Tumore vescicale, “In viaggio verso la prevenzione” con Merck Italia

  • 4 months ago
(Adnkronos) - Per sensibilizzare sul tumore della vescica, in Italia la quinta neoplasia per incidenza e, in urologia, secondo solo al tumore alla prostata, Merck Italia ha lanciato la campagna “In viaggio verso la prevenzione”. Un’iniziativa partita in occasione del Bladder Cancer Awareness Month, rappresentata da una grande valigia, a Milano, Roma e Bari, simbolo del bagaglio di conoscenze necessarie per affrontare una patologia "subdola", che richiede un’attenzione prioritaria.


00:00Do you know about the bladder tumor?
00:07Honestly, I wasn't aware of it.
00:10I realized that I really didn't know much about it.
00:12Unfortunately, yes. I have to live with it.
00:16There are about 29,700 new cases of bladder tumor every year in Italy.
00:21A considerable number for a subdued oncological pathology
00:25that hits silently without initial specific symptoms.
00:29A silence that can be prevented by early diagnosis
00:32and therefore make the treatment more difficult.
00:35Often patients come to know about this pathology in an extremely advanced phase.
00:41Usually it manifests between 60 and 70 years of life
00:45with a clear prevalence of the male gender,
00:48with a 3 to 1 ratio compared to women
00:51and the symptomatology can be represented by
00:55hematuria, that is, the presence of some traces of blood in the urine.
01:00But this is often a transient phenomenon,
01:04so the patient, the person who becomes aware
01:08of having these traces of blood in the urine,
01:11must immediately consult their doctor.
01:14In recent years, numerous therapies have been available
01:19to really prolong the survival of these patients affected by bladder tumor,
01:27but one of the essential elements is the so-called multidisciplinary approach.
01:32Today, surgeon, radiotherapist, oncologist,
01:36work together to decide together
01:39what is the best therapeutic option for patients.
01:43To sensitize the bladder tumor,
01:45in Italy the fifth neoplasia by incidence
01:48and in urology second only to the tumor in the prostate,
01:51Mercitalia, an Italian subsidiary of the company
01:53committed to scientific and technological innovation
01:56operating in the healthcare sectors,
01:58has launched the campaign In Viaggio Verso la Prevenzione,
02:01an initiative launched on the occasion of the Bladder Cancer Awareness Month,
02:05represented by a large suitcase in Milan, Rome and Bari,
02:09symbol of the baggage of knowledge necessary
02:12to deal with a pathology that requires prior attention.
02:16Knowledge spread through informative materials
02:20distributed at the particular stand
02:22to learn more details about oncological pathology.
02:26The initiative is sponsored by the Palinuro Association,
02:29patients free from uro-telial neoplasies
02:32and SIURO, Italian Society of Uro-Oncology.
02:36People are normally healthy,
02:39when they hear about a tumor
02:42maybe they try to distract attention,
02:46it is certainly not an interesting topic
02:49until, oh my, one finds himself in it.
02:52And here, instead, information is important for us
02:57because information is also a form of prevention,
03:01knowledge and help.
