Beast Kingdom Dark Nights: Death Metal Dynamic 8ction Heroes DAH-070 The Merciless

  • 3 months ago
Beast Kingdom Dark Nights: Death Metal Dynamic 8ction Heroes DAH-070 The Merciless


00:00gained his powers from Ares gained a figure from Beast Kingdom here's look at
00:05the Beast Kingdom da h070 Dark Knights metal the merciless
00:30DC's very own multiverse launched a series of otherworldly takes on the
00:41classic heroes in 2017's Batman Earth 12 the heroes of the DC Universe launched
00:46a campaign to take on the mighty Greek God of War Ares after the defeats Batman
00:51took the mighty helmet of Ares for himself creating a new powerful yet
00:54ruthless and corrupt antihero that decides to wage a merciless war in the
00:59entire world dubbed Batman the merciless no one stood in the front of
01:03his goal of world domination with his trusted God killer sword by his side in
01:07the power of Ares this new character was the most formidable version of Batman
01:11ever seen first it was a hero now he's a threat just before we get a closer look
01:16though at the Beast Kingdom Dark Knights death metal dynamic action heroes da h070
01:20the merciless backing up just a bit I'd like to thank the folks over at
01:24Beast Kingdom that provided the sample we could have a look at the merciless
01:27you'll be happy to know is available right now through various either online
01:30sites or in stores and it'll range from anywhere from 60 to $100 to get the
01:35figure the figure though is gonna stand at 8 inches in heights or merciless is
01:40gonna stand 20 centimeters tall we don't really have a lot of merciless figures
01:44to compare with so I'm gonna slide over the one that we got here from Beast
01:47Kingdom I'm gonna bring in the one though we got from McFarlane toys
01:50different approach though to color scheme of this obviously you can see the
01:53one with Beast Kingdoms is going more with a much darker blue the one though
01:58we got from McFarlane toys though being about very similar in size went the more
02:01lighter color almost more of a teal starting things first merciless Batman
02:06does come in clear with an instruction guide and display stand the instruction
02:09guide not only shows you how to swap out the hands for holding the Godkiller
02:12sword how to change out the head for example but most importantly it also
02:16shows you how to install the LR 41 times 4 batteries in the cavity of its body as
02:21the lights do light up although they don't light up though with the Bruce
02:25Wayne portrait that we are looking at right now but the helmeted version though
02:28of more merciless you'll see how that lights and illuminates on the back of it
02:32is basically just the exact same although it's just in a different
02:34language so we're just gonna fold that up and put it off to the side he also
02:37comes of course with a display stand we've seen these stands before with the
02:41other DAH series line figures this time around it actually gets printed on the
02:45top Dark Knight's Metal with a nice silhouette image though of merciless if
02:49you're also not familiar with the name of the character or forget quickly they
02:52also have taken the time to print the name of the character on the front there
02:55as well the display stand though if you're looking at this consists of
02:59basically two parts you have the main post that plugs in obviously to the
03:02actual base itself but then you also have yourself like a waist clip the
03:06waist clip on its own does also have a hinge joint so you can move this up and
03:10down and of course if you're looking to fit this around the waist of Bruce you
03:13may want to widen this quite a bit because he has substantially thick
03:17armor basically just clips around his waist it doesn't increase or decrease
03:21its height so it's always going to sit around the same area around his mid
03:25abdomen area other accessories that come include with the figure you get four
03:29sets of interchangeable hands as he has right now he only has closed fist stock
03:34with the figure when you get him first out of the packaging that could though
03:36be easily swapped out with a pair of swappable gripping hands good for
03:40holding the Godkiller sword we'll do that more in a moment the figure also
03:44comes in clue with a pair of more relaxed hands and he also comes included
03:48with like slightly I suppose really if you're looking at the two this one would
03:51you consider be more dynamic hands he would be a little bit more relaxed hands
03:54neither one of though would hold the sword but good of course if you want to
03:58have the figure displayed other than just having closed fists the whole time
04:01swapping again out the hands one thing you will want to be careful of with the
04:05hands is that when you do pop them off his armor though will slide off as well
04:09from the forearm so just pop that off carefully pop then the new hand in place
04:12you can see there's the big rather large ball joints on the ends of its
04:15wrist just gonna pop that hand back then in place you may have to exert some more
04:20pressure than you're really expecting because the pegs being so so large in
04:24size you really do have to kind of fight to get those hands in place the figure
04:28also as well comes includes Godkiller sword I do think they've done a nice
04:32job though on this giving us a really nice metallic gold finish with all the
04:36recessed details they're added on both sides of the blade the blade though looks
04:40sharp you'll be happy no though it's not gonna be drawing any bit of blood
04:43and this will just then fit into his hand with the provided hilt on the
04:46bottom there is also from what I can see no storage space on the figure for
04:50storing the sword I suppose if you wanted to you could probably maybe slide
04:54it through the chains on the back of kind of where his belt area is but
04:57there's no dedicated space allotted to store the Godkiller sword if it's not
05:01going to be currently in his hands maybe also looking off to the side here
05:04noticing all these electric electrical pieces these are all basical component
05:09pieces that then can go around his body not necessarily a rhyme or reason if you
05:13were to go back and reference the instruction guide for example that
05:15wouldn't necessarily tell you where one piece is going to go over the other you
05:18sort of have to again just look at them and guess more for yourself where
05:22they're supposed to be going some do give you a little bit of cues so like
05:25this one for example has to see a little opening down below kind of looks like a
05:28C these will then fit around his wrist for example you'll have like this piece
05:32here for example that also will then fit around his wrist or down below in his
05:35legs and then like this piece here for example I just sort of had it wrapped
05:40around his waist again you can just fit them quite freely on there the only
05:44struggle you may end up finding is if for example you're trying to put them
05:47around his wrist for example I keep probably saying example a couple of
05:50times if you take this and fit this around his wrist you do struggle though
05:54a bit to get it around his hand a lot of times it just ends up popping the hands
05:58off but again like it's just more just a guessing game I mean I would likely just
06:02display this on the shelf with the electricity but again like there's no
06:06specific placement where they're supposed to go there isn't also one I've
06:09noticed here for the Godkiller sword kind of just looking around with what we
06:12had to work with here I mean there's a few little pieces where I suppose you
06:15could try to wrap this around the blade but I mean they're not really dedicated
06:18specifically I would imagine for the blade they're more so suited for his
06:21body but you get though a total though of four of these actually five five you
06:26get a total of five of these and again they'll just fit anywhere on the body
06:29that you can find a place for let's just remove this for right now just put
06:33this off to the side the figure also comes included with a series of
06:36interchangeable heads three in fact the one that I've started things with first
06:40I believe in fact was the head sculpt that we start with when you get this guy
06:43first out of his packaging sort of really a more older looking Bruce he as
06:47you can see has a scar there on the one side of his face more of a grimaced
06:50teeth sculpt and he actually has slightly more shorter hair he has though
06:54I feel of the better to he has the one with longer hair you can see it's sort
06:58of more blowing to the side he trades off though the visible smile of visible
07:02teeth in favor of longer hair and I got to say like the longer hair approach
07:06looks a little bit nicer both the head sculpts are actually painted pretty good
07:09to both the eyebrows as well as the I would say eyes but in this case we only
07:13have one eye to work with both the eyes in this case this eye and this eye here
07:17painted really well I think they've done a nice job on this and of course you do
07:21also get yourself the merciless helmet there as well most people I'm sure would
07:25likely display this figure with the merciless head sculpt just because again
07:28like get the helmet you get the cool little fins there on the sides these are
07:32more softer plastic and then when you do want to change out the head for example
07:35you're just gonna hold on to the body here and just pop the head off the post
07:39now the head like the hands aren't the easiest thing to remove a lot of times
07:44though when you are trying to remove the head just because again like the ball
07:46joint is so big on these let me see if I can get this all completely out there we
07:50go look at the size of this ball joint look at the size of the ball hole that
07:54it has to fit inside of but to change out the head basically it's just a case
07:57of popping the new head then in place and you've got yourself then the
08:00merciless body with the merciless helmet which I feel again is the nicest of the
08:04ways of displaying the figure if I was though to default to an unhelmeted
08:08version of merciless I'd likely go to this one just because I like the way
08:11they sculpted hair to the side like this okay so let's talk about the one thing
08:16I'm not as crazy about it's the fact that this helmet illuminates not that it
08:20illuminates is the thing that's disappointing but the way to access it
08:23becomes really problematic it isn't just a case though when you're looking
08:27at the figure I'm just popped off the top of the torso and actually that might
08:30be a good thing the top of the torso separates from the bottom half just by
08:33a very large ball joint once again but you can't turn this on anywhere way any
08:38which way other than having to do the thing I'm about to do which I feel like
08:41again there's just a lot of unnecessary steps like at the very least there is
08:46going to be a switch you'll see where it actually is underneath all of this but
08:49if there had only just been a switch right here and it sort of certainly
08:53worked my way and actually just the fact that the top of the torso fell off
08:55that if there was a switch just right there if even if they didn't want to put
09:00a slightly hole or a peg or anything on the front like a button for example that
09:03if you were to press that that would be the thing that would illuminate the eyes
09:06that would be one thing but if they want to conceal it I think it would be best
09:09concealed underneath unless they were worried that with just a moving and
09:12friction of rotating the top of his body from the bottom half maybe they didn't
09:16want to put the switch right there but I think that that would have been the more
09:19easier route to go in order to illuminate this guy here's all the
09:23things that you're gonna have to do first you're gonna have to remove the
09:25head we'll just pop that off the post you're also as well gonna have to remove
09:29the arms because the arms in order to get this piece all off it has to
09:33obviously fit through see obviously this part down below here is finished all the
09:38way around there's no way to lift this off the torso without first removing the
09:42arms so we're just gonna detach the arms on both sides now again keeping in mind
09:47all the steps that I'm doing right now are all the steps that you're gonna have
09:50to do every single time you want to turn this guy on and off so again we're just
09:54gonna pop the other arm off here just again remove it from the post and then
09:58you're gonna take this piece here and you're gonna lift this you're gonna have
10:03to remove the entire armor now I thought I looked at this a couple of times and I
10:08thought maybe I'm missing a step maybe there's a part on the instructions that
10:11I haven't yet looked at but no this seems to be the way every single time
10:15that you need to turn this on now I will say though one mistake that I did
10:19make is I bought the wrong batteries and but instead of buying the batteries that
10:23I thought I had or instead of buying the batteries I thought I needed I end up
10:26ultimately buying the wrong size they do still work but they don't work the way
10:30that they're supposed to work so I'm just gonna plug merciless his head back
10:33in place because obviously this is one that's gonna have the illuminate eyes
10:36I'm gonna remove carefully the battery cover there we go and you can see
10:41already like all the batteries have come loose it does in theory take four
10:44LR 41 batteries I believe I'm just happen to be using the next size small
10:49next size down smaller so I end up having to replace it instead with five
10:54button cell batteries but they basically will then fit into the provided slots
10:57here I'm just gonna have to wing it for right now and then here is the on and
11:01off switch so again all the things I just finished doing the arms obviously
11:06taking off the torso for one thing removing the arms removing the head
11:09removing the torso gaining access to the battery cover having the batteries
11:13obviously already in there switching it on putting the battery cover back on and
11:17then just doing all the steps in reverse arms or torso piece obviously arms and
11:22then pop it back on the body you're gonna have to do that every single time
11:26you want to turn on the figure and again just to look at the instructions just to
11:30see that I haven't missed a step at all the only again way to access this is to
11:34do all the things I just finished saying you have to remove the battery cover and
11:37you're gonna have to switch this on and off other than that it's a nice-looking
11:40figure the only thing the detriment to it is the the way that you have to go
11:44through all those steps in order just to switch it on and off I believe actually
11:48these are LR 44 batteries rather than the LR recommended LR 41 batteries but
11:53I've got five in here instead of the four it will still do the thing it needs
11:56to do and that's illuminate I'm just gonna put a little bit of pressure
11:59against the batteries and you can see if I'm getting that just lined up right
12:03that's though how the merciless his eyes are gonna light up for their credits
12:07they do light pretty decently although while you're rotating the head you'll
12:11see it illuminates better for the eye that's closest to the bulb because
12:14essentially like the bulb is gonna be inside here it's only though gonna
12:17illuminate the one that has the helmet and even again illuminating the helmet
12:21it only seems to work certain ways if you have the head angled if you bring it
12:25down for example it illuminates just a little bit better if you have it up for
12:28example it doesn't seem to make them as bright still though again like this is
12:32all involved me using the wrong batteries but it still shows you at
12:35least the steps that are required in order to do everything I just finished
12:38doing so you know again like for what it is I do like the fact that they included
12:43the means to illuminate helmets the problem with it though is even with not
12:47using the correct batteries I just don't need I don't I would not want to have to
12:51do this every single time it would be a been so much easier if this was just
12:55simply sitting on the shelf and there was a battery or something on the back
12:58of his body or if there was again like a little switch there on the bottom cavity
13:02of his torso that would have been the easiest way I feel to turn it on and off
13:05if you wanted to while flipping a switch on this guy might be difficult to do the
13:09actual end result though at least what they've done from a sculpting standpoint
13:12is a very impressive looking merciless merciless though is one of my favorite
13:15takeaway characters from the Dark Knight's metal line him though and the
13:19Batman who laughs two of my favorite all-time characters and I think for
13:22really what it is they've done a really nice job on him one thing though that I
13:26will credit Beast Kingdom for doing is that when it comes to their figures
13:29essentially what it is as you probably may have already seen is that they take
13:32basically like a plastic body frame and then they layer over top of it the
13:36fabric and then all the metal material or in this case the plastic armor
13:39material so it does kind of give you a more of a realistic feel to it there are
13:44a few little things like for example like his torso will pop off a little too
13:47frequently certainly when we look at the articulation on this guy the ball joint
13:51I don't know ever doesn't ever seem to stay in place but it does look good
13:56though I will say like the head sculpt does from a standpoint of a skull with
13:59these cool little bat wings up the top there the finish that they've also used
14:02for the blue looks quite good for the armor as well and for really how
14:05detailed the armor actually is there's a lot of cool stuff going on with the way
14:09that they forge this it looks to be also the case that when it comes to the blue
14:13that they may have started though with a black and then they brushed over top of
14:17it the metallic blue because there are a few little areas especially like the
14:20shoulder pads for example where you can see like a darker coloring of a plastic
14:23almost wanting to bleed through of course it's got the emblem there on the
14:26front very nice design on that and of course you've got this really neat very
14:29intricate looking armor but though underneath it there is also as well some
14:33additional fur now this is something that could only have really been pulled
14:37off by using a real fabric material sculpting though in plastic it loses
14:41obviously some of the more realism to it so you can see that it's got a really
14:44nice kind of faux fur material there on the back he also does have
14:48meshing underneath all of these armor pieces too so underneath his arm guard
14:53for example his shoulder guard and even really just the torso there's an
14:56interesting kind of mesh material that they've used underneath to give it the
14:59look of chain mail he's got also as well a real fabric skirt down below here a
15:03nice skull there for the belt buckle and you've got some real functioning chains
15:07that actually do wrap around all around for his body he like from an aesthetic
15:11standpoint from a design standpoint merciless looks fantastic it just sort
15:15of has like there's a few little things though I would have changed to it more
15:17specifically just how to turn on and off the switch and again like some of the
15:21things like for his torso for example sometimes though when you are moving the
15:24figure around his torso is kind of known to frequently fall off it's a simple fix
15:29though it's just a case of popping the head or popping the torso back onto that
15:32large ball joint but though when you are rotating the figure every once in a while
15:35you may notice that that does come loose speaking of the figure moving the figure
15:38around let's look at the figures articulation so merciless his head is
15:41gonna be on that ball post whether you decide to use this head sculpt or you
15:44decide to use the earlier looked at Bruce Wayne heads either way though the
15:48heads gonna rotate all the way around the head looks down that far it looks up
15:51and you can also move it back and forth as well the shoulders freely can move
15:56out despite having these large shoulders and the fur underneath it they can move
15:59out at 90 degrees you can take the arms and move forward there goes one of the
16:02hands you can move them back he has a swivel there sort of a swivel there in
16:06the elbow area and again if you had yourself a hand I just happen to have a
16:09somebody needs to lend me a hand I just have it down there the upper torso is
16:13gonna be on a ball joint but again periodically popping the ball joint off
16:17is something that's gonna it's all seems to be happening again it looks to be
16:20almost the case like it seems to root itself fairly well into the actual
16:24socket I think if anything they probably made it me may have made the post a
16:28little bit longer or maybe even the ball joint just a little bit smaller it needs
16:31just to catch itself a little bit better than what it does all the pressure I'm
16:35doing is just kind of force the top of the torso down I think I have it in
16:38place and when I start to end to move the figure around it just again pops
16:42itself off it's a it's again a simple fix it's not like it's necessarily
16:45broken but it's something you might find yourself doing a lot when you have this
16:48figure in your hands the lower torso is gonna also be in a ball joint that's
16:51more secure in place the legs do split out you can take the legs and move
16:54forward you can move them back there's a swivel at the top of the thigh what
16:59would be the equivalent of a double hinge on the knee because there's a
17:01hinge right there and there's a hinge right there so it does bend pretty good
17:03there too and he has quite a bit of freedom there when it comes to moving
17:07his legs you can move his ankles up and down this way you can rock them back and
17:10forth and the figure does also have toe articulation there goes the torso again
17:14where I feel the figure does things better is the cosmetically obviously
17:18the way he's designed does look good I feel where he maybe suffers though is
17:22the construction of the figure because obviously with using large ball joints
17:26like this you would think that large ball joints would kind of hold the
17:29things better in place arms fall off I mean that's hands fall off that's just
17:34something that goes commonly with ball jointed hands that's a simple fix again
17:37and just popping back in place the bigger thing is usually just a ball
17:40joint though for the top of the torso you probably already saw in this review
17:43that even just again moving the torso around the top seems to separate itself
17:47very easily from the lower half of his body I don't know again it like if they
17:50had taken the post and made it a little bit longer so that it had to work a
17:54little harder to get further down into the torso by having only as short as it
17:58is and then using a very large ball joint below it I don't feel like it
18:02there's enough of it being able to reach the abdomen area and that may be one of
18:05the reasons one of the culprits as to why the top of the body separates so
18:09easily from the bottom half other than that though it's a look good looking
18:12figure the illumination is a nice touch that they included but it needed be a
18:16lot more easy to accept and to access it had to be something where you could
18:20easily have gotten it to it on the figure whether it be the case that it
18:23was a switch though on the back of the figures body whether it even be just
18:26even a case of if you remove the top of the torso and had this switch been like
18:29right here here I think it should have been a little bit more accessible like I
18:34said instead of having to always rely on stripping down the armor every single
18:38time you need to turn this helmet on I almost really feel like when you're
18:41looking at a figure like this you need to rate it on its design and you need to
18:44rate on its construction as two separate categories in a category though of
18:48design I think Beast Kingdom done an amazing job here on the merciless from
18:51death metal the figure looks impressive the figure has some cool colors going
18:54for him and one thing that Beast Kingdom has always done a really great job of is
18:58using real materials instead of just sculpting this from head to toe in all
19:01plastic Beast Kingdom as they've always done is they've layered this so you've
19:05got the basic building blocks of a plastic body underneath then the frame
19:09has been wrapped in fabric in this case you've got the chain mail of his armor
19:12and then they of course add the fur effect with a full fur material just
19:16around his shoulders and of course they played it all around it with the plastic
19:19armor it does make for a very interesting layered look to merciless
19:23and that's one of the things that make really this figure shine and stand out
19:27then when you look though at his construction this is maybe perhaps one
19:30of the categories where the figure falls apart literally like his top of this
19:34torso is probably the biggest thing hands are simple I mean I have had
19:37figures with ball-jointed hands and that's always a problem where if you're
19:40changing our hands every once in a while those hands may fall off the top of his
19:44torso though with the post not being long enough and I maybe think that that
19:48could have been one of the big detriments to the way that this figure
19:50has been assembled with the post not being long enough I feel like it just
19:53doesn't class well enough to the lower half of his abdomen the post I feel is
19:57way too short concerning it has so much armor around it but also as well if this
20:01guy ever wants to be illuminated as you saw in this review there's a lot of
20:04simple like small steps that are involved where you have to do one after
20:07the other it isn't just the case where you flip the switch the lights turn on
20:10you flip the switch again the lights flip off in this case you actually have
20:14to remove the arms you have to remove the armor torso you have to remove
20:17obviously the head then you have to still remove the battery plate on the
20:20back and providing you have used the right batteries like I didn't use
20:22unfortunately the right batteries then you'll have this illuminate but to have
20:26that then stay illuminated you have to basically put all the armor and
20:29everything else back onto the figures body have it illuminate for the while
20:32that you want to have it or if you want to show somebody how well those eyes
20:35glow then you have to do all the steps again of basically disassembling
20:39everything on him in order to gain access to the battery compartment I like
20:42the idea that it does hold batteries and I like the idea that illuminates the
20:46eyes what I don't necessarily like though is again all the steps are
20:49involved to get from point A to point B what do you guys don't think of the
20:53Beast Kingdom Dark Knight's death metal dynamic action heroes merciless is this
20:57a figure you guys could see yourselves picking up or let me know down below in
20:59the comment section what you guys think of it but a big thank you once again
21:02obviously to the Beast Kingdom that provided the sample of the merciless
21:04that we could have a look at this review the guy is available right now either in
21:07comic book stores or online and depending where you shop around some of
21:11the sites that have sold this guy in the past I think have marked him down at one
21:15point I think he was probably more around the 100 to 120 price point right
21:19now if you guys are interested you probably get this guy for under a hundred
21:21but what you guys think let me know down below if in the meantime you guys did
21:24enjoy this video I want throw it a like if you guys are loving the content you
21:27guys are seeing and want to stick around for more we are by the way gonna be
21:30looking at more Beast Kingdom reviews if that's the kind of thing you like to
21:33stick around for more I'd like to think you can stick around for other things
21:35too but make sure of course yeah you're hitting that subscribe making sure sure
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21:42back here on a regular basis as always guys thanks for watching see you guys
21:46next time
