Bank Dunia: Ekonomi Indonesia Tumbuh 5% di 2024

  • 3 months ago
Bank Dunia memperkirakan produk domestik bruto (PDB) Indonesia akan tumbuh 5 persen pada 2024 dan 5,1 persen dua tahun selanjutnya.

"Indonesia menikmati manfaat dari peningkatan jumlah kelas menengah dan kebijakan ekonomi yang relatif disiplin," kata lembaga keuangan internasional tersebut dalam laporan Global Economic Prospects - June 2024 yang dirilis pada Selasa (11/6/2024).


00:00The World Bank revised Indonesia's economic growth projection to 5% in 2024.
00:05The World Bank estimates that Indonesia will benefit from the growth of the middle class,
00:10even though uncertainties and political conflicts are expected to reduce private investment.
00:19The World Bank revised Indonesia's economic growth projection to 5% in 2024.
00:24The projection increased by 0.1 points
00:27compared to the previous projection in January 2024, by 4.9%.
00:33In addition, the World Bank also revised Indonesia's economic growth projection in 2025
00:38to 5.1%, up from the projection in January 2024, by 4.9%.
00:45According to the World Bank, Indonesia is expected to benefit from the growth of the middle class
00:50and the generally wise economic policy there,
00:52which increased by an average of 5.1% over the next two years.
00:57Even so, private and public investment is expected to remain weak.
01:01The increase in uncertainties and political conflicts that have recently occurred
01:05and the global trade policy is expected to reduce private investment.
01:11At the same time, the increase in government debt more than achieved before the pandemic
01:15as well as the delay in budget agreements
01:17is expected to hamper the growth of public investment in several economic countries.
01:23Meanwhile, the World Bank even revised economic growth in the Asia-Pacific region
01:29to slow down from 5.1% in 2023 to 4.8% in 2024.
01:36Economic slowdowns in the Asia-Pacific region
01:39are affected by a further slowdown in China
01:42which again equates to a moderate increase in other countries in this region.
01:46Jakarta, IDX Channel coverage team.
