PMI, Monacelli (Generali): “Noi produttori e promotori di welfare aziendale"

  • 3 months ago
(Adnkronos) - "Oggi presentiamo l’ottava edizione di welfare index PMI. Siamo promotori di una cultura di welfare nel nostro Paese oltre che nei confronti dei nostri 13.000 dipendenti. Siamo promotori e produttori di welfare aziendale.” Ha dichiarato Massimo Monacelli, General Manager di Generali Italia a margine della presentazione del Rapporto Welfare Index PMI 2024.


00:00Today we are presenting the 8th edition of Welfare Index PMI, so today we are first of all promoters of a Welfare culture within our country,
00:14but at the same time we are Welfare producers compared to our 13,000 employees.
00:20Today is a very important lecture for us because we learn, we learn continuously and we provide increasingly evolved and better services,
00:28and then we produce Welfare through a dedicated platform of tools and an organization dedicated to providing Welfare to Italian companies
00:38so that they can also access our services from this point of view.
00:42So we are promoters, producers and suppliers of corporate Welfare.
