PMI, Fancel (Generali): “Welfare aziendale è strumento di aiuto e prevenzione per dipendenti"

  • 3 months ago
(Adnkronos) - "Serve una grande diffusione sotto al profilo culturale. In queste edizioni le imprese interessate sono sempre più numerose. La parte di welfare deve integrare la compensazione dei dipendenti. Questo è importante per tutto ciò che riguarda prevenzione e aiuto che viene dato ai dipendenti e ai famigliari. In termini di risconto dal punto di vista sociale abbiamo il tema della sostenibilità che è primario.” Ha dichiarato Giancarlo Fancel, Country Manager & Ceo Generali Italia a margine della presentazione del Rapporto Welfare Index PMI 2024.


00:00First of all, we need a great diffusion under the cultural profile.
00:09We have seen that in these editions, the companies interested in understanding and participating in our research are increasingly numerous.
00:20This is a great sign, because Welfare must integrate the compensation part of the employees.
00:30But this is not only important for the compensation part, it is also important for the prevention part.
00:39The help is given not only to the employees, but also to their families.
00:45The platforms that are being developed are more and more advanced,
00:50which allow companies to offer their employees services that otherwise would not be known or accessible.
00:59In terms of business, I speak from a social point of view,
01:04because we have the theme of sustainability as a social role at the level of insurance companies.
01:12For us, it is a primary element that is part of our strategy.
01:16Then, the generals are obviously a company that must make profits,
01:21and from this we also get benefits that come from the sale of these products and services.
01:30But when we started this path, we started to evaluate,
01:37starting from the contracts that we made with our employees,
01:42to understand that there was a need to spread this culture of corporate welfare.
01:50Especially at the level of small and medium-sized companies, or even micro-companies.
