• last year
00:00Strength training is important to me just because I want to keep my body in really good shape.
00:04Obviously, the kitchen and the restaurant industry as a whole takes a toll on you.
00:08I feel like the only way doing what we do in the hospitality industry and in the restaurant industry
00:14is to start out with a super good nutritious breakfast.
00:18You know, that's kind of your gasoline to get you through the day.
00:21So we're going to cook my essential breakfast to get my day started.
00:24I call it the one pan wonder.
00:30My name is Robbie Felice.
00:40We're here at my third restaurant, Pasta Ramen.
00:43We just opened this here a year ago.
00:45I know you guys are thinking, sounds like fusion.
00:47It is absolutely not fusion.
00:49I absolutely hate the word fusion.
00:52This wafu Italian cuisine is huge in Japan.
00:55It's a cuisine of its own.
00:56So that word wafu means in the style of Japanese.
00:59We put that word wafu in front of Italian and you have in the style of Japanese Italian.
01:04Everyone loves pasta and everyone loves ramen.
01:07And it gives you that perfect mesh of Italian and Japanese cuisine.
01:12I've been in cooking and restaurants for as long as I can remember.
01:15My father owned restaurants growing up.
01:17I went to the Culinary Institute of America.
01:19I graduated in 2011.
01:21After culinary school, I worked for a bunch of famous chefs.
01:24And then I moved away to Europe for around two years.
01:27Holland, Belgium, Italy, France, and London.
01:32Being in our industry alone and eating healthy, I think is definitely one of the hardest things.
01:36Early on in my career, when I opened my first restaurant, Biagio, at 26,
01:40I didn't even think about eating.
01:41I want to say I lost like 25 pounds because I was so
01:45focused on trying to make it the best restaurant I possibly could
01:48that I really forgot fitness, nutrition at that point in my life.
01:52Now I'm super happy that I was able to find nutrition,
01:56getting my meals in, drinking enough water, and taking the supplements I need to take.
02:02I eat a lot of eggs.
02:04I probably eat eggs every single morning.
02:06I feel like they're one of the most incredible ingredients.
02:09They're awesome to cook with.
02:10I love them even more because they're healthy.
02:12You can like dial them in so well where it's like, you know,
02:14the yolk's the fat, the white is your protein.
02:17The only meal I really ever have time to cook for myself is breakfast.
02:21And I'm excited to dive in and show you.
02:23Today, we're going to do kind of one of my staples.
02:25We're going to do three eggs, some extra added egg whites for protein.
02:30I like to kind of split up the carbs.
02:32Pre-boiled red bliss potatoes that we're going to saute in the saute pan.
02:36One slice of Dave's Killer Toast.
02:39Trying to do all my carbs in the morning.
02:40I found like, you know, my body really,
02:43if I'm eating carbs before I go to bed, it just doesn't work for me.
02:46A little bit of Canadian bacon, fresh avocado.
02:50Fresh avocado.
02:51I'm doing a high protein diet right now.
02:53Helps to keep everything in line in terms of, you know, my weight loss goals.
02:58I'm definitely trying to like cut a little bit,
03:00but at the same time, put on more muscle.
03:02Some fresh lemon juice or lime juice.
03:04And then we're doing sriracha and it's a Dutch soy sauce.
03:08Slightly sweetened, but that's where we're going to get our kind of salty element.
03:12Pretty easy.
03:12I don't ever have time to kind of like cook for myself, make this extravagant meal.
03:17So to even have the time to just kind of slice this up, this is kind of a lot.
03:23Currently own, I'm a partner and the chef of three different restaurants.
03:27So I have Biagio Ristorante, Osorio Crescendo, and Pasta Ramen.
03:31Also in the process of opening three more things
03:34with some more things on the horizon as well.
03:37So I think it's bull**** when, you know,
03:40chefs try and make it seem like they cook themselves these extravagant meals
03:43because we know that's not true.
03:45I just want this to be something super quick, super easy, super yummy.
03:50Maybe a year or six months ago where I really decided to kind of cut out the alcohol
03:54and dive into the meal prep world and focus more about what I was putting into my body.
04:00Moved to Vegas, you know, the partying and the Vegas lifestyle
04:05definitely amped up while I was out there.
04:07You know, we were going out, I would say three, four, five days a week.
04:11Nightclubs, bars, the whole nine yard.
04:13It's weird because I was in like the best shape of my life then,
04:16but I didn't feel great because obviously I was doing all the drinking and all that good stuff.
04:23If you're going to the gym and you're not eating right, then what's the point?
04:25You know, I'm a very all or nothing kind of guy.
04:29So if I'm putting 100% into something, I want to get the most out of it.
04:33So that was a big realization for me where it's like, hey, I could cut drinking out.
04:36Hey, I can focus more about what exactly my meals are
04:40and I'm going to get better results at the gym
04:42and I'm going to feel better about myself and feel better in general.
04:49I'm here with my trainer, Joey Sundays.
04:52He's been with me now for four or five months,
04:54you know, helped me to dial in kind of what I needed to work on.
04:57And one of the big things was stretching out.
04:59I feel like, you know, I'm in the kitchen so many hours a day standing
05:02and there was never any stretching in my routine.
05:05So we're going to start out with a few stretches here.
05:07I think our whole industry is really changing.
05:09Everyone's trying to kind of follow this health craze,
05:13which is really a nice thing because I think our industry has
05:16a really bad rep in terms of drugs, alcohol, whatever it may be,
05:20the working long hours.
05:21So it's been really nice to see, you know,
05:24everyone trying to switch over to a more healthy lifestyle.
05:32Slow down.
05:34I mean, I've definitely been working out as long as I can remember.
05:37Um, even back when I was in college, the Culinary Institute of America,
05:41I worked out regularly there.
05:44Even when I was out living in Europe,
05:45I was always trying to get a good workout in.
05:50There's never a day that I could go without getting a workout in.
05:54I have to get some sort of workout in.
05:57I'm a morning guy.
05:58So that's my way of starting the day.
06:00For me, it's like showering.
06:01You have to, I have to get that workout in the morning.
06:04Otherwise I can't go on with my day.
06:06When I miss that workout, I'm just angry, not happy,
06:11not able to kind of go on throughout my day.
06:14My mind's not right.
06:16Current fitness goals feel better.
06:18We just kept talking about under 12% body fat, under 12% body fat.
06:22I think I hit it, what, like two, three weeks ago now.
06:25So I think doing a lot more workouts where that heart rate is up and,
06:30you know, feeling better about myself in terms of that
06:33to make it through these workouts alive.
06:35My workouts definitely evolved from when I first started to now.
06:39I feel like it's with anything in life,
06:41you're always like learning and growing on what you learn.
06:44All lifting weights, lifting weights, lifting weights.
06:46It was always about lifting weights, doing chest, doing arms, that kind of thing.
06:50And now it's a lot more of realizing what my body needs,
06:53a lot more stretching, a lot more getting that heart rate up,
06:56you know, really focusing on cardio, seeing how much cardio does for you.
07:01When me and Joe started, cardio instantly became a big thing for us.
07:05I can honestly say it was never something that I looked forward to.
07:08We would always set up some sort of circuit workout.
07:11We would always do some sort of hit cardio workout,
07:13starting with skiers, rows, assault bike.
07:17Sometimes we were throwing like tire pushes in that or what else?
07:22Sleds, things like that.
07:24Yeah, so we did a lot of different things,
07:26but I think tying the community into it
07:29and getting like other people to kind of do it with you is what really made it special.
07:33I love this industry as much as I love the hospitality industry
07:37and to kind of keep learning and growing in this industry
07:40and growing in fitness and helping the people around me too.
07:44It's always cool to be a mentor to people in the restaurants, in the kitchen,
07:47but also, you know, they see me working out,
07:50they see me doing things like this and they want to start taking care of themselves.
07:54And that's something that's really rewarding for me.
07:56When we start our day at the gym,
07:58we always know it's going to be a good day.
07:59You know, it gets my mind right.
08:00It keeps me able to do all the things I have going on,
08:03whether it's opening two more restaurants or getting back in the kitchen,
08:07doing menu changes, you know, making sure guests are happy.
08:10When guests see you happy in the kitchen or in the restaurant,
08:14it makes their experience even better.
08:15So I know I'm able to give that to guests,
08:18to give that to my staff when I start out in the gym.
08:23So everything's prepped.
08:24We're going to jump over to the stove and show you the one pan wonder.
08:27We got this nice hex clad here.
08:29We're going to hit it with some olive oil,
08:31a little bit so nothing's going to stick on there for us.
08:35Seasoned olive oil with lemon, oregano, and garlic.
08:38We saute our red bliss potatoes, a little bit of our Canadian bacon.
08:45When I get to the restaurant,
08:46whatever potatoes I have that are kind of already boiled,
08:49I'll just throw them into a saute pan with a little bit of that olive oil,
08:53a little bit of that Canadian bacon.
08:57We're going to do two whole eggs.
09:13I feel like if you have those runny yolks,
09:15you don't need to have as much sauce on there
09:17because those yolks are going to kind of double as your sauce.
09:20So that's always super important to me to make sure you keep them nice and runny.
09:24Always sunny side up for me.
09:26I love yolks.
09:27You need yolks.
09:27You want to put on some muscle.
09:29You need that fat.
09:30Little bit of extra added egg whites in here.
09:34Gotta have good flavors going on, good quality ingredients.
09:38I'm huge on that.
09:39We really highlight, you know, using local ingredients.
09:42I always make sure all the eggs that I'm using in my mornings are,
09:45you know, farm fresh eggs.
09:47Eggs and breakfast is so important to me that I usually have one pan
09:50that I'm just dedicating to those eggs,
09:52whether it's at the restaurant or, you know, whether it's at home.
09:55That's usually my one pan that's just for my eggs.
09:58So my eggs aren't getting f***ed up.
10:00A little bit of Maldon sea salt, black pepper.
10:10You know, everyone needs to eat.
10:11I don't care if you're like super into food or not into food.
10:15You're eventually thinking about eating and I'm just excited to be in the middle of it.
10:19Once all the whites set around the egg yolks,
10:22that's kind of when I know it's done.
10:23And then I'm just going to slide it off onto the plate
10:25we're going to put some nice sliced avocado on there
10:27and then we're going to dive in.
10:35Adding avocado onto a lot of my different meals,
10:38it gets you just the right amount of fat,
10:40a little bit of fresh lime on top.
10:43All right, and then the magic, the sauce.
10:47I just sprinkled just a touch of this Dutch soy sauce.
10:50It's like the perfect seasoning on top.
10:54A little bit of sriracha for that extra kick.
11:02Topped it off with a little bit of alfalfa sprouts.
11:13All righty, we're going to dig in.
11:16Oh yeah.
11:23The runny yolk acts as a sauce.
11:26It's well seasoned.
11:27You know, we put a little bit of black pepper on there.
11:29That Dutch soy sauce is like the absolute secret ingredient.
11:33No one's really ever used to it.
11:35Sriracha gives you a little bit more kick
11:37and then, you know, the avocado is in there to kind of mellow everything down.
11:41We put that one slice of toast underneath
11:43so that we get that extra carbs before we hit the gym.
11:45This is my one pan wonder.
11:47It's super easy.
11:48It's super quick.
11:49It's insanely delicious.
11:51Test this out at home before you hit the gym.
11:54All righty, guys.
11:57So you followed me to the restaurant.
11:59You saw my favorite breakfast.
12:01You worked out with me.
12:02This is how I end my day.
12:04Coming home to the kids.
12:06Ah, these guys are everything to me.
12:08Say what's up.
12:10Say hi.
12:12I tell you all about my day.
12:14As you can see, I'm also obsessed with shoes.
12:17Wear sneakers every day.
12:18It's always a new pair.
12:20Everyone knows that you dress shoes first
12:22and then you pick the rest of your outfit.
12:24Back in the Vegas days, I would end my day club, bar, drinking way too much.
12:30These days, it's more about hanging out with these guys
12:33and making sure I get my meal preps in.
12:35I've traveled all around.
12:37I lived all around the U.S.
12:39I lived in Europe, but nothing beats New Jersey.
12:43Love being here.
12:44Love having my restaurants here.
12:46Shoes, cats, gym, restaurant, a day in the life.
12:50Alrighty guys, that's enough for today.
12:52I'm going to go hang out with Truffle.
12:55Say hi.