Low, last time helped me before but he 好人不要做去做坏人, go and help some evil black hearted
16:55 someone. So their hate are the same level. They are the extreme hater list.
17:06 So the next question from Scott Tay.
17:19 You prefer toy championship belt or real championship belt? Also got similar question.
17:25 This question from Kairi Tan, not Kairi Tay. You prefer to carry big bag, the trolley bag
17:36 or you prefer to carry small bag? This is the toy version of the WCW world heavyweight championship belt. So you go and see my
17:46 part 1 and 2 videos, there are a lot of differences. In the part 1 and 2
17:52 videos, I carried 100% real WCW real heavyweight championship belt. Its fucking damn big. It's very heavy.
18:01 So this toy version actually is much much smaller in size. It's
18:08 lighter. So, it's like more convenient. I don't need to pull a gigantic
18:14 trolley backpack because the problem is, if I go to work, when i use the trolley backpack
18:20 very gigantic, very big. The boss/employer will actually wahh why your bag so big? How come
18:26 so big ah? You go overseas or whatever? Why your bag so big? They will at least have this
18:30 type of reactions. So if i carry this type of belt, I don't need to pull until
18:36 so gigantic trolley bag pack. I can use a small bag. So this small bag, I think I already did videos before.
18:42 But i will show you again. So you see, this bag I can just carry
18:49 and if you compare with my trolley backpack? Those who seen my
18:55 YouTube video before. This is actually much much much more smaller
19:01 compared to the gigantic trolley backpack. So every time i use the trolley
19:07 bag, people will say why you bring luggage? Because it looks like a luggage. Super damn big.
19:11 So when I carry toy championship belt, it's very convenient. I can use a small bag. So
19:18 that is the good thing about toy championship belt. I felt that if i want to do a podcast interview, I would actually
19:26 prefer to carry the real championship belt because you look more satki. It looks more impressive lah.
19:33 Other than that, maybe some Q&A if i require to use a real championship belt then i will use the
19:42 trolley backpack. So that's why sometimes I felt the toy championship belt is actually convenient but the real championship belt will make
19:49 you look more satki. Look more impressive. So how? I don't
19:57 know because actually sometimes I like to use small bag. Sometimes, I feel
20:02 like i like to use the large gigantic trolley backpack. So you ask me which type of bag i prefer right?
20:07 I would say that it depends on my split personality.
20:12 This question from Scarlet Tay. Do you still wear wrestling championship belt when you go out to take MRT?
20:20 Answer is no no no. Now i only wear wrestling t-shirts and it's good enough to keep me confident.
20:34 I don't need what championship belt. Last time, I have to wear championship belt. So I still remember when I finish my night shift security job,
20:41 before i go and take mrt, I must put on the championship belt.
20:47 After that, I go and take MRT. I don't know why last time I like that. Actually I felt
20:52 that its not necessary. Now I only use the belt for video. For YouTube video then
20:57 i use the belt. Even i selfie eating videos, I no longer use the belt. I go out and I don't
21:02 wear the belt anymore, unless like christmas decorations. chinese new year decorations then I would use the belt.
21:06 Because i thought it looks more nice. Other than that, like normal normal go out take MRT, take bus right,
21:11 i don't wear belt anymore. And it's not necessarily. Why must wear the belt? Because
21:17 even those real wrestlers in the WWE, AEW or whatever, they go out, they also don't wear the belt or whatever.
21:24 I only special occasions like podcast interviews,
21:29 christmas, chinese new year decorations then only will I use the belt. So the next question
21:36 This question is from Karrion Tay. Karrion Tay and Scarlet Tay are my fans.
21:43 They are real people. They are my fans. And Scarlet Tay
21:48 happened to be the wife of Karrion Tay. So this couple are my fans.
21:54 When you do the dishwasher job, which place you like the most?
22:01 And which space you dislike the most? Karrion Tay also asked me. If you cannot
22:07 finish washing all the dishes, then how? If you cannot finish washing the dishes,
22:14 it's ok. You still can go home. They didn't say you cannot finish washing right, you cannot
22:19 go home, you must die die wash finish then can go home. No such things. There's no such things.
22:23 I would prefer to do the best I can to wash
22:30 finish. Because if i cannot complete the job, of course i will not feel good also. But i want
22:34 to say one thing is that there are certain dishwasher job, they started late like
22:39 4.30pm/5pm all these. Maybe some dishwasher job, you only started
22:44 work at 5pm, when you go there 5pm, its already like super super mountain.
22:51 So this type of situation, i might not be able to finish washing all the dishes
22:56 because you only work for few hours. If you work those full day one, I got enough time
23:02 I can complete. Usually dishwasher jobs
23:09 your job is just to wash dishes thats all. But in some situation like
23:15 cafe, they do not have servers, they don't have waiters or whatever. In cafe, they only
23:19 have barista. For example, CBTL, they don't have servers. So in the restaurants
23:26 when you have servers, after the customer left, they will clear the
23:31 table and bring the dirty plates and bowls to the kitchen for the dishwasher to
23:37 wash. So that is the server job. But in certain situations like CBTL, its a
23:43 cafe or whatever, they don't have servers. So you as a dishwasher, not only you have to wash dishes,
23:49 you also have to actually go out of the kitchen to clear the table, to take
23:56 the cloth to wipe the table, to bring the dirty plates and bowls to the
24:03 kitchen to wash. So that means actually you are doing two jobs. Actually, I would prefer to mainly
24:11 just to wash dishes. I worked at not only CBTL but also another famous
24:18 place where they do not have a server, and your job is like a bit
24:24 tougher because you need to wash dishes. You have a lot of dishes to wash.
24:30 Suddenly your colleagues "Outside got the table, faster go and clear". Thunder again.
24:35 After that you go out and clear and wipe table all these.
24:45 I actually don't really like this way. I prefer to wash dishes just wash dishes.
24:50 And clear table all these, the servers job to do. The reason why I like CBTL.
24:58 I understand they got no servers so it's quite reasonable lah. And then also, I like
25:03 their caramel oreo or whatever ice blended frappé1 drink or whatever. Its very very nice.
25:10 Then the thing I like about CBTL is that their job is working from 8am to 3pm.
25:18 So you finish early in the afternoon. I can go home. I got time to spend with my children. I can play
25:22 with my children. But other dishwasher jobs, mostly they end at 9pm.
25:27 Mostly its like 10pm. So they end very very late. So when I reach home,
25:33 I still need to eat/makan all these. By the time I makan and go home bath everything, my
25:38 children need to sleep already. So i got no time to spend with my children. So that is why for CBTL,
25:43 i don't mind to go out and clear the things all these. But however, the haters
25:48 go and sabotage me. Thus therefore, I cannot work at CBTL. Then got one place. Wah piang eh.
26:02 The place actually quite relaxed. Quite quiet. By right, I'm supposed to like the place.
26:09 Do you know why I don't like the place? You see, I got my own technique to wash fast.
26:14 That is I don't one short wait until so many dishes then go and wash. Now come 1 dish, I wash one. Now come 2, I wash 2.
26:21 Come 3, I wash 3. Immediately got thing to wash, I go and wash.
26:26 That is the way I do. Just like Royal Rumble, Brock Lesnar in Royal Rumble. One person in the ring,
26:31 Brock Lesnar throw the person out. Another person come, Brock Lesnar also throw out. You understand what
26:34 I trying to say? So right now, if Brock Lesnar don't throw the person out in the
26:39 Royal Rumble match right, he go and wait until got more than 10 wrestlers to come, is it harder,
26:43 Is it tougher to throw 10 wrestlers or is it more easy to go and throw 1 wrestler out of the
26:48 ring to eliminate the wrestler? So it's similar logic to the dishwashing thing. Now got come 1 dish or 2-3 dishes.
26:53 I go and wash. So that is the one of the methods/techniques to wash finish
26:59 fast. But got one restaurant that time don't like my method. Say what waste
27:04 electricity, waste water because you put the thing in the machine. Of course there
27:09 are some places, they don't even use the machine. Just hand wash only. Ok, nevermind. Back to the
27:14 point. So you put into the machine right then the boss not happy
27:18 "Now only got few dishes, you put inside. What waste my electricity, waste my water"
27:23 And then he say wait for a lot of things then you wash lah. So that actually
27:27 affect the movement of me washing the dishes fast. It affect me. It affect me. Eventhough the p
27:34 place might be quiet, relax or whatever, I don't feel like I want to go there to work again.
27:39 Because they actually interrupt with the way that i'm washing. Then got one more place.
27:47 I go to everywhere, my techniques all the same. Nobody actually got say me one you know.
27:53 Now, you open the tap water then you wash the dishes. You use a sponge.
27:58 With the water then you put that right? Then got one place say "You like that you waste water"
28:05 They say i must follow their rules.
28:10 Their rule is very simple. You take the sponge with the soap, don't on the tap water yet.
28:16 Use the sponge put down. Until a lot. After that, they say
28:22 then after that you use the water. What's the difference?
28:29 Like that is double job. Waste more time. This again will affect the speed of me
28:36 washing fast. Now i ask you. You take one plate, you on the tap water.
28:42 You take the sponge with the soap. And don't on the water, until I do
28:48 one hundred plates. After 100 plates then you on the tap water. Their method is you use the sponge first
28:54 to scrub every plates/bowls, put on the sink first. After you scrub everything
29:00 hen you on the tap, you wash with water then you put. But like that is
29:05 slower. It's slower. So actually that is the only place that tell me
29:12 to follow their method of washing. But their method of washing is not what I like.
29:19 It's not what i want. Because that will affect the speed of me washing
29:24 the dishes. But however, because that place can end work early at 4.30pm so i can go home
29:33 early to spend time with my children and my family. So I bear with it. I follow
29:39 their rule. No choice. Come to their place, what can I do? They got their rules to follow what?
29:42 So i have no choice. Certain places if can go home early, even though I might not like
29:50 their method of washing but i would maybe like still do it. But i would still
29:56 prefer people not to interrupt and i can say that i go to many many many many places to wash dishes.
30:01 Nobody ever tell me, you don't use like that, you don't waste water. But that place, they
30:05 particular. What waste water all these things. So i think that's
30:11 about it.
30:15 This question from
30:20 Cody Tan. What do your working colleagues usually call you? So you see me, my
30:30 age now is 42 years old so people usually call me uncle.
30:35 I understand lah. My age, they call me uncle. So it's quite common for people at my working
30:39 place to call me Uncle. The chinese auntie, the manager also call me uncle uncle uncle.
30:45 But got one place, that time i was working server job at the japanese restaurant.
30:51 Then one of my working colleagues, she's actually a server also but she's a
30:58 chinese auntie. Then she called me "ah boy ah boy ah boy".
31:05 I think i should feel happy because they call me ah boy. Ah boy means I look young.
31:09 So actually got very few people call me Ah Boy. Usually people
31:13 call me uncle. But she called me Ah Boy. Then got one place.
31:18 That time, i was doing the dishwasher job. This time round is a manager, the chinese auntie manager.
31:23 Then she called me 老大.
31:27 English call what? Someone try to explain to me English. 老大 you know or not?
31:36 Then got one place. That time
31:42 I was doing the dishwasher job also. After that, this chinese auntie manager called me 大哥。
31:47 So go different places, people call me
31:54 different things. But the most common one is still uncle.
31:59 Ahh, got one place doing dishwasher job, chinese auntie, one of my working colleague
32:10 call me 小弟. Actually to me, I don't mind lah if you call me Ah Boy, 小弟。
32:17 At least I look young. But for my father when i was
32:22 younger, when i was a little boy. When my father was like 30+ years old, he don't like people to call him 小弟。
32:26 He will be angry. He will feel offended. He like people to
32:30 call hum uncle. When people call him 小弟, he will feel angry. But if you call me 小弟 or
32:34 Ah Boy, I think to me its fine. To me, its ok. At least I look young.
