FTS 12:30 27-08: Venezuela hosted 11th Extraordinary ALBA-TCP Summit

  • last month
FTS 12.30
*West Bank citizens go on strike following Israeli attacks
*India: police repressed protest against doctor’s murder


00:00The 11th Extraordinary Summary of the Peruvian Alliance for the Peoples of America's People's
00:14Trade Treaty ended in Caracas, Venezuela.
00:18The descents in both Antúlcar and Governorates occupied by the West Bank carried out a general
00:25strike following the killing of more than five Palestinians in Gaza by Israeli forces.
00:33And in India, police forces repressed protests triggered
00:35by the killing of an on-duty trainee doctor at a Kolkata city hospital.
00:44Hello, welcome from the South. I'm Luis Alberto Matos from Televiso Studios in Havana, Cuba.
00:50We begin with the news. The countries of ALBA-TCP, the Bolivarian Alternative for
00:54the Peoples of our Americas, ratified their support to Nicolás Maduro's re-elected president
00:59of Venezuela and condemned the non-recognition of the results by some governments that have
01:03joined the fraught narrative of the far-right. The report with Madeline Garcia.
01:09An extraordinary summit at a decisive moment for peace in Venezuela.
01:13That is what the meeting of the ALBA-TCP member countries was all about,
01:17to raise their voices in support of the re-election of President Nicolás Maduro,
01:21after the attendant coup d'etat at the disavowal of his triumph by some governments.
01:28The will of the majority must be respected. The Venezuelan people voted with full conscience
01:35in favor of dignity, their sovereignty and for peace, and have supported that vote
01:41with massive popular demonstrations in the streets all over Venezuela. Although those facts,
01:48as Maduro explained, have been silenced or diminished by biased reports, openly pro-opposition
01:57by the western media that serve the empire.
02:02They condemned the interference of the United States and its allies and the same failed script
02:07that for more than two decades they have applied against Venezuela to destabilize the country.
02:12In the case of Venezuela, there is a class in the United States that is interested
02:21in appropriating the resources of Venezuela, such as oil. And this has happened not only in Venezuela,
02:31but also in Latin America and the Caribbean. We still have to exercise those forces of politics.
02:42Those forces of the United States.
02:48Nicaraguan President Daniel Ortega asked Brazilian President Lula for respect and
02:52also spoke clearly to the Colombian president.
02:58If you want me to respect you, respect me, Lula. If you want the Bolivarian people to respect you,
03:07respect the victory of President Nicolás Maduro. And don't go there as a drag.
03:15To Petro. What can I say to Petro? Poor Petro. I see him competing with Lula
03:28to see who will be the next representative of the Yankees in Latin America.
03:36President Nicolás Maduro reiterated his denunciation of the attempted coup d'état
03:41and word of the resurgence of fascism worldwide, but 2.0.
03:47Today, it is very clear that there is a resurgence and a resurgence of fascism,
03:55which some call neo-fascism. Okay, neo-fascism.
04:00But there is no doubt that it is reinforced with the strength of the hatred of surrender
04:09and the destruction of the national state and social rights and the recolonization and surrender
04:15of our country to the empire of the United States of America.
04:21There is no doubt today that in Europe, in South America, in the United States of America,
04:29there is a powerful resurgence of fascism.
04:37The Venezuelan president said that Venezuela is preparing for a mega election in 2025
04:42to renew local governments and deputies who have disregarded the constitution and laws
04:47may not be able to participate.
04:49The summit closed with a final declaration condemning interference, violence,
04:54the attempted coup d'état, fascism, expressing solidarity with the Venezuelan people,
04:58the re-election of President Nicolás Maduro,
05:00and ratifying Latin America and the Caribbean as a territory of peace.
05:08New York News during the third day of the summit.
05:11As a territory of peace.
05:17In our news during the third trilateral meeting of the Tripartite Mechanism on Migration,
05:22Colombia, Panama, and the United States saw the alternative to protect the rights of
05:26immigrants. The meeting took place on Monday in the city of Cartagena,
05:30in the Colombian Caribbean. There the host foreign minister Luis Gilberto Murillo,
05:34his Venemanian counterpart Javier Martínez Asha, and the Secretary of Homeland Security
05:39of the United States Alejandro Mallorca agreed on a series of commitments to guarantee regular
05:44migration in different nations. The head of Colombian diplomacy highlighted the importance
05:49of these trilateral relations and welcomed the fact that they have shared some common
05:54points that allow for the management of orderly, safe, and humane migration.
05:59The three countries commit to strengthen cooperation to dismantle migrant trafficking
06:09and smuggling networks, improve humanitarian assistance to migrant populations,
06:13and seek protection mechanisms for vulnerable groups, including humanitarian options.
06:20The Colombian military dismantled a mega-laboratory for the processing of cocaine in the Putumayo
06:25Department, bordering Ecuador. Authorities estimate the facility was capable of producing
06:30around five tons of the drug per month. The facility consisted of eight structures,
06:34where troops found 5,000 gallons of liquid precursor chemicals, 1,000 kilos of solid
06:39inputs, and 200 kilos of pure cocaine, among other products. The army says the site could
06:45have held over a dozen people and was likely operated by a dissident FARC group. The country
06:50saw a nearly 13 percent increase in coca cultivation in 2022,
06:55reaching a record high of 230,000 hectares, according to the latest UN report.
07:05On Monday, Prime Minister of Haiti Gary Conell met with the U.S. Ambassador to Haiti Dennis
07:10Hunkins to discuss the upcoming elections in the country. The goal of the meeting,
07:14which was also attended by electoral experts in Ciudad Guadalajara, was to debate on the
07:19process and preparations related to the national conference, the constitution of reform, and the
07:24organization of general elections in Haiti. The interim government is called to hold elections
07:29before February 2026. Thus, the Prime Minister has guaranteed his commitment to the success
07:34of the transition and the organization of credible, transparent, and democratic elections.
07:39In Argentina, the case of lawmaker Jeheman Quisca, accused of pedophilia,
07:44spills over to the Libertarian government, especially to the Minister of Security Patricia
07:48Bullrich. Quisca is a legislator of the Freedom Advances Party in the Misiones province,
07:53northeast of the country. He and his brother, Sebastián, were found to have conclusive
07:57evidence of child exploitation and sexual trafficking. Before turning into a parliamentarian,
08:02Quisca was a member of the National League for the Prevention of Sexual Abuse,
08:06Before turning into a parliamentarian, Quisca had a YouTube channel dedicated to children.
08:11After finding irrefutable evidence, the judge Miguel Ángel Faria issued a warrant for his arrest,
08:16but he managed to flee just before the police arrived. The doubts now fall on the Minister
08:21of Security, who is in charge of the police and who, at the time, publicly supported the pedophile.
08:27I stand by German Quisca. He is a nominee for provincial legislator grounded in he is a graduate
08:32in international relations. He dreams of a comprehensive Misiones province with production
08:38and work. He dreams that every citizen has a job and that everyone can be an entrepreneur.
08:45This is the dream that we all share, so good luck to Quisca for this election.
08:49Let's now take a short break, but remember you can join us on Facebook, Twitter,
08:54Let's now take a short break, but remember you can join us on TikTok at Terrestrial English,
08:58where you'll find news in different formats, news updates and much more.
09:03We'll be right back, stay with us.
09:23Welcome back. On Monday, the 53rd Pacific Island Forum leaders meeting PIF opening
09:43in Nuku'alofa, capital of Tonga, and it will be held until Friday, August 30th,
09:47as governments need to take urgent actions for countering climate change.
09:51On the forum, over 1,500 delegates from over 40 nations are making proposals aligned with the
09:572050 strategy aimed at building a resilient Pacific region of peace, security, social
10:03inclusion and prosperity. Participants urge the world's biggest polluters to do much more to jump
10:09off to green energy consumption as low-laying island countries are the most affected, although
10:14they are the lowest greenhouse gas emitters worldwide. Special guests, UN Secretary-General
10:19delivered a keynote speech on this regard.
10:49We absolutely need all G20 countries to come together to use the best technologies available
10:55within the G20, to use the financial resources that exist within the G20 and in multilateral
11:01development institutions, and to have a concerted global action to have a drastic reduction of
11:08emissions until 2030. If that does not happen, we will be in an irreversible situation with
11:18absolutely devastating consequences. On Tuesday, Sudan in northeast Africa
11:24marked 500 days of war, one of the worst crises in the continent that appears to be also the most
11:29forgotten. With nearly 12,000 wounded and 15.7 million children at risk of mental harm,
11:34the country is experiencing an unprecedented humanitarian crisis that is particularly hard
11:39on children. Fighting between the rapid support forces and the Sudanese armed forces has generated
11:44the largest crisis of displaced people in the world, which currently stands at 10 million.
11:50One in five people in the country is in this condition, and at the moment,
11:55malnutrition is on the rise and hunger and sexual violence are at unprecedented levels.
12:05On Tuesday, citizens in Bethlehem and Tulkarem governorates occupied West Bank carried out a
12:27general strike following the killing of more than five Palestinians in Gaza by Israeli forces.
12:32Israeli troops attacked Noor Shams first with drones and then assaulted the area with
12:36military vehicles, while reconnaissance planes flew over the city at low altitude.
12:41During the attack, occupation forces killed two youths aged 15 and 16, with the latest
12:46attacks of what is reported 40,435 people killed to date since the Israeli genocide began last year.
12:53The Islamic Jihad also condemned the attacks and accused Israel of launching an open war
12:57against Palestinians.
13:04And also in Palestine, the new evacuation order issued by the Zionist government of
13:08Benjamin Netanyahu for Gaza forces United Nations humanitarian agencies to suspend
13:12operations in the enclave. The United Nations decided to halt the operations of its agencies
13:17in the Gaza Strip following the latest order to evacuate its facilities in Deir al-Bala,
13:22the last site where this international organization had to be located after
13:26several previous evacuation orders. Officials in charge of the security of these agencies
13:31reiterate that it is impossible to operate in such conditions. They assure that they are working to
13:36resume operations as soon as possible and reiterate that they will not withdraw from the Gaza Strip
13:42because the people need them.
13:56The 20th edition of the World Under 20 Athletic Championships began on Tuesday in the city of Lima,
14:12This 2024 will be the third time that this championship will be held in South America.
14:171,720 athletes under the age of 20 from 134 countries have been confirmed,
14:23making this the largest event ever held in the country. With a capacity of 7,500 spectators,
14:30the Vedena Athletic Stadium will be the venue for the competitions.
14:33The championship will be attended by international athletes who stood out in the last Olympic Games,
14:38such as South African Bradley Nkwana, Olympic medalist in Paris, who will compete in the 100
14:43and 200 meters, as well as Jamaican Alana Reid, who helped her country reach the Olympic final
14:48in the 4 by 100 meters relay, now competing in the 100 meters.
14:55In France, the Paralympic Games in Paris 2024,
14:57the team of refugees will be made up of a record number of eight athletes.
15:03With just one day to go before the start of the Paris 2024 Paralympic Games from August 28th to
15:08September 8th, the International Paralympic Committee has announced that T11 sprinter Guillaume
15:13Junior Atungano of Cameroon will be the flag bearer for the Paralympic refugee team
15:18at Wednesday's opening ceremony on the Champs-Elysees and Place de la Concorde.
15:22The eight refugee athletes are Zakiya Khudadadi from Afghanistan, Ibrahim Al-Hussein from Syria,
15:28Salman Abariki from Iran, Hadi Darvish from Iran, Sayed Amir Hossein Hosseinipour from Iran,
15:34Emilio Castro from Colombia and Hadi Hassanzadeh from Afghanistan, who will compete in six sports,
15:39track and field, weightlifting, table tennis, taekwondo, triathlon and wheelchair fencing.
16:09Welcome back. In India, protests triggered by the killing of a trainee doctor were repressed
16:29by police. This way, the murder of a physician while on duty at a Kolkata city hospital has sparked
16:34protests across the country, with citizens stating the case showcases the chronic issue of violence
16:39against women in India. For the crime, a police volunteer was detained, but the family of the
16:45victim alleged that more people were involved. Presently, demonstrators also demanded the
16:49resignation of West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee for her handling of the case.
16:55During the protests that so far, student activists arrested, police fired tear gas
16:59and water cannons to disperse the crowd. The uproar has also led thousands of doctors and
17:04paramedics to walk out of some public hospitals across the nation to demand a safer working
17:08environment. You political leaders are not fulfilling the promises you had made to us
17:18before coming into power. You are exploiting the people of Bengal and atrocities are being
17:24committed against us.
17:39The Cuban Ministry of Culture and UNESCO hosted an international conference in Havana to commemorate
17:4430 years of a program destined to break the silence on slavery and its traces that continue
17:49to the present. Collaborator in Havana, Belen de los Santos, had details.
17:54New narratives, memory, resistance and vindication. That is the title under which
18:00Cuba is hosting an international conference in celebration of the 30 years of UNESCO's program,
18:06The Route of the Enslaved People, dedicated to the building of a common memory of resistance
18:13that breaks the silence over one of humanity's largest tragedies that continues to shape
18:18today's world. We are commemorating these 30 years of creative and educational work
18:25to educate people against all traces of racism, racial discrimination and xenophobia.
18:34Slavery also hit us. It's part of our history and it is present in literature.
18:40It's present in art and in Cuban writers, in essayists, in narrators, in poets.
18:48And visual artists have also had it as a reference. It is a scourge that is still latent.
18:58The Vice President of the Scientific Committee of UNESCO's program, Dudu Dien,
19:02highlights the importance of this collective memory as the spirit of slavery persists in
19:08the modern world. In this context, the creative resistance of Afro-descendants
19:13continues to offer possible answers to present challenges.
19:18The ideological pillar of slavery is still there. It is being now expressed by the neoliberalism
19:27system, which puts the market at the centre of life. And what is interesting for me,
19:33the lesson I'm drawing, is that the Afro-descendants, and this conference is showing it,
19:40by their history, by their very intelligent, creative intelligence of resistance,
19:49have represented one of the forces of the modern world
19:54who can neutralise the dehumanisation of the neoliberal system.
20:03Among the program's objectives is the need to deconstruct previous discourses
20:09that continue to support a system of racial oppression. According to Nigerian Nobel Prize
20:14winning author Wallace Oyinka, art plays a significant role in this battle.
20:20Art is a sanctuary. Not just individual alone, but collective. As you can see when you visit
20:28galleries, when you go to theatre, when you go to a music hall, a concert hall,
20:34you see that it's both individual and collective.
20:38That's why I think that despite all the pains, all the frustrations, sometimes even failures,
20:48to be engaged in that occupation for me is one of the greatest gifts to mankind.
20:54In this context, the program organised by Cuban Ministry of Culture, UNESCO and the Fernando
21:00Ortiz Foundation, included a visit to an exhibition of Cuban artist Manuel Mendiva.
21:06According to Cuban Museum of Fine Arts director Jorge Hernandez, Mendiva's work is an example of
21:12the possibility of resignifying the past that shaped the Cuban and Caribbean culture and
21:17transforming it into new forms of resistance. Mendiva's work is not a work that incites hatred,
21:26that incites rancor. As his exhibit's name says, bread with guava, a happy life,
21:33which by the way is also a snack, a typical meal for any Cuban. In a time of emergency,
21:39you prepare a piece of bread with guava and you kill your hunger and you say,
21:43well, I'm over hunger now, which is a feeling as agonising as thirst.
21:48But that hunger and thirst, in Mendiva, is made into happiness. He has always been for unity,
21:55for national unity, for cultural unity, for unity of colours, for racial unity.
22:02This is very important, because we all have to get together and love each other,
22:07so that we can continue to love one another and make our neighbours also love as much as we love
22:12ourselves. Just as Manuel Mendiva's work speaks of unity, Cuba continues to be an example in the
22:22world of the people's capacity for solidarity and resilience. That is why, in the words of
22:35Waldo Joynca, Cuba is to this day a part of Africa. Cuba is something for us, even on the
22:43African continent, to point out as possibilities. Despite all the difficulties, despite the
22:52inhuman privations, and I'm talking about sanctions, despite all of that, Cubans have kept
23:00their dignity. So it's one of the reasons why we cannot let Cuba go from Africa, because it
23:06represents certain values, which are important to us also as human beings.
23:25Like this, we have come to the end of this news brief. You can find this and many other
23:29stories on our website www.terrestrianglish.net. So join us on social media, Facebook, Instagram,
23:34Telegram and TikTok. For Terrestrial English, I'm Luis Alberto Matos. Thank you for watching.
