• last year
00:00I love interval sprints. Why? Because they're awful.
00:03So when I'm in the gym and I find something that I really don't like,
00:06I'll try to make it my favorite thing. So right now, currently, interval sprints
00:10in the street, when it's really hot out, it's my favorite.
00:14Hi, I'm Chad Michael Murray, and today I'm going to show you what my workout looks like.
00:19Let's go.
00:19For me, fitness has been everything. I grew up in a house of a lot of boys,
00:32so you better be in shape or you're going to get your butt kicked.
00:34And I grew up playing football and soccer and you name it. So
00:38it was always about just being at your best, right? And over the years, I've learned,
00:42especially growing up now in this industry, how to get my best, how to be ready on screen,
00:47how to stay mentally, physically, and spiritually centered so that I'm ready for my next project.
00:53And a lot of it starts in here. I've never been asked to get in shape,
00:59or specifically. Have I done it because the script may have said he has abs?
01:04Yeah. Maybe there's an outside chance that's happened.
01:07And I didn't want to make the writer a liar. There's a lot of times where the character,
01:11it feels like it would call for it. And I know for me, it's always good to get a great workout in
01:16and then go read the script. It sticks better. You get a different perspective on the text,
01:22and it just helps me with my script analysis. Ooh, the million dollar question. How do I find
01:27time to work out when I'm working? It's so difficult, especially these days, you know,
01:32between being a husband and three kids and having a full-time gig. It's one of those things where
01:39you have to really strategize. I'll look at my schedule and I'll see how my week plays out,
01:44and I'll set my schedule accordingly. So I know that if I have only one scene in a day,
01:50but it's towards the end of the day, I'm getting up, going to say hi to the kids,
01:53we're going to have a great breakfast. I'm going to go hit the gym. But it gets difficult when
01:56you're in every scene every day. It's nearly impossible. So you're doubling up on your
02:00weekends or you're cutting sleep on some nights. So today is a sneak peek, just a little look at
02:08arms day. So I'll take you through it all, but we move quick and we get that sweat on.
02:13I'm going to burn a calorie or two. Join me. Welcome to warmup. Just a nice warmup. It's
02:19single arm triceps. So imagine this is a rope and we're grabbing and pushing down and squeezing.
02:26Just a nice lightweight. I love interval sprints. Why? Because they're awful. So when I'm in the gym
02:35and I find something that I really don't like, I'll try to make it my favorite thing. So right
02:39now, currently interval sprints in the street when it's really hot out, it's my favorite.
02:45Now, same thing, single arm, bicep curls, warm yourself up. Roll the shoulders back,
02:50take the pressure off the back. Yeah. So for me, I alternate. So I'll start Mondays with chest and
02:59back and then Tuesday will be cardio day. And I'll just usually long endurance cardio. So you could
03:05do a two and a half, three mile jog, keep it simple. And then Wednesday I'll do arms. So I'll
03:10do biceps, triceps, shoulders. If I'm trying to gain size, then I'll break that up into two days
03:16and I'll just do heavier weight, biceps, triceps, and then I'll do shoulders the next day, depending
03:22on what season it is for me, then gaining or just cutting and circuit. I'll then go to hit day
03:29and we're warmed up. I have a playlist and I usually try to create a playlist for every
03:38movie I'm doing just energetically. I like to get in the gym, but my go-to is a little bit of
03:43country mixed with nineties alternative. So food fighters, Nirvana, Bush, STP, Smashing Pumpkins.
03:52It's all the good stuff, little offspring in there. And my kids come in and they train with
03:56me in the garage. My boy can out push up most kids right now, his own age. It's kind of fun
04:00to watch. Seven, seven, sevens, baby. I had to take breaks every once in a while. And this past
04:09October, my body hit a wall. I'd been training all year and I went on the Lucky Charms diet.
04:14If you haven't tried it, you got to try it. It's fantastic. It's nothing but Lucky Charms cereal
04:18and pie and does not do a body good. The damage that you can do your body by not staying consistent
04:23and staying with nutrition was rough. So it started back from scratch. And I just realized
04:29in that time period between then and now how much I love fitness. Something you want to know is when
04:35you get to the top, you want to peak the muscle by opening out. I worked out with a man named
04:41Lee Nichols. It's funny how this whole thing came about. You ever see the movie Con Air?
04:46So in Con Air, Nicolas Cage is jacked. And I thought, dude, whoever can get Nick Cage jacked,
04:51that's the trainer I want to go to. We hunted him down and we found him. There's a movie that
04:55came out called Haunting Connecticut. And he got me in the best shape of my life. Too good a shape,
05:01actually, that the producers didn't want me to go in the movie with a tank top because they thought
05:06it would take away from the film. I've seen it and I agree. It was a bad choice. Feel the burn.
05:16Ah, I recently became the owner, the proud owner of a Catalyst bodysuit that deals with EMS.
05:23So you're being shocked to shit while you're working out, but it's giving you the pulses
05:28and you're getting far more growth. So your body thinks you just worked out for two hours,
05:33but you did it in 20 minutes and it is a hell of a workout. So Catalyst, highly recommend it.
05:39Highly recommend it.
05:44There was a time in my life where I didn't work out for probably a good year
05:48and I was depressed and I started back and went, oh my gosh, I love this so much. And that's
05:53really how it is. Now it's a ritual for me. If it's not something that I do on a daily basis,
05:59then I try to find something at least physical to get those endorphins running, to get the dopamine
06:04pumping to my brain. It clears my head and it just gives me a better vision for the day.
06:10You know, start me off right. I start with the Bible and food,
06:13boom, hit my workout. I'm much better for it. And that's how it's done.
06:21I'm Chad Michael Murray and that is just a little snippet of my workout. I hope you all enjoyed it
06:27and don't forget to check out Mother the Bride streaming now on Netflix. Cheers y'all.
