• 2 months ago
McFarlane Toys Super Powers Superman, Batman and Wonder Woman Black And White Accent Edition Set


00:00Kenner thought to make them. McFarlane thought to recolor them. Here's a look at
00:04McFarlane Toys DC Multiverse DC Superpowers Batman Superman Wonder Woman
00:08black and white accent edition.
00:24Continuing the legacy of the beloved DC Superpowers line comes a brand new batch
00:28of your favorite heroes and villains. Batman Superman and Wonder Woman are
00:32featured in black and white costumes with pops of color accents. Sure they
00:36have the costumes but where are all their colors? Before we maybe answer that
00:40question of course before we get a closer look at McFarlane Toys
00:42Superpowers Batman Superman Wonder Woman all black and white accent editions let
00:47me back that up a bit and like I'd like to thank first the folks over at McFarlane
00:50Toys that did yeah provide the sample we can have a look at here. This is also as
00:53well a 2024 site exclusive over on their store and only 5,100 pieces of these
00:58were released worldwide. These of course are also using the exact same molds of
01:02the original superpowers figures even in fact using the original Batman not the
01:06classic Batman that we got a little bit later. Let's go ahead and also measure
01:10these as well. I'm only probably gonna measure Batman and Wonder Woman just
01:14because again I think the size of Supes is about the same as the Batman so we're
01:19gonna only just measure one of them. Batman though is gonna stand first at
01:23almost five inches in height translating though to a figure that's about 12
01:26centimeters tall. Skipping though over Supes and going right to the Amazonian
01:30Wonder Woman though is gonna stand more closer being about four and a half
01:33inches in height translating to a figure that's about 11 centimeters tall. To also
01:38give you an idea of how much color has been stripped away bringing in the
01:41original superpowers version of Batman of Superman. Let's also as well grab
01:47Wonder Woman here so you guys can see. Yeah I mean if you like the color choice
01:51of using the palette of just essentially really black and white and then the
01:54accent colors. The black and white versions are really nice. I did though
01:57mention that I'm surprised that they didn't actually use the classic Batman
02:00as really the the templates the body of the build and using that black and white
02:04version of him because I think that would been kind of interesting. Maybe one
02:07one of the reasons why they chose not to is because again like the accent colors
02:10are only really being represented by their symbols. The broader symbol of the
02:14original Batman probably would have worked a little bit better than using
02:17the smaller oval shape size that the original Batman would have had. Because
02:20you're seeing absolutely nothing around the figures right now it'd probably be a
02:23safe assumption to make that the figures come included with no accessories. You
02:26know that would be correct. None of them actually come included with any of the
02:29accessories. For that matter though I don't think the original superpowers
02:32releases of each of these individually came included with anything either. Wonder
02:36Woman could have been maybe the only exception to that just because she's the
02:39only figure of the three that actually has a gripping hand but she doesn't come
02:43with a lasso of truth. What they do have though is all capes. Wonder Woman though
02:46the original release of her would have also had a cape. I've just taken the cape
02:50off because I think I like to have Wonder Woman really without the one
02:52instead. You can also see too that they're all using black and white. Just
02:56basically from head to toe it's black and white except for one thing their
02:59symbols. The one thing though about this is that I think using a primary color
03:04choice would have been a better option where like Batman could have been blue
03:07Superman could have been red Wonder Woman could have been yellow but then it
03:10wouldn't have made no sense at all because we're not it's not like they're
03:13gonna be giving Batman for example a blue bat symbol. Yellow would have made
03:16the most choice but again it would have been nice had they found a way to
03:19incorporate a blue into Batman a red into Superman and yes a yellow into
03:23Wonder Woman. Each of the figures though like I said do come include with their
03:25capes. The capes though easily attached onto the back of the figures body
03:28basically what it is inside. There's a little c-clip of plastic and that's been
03:32sewn then into the cape itself. It works just the same as Superman it also works
03:36the same as well for Wonder Woman. These basically just plug onto the back of the
03:39figures necks. I'm probably not going to show you this with every single of the
03:43three figures but also to reach off to the side here I'm gonna do this with
03:46each of each each one of them. I'm gonna bring in the original Batman. Now again
03:50like the original Batman has a much broader build if we were to say compare
03:53that just get this guy to stand here for a second with a classic Batman which is
03:57really my favorite so far of what we've gotten from the Batman superpowers
04:00figures. Ideally though I would have loved to have seen what this guy could
04:03have looked like in a black and white but again like I think a lot of it has
04:06to do with the fact that the classic symbols maybe just a little bit too
04:09small and maybe they also want to get a little bit more mileage out of this
04:11particular mold. Really of the two I think this one still has this one beat
04:15by the number of re-releases this mold has gotten. The head sculpt still looks
04:18good although again like it probably makes a little to no sense to
04:21compare with the original classic Batman. I say classic Batman this really being
04:25the first release of him. The one thing that's kind of interesting though
04:28about the capes is the material that they've used. The original Batman would
04:31have had more of a shinier material. It's more smooth to the touch. All these new
04:36Batman capes or all this the superpowers capes have kind of more of a softer
04:40material that they're using. It's got a little bit of elasticity to it also as
04:44well. The cape size of it seems still to be the same as the original Batman so I
04:48don't think they've changed anything from at least the cutting out of the
04:51shapes of the fabric. The builds of obviously are exactly the same to one
04:54another. One thing though interesting about the Batman is you can see that his
04:57bat symbol even though following the same format as the original one is a lot
05:02bigger in size. I guess they wanted to get as much as most out of that yellow
05:05as they possibly could. Head sculpt still is not one of my favorites but it does
05:10work translates really well to a black and white release of this guy. I guess of
05:13course the articulation is going to be the exact same on all the three figures.
05:17If you're familiar right now with the superpowers figures and what articulation
05:20that they possess, again you can only have a head swivel, arm swivel, and leg
05:25swivel. I mean it's easy to say that. Let's actually do that. Head rotates yes
05:29back and forth. The arms can move forward and back and you can also move the legs
05:32back and forth this way as well. That's all you're going to be getting.
05:35Unfortunately though they still don't have a gimmick which is one thing that
05:38the original obviously Kenner superpowers figures would have possessed
05:40back in the 80s. None of these figures have it so I mean you could keep
05:43squeezing the legs all you want. This guy's not gonna be doing anything. All
05:47in all though it's a nice-looking Batman. I like the gray utility belt
05:50they've also given him as well. I don't think that the color needed to be any
05:53other place on the figure than just really the symbol. The moment you start
05:56throwing it to other places it detracts away from the main subject and
06:00I think the subject is the symbol. So nice-looking Batman. He does also have by
06:04the way pickles on the bottoms of his feet. You could ideally use a displacer
06:07and really of the three figures Batman here at least seems to be the one that
06:10stands the hardest. This foot specifically right here and I was
06:14thinking for a second maybe the foot was crooked or bent. It doesn't seem to be
06:19the case but this Batman has always seemed to give me troubles when it comes
06:22to staying this guy on the shelf whether it be this one or whether it be the
06:25original Batman. This guy right here. Then on to Superman. I really like first of
06:30all this Superman. The colors first of all while not having a whole lot of them
06:34I think first of all the one thing I really like about this mold is the head
06:37sculpt. I'm gonna bring in the original Superman. Somehow by stripping away all
06:41the colors you kind of get to the basic building blocks of how good these
06:44sculpts actually were. I mean yes you're missing his baby blues but at least what
06:48you're getting though is still a nice-looking Superman head. The symbol
06:51though like Batman is actually it seems to be a little bit bigger than the
06:54original Superman here. Now instead of having the yellow they favor only really
06:59just outlining in red. I mean the accent usually is just selecting one color and
07:03and not doing anything else with any other color. So having then yellow in
07:07here probably makes no sense whatsoever but the red works really quite well for
07:10Superman here. Of course he still has what seems to be the very same kind of
07:14cape as Batman although what he doesn't have at the bottom of the little tiny
07:17points. Again very much kind of a stretchy material that they've used. It
07:21clips on the back of the figure's neck the exact same way. This little C clamp
07:24here let's clip it on the back of his neck. Yeah again you got like gray here
07:29for the utility belt, gray for the hands, gray for the face. It works really well
07:33surprisingly. They kind of look like prototype figures and sometimes I've
07:37noticed though with prototype figures before they start to kind of start
07:40throwing colors at them the prototypes actually sometimes look a little bit
07:43better than the original releases. Not to say though that Superman here the
07:46original release the one that was full color of course it doesn't look good. The
07:50one thing though unfortunately it's also missing is the Superman symbol on the
07:53back of his cape. This one would have had it. The newer one here for the accident
07:56edition doesn't have it at all but again it doesn't bother me at all. Same
08:00articulation though for Batman as it is for Superman here. Head swivel, hand
08:04swivel, arm swivel I should say and of course legs move forward and back. That's
08:07all you're gonna be getting. Oh and also I should say too he also has knee
08:10articulation. Did I say that for Batman? I probably didn't. If I didn't I'm saying
08:14it now. Knee articulation for these figures as well. So technically seven
08:17points of articulation. Head, shoulders, legs, knees. Nice-looking Superman. Easily
08:23my favorite from the three. Then we move on to Wonder Woman here. Wonder Woman's
08:27kind of an interesting one here because we've actually gotten a couple releases
08:29of this mold. This was the first release. Kind of more of a modern take for Wonder
08:33Woman and then we also got, if I can actually hold on to these two, we also
08:37got kind of one that looks a little bit more like the 80s toy. Pick your palette
08:41as to which Wonder Woman you prefer. This one was really good although this one
08:45was the one that had the original cape. I just took the cape off. You had to kind
08:48of pull it off from underneath her hair. This version of Wonder Woman I don't
08:51think had it. Not that memory serves me correctly or maybe it did and I just
08:55took it off. I think yeah this Wonder Woman may have had a blue cape. The
08:58other one would have had a red cape. Either way though I took the capes off
09:01both. Will I take the cape off this Wonder Woman? Time will only tell. I have
09:05to actually say though this might be one time where I actually liked the cape on
09:08Wonder Woman. Again though if you wanted to take it off it would just be a case of
09:10pulling it off and you kind of have to unroot it. Kind of fit it in or feed it
09:14underneath her hair and when you're putting it back it's a little bit
09:17harder to do because obviously you have to tuck it underneath the hair to get a
09:19job. Now one thing interesting about Wonder Woman though is normally though
09:23the symbol would be the only thing that's colored. In this case though she
09:26also gets afforded the tiara color as well. It still is yellow. The yellow
09:30isn't quite the same color. It seems like the one in the chest area is a little
09:34bit brighter of a yellow than the one in her head. Head sculpt though looks
09:37fantastic. Again like when you start to strip the colors away. This is the
09:40original release. This is the newer release obviously. When you start
09:44stripping colors away it really gives a chance for that mold to shine. One thing
09:48that's also kind of interesting too with Wonder Woman the lower skirting here
09:51instead of having the stars at the bottom here she actually has sort of
09:54this cool panel lining circuitry effect that looks really neat on the figure.
09:58Legs down below also are getting a little bit of the additional panel
10:02lining. I mean essentially still using the mold that would have been on the
10:05original boots. They've now just gone in there and painted them in a lighter gray
10:08so those really pop quite a lot as well. Again articulation. The head's gonna
10:12swivel back and forth. You're not going to be able to move as much here for
10:15Wonder Woman just because there's a whole lot more hair in the way. Again
10:19arms move forward and back. Legs move forward and back. She does also have,
10:23can't leave it off, she also has the knee articulation as well. While these figures
10:26unfortunately don't have any accessories whatsoever, even if they did, even if they
10:30did, Wonder Woman really would have been the only one that would have been able
10:32to have anything held in her hand. But I do like this release quite a lot. I'm a
10:37big fan though of what they're doing with the new superpowers. Yes,
10:40unfortunately omitted all of the gimmick that would have made the original Kenner
10:43one so charming but having now the color stripped away from these figures as
10:47again like I bring back those examples. There's, get back Superman here. We'll
10:52bring in only one of the Wonder Woman because we don't need to bring in both.
10:55And of course there's Batman. While the molds of course have been used again, I
10:58mean McFarlane's good. I mean some criticize really the fact they're using
11:02again like mold after mold. They're just re-releasing, rehashing the same molds
11:06again and again. I always feel like if you can find clever ways to re-release
11:10the mold, it's not necessarily just a double dip, in this case a triple dip or
11:13quadruple dip. I mean stripping away the colors is certainly one smart way of
11:17kind of giving the chance for the molds to shine. And really then only giving
11:20just a little bit of color, just only for the symbols alone, I think really give a
11:24chance for these figures to really be standouts considering they don't
11:28have a whole lot of colors for them. The one only thing I would have also said
11:32too, and I did kind of open up the review saying the same thing, is using primary
11:36colors. You know again Wonder Woman you always kind of traditionally think of
11:39yellow. Superman clearly always think of red. Have they only found a way to
11:42incorporate blue into Batman? Then of course you've got the Trinity, you've got
11:45also again the primary colors of the three. That would have been a fun way to
11:49incorporate that, but I can understand certainly from a Superman or from
11:52Batman standpoint, the bat symbol generally is always a yellow, so it
11:56doesn't make any sense for them to have made it blue. Had they found a way to
11:58incorporate a blue into this, it would have been neat to see the primary colors
12:01represented with the original Trinity here. The idea of black and white accident
12:05editions isn't a new concept for McFarland Toys. In fact they've been
12:08doing it for a while with the DC multiverse line, but it's a relatively
12:11new idea with the DC superpowers. With what we're getting here with of course
12:15the Holy Trinity of DC characters, I'd like to see them in fact expand that
12:19idea, incorporating again not primary colors but certainly secondary colors
12:23for some of the other superheroes as well. Think of how well a green would
12:27work with like a Hal Jordan, and while we unfortunately don't get a blue with
12:30Batman, blue could something could be easily incorporated into a character
12:33like Nightwing. None of the characters unfortunately have any accessories, but I
12:38think even the original releases of these guys didn't have them either.
12:41Something that they could certainly do with a future figure is, well even though
12:44if you don't want to give them weapons necessarily, Superman could come with
12:47kryptonite. Wonder Woman could come in clue with the last so of truth, and maybe
12:51Batman could come in clue with a bat gadget, even though he really doesn't
12:53have gripping hands to hold them anyways. Their capes are stock. The shape of the
12:58capes at least seem to be the same ones that the original superpowers would have
13:02had also, although unfortunately with Superman this symbol is absent
13:05completely on the back of his, and Wonder Woman even though the original ones
13:09would have had them, most of the time I just generally take them off my Wonder
13:12Woman because I like to have her without a cape. This might be the only time I
13:16display a Wonder Woman that has a cape on. What do you guys think of these? Let
13:19me know down below in the comment section. Again if you guys are interested,
13:22these were an exclusive over to McFarland Toys store for 2024, and they
13:27were a limited run of only 5,100 pieces. Big thank you again to the folks over at
13:31McFarland Toys that did provide this sample we could have a look at. If you
13:34guys did enjoy this video, do it a solid and throw it a like. You guys want to
13:37stick around for more so? I hope so. While we may be wrapping up things right now,
13:41at least for superpowers, there will be more DC Multiverse reviews coming your
13:45way and stuff from McFarland Toys. So as always, thanks for watching. See you guys
13:49next time.
