Married couple in 30s reveal perks of moving back in with parents

  • 4 months ago
Meet the married couple who have become a hit online - after making a video about moving back with her parents in their 30s.

Bec and Sam Bartley, 34 and 30, traded London for Herne Bay in Kent so they could save for a house.

Desperate for a place of their own, the pair had struggled for years to put money away for their first home while renting a one-bed flat.

They finally bit the bullet last July, swapping the capital for a slower pace of life - moving back into Bec’s old childhood bedroom.

Bec and Sam have since made a tongue-in-cheek video about their situation - which has racked up millions of views.

In the clip the pair give viewers a tour of the house, pointing out the various perks of life back ‘at home’ - free use of dad’s car, take-away dinners on mum’s card, not to mention rent and utilities provided gratis.

“Are you ever gonna move out or what?” asks Bec’s Dad in the video. “Move out? Nah - I’m living here forever!” responds Bec.

Charmed as life seems in the sketch, Bec says the decision to relocate was not an easy one.

She said: “We knew that the way to save the most money would be to live with our parents, but initially we thought - no we can’t do that.

“We were worried about the stigma of moving back with your parents at this stage in life.

“But it got to a point where the desire to have our own place outweighed anything else.”

Statistics show the couple’s living arrangements are in fact not that unusual at all.

The most recent census data reveals more than one in five Kent households are home to adult children.

And despite Bec and Sam’s initial anxiety about what it would be like living with their parents/in-laws, they now say the arrangement has been working well.

Bec added: “We were worried about not having our own space because we have lived together since 2015 and we work from home.

“But actually in reality it’s been fine - there are two living rooms here so we meet in the kitchen and have a cup of tea.

“Especially being in the small town of Herne Bay we thought we would miss the big city more, but actually we’re enjoyed the slower pace - maybe we’re getting old.”

The couple say they have been grateful for their folks’ generosity, but wish there had been more government support to help them save up while maintaining their independence.

Under the handle @bamcomedyuk on Instagram and TikTok, Sam and Bec produce all sorts of quirky and satirical content for social media.

But with 14.3 million views and counting, this recent clip is by far their most popular.

Bec said: “We’ve definitely tapped into that demographic of millennials boomeranging back to their parents and into parents who are watching this with their kids at home.

“In a funny way it’s highlighted that it’s okay if you have to do it, you have to do it and there’s no shame.”

Luckily for Bec and Sam, blessed with the chance to save up over the past year, they have now managed to put in an offer for a house in Folkestone.

The couple – who write comedy sketches and produce videos for social media and brands - also clarified while living with Bec’s parents they have not been the freeloaders their video suggests.

Bec added: "We do pay bills, and petrol.

“It’s just rent that we don’t pay, which is very kind on our parent’s behalf, but they are more than happy to have us here - we just told them to look miserable in the video.

“To be fair though, they do get us takeaways quite often.”

The comedy song "Living with My Parents" has now been released to stream on Spotify by the couple.


00:00Rah, rah, move back with my ma Living in London, we're not anymore
00:04Sick, brah, borrow dad's car Pay petrol? Nah, I'm driving here for frah
00:09Living with my parents
00:12In the sha, there's hot water In the wall, electricity
00:17Are you gonna pay bills or what? Pay bills? Nah, I'm living here for frah
00:22Living with my parents
00:25In my bedroom, there's a cha On the wall, there's wallpaper
00:29Do you wanna walk dog's back car? Walk dog's? Nah, I'm sitting in my cha
00:34Living with my parents
00:38Living with my parents
00:41Hey, ma, what's for tar? Don't you dare say mince and marsh
00:46We're gonna get takeaway pizza We pay? Nah, we'll put it on your car
00:50Look, ya, and my family They're so happy having me around
00:54Are you gonna move out or what? Move out? Nah, I'm staying here forever
00:59Living with my parents
01:03Living with my...
