PMI, Lucini (Generali): “Welfare è parte di strategia per sostenibilità"

  • 3 months ago
(Adnkronos) - "Il welfare rientra appieno nella strategia di sostenibilità, che per noi vuol dire fare del bene con le nostre competenze come datori di lavoro e come investitori. Per le PMI significa consapevolezza del proprio ruolo sociale dove il welfare è fattore determinante di attrazione di talenti e innovazione sociale. Così si riesce a costruire welfare di comunità stando vicini a lavoratori e famiglie.”Ha dichiarato Barbara Lucini, Responsabile Country Sustainability & Corporate Responsability Generali Italia a margine della presentazione del Rapporto Welfare Index PMI 2024.


00:00Sustainability, sustainability, sustainability. I would say that the welfare, which is what we are talking about today,
00:10is fully part of the strategy of sustainability in general and of small and medium-sized enterprises,
00:15of which we tell the stories in this eighth report. For us, sustainability means doing good
00:22starting from what we know how to do, from what we are, making available our skills, our assets,
00:27as insurers, investors, as corporate citizens, but also as employers.
00:32For these enterprises, the small and medium-sized enterprises that we tell in the report, it means awareness,
00:37awareness of one's own social role, where welfare, in some way, comes out in the open and becomes a determining factor,
00:44not only of competitiveness and attraction of talents and hiring of employees, but also of social innovation,
00:53also of sustainability. Small and medium-sized enterprises have a feature, they have the ability,
00:58the report shows it, to intercept emerging needs, to translate them into services,
01:04they are widespread in the territory and therefore manage to build what we call community welfare.
01:11So they are close to the workers, to their families and to the communities in which they operate.
01:17That is why this report also tells us that corporate welfare enters a full maturity,
01:26where small and medium-sized enterprises can be the key subject for an evolution,
01:32a renewal of a state welfare, alas, in suffering, which is based on a welfare of proximity,
01:39where it helps small and medium-sized enterprises to network, to get together,
01:43to be an aggregator of the demand for welfare services, in charge, in large part, of Italian families
01:51and also to respond in an efficient and equitable way to people's needs.
