Soir infos (20:00) - 16/06/2024

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MEDI1TV Afrique : Soir infos (20:00) - 16/06/2024


00:00In Saudi Arabia, more than 1.8 million pilgrims take up the pilgrimage 1445, coinciding this year with the celebration of Eid al-Adha.
00:29The Israeli army announced this Sunday its intention to observe a pause until a new order to facilitate humanitarian aid to the Gaza Strip, a tactical pause that does not mean that Israeli operations will be suspended.
00:43On the occasion of Eid al-Adha, Moroccan citizens are called to get more involved to contribute to the cleanliness of their city.
00:55His Majesty the King Mohammed VI, Amir al-Mu'minin, will perform tomorrow the prayer of Eid al-Adha at the Hassan II Mosque in Tetouan, an announcement made in a statement by the Ministry of the Royal House, the Protocol and the Chancellery.
01:09The prayer of Eid will be broadcast live on the radio and television from 10.30 am.
01:16On the occasion of Eid al-Adha, His Majesty the King Mohammed VI granted the Royal Grace to a group of people convicted by various courts of the Kingdom.
01:27These people are in the number of 1,484 and present as follows.
01:32The beneficiaries who are in detention are in the number of 1,209 detainees.
01:37The beneficiaries who are free are in the number of 275.
01:45On the first day of Eid al-Adha, the faithful Muslims celebrated this Sunday, Amina, the last great ritual of the pilgrimage.
01:51Under a leaden sun, the pilgrims then returned to the Holy City to perform tawaf al-fada around the Kaaba.
01:59The faithful, who arrived on foot later in the day, suffered particularly from the heat, with temperatures exceeding 40 degrees.
02:08This Sunday marks the first day of the celebration of Eid al-Adha.
02:13Eid is celebrated in several countries around the world by millions of Muslims.
02:18The faithful performed the prayer of Eid before sacrificing their sheep to finally gather around a large family meal.
02:26Eid al-Adha is also a celebration of sharing and kindness to those in need.
02:32On the first day of Eid al-Adha, the Palestinians remained under the bombardment of the Israeli army.
02:37The Palestinian enclave has been besieged by Tzahal for more than eight months.
02:41The humanitarian aid is blocked by Israel and reaches the Palestinian outposts.
02:46Since October 7, the Israeli offensive has cost the lives of more than 37,400 Palestinian civilians.
02:53The Israeli army announced this Sunday its intention to observe until further notice a pause to facilitate the process of humanitarian aid in the Gaza Strip.
03:02The Palestinian enclave is devastated by more than eight months of intense bombardment.
03:07This Sunday, shots and a strike hit the city of Rafah in the south.
03:11The Israeli army insisted that despite the tactical pause, there is clearly no cessation of hostilities in the south of Gaza
03:18and the operations in Rafah continue.
03:23In this context of tension in the Middle East, more precisely in Israel, thousands of protesters went down to the streets to express their anger against the government of Benjamin Netanyahu.
03:39The protesters once again demanded the liberation of the hostages and demanded an agreement to cease fire with Hamas.
03:49The participants at the first summit on peace in Ukraine demanded the liberation of the prisoners, the return of deported children and the cessation of hostilities.
03:58At this summit held in Ukraine, in a statement, the participants reaffirmed the principles of sovereignty, independence and territorial integrity of all states, including Ukraine.
04:11The Ivorian president will address the Ivorian Congress on Tuesday.
04:15So, since the announcement of this address to senators and deputies, speculations are on the rise.
04:20What are the real issues?
04:22Element of response with Max Soubi and Ferdinand Kouakou.
04:26It is a speech that is already historically announced.
04:29President Alassane Ouattara will face Congress on Tuesday,
04:32at a time when heads of state continue to entertain confusion about his political future.
04:36For André-Sylvère Conan, journalist and political analyst,
04:40in favor of his speech to deputies and senators,
04:43Alassane Ouattara should make big announcements.
04:46I see several possible scenarios.
04:50The first scenario is that of the announcement of his political retirement.
04:56The second scenario could be that he will delegate important power either to his vice president or to his prime minister.
05:06The third scenario, for me, could consist of making an announcement of the revision of the Constitution.
05:15For example, the reintroduction of the presidential ticket.
05:21For deputies Abdoulaye Benmedite, the president will address the issues of the country's socio-economic life,
05:27in accordance with Article 114 of the Constitution.
05:30So for me, a priori, the President of the Republic will have to remind us of the advances of the Republic,
05:44to share with us the achievements of the Ivoirians.
05:49And at the same time, to feed us with hope in relation to this beautiful vision that he has always shared with us.
05:56I remain convinced that the Ivory Coast is made to shine.
06:01That the Ivory Coast no longer has the right to retreat.
06:07At 16 months from the presidential elections, we could learn more about the political future of the former head of state Laurent Gbabo,
06:14candidate declared for the 2025 presidential election.
06:17Only an amnesty from Alassane Ouattara could re-register his rival Laurent Gbabo on the electoral list
06:23and make his candidacy more constitutional.
06:27Through the different cities of the Kingdom,
06:30sanitation workers clean the streets in this period of Eid al-Adha.
06:34So despite this initiative, Moroccan citizens are called to get more involved to contribute to the cleanliness of their city.
06:41This is a report from Casablanca, from Imen Moujeh Bounzerere and the story of Soheil Jalil.
06:47Casablanca mobilizes 6,000 agents and 1,040 machines to collect waste from Eid al-Adha.
06:53Anticipating about 30,000 tons of waste,
06:56this initiative aims to strengthen efforts to clean and sensitize the environment.
07:07The waste generated by Eid will be exceptional, about 30,000 tons.
07:11We have planned several teams and machines to keep our city clean.
07:15We ask citizens to support our efforts so that this Eid is the cleanest ever.
07:26The cleanliness campaign aims to encourage citizens to adopt respectful environmental behaviors,
07:31in particular by using plastic bags distributed, in addition to rationalizing their water consumption.
07:40It's a great initiative, we have to keep Casablanca clean, it's essential.
07:46In view of the scarcity of water, it is necessary to rationalize its consumption, it is a necessity.
07:54Note that this campaign is part of an action plan launched by the Council of the municipality of Casablanca,
08:00aiming to strengthen the waste collection program and intensify efforts to disinfect,
08:05while emphasizing the importance of adopting respectful environmental behaviors,
08:10thus ensuring sustainable waste management on the occasion of Eid al-Adha.
08:16Excessive consumption of red meat during Eid al-Adha can be translated by the appearance of digestive diseases.
08:23Reporter Ayoub Daraza and Wassim Hedden went to meet experts to understand this trend.
08:29The story is by Souheil Chedil.
08:34During Eid al-Adha, festivities can sometimes lead to health-harmful food excesses.
08:41At the head of the list is the strong consumption of meat and soda,
08:45in order to preserve the health and safety of Moroccans,
08:49doctors and specialists in the field of nutrition call for restraint.
08:56At each Eid, I come for a general check-up to avoid falling into food deficiencies.
09:01I try not to eat too much meat and boil it rather than grill it.
09:05I keep a healthy rhythm and follow the instructions of my doctor.
09:11According to the data of the High Commission on Plants,
09:13the amount of meat consumed by families during Eid al-Adha
09:17represents 41% of the average annual consumption per family.
09:2195% of these families choose to sacrifice sheep.
09:33Sheep meat is highly caloric, this is known.
09:36Therefore, it is important to refrain from eating this meat.
09:40You have to avoid fat in cutlets and in the liver.
09:43I also advise to eat meat during lunch and avoid it during dinner.
09:55Nutritionists advise to drink a lot of water and to moderate the amount of meat
09:59to avoid digestive disorders often caused by excessive consumption.
10:04By adopting these practical advice,
10:06Eid festivities can be both joyful and beneficial for health,
10:10thus allowing everyone to fully enjoy this period without compromising their well-being.
10:17In Morocco, a number of sellers offer seasonal products
10:20often used in this period of sacrifice of sheep,
10:23such as coal, forage and household utensils.
10:26Imane Mouji wants to go and meet them.
10:30Eid al-Adha
10:32On the occasion of Eid al-Adha, seasonal products are more and more widespread
10:36in the different cities of the Kingdom.
10:38The sale of coal, forage and products made from burnt earth
10:41are among the activities that are known to grow considerably during this holiday.
10:49We offer people everything they need,
10:52whether it is coal, salt or even burnt earth utensils.
10:56We help each other.
10:58We sell products with symbolic prices.
11:03These professions respond to the strong demand for various products and accessories
11:07related to this religious occasion.
11:09Most of these professions remain temporary.
11:14Everything is available, whether it is tagine or even kitchen utensils.
11:21For the people who come to Eid al-Adha,
11:24for the people who do not have enough space in their homes,
11:28we offer a hotel for sheep for a symbolic price.
11:31We help each other during this period of Eid.
11:35Most of these activities continue until the eve of Eid,
11:39while others continue during the days following the holiday.
11:42These seasonal professions are an important source of income for many young people.
11:48This Sunday, Tunisians celebrated Eid al-Adha.
11:51Many of them took the opportunity to visit the sanctuary of Imam Hassan Chadli.
11:56Believers gather at the sanctuary of this original imam from Morocco
12:00to gather and get closer to their faith.
12:03This is a report by Najwa Bechat.
12:07The day before the gathering, at least at the holiday,
12:10in Tunisia, people go to Sidi Bel Hassan Chadli.
12:14The ladies' state is the penance of the spirit,
12:17the need to expiate their sins, the invocation of forgiveness.
12:21This takes place at the Sidi Bel Hassan Chadli maqam,
12:25a zawiyah located on the Jalaz hill, south of Tunisia,
12:30where the Friday and Saturday rituals take place.
12:36After the evening prayer, we read Hizb al-Fatihah.
12:39This is what Sidi Bel Hassan wrote on Mount Arafat.
12:42In Tunisia, people continue to repeat what the Sheikh wrote,
12:47then we continue to recite other verses and memories throughout the night.
12:54People come here to nourish their souls and their spirits
12:58by remembering God and reading the Koran.
13:04Born in Morocco, Tunisia was only a step in the path of Bel Hassan Chadli
13:10and his body was buried in Egypt,
13:13but his spirit is still venerated on the hill that bears his name.
13:18His sanctuary in Tunisia is considered an ancient religious and spiritual building,
13:24chosen by Imam Abou Hassan Chadli upon his arrival in Tunisia.
13:29He spent long days praying in the cave located at the top of a high mountain.
13:41There is a strong and spontaneous spiritual attachment to this sanctuary
13:47and to this cave that attracts visitors.
13:50Here, the Koran is recited continuously and has not been interrupted for seven centuries.
13:57Every ten weeks, the Koran is recited in this sanctuary.
14:01This is what we call the Shediliya method,
14:04which remains the best way to get closer to God.
14:09The Shediliya method is essentially linked to the Koran.
14:13The believer comes here to reassure his heart.
14:16It is only in the remembrance of Allah that your hearts will find peace.
14:21Once the ritual is over, everyone goes to the lower Marara,
14:25which is located below the upper Marara.
14:29It is a narrow and dark cave.
14:31This is where Bel Hassan Chadli,
14:34where he spent the clearest time of his life,
14:37in invocations, prayer and divine interiorization.
14:45The mausoleum is still the meeting place of the Shediliya Sophie Confery,
14:50which is of great importance in Tunisia,
14:52to gather people from families as well as those who are poor.
14:58From Tunisia, Najwa Bechat, for Media.
15:02This year, because of the high prices,
15:05many households have not been able to buy sheep.
15:09This is a report from Abuja, from Gilbert Tamba.
15:15Nigerian Muslims celebrate Tabaski with a ritual cult,
15:19which consists in going to the prayer ground in the morning,
15:23to offer sacrifices, mainly sheep,
15:26and to share meals with family and friends.
15:29But this year, the atmosphere is not the same
15:32because the price of sheep has exploded compared to last year.
15:42Customers complain about the price of sheep.
15:44They complain seriously.
15:46This is how the situation is now.
15:48But we thank God.
15:50When this period is over, prices may drop.
15:54If this time passes, maybe the thing will come down.
16:17Business is moving well, not as...
16:23...not as last year.
16:25Last year, when we arrived here with sheep,
16:28we were able to sell everything.
16:30But this time, there is no money.
16:32People no longer come as before.
16:39This year, many are preparing for what could be
16:42the most expensive salary for more than three decades.
16:46Nigeria currently has the highest inflation rate
16:49for more than 30 years.
16:52The country has not experienced such a serious situation
16:55for decades.
17:02This is a problem that we all currently know in the country
17:05because of a very high inflation,
17:07especially because of the increase in fuel prices
17:10and the suppression of subsidies,
17:12which has affected almost the entire market.
17:15These are the major causes of this situation.
17:19For most Nigerians,
17:21the Muslim festival of Tabaski
17:24is a period of vibrant celebration,
17:26sharing of food and generous gifts
17:28within their neighborhood.
17:30The houses of Muslim faithful
17:32and local mosques are livened up
17:34with the traditional shearing of the sheep,
17:37a very appreciated element of festivity.
17:41The world celebrates today the African child,
17:44the theme for this year's celebrations
17:47is education for all children in Africa.
17:50The time has come.
17:52UNICEF has published new analyses
17:54on the financing of education in the world.
17:56The majority of African countries
17:58do not fulfill their commitments
18:00to allocate 20% of their national budget to education,
18:03as recommended by the Framework of Action
18:05for Sustainable Development Goals for Education.
18:08Only nine African countries have agreed to these recommendations.
18:18UNICEF therefore deplores the non-respect
18:21of the commitments of many African countries
18:23to allocate 20% of their national budget to education.
18:26For Nioko Baidjouf,
18:28former director of the Promotion of Rights
18:30and Protection of Children,
18:32solutions must be implemented.
18:34I suggest you listen to him.
18:36The solutions, as I said,
18:38need to focus more on school facilities,
18:44starting with primary schools,
18:50then elementary schools,
18:52and also higher education.
18:54We need to reduce the number of school facilities
18:57to put children in acceptable conditions.
19:00In many places in Africa,
19:02children do not have access to electricity.
19:07In some schools,
19:09health facilities are a problem.
19:13This is a problem between girls and boys.
19:16So, for the education of children,
19:19I think that the directors should focus more
19:24on strengthening these facilities,
19:28training the teachers,
19:31so that there is still an insufficient number.
19:35We need to allocate more resources
19:39and also to look at educational programs
19:43to allow children to be in phase
19:48with what awaits them in the future.
19:53All of this requires a deep refinement.
19:57We have the education system,
20:00which is copied from the colonization until now.
20:04It is the same education system that continues.
20:07It is a refinement in relation to the needs of African realities
20:11and also in relation to what is being taught now,
20:16which does not allow children,
20:20teenagers, adults,
20:22to find a job.
20:25So, it is difficult for many.
20:28We must first build enough schools,
20:32to allow access to children
20:35so that they can have access to education.
20:39The schools that were given for free
20:42are no longer provided.
20:44Education is too expensive for some parents.
20:47So, it becomes a struggle to be a right for the child.
20:50So, this is all that we need to see.
20:53We must try to alleviate,
20:56in any case, the weight of education on the parents first,
20:59but also to see the orientation that will be given to our education
21:03to make it much more effective and useful for our nations.