• last year
(Adnkronos) - “Gli EY Risk Transformation Awards, alla loro prima edizione italiana, vogliono essere un momento di confronto all'interno della business community sui temi di governance, risk e compliance”. Lo ha detto Alessandro Costantini, Partner Risk Consulting di EY Italia, a margine della prima edizione italiana degli EY Risk Transformation Awards, il riconoscimento EY dedicato alle imprese che si sono distinte per eccellenza nella gestione del rischio legato alle maggiori trasformazioni odierne negli ambiti corporate compliance, sostenibilità e digital transformation. Il Premio celebra le aziende italiane capaci di approcci innovativi, collaborativi ed interfunzionali alla gestione del rischio, in grado di fornire il proprio contributo di valore allo sviluppo territoriale nazionale, dal punto di vista economico, sociale ed ambientale, trasformando il rischio in un’opportunità strategica. La cerimonia di premiazione si è svolta a Milano presso Allianz MiCo, nell’ambito del Global Risk Forum.


00:00Why Risk Transformation Awards?
00:04The Why Risk Transformation Awards, their first Italian edition,
00:09want to be a moment of comparison within the business community
00:14on the topics of Governance, Risk and Compliance.
00:17They are certainly an opportunity to celebrate Italian realities
00:21that have shown distinctive approaches to risk management,
00:25compliance and sustainability.
00:28This award certainly wants to highlight
00:31the centrality of internal control functions
00:35in the field of business governance.
00:37We, like Why, conduct a survey every year
00:40called Global Board Risk Survey,
00:42which aims to detect the perception of Italian, European and international
00:48reality boards on what is the risk management framework.
00:52In fact, about 60% of the boards of the companies interviewed
00:58detect margins of improvement in the framework of risk identification and assessment,
01:05especially for emerging risks,
01:07while they detect frameworks that are extremely structured
01:11for traditional risks.
01:14So, internal control functions are called to evolve,
01:20and are experiencing a moment of profound change,
01:22also dictated by technological innovation and the continuous evolution of the regulatory trend.
01:27They are functions that must therefore evolve their methodologies,
01:31must innovate their operational approaches
01:34and must expand the skill set of technical skills necessary for their work.
01:40They are functions that, in the near future,
01:43will be called more and more to support the board
01:46in achieving the goals of the board agenda.
01:50They inevitably represent a fundamental pillar
01:54to be able to guarantee a sustainable, transparent and ethical business management.
02:00And above all, they have that fundamental role
02:04of guaranteeing and maintaining the trust of stakeholders
02:09that must necessarily be preserved in what is an ethical and sustainable business context.
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