Impresa, presentato a Roma il Rapporto Welfare Index PMI 2024

  • 3 months ago
(Adnkronos) -

È stato presentato a Roma il Rapporto Welfare Index PMI 2024, l’iniziativa sullo stato del welfare nelle PMI italiane promossa da Generali Italia.
L’ottava edizione ha visto la partecipazione di 7000 imprese e ha sottolineato come il 75% delle PMI italiane ha superato il livello medio di welfare aziendale.


00:00The Welfare Index PMI 2024 was presented in Rome, the initiative on the welfare state in small and medium-sized Italian companies, promoted by Generalitalia.
00:15The eighth edition saw the participation of 7,000 companies and highlighted how 75% of small and medium-sized Italian companies have exceeded the average level of corporate welfare.
00:26First of all, we need a great spread on the cultural profile. We have seen that in these editions the companies interested in understanding and participating in our research are increasingly numerous.
00:41This is a great sign because the welfare part must integrate the compensation part of the employees. But this is not only important for the compensation part, it is also important for everything that concerns the prevention part and therefore also the help that is given not only to the employee but also to his family members.
01:07Welfare, which is what we are talking about today, is part of the general strategy of sustainability and of small and medium-sized companies, which we talk about in this eighth report.
01:18For us, sustainability means doing good starting from what we know how to do, from what we are, making available our skills, our assets, as insurers, investors, as corporate citizens, but also as employers.
01:31For these companies, the small and medium-sized companies that we talk about in the report, it means awareness, awareness of their social role.
01:38From the report, the role of welfare emerges as a strategic lever for the management of the company, bringing a great contribution in terms of productivity and gender equality in companies.
01:48Yes, today we present the eighth edition of the Welfare Index PMI. So today we are first of all promoters of a culture of welfare within our country, but at the same time we are producers of welfare for our 13,000 employees.
02:04It is a very important lesson for us because we learn, we learn continuously and we provide increasingly advanced and better services and then we produce welfare through a dedicated platform of tools and an organization that is dedicated to providing welfare to Italian companies so that they can also access our services from this point of view.
