FTS 8:30 17-06: Colombian govt. rejected the attack against the father of the VP

  • 3 months ago
FTS 8.30
*Israeli PM dissolves War Cabinet
*Muslims mark 2d day of Eid Al-Adha
00:00The government of Colombia denounced the attack perpetrated in the rural area of Jamundi,
00:18Cauca, against the father of the country's vice president, Francia Marquez.
00:25In Israel, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu dissolved the World Cabinet and made internal
00:29and international pressures.
00:34In Saudi Arabia, hash programs performed tawaf at Mecca's Grand Mosque as Muslims marked
00:39aid at Adha.
00:44Hello and welcome from the south, I'm Luis Alberto Matos from Televisu Studios in Havana,
00:50We begin with the news.
00:51In Colombia, on Sunday, Sigifredo Marquez, father of the vice president of Colombia,
00:55Francia Marquez, suffered an attack when he was traveling through the Cauca department
00:59in a bulletproof van.
01:00During the incident, Marquez was accompanied by his six-year-old grandson, nephew of the
01:04vice president, both got out unharmed.
01:07In this regard, Cuba Press released the president of Colombia condemned the event and stated
01:13that these attacks against civilians are a flagrant violation to human rights.
01:17Florida is also informed that the military forces will continue with the offensive against
01:21armed groups in the area that use violence and keep difficulting the peace ways in Colombia.
01:30Regarding this incident, Venezuela's vice president, Dulce Rodriguez, expressed in a
01:36social media excerpt condemnation of the attack on the father of Colombia's vice president,
01:40Francia Marquez, Sigifredo Marquez Trujillo, who escaped unharmed from the aggression while
01:44traveling between the departments of Cauca and Valladolid-Cauca.
01:47Rodriguez also expressed that violence would never have any justification in a society
01:52that seeks peace.
01:57In Argentina, 16 people remain in high-security prison after the violent repression of mobilizations
02:02against the approval of the Basis Law.
02:05In this context, five days after the brutal repression against the peaceful demonstrators
02:09who were trying to reach the National Congress, a total of 16 people, among them university
02:13students, continue to be detained.
02:15Should be noted that before being transferred to prisons, they were held in illegal detention
02:19for 48 hours, accused of terrorism.
02:22In a dissent on Friday, Judge Maria Servini clarified the situation of the 33 people detained
02:27at the request of Prosecutor Stornelli and decided to release 17 people for lack of evidence.
02:42In Argentina, the Oil and Gas Union of Rio Negro, Neuquén and La Pampa announced it
02:47will go on strike for 48 hours to demand better salaries, which will affect the production
02:52of the Vaca Muerta oil field.
02:54The strike will take place next Tuesday, starting at 8 a.m. and was decided after the failure
02:58of the negotiation instances between the Petroleuro Union and the companies of the sector.
03:04The Secretary of the Union, Marcelo Ruzzi, declared that the strike will be carried out
03:08under freedom of action in order to avoid having to comply with a call for compulsory
03:14This field, which covers an area of 30,000 square kilometers, is one of the largest unconventional
03:19oil and gas formations in the world, and it is an important resource for the country's
03:24energy production.
03:32In the United States, the rules for the electoral debate between current President Joe Biden
03:36and Republican virtual candidate Donald Trump have been established and accepted for both
03:42The meeting between the candidates of the Republican Democratic Party, scheduled for
03:46June 27, will be the first one before the November 5 elections.
03:50The debate has the particularity of being held several months in advance, being usually
03:55held a few weeks before the voting.
03:57It will last 90 minutes and will have two commercial breaks.
04:00The candidates will only be able to interact with their campaign teams during the off-air
04:04time, they will not be allowed to bring notes and will be placed at identical electrons.
04:10The positions of each one will be determined by flipping a coin.
04:15Also, the microphones will only be open when each candidate has to speak.
04:23In the United States authorities in the town of Methueno, the state of Massachusetts, on
04:26Sunday reported a shooting that occurred during a private party.
04:30In this way, police stated that the shooting left eight people injured or youth between
04:34the ages of 17 and 22, while two of them are in critical condition in a hospital.
04:39In this regard, Methuen police chief Scott McNamara said that no suspects have been identified
04:44nor have the weapons used in the attack been recovered.
05:14Also, in the United States authorities evacuated 1,200 people after a wildfire in northern
05:28Los Angeles.
05:29The fire spread more than nine kilometers near a highway in the community of Gorman,
05:33while threatening to spread towards populated areas.
05:36Fire crews said the blaze spread to the southeast of the region where nearby structures and
05:40major highways were located.
05:42In the face of the fire, fire crews constructed perimeter fire lines while aircraft worked
05:46to stop the advance of the fire.
05:48California State Park Services evacuated 1,200 people from the Hungry Valley Recreation Area
05:54in Gorman, and both Hungry Valley and the Pyramid Lake Reservoir were closed as a result
05:58of the fire threat.
06:05In Guatemala authorities report overflowing rivers and flash floods due to rains in several
06:09departments in the southwest region.
06:11The Red Cross reported that some families in the San Marcos and Alta Verapaz departments
06:15and in other areas have been affected by the rains, which have caused rivers to overflow.
06:20The Red Cross said that in the affected regions there are also reports of falling trees and
06:24that they are assessing the situation on the ground.
06:27Quetzaltenango firefighters have confirmed that at least 12 families had to be evacuated
06:32from their homes due to rising water levels.
06:35Avoidees have reported mature losses but no human fatalities, but they are on alert to
06:39tend to the emergencies.
06:47Also in Honduras, the authorities issued a green alert for the next 72 hours for the
06:51Central District, which includes the cities of Tegucigalpa and Comayaguala.
06:55The measure was second made by the early warning system in view of information provided by
06:59weather experts, which indicates that there is a high probability rains may continue throughout
07:04the weekend, causing floods and landslides.
07:08Please urge citizens to take precautions and follow the instructions of emergency agencies
07:12in case preventive evacuations should be undertaken in at-risk areas.
07:21Let's now take a short break, but remember you can join us on Tiktok at Telesol English
07:25where you will find news in different formats, news updates and much more.
07:32Other stories coming up, stay with us.
07:38Stay with us, stay with us, stay with us, stay with us, stay with us, stay with us,
08:07stay with us, stay with us, stay with us.
08:11Welcome back.
08:12The Prime Minister of Israel Benjamin Netanyahu decided to dissolve the World Cabinet created
08:16after the re-operation of the Palestinian resistance at Aqsa flood launched on October
08:21The dissolution of the World Cabinet comes barely a week after the leader of National
08:24Unity Ex-General Benny Gantz and his partner Gadi Eysenckot left it because of their disagreements
08:30with Netanyahu, places now claimed by the extreme right.
08:34The move comes nine months after the start of the genocide in the Gaza Strip.
08:39It also comes at a time when Netanyahu is under pressure at the internal level for not
08:43reaching an agreement to release the detainees in Gaza, and at the international level with
08:48an arrest warrant from the International Criminal Court and a genocide lawsuit filed by South
08:52Africa at the Hague Tribunal.
08:58Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu also clarified that the fighting in Rafah
09:01will continue as planned for the military's announcement of a tactical pause in military
09:05activity which would last 11 hours a day, on part of the road connecting the enclave.
09:11The aim is to allow humanitarian aid trucks to reach the current Shalom crossings, but
09:14according to a statement from his office, he clarified these humanitarian pauses as
09:18unacceptable, although he has stopped short of cancelling them.
09:22The dispute is led in a series of clashes between members of Netanyahu's coalition
09:26and the army over the management of the war.
09:29This happened a week after former General Benny Gantz announced his resignation from
09:32the war cabinet, saying that Netanyahu did not have an effective strategy on Gaza.
09:41In Palestine, entire lineages of families have been wiped out as a result of the genocide
09:45perpetrated by Israel in the Gaza Strip.
09:47According to a journalistic investigation reported, at least 60 cases in which Palestinian
09:51families have lost at least 25 of their members due to Israeli attacks.
09:57According to the report, some bombings have killed four generations of the same family.
10:02Among the most tragic cases are 80 murder members of the extended Abu al-Tusam family,
10:08the Mughrabi family, which lost more than 70 members in a single airstrike.
10:11In December, 50 members of the Abu Nayab family were killed in the October attacks, including
10:16at least two pregnant women.
10:24The Palestinian government reported daily losses of almost US$20 million due to the
10:28ongoing Israeli aggression against the occupied territories.
10:32According to the Palestinian Ministry of Economy, the economic life cycle was disrupted by the
10:36decrease of cash flow due to the Israeli piracy of tax dues and the loss of almost half a
10:41million jobs since October 2023.
10:43It also warned that by the end of 2024, the domestic product is expected to fall by more
10:48than 10%.
10:50International Labour Conference and the Palestinian Central Statistics Office revealed that unemployment
10:54rate in the Gaza Strip reached 79.1% and in the West Bank, 32%.
10:59Government authorities warned that billions of dollars would be needed to reverse the
11:03unprecedented destruction of its economy and infrastructure.
11:10Also in Palestine, prisoners' rights organizations denounced that Israel is holding at least
11:149,300 civilians, including 250 children and 74 women, in prisons or detention centers.
11:23According to the Palestinian Prisoners' Society, at least 899 Palestinians are being
11:27held in Israeli custody as unlawful combatants.
11:31On the other hand, the organization specified that more than 3,400 civilians are currently
11:36under administrative detention, meaning they are being held without charge or trial, based
11:41on undisclosed evidence.
11:43Of these, there are approximately 680 Nis who are serving life sentences, for whom the
11:48occupation authorities intend to sentence to life imprisonment.
11:56And the United Nations Department for Children's Warns of Rising Temperatures Threatened Displayed
12:01Children in Gaza Strip.
12:03UNICEF detailed that the situation of the children in the refugee camps is worsening
12:07due to the beginning of the hot season that intensifies the sanitary crisis.
12:11About 90% of them suffer from extreme food poverty and lack access to clean water and
12:16basic necessities.
12:18According to the latest report of the body, more than 3,000 children in Gaza live in severe
12:22malnutrition and are at risk of death due to the lack of medical attention caused by
12:27the aggressions and blockades of Israel.
12:33And in other news, the Iranian government has pardoned over 2,600 detainees amid Muslim
12:38holiday celebrations.
12:40On June 17, Muslims celebrate Eid al-Adha, also known as the Feast of Sacrifice, which
12:46marks the last day of the rituals of Hajj, the annual Muslim pilgrimage to the city
12:50of Mecca.
12:51The feast recalls the Quranic story that God provided a lamb to the prophet Abraham to
12:56be sacrificed in place of his son Ismail, after providing that he would obey any divine
13:03According to the Iranian constitution, the supreme spiritual leader, currently Sayyid
13:06Ali Khamenei, after investigating the files of the detainees, has the power to grant pardons
13:11or reduce the sentences of prisoners during national religious holidays.
13:41Welcome back.
14:00An Asian official from the Korean presidential office said on Wednesday that Russian President
14:05Vladimir Putin is expected to visit North Korea this week.
14:08The last time Putin traveled to North Korea was in the year 2000, when he visited Pyongyang
14:12to meet with the country's then leader Kim Jong-il, the father of current leader Kim
14:16Jong-un, so this visit might be the first one to occur after 24 years, a time in which
14:21both countries have maintained friendly ties.
14:23In September of last year, Kim Jong-un made a visit to the Russian Far East, where he
14:27had a face-to-face meeting with Putin, who gave him a tour of the Bosnian Cosmodrome
14:32and showcased two Russian-made Urus limousines.
14:36The Russian leader, who was formally invited to visit North Korea back in January of this
14:40year, went from Pyongyang, called Putin the closest friend of the Korean people, and said
14:44he would warmly welcome him with all his heart.
15:02The so-called Summit on Peace in Ukraine ended in Switzerland without consensus, in
15:07which the countries of the Global South did not subscribe to the final declaration.
15:11Saudi Arabia, Mexico, South Africa, Brazil and the United Arab Emirates were among the
15:15delegations that did not sign the preliminary document, considering it meaningless, since
15:20the meeting did not count with the presence of Russia, which is fundamental for reconciliation
15:24as one of the parties in conflict.
15:26With this meeting, Ukraine was seeking to increase diplomatic pressure on Moscow and
15:31to consolidate international support.
15:37The Russian Armed Forces advanced and neutralized attacks by the Ukrainian army near the city
15:42of Kharkov.
15:43The Russian Defense Ministry said a number of Ukrainian brigades' equipment was destroyed
15:46in the areas of Olchansk and Ternova.
15:49During the operation, units of the Northern and Western Groups shot down several intelligence
15:54equipment, destroyed two tanks, three cars and two anti-drone electronic warfare stations.
15:59The Russian Defense Ministry detailed that a total of 845 Ukrainian soldiers died during
16:03those operations.
16:10And European gas imports from Russia surpassed those of the United States for the first time
16:16in two years.
16:17According to local media, data recorded in May revealed that Russian shipments of gas
16:22and liquefied natural gas accounted for 15 percent of total supplies to the European
16:26Union, despite the region's efforts to get rid of Russian fossil fuels since the special
16:30military operation in Ukraine.
16:32For expert analysis, this is evidence of Europe's challenge to further reduce dependence on
16:37Russian gas, as several countries on the continent still rely on imports from their neighbors.
16:42They also consider Russia is in a better position to bear the economic pain that many Western
16:48And in Saudi Arabia, harsh pilgrims performed tawaf at Mecca's Grand Mosque as Muslims marked
16:57Eid al-Adha.
16:58During their religious ceremony, pilgrims made seven laps around the Kaaba, the large
17:02black cubic structure at the center of the Grand Mosque.
17:04Authorities announced that at least 14 pilgrims had succumbed to an extreme heat wave, highlighting
17:09the acute physical toll of the annual rites, which in recent years have fallen due to the
17:13hot Saudi summer.
17:15It should be noted that this pilgrimage is one of the largest annual religious gatherings
17:19in the world.
17:29And gathered on a football pitch in Port Sudan, Sudanese worshippers performed Eid al-Adha
17:33prayers, marking the end of the harsh pilgrimage as war crimes in the country.
17:39Participants prayed for the end of the war between the Sudanese army and the so-called
17:43rabid support forces.
17:44The faithful also prayed for an end to the killings and for the return of citizens displaced
17:48by the war.
17:54We have come to the end of this news brief.
17:56You can find these and many other stories on our website, Tesser English.net, also join
18:00us on social media, Facebook, Instagram, Telegram and TikTok.
18:04For Tesser English, I'm Luis Alberto Matos, thank you for watching.
18:13And I'll see you in the next video.
