Pip Ahoy! Pip Ahoy! S02 E003 Old Pincher

  • il y a 3 mois


00:00Daddy Pig, Peppa Pig, George's Balloon, Pepper and George have had a day out with Granny and Grandpa Pig, Ice Cream, It is Miss Rabbit's Ice Cream Store, Let's stop for Ice Cream, Why not, I think we deserve it, Hello there, Hello Miss Rabbit, 4 Ice Creams please, Coming right up, What flavours would you like?
00:29Strawberry for me please, Chocolate for me please, Banana for me please, Dinosaur, I don't think they have Dinosaur Ice Cream, I think George wants a Dinosaur Balloon, Do you not want an Ice Cream George?
00:48No, Dinosaur, Oh oh, How much is the little Balloon? 10 Pounds, 10 Pounds? It's all for a good cause, There you go George, Hold it tight, Don't let go, George has let go of the Balloon, Ah, Maybe I'll hold this very valuable Balloon for the journey home,
01:18With his Dinosaur Balloon, Pepper and George have arrived back at Granny and Grandpa Pig's house, Hold it tight this time George, Don't let go, Why?
01:48And up and up, All the way to the moon, Moon, Grandpa, Oh, Ah, Got you, Perhaps we should go indoors before we lose your Balloon George, Your Balloon will be safe in here, Hello Polly, George has got a new Balloon, Ah, Balloon!
02:18George loves his Balloon, Oh, George has let go of his Balloon again, Don't worry George, It won't fly away because the roof is in the way, Oh, It's gone through the door, It's going up the stairs, It's going into the attic,
02:44Don't worry, There's only one way out of the attic and that is through the roof window which is always kept closed, Oh dear, The roof window is not closed, Catch it Grandpa, I can't Pepper, It's in the sky, George, Your Balloon is going to the moon, You'll never see it again
03:12Daddy Pig has come to take Pepper and George home, Hello, Have you had a lovely time?
03:18We bought George a Dinosaur Balloon, But George let it go and it's flying to the moon, There must be some way we can get it back, Oh, Balloon!
03:33Look, Polly Parrot is flying after the Balloon, Polly Parrot to the rescue, Go Polly Go, Polly Parrot has rescued George's Balloon, Hooray!
03:46Who's a clever Polly, Who's a clever Polly, George, Don't let go of your Balloon again, I know, We'll tie the string to your wrist George, What a good idea
04:05George loves his Dinosaur Balloon, Everyone loves George's Dinosaur Balloon
04:11Peppa Pig, Peppa Pig, Peppa Pig
04:41Bob the Builder, today on Milkshake
05:11It's your back, your stern, Yeah, and you're going to be following it for the whole race
05:19Radio Ships, this race is a one off, so don't think you can be speeding around my harbour all the time, Toot and HP, you have to go once around the bay, through the obstacle course, and the first one back here is the winner, Are you ready?
05:34We're ready, On your marks, Get set, Go!
05:41Go Milkshake!
06:11Oh look at that cheeky smile, Let's go to Salty Cove now, to join Pip
06:20Mega Builders, make each day an adventure, Milkshake, brought to you by Mega Bloks
06:27Come join the party down in Salty Cove, It's so much fun, it's like a treasure trove
06:33Pip and Albert lead the way, New adventures every day, And lots of seaside fun
06:42Dive down in the submarine, See what's beneath the sea, Or ride the jolly bubble train for free
06:52Up in the lighthouse, Pip can see, That it's another day of sunshine, And so much seaside fun
07:22Only old Pinscher, the greatest storyteller that ever lived in Salty Cove, Oh and that's me, when I was a young pup, Used to love listening to his tales of the sea
07:35Wow, is he still here?
07:37I've heard some folks say they've seen him in the rocks and pools around the bay
07:41Let's see if we can find him, Can I borrow the photo Uncle Skipper?
07:45Can't I dear Pip, wouldn't mind seeing old Pinscher again meself
07:50Come on Hopper, say seagull
07:54A seagull
07:58Filfering pirates, someone has taken my cheesecake
08:02Mother MacLear
08:04What will I sell to my customers?
08:06Oh, I could ask Mr Skipper to help, he bakes a tasty cheesecake too
08:11I'll go straight away
08:13Merci Albert
08:16Just as I thought Madame, cheesecake crumbs
08:20Oh la la
08:21Follow this trail and we'll soon find the ravenous robber
08:24But I must attend to my shop
08:26Don't worry Madame MacLear, leave it to Inspector Hopper
08:30Merci Monsieur
08:32Yum, crumbs, what a tasty trail
08:40Mr Skipper
08:41What's up Albert?
08:43Madame MacLear's cheesecake has gone missing
08:45Can you bake her some more Mr Skipper?
08:47Sounds urgent, sorry Pip, you'll have to look for old Pinscher without me
08:52Funny that, cheesecake was old Pinscher's favourite tidbit
08:58Who's old Pinscher?
09:00Only the greatest storyteller in Salty Cove
09:03You can help me find him
09:05Oh yes please
09:07Where should we try first?
09:09He could be anywhere
09:11What about at the giant rock by the observatory, then work our way back
09:16Great idea, and we're just in time to catch the bubble train
09:22Where to young Pip and Alma?
09:25The observatory please Mr Morris
09:28Right you are, hold on tight
09:37Hello Hopper, what are you doing?
09:39I'm on a very important case Alan
09:41Wow, can I help, can I, can I?
09:44Only if you promise to keep the noise down
09:47Why Hopper, why, why?
09:49Because that's the way the cookie crumbles
09:56Next stop, the observatory
10:00Giant rock, the perfect place for a giant crab to hang out
10:05Old Pinscher
10:07Old Pinscher
10:11It's working Alba, together now
10:14Old Pinscher
10:19He's big enough
10:21And of right shape
10:27Can't a crab get a decent sleep around here?
10:31Sorry Pasty, we're looking for old Pinscher, the giant storytelling crab
10:36I'm too small to be a giant crab, but I could tell you a story
10:44Once upon a time, there was a tiny sea gherkin
10:51The end
10:52That was a short story
10:54Yeah well it wasn't a very big gherkin
10:56And we're no closer to finding old Pinscher
10:59Maybe he's in the rock pool by the bridge
11:02It is big enough for a giant crab
11:05Lead the way Pasty
11:07Aye aye Pins...
11:12Just as I thought
11:14Whoever took the cheesecake is somewhere on the beach
11:18Ooh, inspect
11:20Hopper, you are clever
11:23Elementary my dear Alan
11:25What's elementary Hopper?
11:28It's a piece of cake
11:30A piece of cake
11:36Squibble, squibble, squibble, squibble
11:38Hello Squibblets
11:39Squibble, squibble, squibble
11:41We're looking for old Pinscher
11:43Have you seen him?
11:44Yes, no, yes, no
11:47Old Pinscher come then he go
11:51We could sing to see if he's in
11:54Thanks Squibblets
11:56In or out, we can tell
11:59If you're in, show your shell
12:04Again Squibblets
12:06Show your shell, show your shell
12:08Show your shell, show your shell
12:12Er, you call?
12:14Oh no, it's only shell bits
12:17Was it something I said?
12:29Ooh, careful Inspector Hopper
12:32Oh, don't worry Alan, I'm getting very hot
12:38And wet
12:42Hello me salty crew
12:44Any sign of old Pinscher?
12:46Not yet Uncle Skipper
12:48Sounds like you need to pick me up
12:50Here you go, I baked extra
12:52Oh, thanks Mr Skipper
12:54Don't let old Pinscher get his claws on it, mind
12:57He does just love a bit of cheesecake
13:00Now I best get this delivery to Madame Eclair
13:06Hopper, just in time for a slice of cheesecake
13:10Cheesecake? Couldn't eat another crumb
13:14That's not like you Hopper
13:16I could
13:17I'll give it to Alan
13:18Hungry work following Inspector Hopper
13:22I've been on duty Alba
13:24Whoever it was pinched Madame Eclair's cheesecake
13:26Left a trail of crumbs
13:28Have you found out who it was?
13:30As yet, the mystery is unsolved
13:33The trail went cold by a large rock pool
13:35A large rock pool you say?
13:37Who did Uncle Skipper say liked cheesecake?
13:41Old Pinscher
13:43Hopper, can you remember where the rock pool was?
13:46I think so
13:47Then lead the way
13:48I've got a plan
13:54All right, here we go again
13:57Oh, it's got legs
14:03At last, old Pinscher
14:06That's me all right
14:08Who might you be?
14:10I'm Pip
14:11And these are my friends
14:13Alba, Hopper, Alan and Pasty
14:16Well, pleased to meet you Pip
14:19Pleased to meet you Pip
14:21You don't remind me of a young pump I once knew
14:25Used to bring me cake he did
14:27He did not love my stories
14:29Oh dear, what was his name?
14:32He was um
14:33Quick Alba, the photo
14:35Yeah, that's him all right
14:37Young Skip
14:39Alan Skipper now, me old mate
14:42Well, I'll be blowed
14:44Ahem, I hope we're not forgetting the small case of
14:48Madame Éclair's missing her cheesecake
14:50Inspector Hopper and his assistant, me
14:53Follow the crumbs
14:54Never could resist a piece of old lovely jubbly bosun, Blake
14:58That'll be cheesecake to you and me, shipmates
15:02I've got an idea
15:03If we bring you cheesecake every day
15:06Will you promise not to take any more of Madame Éclair's?
15:09All right Nipper, I promise
15:12Then that be settled
15:14Please can you tell us a story, Mr Pinscher?
15:16Oh, you sit comfy like and I'll begin
15:20It was a dark and stormy night
15:24When the good ship Coral ran aground right here in Salty Cove
15:30Now what do you think she be carrying that night?
15:34Uh, cheesecake
15:37No, not on your deli
15:39It was bright yellow plastic ducks
15:47So Pippin Alba found old Pinscher
15:50And Hopper solved the mystery of the missing cheesecake at the same time
15:55One for the photo album, I think
15:58A sailor's life for me, a sailor's life for me
16:03Hopper followed a trail of cake and then we had a tea
16:07Oh, bye shipmates
16:09See you again next time
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16:46Sous-titres réalisés para la communauté d'Amara.org
17:16Sous-titres réalisés para la communauté d'Amara.org
17:46Sous-titres réalisés para la communauté d'Amara.org
18:17Where are you?
18:19I'm sure she's out here somewhere
18:25Her feet are very big
18:27I see you, found you Admiral
18:33Right, now you help me find the others
18:36Get ahead
18:38Maybe the princess is indoors
18:42Found you at last princess
18:45I don't want to be found
18:47Oh right, sorry
18:50I'm not very good at hide and seek
18:53Ah, I can see you princess
18:56Oh, see
18:58Prime Minister, come out
19:00We give up, you win
19:03Ah, top notch
19:06Well done Prime Minister, you win
19:09You're the only one I couldn't find
19:11That was a marvellous game
19:13All the more enjoyable for winning
19:16Oh, cheer up princess, you might win the next game
19:21Well I'm seeker this time
19:23Off you all go to hide
19:25One, two
19:28Four, five, six, seven
19:31I've got to find a really good hiding place
19:35Somewhere no one can find me
19:38Ready or not
19:40Too small
19:44In here?
19:48Here I come
19:51Oh no, quick
20:01A secret door
20:03I'm coming
20:06Oh, a secret room
20:10Hello princess, this is exciting isn't it?
20:17It's a bit dusty
20:19I don't suppose secret rooms get cleaned very often
20:22Princess, where are you?
20:26This is the best, secretest hide and seek place ever
20:31Well done princess
20:33And I'm the only one who knows about it
20:35Where are you?
20:47I can see you general
20:49Oh, bobbins