Kurt Tay Q&A (4 Jun 2024) (Part 2)

  • 3 months ago
00:00 By right, this video is supposed to upload on 4 June 2024. So everyone know I upload my new Q&A video on 4th, 14th and 24th of everyone. But however, some evil black hearted haters go and sabotage me. Go and make my channel kenna ban for 1 week+. Thus, therefore, I couldn't upload this Q&A video on 4 June 2024.
00:29 And of course, my birthday video also couldn't upload on 4 June 2024.
00:38 So, never mind. No choice. I have to wait for the YouTube channel to get unbanned first. Then only I can upload the videos.
00:48 So, the first question. By the way, if you have any question you want to ask me, you can WhatsApp me or you can telegram message me.
00:55 Don't put your question in my telegram's chat group. PM me. Because I got no time to scroll over few thousand messages.
01:03 Just to go and look for the question and screenshot. I got no time.
01:06 So, it will be easier for me to go and look for a PM. For example, 001 Odnisgod and Pork Bun.
01:13 Every time ask me question. So, if I want to see this question, I can just go to the telegram inbox.
01:18 PM, personal message and I can find all the questions there. I got no time. Very very busy. No time to go and scroll over few thousand messages.
01:26 So, the first question. The first question is from Shoko.
01:31 KDo you think your past experience in watching porn and washing old man has helped your new job?
01:44 Answer is no, no, no. Whether it's washing prawn or watching porn or washing old man or whatever, got nothing to do with this dishwasher job.
02:00 So, what the fuck are you talking about? These are two different things.
02:05 So, next question. Imagine if you compete with Chen Han Wei in a dishwashing competition. Will you let him win or you purposely slow down?
02:17 Don't let him 丢脸. Your idol Chen Han Wei wash bowls competition with you. Winner get a $500 NTUC voucher.
02:24 But if you win, you get the voucher, but Chen Han Wei humiliated on Sheng Siong show. But if you lose, don't get the voucher.
02:30 What will you do?
02:37 Such a silly question, man. Competition? Of course, I must win. Where I will let him win for what?
02:43 Siao man! Talk cock man. Talk nonsense. Why the fuck would I care about whether he will lose face or whatever?
02:50 Competition. Even now competition? Of course, of course wrestling is scripted lah. But let's say right now it's a non scripted wrestling match.
03:00 Even with my idol Goldberg, I will not purposely lose to him. I will try my best to win him.
03:08 So, whether it's Goldberg or Chen Han Wei or whatever right, I'm not going to purposely let him win. I will do the best I can to win.
03:17 Why would I want to let Chen Han Wei win? Talk nonsense. Talk cock.
03:21 Siao man! Silly question. So, next question from
03:28 Somemore, I will win a $500 NTUC voucher. Siao! Why would I let Chen Han Wei win? Talk cock. 神经病. Siao!
03:35 Very very stupid question, man.
03:37 So, the next question from.
03:42 This question is from Gan Ning Niang or Gan Ning Zhe from Taiwan. So, this Gan Ning Niang showed me this news article for Asia One.
03:50 I think it's a few years ago one. Would you wash dishes for $3,500 a month.
03:56 It's a pretty high salary for a blue collar job. This is a very attractive offer.
04:00 Some F&B operators in Singapore are still struggling to find dishwasher.
04:04 First of all BDBYZD, you know when this news posted many, many, many, many years ago, I actually go and apply before.
04:12 And these interviewers find a lot of excuses not to hire me.
04:17 That time I'm not famous yet. That time why I'm not famous yet.
04:20 I'm not like. Now I online famous celebrity, maybe the person know who I am. No, that's not the case.
04:25 So, during that time, I'm actually not famous. I was very, very young.
04:29 Then I go there and I can't remember. Finding a lot of excuses. I can't remember what the interviewers say.
04:36 But in the end, finding lot of excuses don't want to hire me. So, I was only wondering whether it's fake or not.
04:43 So, I remember that time they advertised $3,000 for dishwasher job.
04:47 At the time, I think I haven't even got a security job yet. I haven't started security job.
04:52 That was very long ago. I think that I even haven't made breast implants yer. That's right. So, I go and apply interview, face to face.
04:59 Then talk nonsense say "Why you want to do this job? blah blah blah" Talk. In the end, don't want to hire me. I think like fake one.
05:06 It's just a gimmick to post news to become famous or whatever.
05:13 But let's say if the job is real, maybe don't talk about current situation.
05:18 Current situation, would I take up the job or not?
05:22 Answer of course is yes, yes, yes. But, however, when I get back my security license, I will go back and work security job.
05:31 No more doing what dishwasher, server or whatever. Because this is just temporary.
05:38 So, Gan Ning Niang also asked me, "Will you give us security to work this $3,500 dishwasher job?"
05:43 The answer is no, no, no. Like I say, when I get back my security license, I will go back and work security job.
05:50 But right now, my security license is temporary suspended. So, of course, I don't mind to work this $3,500 dishwasher job.
05:59 So, the next question. This question from 001 Odnisgod or Pork Bun.
06:04 But, could compare with security job and waiter job, which will use one is looked down by auntie, while the other is looked down by the condo residents.
06:14 Of course, I would prefer security job. Common sense. Why I want to work waiter job?
06:20 I would actually rather prefer to be a cleaner than to become a server.
06:27 Between server and cleaner, I would rather do cleaner job.
06:32 Because, like I mentioned before, server, I just don't like the job because you serving customers never mind.
06:36 But, you serving those really arrogant customers, very arrogant, and they think, "wah, they are that big shot.
06:42 They are the king, they are the queen." And they treat the server like slave, with no respect at all.
06:48 So definitely, I would choose security. Like I said, I would rather choose cleaner job than a server job.
06:56 I would choose a dishwasher job rather than a server job.
07:00 Next question for the Rolling Thunder.
07:02 How come only Dante Chen, then you will wonder if he hater or not?
07:07 Why other wrestlers, you just let them enter straight, but not Dante Chen?
07:11 -
07:13 You see, I like to wear wrestling T-shirts.
07:16 And then also, on my Telegram, every time, every day, I would ask people, ask fans, "Which wrestling spirit today?"
07:24 So, I mentioned before, I don't know whether Dante Chen is hater or not.
07:28 Then Rolling Thunder ask how come other wrestlers, I never wonder whether are they haters or not.
07:32 First of all BDBYZD, most of my haters are from Singapore.
07:36 Maybe got a few lah. Patrick Chong is from Malaysia.
07:39 But, I can say that 99.999%, they actually come to Singapore, come from local.
07:45 So, the rest of the wrestlers, they are actually from America, or Canada, or the United Kingdom, and so on.
07:53 But, Dante Chen is from Singapore.
07:55 And, I mentioned before, SPW, also some wrestlers are haters.
08:00 Like, example the Big T.
08:02 So, Dante Chen is from SPW, Dante Chen is from Singapore.
08:05 How do I know whether Dante Chen is a hater?
08:08 Unless he can clarify that he is not a hater, then I can wear Dante Chen T-shirt.
08:14 I can do the Dante Chen wresting gimmicks/poses or whatever.
08:20 Because, if Dante Chen is a hater, that means I'm actually wearing a hater T-shirt on my body.
08:27 How can that be?
08:29 I wear a hater T-shirt on my body.
08:32 So, that's why I need to confirm whether Dante Chen is a hater or not.
08:36 -
08:38 So, the next question.
08:40 So, this question from, let me see.
08:43 This question from 001 Odnisgod or Pork Bun.
08:45 -
08:47 What if one day you suddenly find out Dante Chen is a good guy and Kurt Angle is a hater?
08:52 Will you change your name to Dante Tay?
08:54 -
08:57 -
08:58 Then also similar question.
09:00 from Jerry Tan.
09:04 What if you one day find out your number one superhero,
09:08 your favorite actor, Goldberg is a hater.
09:13 Will you still support?
09:14 First of all, I want to clarify something first.
09:16 cameo video doesn't count.
09:18 if let's say someone pay Golberg
09:22 2,000 dollar
09:24 just to make him say that,
09:25 "I hate Kurt Tay", that is not counted.
09:27 must be for his real, real feeling.
09:31 cameo doesn't count.
09:33 Just like that time got people say
09:34 Kurt Angle did a video to say
09:36 You cheated on your wife
09:37 But why you still support Kurt Angle?
09:38 you see, that one is a cameo video.
09:40 people pay Kurt Angle.
09:42 the cameo services to talk about me.
09:45 And anyway, he's also right because BDSM is considered as cheating on my wife.
09:49 the one who says it's not cheating, that one is not me
09:52 say one, it's the BDSM dog slave spirit
09:54 so to answer the question. I answered before.
09:57 whether it's Goldberg or Kurt Angle
10:01 or many, many other wrestlers which I like.
10:03 if I find out there are haters, and they hate me,
10:07 then of course I will delete, delete, delete, delete, delete, delete.
10:12 I will delete them, and I will no longer support them.
10:16 I will no longer like them.
10:17 I will no longer wear their t-shirts.
10:20 will I change my name to Dante Tay?
10:22 answer is no, no, no
10:25 So, anyway Dante Chen, if you're watching this video
10:29 I hope, you can let me know whether you are hater or not?
10:34 I mean, I'm not saying that Dante Chen must be a fan
10:37 because he's a big star, a wrestler.
10:39 so I'm not saying he must be a fan
10:42 I just want to know whether he hate me or not.
10:44 so if you don't hate me, then let me know.
10:46 so maybe if I confirm that you don't hate me,
10:49 then I can start to wear Dante Chen's wrestling t-shirts.
10:52 so the next question from.
10:56 this question from 001 Odnisgod or Pork Bun
11:02 Asking me, why you no time read your fan's text in this group chat?
11:06 Meaning we pay $25 don't have direct interaction with you.
11:09 -
11:11 of course, got interaction
11:15 but however, some idiots, for example, like Niaoli all these
11:19 keeps on spamming, spamming
11:23 spamming non stop
11:26 or maybe sometimes a lot of people will talk and talk and talk and talk and talk
11:29 until there's few thousand messages.
11:30 So, like I mentioned earlier in the starting of the video right,
11:33 now my job is not like the security job
11:35 very, very free, zuo bo lan. I'm very busy.
11:38 so I've got no time to scroll over few thousand messages to look
11:41 where are the Q&A questions lah then screenshot
11:43 then post on my private Facebook all these,
11:45 I've got no time. Interactions yes
11:47 but I've got no time to search for the Q&A,
11:49 so Q&A question, you just personal message me.
11:51 so, the next question from
11:55 This question from 001 Odnisgod or Pork Bun
11:59 Will you dare to snap at Kurt Angle or Goldberg?
12:03 Because if they snap at you,
12:08 they will show you wrestling move, and you snap,
12:10 nothing will happen.
12:11 first of all BDBYZD
12:14 who told you nothing will happen, man?
12:16 like I mentioned before, I will go and learn MMA
12:19 and get the black belt in MMA very very soon.
12:22 so, very, very soon, I will be an expert,
12:26 the black belt in MMA. So when I snap,
12:30 it's no longer what, nothing will happen
12:32 and whether it's Goldberg or Kurt Angle or Brock Lesnar or whatever right,
12:37 if they snap at me,
12:39 will I dare to snap at them back?
12:40 Answer of course is yes,
12:43 yes, yes, because I fear no one in this world
12:46 I'm fucking fearless.
12:47 so, the next question, let me see,
12:51 this question from Jay,
12:53 quick question for this Q&A, if there is a chance
12:56 that extreme haters have evidence for court case,
12:59 will you rather go jail or will you rather beg them
13:02 for evidence?
13:03 BDBYZD. If it is extremely haters
13:08 they will never give me the evidence
13:11 even if they have, they won't give you
13:13 so there's no point in begging them, no point
13:16 they'll just tolling, tolling, tolling you
13:19 they'll ask you to do what,
13:20 kneel down apology video or whatever fuck
13:21 then they give me the evidence
13:23 answer is no, no, no, because I know
13:27 they will just make fun of me
13:28 so I won't beg them, because you see,
13:31 I'm different from Wen Loong
13:33 Example, Wen Loong now maybe in trouble or whatever,
13:36 then he'll apologize to the girl
13:38 I'm sorry, I'm sorry. I won't do that,
13:41 the one who bow down, kneel down
13:44 to another someone,
13:46 that is not me, same body, different spirit,
13:49 the real Kurt Tay will never kneel down,
13:51 the real Kurt Tay will never bow down to anyone,
13:53 so I will never go and beg haters
13:56 "please give me evidence I beg you, blah, blah, blah"
13:58 no way, no such thing
13:59 because I've got integrity, I've got pride,
14:02 that's right, so next question from Jay,
14:04 another question, if, if, if the judge sentence,
14:07 you go jail, will you say judge is hater
14:09 or IO is hater because injustice happened,
14:11 if, like I mentioned before,
14:14 if I go jail, someone also go jail,
14:17 because someone started it first,
14:19 someone leaked out my video first,
14:20 then it is fair
14:22 if only I go jail, definitely this is unfairness,
14:27 definitely this is injustice
14:29 and will I say they're hater or not?
14:34 I would say it's not hater, but rather,
14:38 there's something wrong with the system,
14:40 not really say hater
14:42 because since long, long, long time ago,
14:44 they got all these such thing,
14:45 call Women's Charter or whatever,
14:47 so they're over-protecting women
14:50 so the next question,
14:54 the next question from Keith,
14:56 Keith, any question, since you didn't participate
14:59 in a chinese dance club and computer club,
15:01 that you join a secondary school,
15:04 which ECA, did you participate in
15:07 or what do you do during your free time after school
15:09 or did you spend your time studying
15:11 every day after school
15:13 I can't really remember
15:16 what ECA I joined in secondary school
15:21 because I don't like to join ECA,
15:22 then later on, that time they say what,
15:23 compulsory you must join
15:27 影像中 in my memory
15:32 I remember I don't like to join ECA
15:34 until that time got one day they say what,
15:37 compulsory must choose, where got like that one. where got compulsory. Must let people have freedom of choice
15:41 so after that, I can't remember leh.
15:43 I can't remember what did I actually joined,
15:45 I know I never joined but in the end
15:48 when they say compulsory, is it some computer club
15:50 or whatever, I'm not really sure leh.
15:52 I really like, for my secondary school things
15:54 I really got not much memories
15:56 I can't remember much from my secondary school days,
15:59 so nevermind skip lah ok
16:01 so what do I do after school?
16:03 After school, not after school therapy
16:05 so after school, my parents would fetch me home lah
16:07 after that I would study, I would do my homework,
16:11 I would play the wrestling video game with my father,
16:14 like that lah. That's all
16:16 So, the next question
16:19 so the next question from Jay
16:22 have you drink water from the bidet before?
16:27 answer for good fans
16:28 what the fuck is BIDET?
16:30 wah piang eh. I need to Google search first.
16:32 what the fuck is BIDET?
16:35 Let me Google search first
16:36 sometimes the question you ask me,
16:37 the words very cheam, I don't understand, BIDET.
16:41 BIDET is what, what the fuck is this?
16:43 B-I-D-E-T?
16:45 BIDET is a bowl of respectable design,
16:49 oh siao ah!
16:51 马桶 call 马桶 toilet bowl lah.
16:52 Call what BIDET.
16:55 B-I-D-E-T.
16:56 Designed to wash your rear
17:00 Answer of course is no, no, no.
17:03 why you want to drink water from 马桶 for what?
17:05 so, the next question,
17:10 this question from Jimmy,
17:13 would you prefer to have a BDSM wife
17:17 who punish you and humiliate you every day like a slave?
17:21 answer is no, no, no
17:25 why the fuck will I want a BDSM wife for fuck?
17:29 The one who say want to have BDSM wife is not me,
17:32 it's a stupid idiot,
17:33 BDSM dog slave split personality,
17:36 if your wife treat you like a slave
17:38 that means the person
17:39 she treat you with no respect,
17:42 If she treat you like a dog or what right
17:44 that means she doesn't respect you ok?
17:46 so, I definitely would not ever want,
17:50 a wife who is a BDSM wife
17:53 Because that one
17:54 -
17:57 is like no respect at all.
18:00 so, the next question.
18:01 This question from Shoko,
18:03 Have you thought of new video
18:05 ideas to attract new people,
18:07 you can do a 100 hours marathon video,
18:09 film yourself eating, sleeping, working,
18:12 do the live vote,
18:13 and show your whole life to good fans,
18:15 most authentic experience.
18:16 -
18:17 -
18:18 first of all BDBYZD,
18:22 how the fuck am I going to do a 100 hour video marathon,
18:25 and then also sleeping
18:29 What is there to see sleeping,
18:30 and then also sleeping right
18:32 I go and video sleeping,
18:33 video myself,
18:34 I think my family will think I siao
18:35 and then also toilet,
18:36 don't tell me you urine and pangsai
18:38 you can actually video,
18:39 because if you post this,
18:42 your YouTube channel will be banned,
18:44 and then also working,
18:45 working is private,
18:46 your workplace will not allow you to film,
18:49 and then you film already
18:50 you will get fired,
18:51 -
18:52 next question from Niaoli,
18:53 will you be that someone's slave
18:55 if she pay you
18:57 two million dollar,
18:58 do spanking, wicking,
18:59 eat cat food, human toilet,
19:01 all these
19:02 -
19:03 answer is no, no,
19:05 no, no, because I fucking hate that someone,
19:08 so I hate that someone so much,
19:11 definitely, even if got money,
19:13 I won't become that someone's slave,
19:14 -
19:16 so, next question from,
19:19 001 Odnisgod or Pork Bun
19:22 Kurt, have you think of doing snap videos
19:24 on those CB company that believe in haters,
19:28 because you do snap VM,
19:29 or video will confirm go to YouTube sensation,
19:32 and cause them to lose the sales,
19:33 make them pay, Kurt,
19:35 but if hater companies say that they,
19:37 they pissed you off,
19:38 only only 224 customers at most,
19:40 but if piss off haters,
19:42 will piss off 500 to 5,000 customers,
19:45 how will you react?
19:46 -
19:49 first of all,
19:51 if the company choose to believe in haters,
19:55 then the company,
19:57 the CEO or the boss is very, very disappointing,
19:59 recently actually got haters, they email
20:03 quite a few companies to sabotage me,
20:05 some companies they believe in haters,
20:07 some companies, they don't give a damn fuck
20:09 what the haters email,
20:10 and they continue to hire me,
20:12 these are called good CEO
20:14 so that time, got one app,
20:16 the YY app, not only YY app,
20:18 got certain restaurants also
20:20 after receiving the emails from the haters,
20:23 they banned me
20:24 there's no point for me to do snap video,
20:26 because
20:29 its about your 人格
20:30 if your 人格
20:32 is no good, you think,
20:35 you just blindly listen to haters,
20:38 one-sided story
20:40 the real CEO
20:42 who is an upright person
20:45 will not believe in haters
20:48 he will actually check with the manager
20:50 at the outlet,
20:51 eh, is this staff ok or not,
20:53 does he come to work punctual?
20:54 is he hardworking at work?
20:56 he will clarify with the manager first
20:58 and not wah email, email,
21:00 wah haters email. wah
21:02 must be real one, must be real one,
21:03 so, I ban Kurt Tay
21:05 this is called not good CEO,
21:08 because you just simply ban me
21:10 without clarifying with the manager,
21:12 without checking my working attitude
21:14 so, there's no point to do snap video or whatever
21:16 no point,
21:17 what's the point of doing?
21:18 you think they change the thing?
21:19 no, cannot change,
21:20 in fact,
21:21 right now, I got court case,
21:22 I got court case,
21:23 cannot anyhow
21:24 do what snap videos or whatever fuck
21:26 -
21:27 -
21:28 and then also,
21:29 001 Odnisgod or Pork Bun
21:30 I got explained many times before
21:32 5000 members in the hater chat group
21:34 doesn't mean there are 5,000 haters,
21:36 many of them are just
21:38 going there to see my updates,
21:40 because some
21:41 they don't want to pay $25
21:42 so they are just there
21:44 to see my updates,
21:45 but they don't comment,
21:46 even my spy,
21:47 my spy are inside the chat group,
21:48 but they are not haters,
21:49 so BDBYZD
21:50 who told you
21:51 -
21:52 all the members inside are haters,
21:53 no,
21:54 answer is no, no, no,
21:56 this question from Ebe
21:58 -
21:59 -
22:01 Ebe saying that
22:03 "you must do snap video"
22:05 to snap at those haters,
22:07 so that they will scared,
22:08 Only snap videos will not make a hater scared
22:11 they will only make them laugh,
22:13 they will laugh,
22:14 whoa, entertainment,
22:15 I doing snap videos
22:16 you think wah siaolang,
22:17 they will laugh,
22:18 -
22:19 they won't feel scared
22:20 they will laugh and I mentioned before I got court case.
22:21 so my family
22:22 definitely will not be ok for me
22:24 to do a snap videos or whatever,
22:26 because
22:27 -
22:28 they don't want the judge to have
22:29 a bad impression of me,
22:30 and like I say,
22:31 snap video,
22:32 snap video will not do anything,
22:34 effective,
22:36 it will only make the thing worse,
22:38 people will misunderstand me,
22:39 how come this siaolang
22:40 like to shout and shout and shout,
22:41 and the haters will laugh and laugh and laugh,
22:44 so
22:45 the next question from Keith
22:47 does Kairi and Lesnar know your YouTube channel,
22:50 have you intro them,
22:51 or have you seen them watching your video,
22:53 do they know you are YouTuber,
22:55 -
22:56 -
22:57 -
22:58 -
22:59 -
23:00 -
23:01 Actually my son got use TikTok lah
23:02 he know I got a lot of videos on TikTok
23:04 as for YouTube,
23:05 YouTube,
23:06 I'm not really sure,
23:07 not really sure,
23:08 but my son got mention to me,
23:09 how come
23:10 I got so many videos on TikTok,
23:12 because he got use TikTok lah,
23:13 YouTube,
23:14 he got use also,
23:15 he got use YouTube to watch
23:16 children videos all these
23:17 -
23:18 so far
23:19 I'm not very sure leh
23:20 I'm not really sure,
23:21 because I also never ask them,
23:22 I never ask my son and my daughter,
23:23 -
23:24 but I know one thing confirmed
23:25 -
23:26 is they know about
23:27 -
23:28 me having a lot of videos on,
23:29 -
23:30 this
23:31 TikTok,
23:32 okay,
23:33 so thank you very much for watching this video,
23:34 so remember to click like,
23:35 on this video,
23:36 then subscribe to my YouTube channel,
23:37 four times,
23:38 four times,
23:39 four times,
23:40 four times,
23:41 four times,
23:42 WCW,
23:43 World Heavyweight Champion,
23:44 the champ is here,
23:45 that's right. the icon
23:46 Kurtberg, Whose next? You are next!
