Red vs. Blue S12 E015

  • il y a 3 mois


00:00Well, Carolina's patched up again. Gray really hounded her on the no more super speed thing.
00:06You know, I don't think I've ever seen a civilian lecture a freelancer like that before. It was... pretty entertaining, actually.
00:14Hey, watch. Uh, you got a sec?
00:16I swear to God if you want me to look at another rash, I'm gonna hit you.
00:18No, it's just... it feels like every choice I make is the worst.
00:22Oh, holy shit, you're being serious.
00:23Back at the canyon, you told me to try to be better. And ever since then, that's all people keep telling me.
00:27Try this, try that. Well, I'm fucking trying, and so far all that happens is I either get people killed or I ruin the mission.
00:32I mean, how are you supposed to know if you're making the right call?
00:34Well, you don't. There's never really a right or wrong answer. You just have to stick with what you think is best.
00:41But what if what I think is best totally sucks?
00:43Then you learn from it and you try again.
00:45Oh my God, it's like you people are on a fucking loop.
00:48Tucker, I know you're frustrated, but you have to realize that making mistakes is just part of the deal.
00:54Even with everything you've screwed up, look at how far you've made it.
00:57You're not the same person you were back in Blood Gulch.
00:59Is it bad that I kind of wish I was?
01:01Yes! You were a terrible excuse for a human being.
01:04Hey, I'm kidding.
01:05Fuck you, dude! I'm over here smelling my guts and shit, and you're cracking jokes? That's messed up.
01:09Now who's melodramatic?
01:10Man, I should have just left your ass with the feds.
01:12Hey, Wash, can we borrow you for a second?
01:14Everything okay?
01:15Well, ever since that pirate guy regained consciousness, Carolina's been trying to get info out of him.
01:19But so far, nothing's working.
01:21So you need help with the interrogation?
01:23Actually, we were hoping you could calm down, Carolina.
01:26Why won't he talk?
01:28She's a little frustrated.
01:36Well, she definitely takes after her mother.
01:38Was her mother some sort of silverback girl on steroids?
01:40Yeah, you better be happy her mother's not around to hear you say that.
01:43How's it going?
01:44Oh, you know, terrible.
01:45You still got the manifest?
01:46Yes, actually, no thanks to you.
01:48The Reds did manage to bring back a completely intact drive with the ship's records and manifest.
01:53Yeah, you know, suck it, Blue.
01:54And thanks to the Reds, those documents are currently locked.
01:58Oh, wait, yeah.
02:01Yes, apparently they accessed the ship's records the last time they were on board, but since they didn't have the proper clearance, the files are now in security lockdown.
02:08Aren't you, like, part of the Matrix now? Why don't you just hack it?
02:10Oh, why don't I just hack it? Oh, well, I meant, why don't I just download the mainframe and cross-reference the database, huh?
02:16Don't talk to me about technical shit. This is hard, okay?
02:18It's just making me a little frustrated.
02:20I was gonna say completely filled with rage, but yeah, frustrated.
02:22Talking about me?
02:23Actually, no.
02:24I don't get it. He's not giving up anything.
02:27Excuse me.
02:28I've been washing your blood off my armor, so I'm a little late to the conversation.
02:32Did you say the prisoner is awake?
02:33For now, but I've got five bucks that says Carolina rips his spine out within the hour.
02:37I'll take those odds.
02:38I see.
02:39If you don't mind, do you think I could have a few minutes alone with him?
02:42You gonna give him a band-aid for every beating he gets?
02:44Well, if you recall, he and his partners turned every one of my friends at Outpost 37 into piles of ash.
02:49Anyone sick enough to do something like that would almost certainly benefit from a, uh, check-up.
02:59Oh, what's the matter? Did the big bad freelancer get all tuckered out?
03:03Do you know where we are?
03:06This is a remote research facility designed to study the surrounding wildlife.
03:09I volunteered at one just like it in grad school.
03:11It's got a laboratory, an incinerator, and oodles of state-of-the-art surgical equipment.
03:16Would you like to see them?
03:24Sarge? I'm scared.
03:26Simmons? We're all scared.
03:29I mean, except for me.
03:31His name is Zachary Miller, he's ex-military, and he was kind enough to hand over the coordinates to a nearby radio jammer.
03:36You're kidding.
03:37No, silly! I'm Dr. Gray! Ha! That joke!
03:40All right. Think he's in a position to answer a few more questions?
03:44Oh, absolutely! Let me just go put him back together.
03:50Don't ever stick your dick in crazy.
03:52I have no idea what that means.
03:54I know.
03:56You'll find his belongings on a crate over there, and that his tone is much more positive.
04:00Isn't that right, Zachary?
04:01For the love of God, get this psychopath away from me!
04:04He's all yours.
04:05Hey, Carolina, I'm gonna go dark for a little bit, focus on this manifest. You got this?
04:10Oh, yeah. The radio jammers. Talk.
04:13I already told your friend about the nearest one, okay?
04:15I want to know about all of them.
04:17I don't know all of them, I swear!
04:19Look, if you take out the jammer at the coast, you'll at least be able to make contact with the capital.
04:22That helps, right? Now, will you let me go?
04:24There seems to be a misunderstanding.
04:26Your options are either A, staying here forever, or B, the incinerator directly behind you.
04:34Good point. Well, what else do you want?
04:36La torre gigantesque de Crash Site Alpha. Qu'est-ce qu'elle fait?
04:39Quoi? Les bombes de tracteur?
04:41C'est pour ça que votre vaisseau est tombé ici en premier lieu.
04:43C'est l'un des seuls reliques aliens qu'on a réussi à activer.
04:46Les vaisseaux arrivent, on les tire, et on tue tout le monde qui est à bord.
04:49Après ça, les mercs vendent leurs affaires aux armées.
04:51Ça aurait fonctionné pour vous aussi, mais quelque chose n'est pas bon.
04:54C'est comme si le vaisseau a essayé de sauter dans l'espace, changer de course, et s'élargir tout en même temps.
04:59Ça n'avait pas de sens. Au lieu de vous tirer, le vaisseau s'est cassé.
05:04Je vais m'occuper de ça.
05:07Combien d'entre vous êtes sur Corus?
05:09Assez pour faire le travail.
05:11Donnez-moi les numéros, ou je vous donne le docteur.
05:14Ne soyez pas timides. Il y a quelques dizaines d'entre nous, d'accord?
05:18Quelques dizaines?
05:19Qualité contre quantité.
05:20Vous, les freelancers, devriez en savoir quelque chose.
05:23J'ai travaillé avec les mercs sur un autre travail il y a longtemps.
05:25Je pense que j'ai fait de bon, parce qu'ils sont revenus.
05:28Et ils ont eu l'offre d'une vie.
05:30Détruire toute une planète?
05:32Vous l'appelez le génocide. Je l'appelle un salaire de merde.
05:36Et qui paye pour tout ça?
05:38C'est moi. Le client nous envoie des matériaux et des scientifiques pour faire la fabrication des armes,
05:42mais Locus et Félix sont les seuls qui parlent avec eux.
05:45Nous recevrons des ordres directs si les choses se déroulent,
05:47mais au-delà de ça, nous restons dans le noir.
05:50Je peux vous dire une chose.
05:53Qui que ce soit a investi beaucoup de temps et de l'argent dans ce projet.
05:58Si vous pensez qu'ils vont juste s'asseoir et vous laisser tomber tout ça,
06:03alors vous avez une autre chose à...
06:12Je suis là. Il y a trois autres en train de se fermer.
06:14Tucker, Sarge, plus de pirates arrivent.
06:16Quoi? Merde! Les stations de bataille!
06:18Allez au labo tout de suite. Nous pouvons les tenir d'ici.
06:21Je l'ai!
06:22Nous avons plus de hostiles à l'intérieur.
06:24Dérick! Dérick! Dérick!
06:26Qu'est-ce qui se passe?
06:27Nous sommes entourés.
06:28Comment ils nous trouvent?
06:29Je ne sais pas. Est-ce qu'il y a un informant? Un appareil?
06:32Est-ce qu'il y a une sorte d'apologie?
06:38Oh non.
06:39Tout le monde, préparez-vous!
06:42Aujourd'hui est un bon jour pour...
06:45Je vais m'asseoir pour un instant et me reposer,
06:48parce que je pense que je vais me déchirer.
06:50Nous sommes de retour à la station de bataille.
06:52Bien. Je pense que j'ai besoin d'un bain.
06:54Je ne le recommanderais pas.
06:56Comment sommes-nous ici?
06:57C'est Freckles.
07:00Freckles est l'appareil de traçage.
07:08Bonjour! Oui! Je suis ici pour vous parler de vous abonner à notre chaîne!
07:14Et terminé. Au revoir!
07:16Qu'est-ce qui s'est passé?