Kick Buttowski Suburban Daredevil Kick Buttowski Suburban Daredevil S02 E008 Hand in Hand Luigi Vendetta

  • il y a 4 mois
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04:16Let me get this straight
04:18You're gonna disguise yourself as a princess?
04:20Not as a princess, an heiress
04:22The sole benefactor to the Perkins estate
04:24Whatever, as long as no one recognizes you
04:26It's Gordy and his goons
04:28He can't see us, help, Kendall
04:34You're buying make-up?
04:36Since when do daredevils wear make-up?
04:38Since, always
04:40Never know when you'll be on camera
04:42Here we have a cheek brush
04:44For the cheeks
04:46And the tongue
04:48And this is
04:50Some eye junk
04:52Oh no, not that
04:58Ooh, my favorite
05:02Kick Patowski in make-up
05:04Can't wait to post this one on my blog
05:06Gabble gabber
05:08Oh, you look precious
05:10We need to find a hose
05:12So you can wash that off?
05:14So I can drown myself
05:16Come on
05:18I'll take whatever he bought
05:20And some lash volumizer too
05:22Come on, the coast is clear
05:24You smell kick Patowski?
05:28You've been near kick?
05:30I can smell it
05:32You mean I reek?
05:34Well I guess kick isn't here
05:38I smell the musty aroma of awesome
05:40You wooing my kick?
05:42You think you can take me, dollface?
05:44I've coughed up hairballs bigger than you
05:46Hey look, it's kick
05:48Doing something amazing
05:52Amazing, huh?
05:54I didn't mean it, obviously
05:56I was just avoiding a close call
05:58Well here comes a closer call
06:00Well, well, well
06:02If it isn't the dillweed and his little
06:04Wait a second
06:06I got you Gunther
06:08I don't know about this kick
06:10Did you gain weight?
06:12I mean, yes
06:14And how come you two are holding hands?
06:16Don't judge us
06:18You seem less disgusting than usual
06:20There's something not right
06:28Oh no, that's Gunther alright
06:32Wow, I didn't know you had it in you
06:34Are you kidding?
06:36One time, I ripped one that knocked a lamp
06:38I mean, I didn't know either
06:40No, no, no, no
06:48Darling, I'm on my way back home
06:50Rinaldo! Well, take your time
06:52Not a chance
06:54I'm going to rush
06:56To begin a magnificent evening
06:58With my angelic parabolic blossom
07:00I'll be there soon
07:02Getting my change now
07:04Walking to the door
07:06Reaching for the handle
07:08What are you doing? Trust me
07:10And exiting the store
07:12Oh, just a second hon
07:14You know, there is such a thing as too much affection
07:16See you soon-sies
07:18That was close
07:20Yeah, really close
07:22I mean, it was totally gross too
07:24Yeah, just awful
07:26Ew, you smell like a library
07:28I'd so rather kiss a tire
07:30We've got to move fast
07:32I'm not worried
07:34There's no way he could possibly-
07:36He added turbo boosters, didn't he?
07:56My poor Rinaldo
07:58At least it bought us some time
08:00Look out!
08:06Get off my face!
08:08We've got to hurry, he'll be here any minute
08:10Jake, don't touch that!
08:12Just trust me
08:14Okay, this one's all you
08:20Sweetie face
08:22Okay, so where's the solvent?
08:24Somewhere in here
08:26Up there!
08:30Alright, I can get it
08:32But I can't do it alone
08:34You ready?
08:36I've never been more ready
08:38Follow my lead
08:40Hang on!
08:42Got it!
08:44Kick! Look out!
08:50Awesome reflexes
08:52Awesome stunt skills
08:54Nah, it was all you
08:56No way, it was all you
08:58You did better
09:00No, you did better
09:12Got it!
09:14Got it!
09:20We're free!
09:22Well, Kendall, it's been an experience
09:24Yeah, it's been very...
09:28And what is going on here?
09:30Rinaldo, um, it got dark and, uh...
09:32Kick, what are you doing?
11:16If you change your mind about handling Brad yourself
11:18Then go see Luigi Vendetta
11:21I think I can handle Brad on my own
11:25Luigi Vendetta huh?
11:32East Melbourque's finest italian canadian cafe
11:36Welcome to Fagetta Boor Dit
11:38I'm here 4 Luigi Vendetta
11:40Hum? Parmi, hein?
12:10Situation with the big brother?
12:12It's just that Brad's always...
12:13Say no more. I understand. And I can deal with this for you.
12:16All I ask in return is a favor.
12:18To be called for, at a later date.
12:22Hum. If I accept, what will you do to Brad?
12:24What will I do?
12:26Ahem. So, what are you gonna do?
12:38I'll take care of it. And by the time I'm finished,
12:40you'll have Brad doing whatever you want him to.
12:42That's all you need to know.
12:44Brad doing whatever I want him to.
12:53Here, brother. I'll be your ramp.
12:57That's all I need to know.
12:59That's right, my friend.
13:00Because once Luigi starts something, he finishes it.
13:03Can I get a doggie bag for this?
13:16Oh, this is gonna be good.
13:18I can't wait to see what Luigi's gonna do to Brad.
13:21It's time. Once I start something, I finish it.
13:33I should have kept it between brothers.
13:35Brad might be a jerk, but he doesn't deserve...
13:37I gotta stop Luigi.
13:40It's time.
13:44Keep it down. I'm trying to enjoy the movie.
13:51We weren't sneaking in, I swear.
13:53Yeah, we were just sneaking in.
13:55I mean, hey, this guy's not the cops.
13:57Ah, forget this.
14:01I have to make sure nothing happens to Brad.
14:04This movie stinks.
14:05Yeah, we want my money back.
14:07Ooh, popcorn.
14:11I'm here for Luigi.
14:12He went out on a job, eh?
14:14What does that mean?
14:15It means he's gonna take care of it.
14:18Real good, eh?
14:20I gotta get to Brad before Luigi does.
14:29Wait, stop, Luigi.
14:31Papercut, where'd you get the new clothes?
14:33Right here, in the costume store.
14:49Yeah, Brad!
14:53Luigi, no!
15:19Ah, ah, ah, ah, ah!
15:21Ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah!
15:23This is the best tie sample ever.
15:28Whoa, cash!
15:31Look out!
15:37Oh, come on!
15:44OK, Brad, we're gonna go.
15:47OK, Brad, I have to tell you.
15:49I hired someone to settle the score between us,
15:51but I realized it was a mistake,
15:52and I've been trying to call it off all day.
15:54So please forgive me,
15:55and let me help you hide from this guy,
15:57because the truth is, Brad, you're my brother, and...
16:01Back for more?
16:02Brad, no!
16:08Wonder how I'm gonna beat you down today.
16:10Oh, decisions, decisions.
16:12Will it be the Philly Fist,
16:14or the Portland Pounder,
16:15the Walla Walla Wedgie,
16:16or maybe the Jersey Jab?
16:25Begging won't save you.
16:26Nothing will save you.
16:32Who are you supposed to be, small fry?
16:34My name is Luigi Vendetta.
16:36I am the youngest of seven brothers.
16:38I have acquired skills,
16:39skills that make it tough for older brothers everywhere.
16:42What the...
16:43I have been sent to settle a score
16:45at the request of your little brother.
16:48Oh, I'm so scared!
16:49I'm terrified!
16:50Please don't hurt me!
16:51I promise I'll stop!
16:54No, not really!
17:03Bad brothers shouldn't bully or degrade
17:06Be sugar sweet, not lemonade
17:09Do not partake in sibling rivalry
17:12Cherish your family
17:16Big brothers ought to be role models
17:18So be kind to your young bro
17:29That was the lamest score-settling ever!
17:34Bad brothers shouldn't bully or degrade
17:37Be sugar sweet, not lemonade
17:40This guy's lame! I'm outta here!
17:42Do not partake in sibling rivalry
17:44Cherish your family
17:47Big brothers ought to be role models
17:50So be kind to your young bro
17:53Bad brothers shouldn't bully or degrade
17:56Be sugar sweet, not lemonade
17:59Do not partake in sibling rivalry
18:03Cherish your family
18:06Big brothers ought to be role models
18:09So be kind to your young bro
18:12Bad brothers shouldn't bully or degrade
18:15Be sugar sweet, not lemonade
18:18Do not partake in sibling rivalry
18:22Cherish your family
18:25Big brothers ought to be role models
18:28So be kind to your young bro
18:31Bad brothers shouldn't bully or degrade
18:34Be sugar sweet, not lemonade
18:37OK, OK, fine! I give up!
18:39I'll do whatever you say! Just stop him!
18:42Please, please!
18:45OK, Luigi, he's had enough!
18:47I took care of it. And for that, you owe me a favor,
18:50which I will call for at a later date.
18:53Ah, thank you, Kick!
18:55From now on, I promise to be the best older brother ever!
18:58I'll make you breakfast in bed and shine your helmet,
19:01and you can launch off my back and...
19:03Pansy! Pansy!
19:05Here's your corndogs, sir, with mustard.
19:07I hate mustard! Now go get me another one!
19:10Yes, sir. Very sorry, sir.
19:14I noticed that you're having more than your share of trouble with your little brother.
19:17If you need some assistance, then go see Patio Payback.
19:22We don't need this, because we keep it between brothers.
19:30Where's my corndog?
19:32Sous-titres réalisés para la communauté d'
20:02Abonnez-vous !
