Art et designTranscription
00:00Sous-titres réalisés para la communauté d'
00:30J'ai d'autres amis pour faire tous les pas
00:33J'ouvre toutes les portes jusqu'à ce que je les aie tous
00:35Je bouge à chaque minute et je ne m'arrête pas
00:38Jusqu'à ce que j'ai le temps
00:46Hé, Louise !
00:47Pas de chien !
00:48Hé, Louise !
00:49Pas de chien !
00:51Si tu as des plans, tu dois les débrouiller
00:53Viens faire une aventure avec moi, Louise !
01:00Sous-titres réalisés para la communauté d'
01:30Sous-titres réalisés par la communauté d'
02:00Sous-titres réalisés par la communauté d'
02:31Où est mon siège ?
02:35C'est... flippant ?
02:37Je pense que je suis assis dans le siège
02:40Alors peut-être que tu devrais t'assoir
02:43Oh, bien sûr
02:46Vamos, vamos, vamos !
02:48Qu'est-ce que ça veut dire ?
02:49Ça veut dire allons-y
02:50Au Hollywood, ils te font attendre
02:51Et une fois qu'ils partent, ils t'appellent pour faire tout
02:56Tout le monde, écoutez-moi !
02:57C'est une scène très importante dans la photo
02:59J'ai besoin que tout le monde soit concentré
03:01Première équipe en scène
03:02Héloïse, Debbie, Corky et Mickey
03:11Oh, c'est ma nouvelle petite étoile !
03:14Ok, on commence par la scène où Debbie va partir avec Will pour sauver le jour
03:18Debbie, tu te souviens de ce qu'on a parlé, oui ?
03:20Tu es en retard avec ta petite sœur et ton frère
03:22C'est très dur pour toi
03:23Je veux entendre ça dans ta voix
03:25Héloïse, tu fais ce que tu as fait avec moi, c'était parfait
03:27Ok, let's rehearse !
03:29Everybody high energy, vamos !
03:36And action !
03:40Rebecca, what's going on ?
03:41I have to go, Martha
03:43The monster is coming closer to town
03:46And Will here needs my help
03:49I know you're little but I need you to look after your little brother
03:55Can I count on you ?
03:59You don't have to worry about me, sis
04:01I'll look after Scotty
04:02Cut, cut, cut !
04:04What was wrong ?
04:05What do you think ? You are horrible
04:07I'm sorry, Diego
04:08No, Héloïse was excellent, wonderful
04:11Debbie, where is the passion and energy I've been talking about ?
04:14What ? I was perfect
04:16She messed me up with her first line
04:18Do not blame her
04:19We talked about this over and over in rehearsal, no ?
04:21You need to show emotion like she is doing
04:24Why are you protecting her and blaming me ?
04:26She's an amateur and I'm a professional
04:28Leave Héloïse out of this, it's not her fault
04:30It is too, and if you think it's me, you don't know anything about acting
04:34Debbie, it's ok
04:36Get off the set, mother !
04:38Debbie, listen to me !
04:39No, I don't want to work with you, you hate me !
04:43No, it's not true
04:44It is so, you're a mean man and a terrible director
04:47And I hate your stupid shirt too
04:51Ok, that is it, you are fired
04:54What ?
04:55You hear me ? Off the set, you are fired, gone, goodbye !
04:58Diego, can you really do that ? I mean, who will replace her ?
05:07She will
05:18Here is the full script Héloïse, you have pages of lines to learn
05:21And we need you to do it as fast as possible
05:24And here is Héloïse's new contract, Danny
05:26We need you to discuss it with her mother and lawyer as soon as possible
05:30Have it signed and back to us ASAP so she can begin filming
05:35I'll try
05:36Don't try, do
05:387am call time tomorrow Héloïse, get your sleep
05:41We'll be back then
05:43Make sure that contract gets signed
05:46Are you ready for all this Héloïse ?
05:48Sure, I think
05:54We'll leave the signed contract in an envelope in the hotel lobby
05:58Thank you so much
05:59Wait, I know someone in town who has a small plane we might be able to use
06:06Will, there is only one person who can save this town and it's you
06:10I think I know who it is
06:13I think you need to stop for tonight Héloïse
06:15Nanny, I'm so excited, I can't believe what's happening
06:18I mean, if Debbie said this movie was going to make her a star
06:21Couldn't that mean the same thing for me ?
06:23Let's just take it one day at a time
06:26I just want you to have fun
06:28I will Nanny, I will
06:30Good, now let's get you ready for bed
06:32You've got to be up early, early, early
06:34I have to leave now Martha, the monster is coming closer to town
06:36And Will here needs my help
06:38I know you're little, but I need you to leave
06:40I know you're little, but I need you to look after your little brother
06:43Can I count on you ?
06:44You can count on me to get your tiny little bottom in bed
06:57I wonder who this is for
07:08Wow, for me ?
07:11Nanny get in, it's wonderful in here
07:14We were expecting Monty
07:16All stars in Mr Murchison's films are driven by limousine, please
07:27This way Héloïse
07:31Good morning Héloïse
07:34Good morning Héloïse
07:35Break a leg Héloïse
07:37My dear, it's like she got famous overnight
07:40Nanny, you know I was always famous
07:43Yes, but just in your own mind pet
07:49Is this acceptable ?
07:56Yes, of course, it's lovely
07:58I'll leave you alone while you get fitted
08:00It's gonna be a long day, let me know if you need anything
08:02Anything at all
08:29It sure was a lot different yesterday
08:31There were like 10 other actors in here with me
08:33Sure, now that you have a big part
08:36You get all our attention for yourself
08:38Isn't that nice ?
08:40I guess
08:41Though it was fun talking to the other actors and stuff
08:44Oh, here's my perfect little girl
08:47Héloïse, you're my new shining star
08:50Hi Diego
08:51I am thrilled that you're doing this part of Rebecca
08:53You will be found
08:55Thanks, I just hope I can do as good a job as Debbie did
08:58Debbie ? Who is this Debbie ?
09:00You know, Debbie Lincoln, the girl I'm replacing
09:03I don't know about any Debbie, I'm not wanting to know
09:06I will see you on the set and we will do great things together, yes ?
09:11Let's go
09:12Oh, I should tell you that the filming schedule is changing
09:15We will not be getting to your scene for, I don't know, an hour or so
09:17No, it's nothing, it's nothing
09:19Hate to tell you, hon
09:21But when he says he's going to do it
09:23Hate to tell you, hon
09:24But when he says an hour, he probably means three
09:27So don't smudge your makeup in the meantime, cutie
09:38Excuse me, Mr. Assistant Director ?
09:40Yes, Héloïse ?
09:41Just wondering, when will we be getting to my first scene ?
09:44It's already been two hours
09:46Well, we're a little behind, kid
09:48I'd say a few hours at least
10:14When ?
10:16Licorice ?
10:19Héloïse !
10:22You're up, kid
10:25Vamos ! Vamos !
10:26Héloïse, we are way behind
10:28This is the scene where you're first meeting Corky's character, Will
10:31We start on page 20 when Corky's broken into your family's farmhouse
10:34And he's looking for clues
10:35You enter and see him and you're afraid
10:37You don't know him or why he's there
10:39You got it ?
10:40Got it
10:41Blazes, we try a rehearsal
10:43Ready ?
10:44Héloïse, behind the door
10:46Ready ?
10:47Héloïse, behind the door
10:48I will cue you when to enter
10:50Action, Corky !
10:52And action, Héloïse !
10:54Hey, what are you doing here ?
10:56Cut ! Cut ! No !
10:57Héloïse, no, no, no, no
10:58You do not see him right away
10:59You come in, you walk there, you take a pose
11:01Then you see him
11:02Oh, ok
11:03Noise nada, noise nada
11:04Let's shoot, we're running so behind
11:06Roll camera
11:08Roll sound
11:10Scene 7B, take one
11:12And action !
11:14Hey, what are you doing here ?
11:15Cut ! No, no, no, not right, not right
11:18Héloïse, you're shocked to see this boy in your house
11:20You must show us this in your face
11:22Ok, sorry
11:23Uno más, con gusto
11:24Going again, places everyone
11:44Hello Ida, how is she doing ?
11:46Well, first scenes are always very hard
11:49First scene ? She's been here all day
11:52Well, we were delayed and Diego is a perfectionist
11:54So he tends to do things over and over again
11:57That's a wrap for today everybody
12:00Oh dear, what a long day you had
12:04Can we just go back to the hotel, Nanny ?
12:06Of course dear, let's go
12:14Nanny, look !
12:18Hi Nanny, hello Héloïse
12:20Is Debbie ok ?
12:21Not really
12:22She just found out that the studio is cancelling her contract
12:26And she's very unhappy
12:28She must hate me
12:29No, she doesn't
12:30She knows how badly she behaved to everyone
12:33She apologized to Diego and to Mr. Murchison
12:36But it's too late
12:38Debbie loves being in movies
12:40It's been a dream of hers her whole life
12:42And she may have ruined her best chance
12:44I feel so bad for her
12:46Sometimes we have to learn things the hard way
12:49She'll get over it, I hope
12:51But good luck to you Héloïse
12:53I know you'll be wonderful in the part
12:55Thank you
12:56We'll be here another couple of days
12:58Maybe we'll see you again
12:59I hope so
13:07I hate this place
13:09I hate to say it Nanny
13:10But this movie thing isn't anything like I thought it would be
13:13Two things I hate the most are waiting around all day
13:16And doing things over and over again
13:18And that's basically all I did today
13:20I know, it seems so glamorous from the outside
13:24But there's a lot of long hours and very tense people
13:28And you have weeks and weeks to go
13:31It was fun the first day when I just had two lines
13:33And everybody was so nice to me
13:36Debbie really should be playing my part
13:38She likes this silly movie business
13:40And I don't know if I ever will
13:42But we signed that contract Héloïse
13:44We need to see this through
13:46I know
13:47But right now I'm missing the plaza
13:49Really, really, really badly
13:51I am too sweetie
13:53I am too
13:57Oh, that must be the messenger
13:59The studio said they were sending over some script changes
14:02You need to learn tonight
14:07Hello Monty, what a nice surprise
14:10I heard the studio was sending someone over
14:12So I volunteered
14:13Thought I'd check up on our little star
14:15Please, come in
14:18I don't feel like much of a star right now Monty
14:20And I'm not sure I ever want to be one
14:22I think Héloïse is having second thoughts about being a movie actress
14:26I'm not surprised
14:27It's not for everyone
14:28But there's no way out
14:33Unless what?
14:43That first take was excellent! Beautiful!
14:45Héloïse, make sure you keep your energy very high
14:47Ok, let's go again
14:48Uno más, con gusto
14:49Roll camera
14:51Well sound
14:53Scene 14A, take 4
14:55And action!
15:06Cut, cut, cut!
15:12Héloïse, are you ok?
15:14My ankle, my ankle!
15:16Can we get a studio doctor on the set immediately?
15:19I'm a doctor
15:20Alright everyone, please give her some room
15:22Ok, just relax honey
15:24What is your name dear?
15:27Ok Héloïse, now tell me, does this hurt?
15:30My ankle!
15:32Oh, it looks bad
15:33Well, I think her ankle is broken, but I won't know until she has an x-ray
15:36But frankly, even if it's not, it's severely sprained
15:39What does this mean?
15:40It means she'll need to be off her feet for weeks, and possibly months
15:46Now does anyone have a car on the lot that can take us to the hospital?
15:49I do
15:50Great, could you please help carry her?
15:58This will kill us
15:59We can't wait for Héloïse to come back, and we can't shoot around her
16:02She's got to be replaced immediately
16:04Any ideas?
16:07What else can we do?
16:10Get me Demi-Lingon!
16:14Stay down
16:19I heard the news, is the kid ok?
16:21Well, we've got to get her to the hospital, pronto
16:44Ok, we're clear
16:46That went great!
16:48My lord, it certainly did
16:51Héloïse, Nanny, this is my good friend and struggling actor, Roger Burt
16:54You know I've been trying to work on the Majesty Pictures lot for years
16:58I never thought I would be playing a phony doctor
17:01You were terrific, Rog
17:03Too bad those studio people can't know you were acting
17:05I'm sure it would have gotten you some work
17:07Well, you did promise me dinner at the Brown Derby, didn't you?
17:10I did, and I'm happy to pay it
17:13Nanny, can we go back home now?
17:15As soon as possible, dear
17:17You know, you ladies haven't really had the trip you were intending to have
17:20I must insist the four of us spend the rest of the day sightseeing
17:24Sound good?
17:26Sounds wonderful
17:28So, once traffic moves, we'll be on our way
17:42To be continued...
18:13Thank you for such an amazingly fun day, Monty
18:16Thank you, Héloïse
18:17But I think we should make our way back to the hotel
18:20Of course, but there's one small stop I think we should make before you girls head back
18:30You'd better limp, just in case anyone sees you
18:33Come on
18:35Hey, this is nice
18:37Are we going to see a film?
18:39Well, just a very small piece of one
18:42I had to call in a favor for this, but I think it will be worth it
18:45Okay, Max, roll them
18:51Scene 7B, take one
18:58Rebecca, what's going on?
19:00Je dois y aller, Martha
19:01Les monstres viennent de plus près de la ville et Wilhelm a besoin de mon aide
19:04Je sais que tu es petite, mais je dois que tu regardes pour ton petit frère
19:07Est-ce que je peux compter sur toi?
19:22Tu ne limpes pas
19:23Oh, oui, je limpe
19:27Tu ne limpes pas
19:28Oh, oui, Michael se sent beaucoup mieux
19:33Je ne pense pas que tu l'as vraiment senti
19:36Bon, peu importe ce qui s'est passé, je veux te remercier
19:39Tu m'as donné une seconde chance de partir du film
19:41Et je vais en faire la plupart
19:43Je sais que tu l'auras
19:44Et merci d'être si gentille avec moi, Héloïse
19:46Je suis désolée que ce soit si horrible pour toi
19:49Tu ne l'as pas mérité
19:50Et je te promets que je t'inviterai à la première du film quand c'est terminé
19:54Merci, Debbie, je ne peux pas attendre
19:56Limpes un pied
19:57Tu veux dire, limpes un pied?
20:10Bienvenue à la maison, Héloïse
20:12Salut les gars
20:14Bienvenue de retour
20:15Alors, comment c'était à Hollywood?
20:17Et qu'est-ce qui s'est passé avec ton gros rôle dans le film?
20:19Oh, j'ai juste décidé que Hollywood est un endroit sympa à visiter
20:22Mais je ne veux pas vivre là
20:24Oh, elle est de retour!
20:28Héloïse! Tu ne sais pas combien on t'a manqué ici
20:31Oh, j'ai manqué tout le monde aussi
20:34Et tu sais quoi? Il y a une personne qui t'a manqué plus que tout le monde
20:37Vraiment? Qui?
20:52Sous-titres réalisés para la communauté d'
21:22Abonnez-vous à notre chaîne!