The Pop Idol Famous for Her Coldness Towards Her Fan was in My Closet. I Got to Live with Her

  • 3 months ago
The Pop Idol Famous for Her Coldness Towards Her Fan was in My Closet. I Got to Live with Her
Japanese Manga in English
Manga video to learn English
00:00Mariya sure is a beautiful girl. You think so too, don't you, Kouta?
00:05I have no interest. I mean, look, she isn't smiling at all.
00:10That's what makes her popular. She's different from the others around her, just like me.
00:16Totally different.
00:18I'm definitely going to succeed the next startup project. A bright future awaits for me!
00:24My name is Kouta Kimura. I'm a nerdy introvert who's a third year in Koiwa High School.
00:30I live with my entrepreneurial father while using the money my wealthy mother left behind when she passed away.
00:38I will definitely get a job as a civil servant and live a steady and healthy life.
00:44For that, I have to put studies first. I need to get into the school.
00:51Good morning! What are you muttering about?
00:54Did you find an idol you could make your favorite?
00:58The two people who came to talk to me are Ron Tenshin, a cheerful bright girl,
01:03and Otakuda, the number one nerd in our school and my best friend.
01:08Nah, I don't need pleasure in my life.
01:12Geez, this is a bad symptom.
01:15He's just got too much to handle.
01:18I know! I'll take you to the next concert my favorite idol group is having!
01:24After school that day, the two girls brought me to the live performance of the idol who doesn't smile, Maria Okada.
01:32Her live performance, dancing, her singing...
01:36In her peculiar yet powerful world, I was just left in awe.
01:42This is what an idol is like? Wow!
01:46You finally understand!
01:49Yeah, really! This sure would give me life!
01:53Oh, dang! He stepped into the swamp!
01:58After that, I turned into a hardcore idol fan.
02:01I learned the nerdy skills from Otakuda and even participated in the handshake events that the idol held.
02:08Next person!
02:10So, I finally get to meet the son of my world, Maria!
02:15Ah! It's really her! Maria!
02:19N-nice to meet you! I'm always cheering for you!
02:24I love you! I can never wash my hands anymore!
02:28Okay, okay, can you please let go now?
02:31And she acts so cold! It hurts, but I still love her!
02:36I decided to remember this happiness forever and make it my energy to try hard in life.
02:44N-no way! You're kidding!
02:47Maria is on a break and we don't know until when!
02:51My energy, which was all reliant on Maria, was suddenly all gone.
02:57Ah, I'm feeling more pain than all the times Dad's business went bankrupt.
03:03Let's see, maybe I'll heal my heart by watching Maria's DVDs, pictures, and merch!
03:10Until the day she makes a comeback, I'll support her in my heart!
03:15But I do want to meet you!
03:18I was so attracted to you and how you don't laugh!
03:25Huh? Maria's moving?
03:28But wait, did I buy such a huge poster?
03:32I'm Maria.
03:34It's talking!
03:36Um, I'm in your house. Sorry for surprising you.
03:40What? Really?
03:43Oh, Maria, you were in this room?
03:46You made a mistake! Your room's the one next door!
03:52Dad? What's going on? Why is Maria in our house?
03:57Ah, it's been a while since I last saw you surprised. Are you shy?
04:03Who wouldn't be surprised?
04:05Sorry, sorry. So, the truth is, I'm a handyman.
04:10Apparently, my father recently started a business with the catch copy,
04:15Handyman, come to me for anything.
04:18And that was when his friend from university, who happened to be Maria's mother, came to him for help.
04:24And that was to make Maria laugh again.
04:28So it wasn't that she didn't laugh, she couldn't laugh!
04:32Maria's mother is the president of an entertainment company!
04:36And she always encouraged me, saying that my only good trait was my uniqueness and popularity!
04:43I don't think she's encouraging you.
04:46My mother told me that would surely make me laugh. You never give up.
04:51Geez, you're making me blush!
04:54So, good luck, Kota! I have so many clients right now, I have to go all around Japan!
05:00So, please make Maria smile!
05:04Of course, you can't leave a girl in need of help alone, can you?
05:08Uh, but...
05:10Maria, don't worry about a thing!
05:12My son, who is always there for anyone during big troubles, will be here for you!
05:18I'm looking forward!
05:20Excuse me!
05:21Well then, see ya!
05:24H-he left! So, I'm going to be living with Maria from now on?
05:31Y-yes ma'am!
05:33I have to be able to smile, for my entertainment career too!
05:38So please help me!
05:40Yes, well, we're the same age, so you can talk to me more casually!
05:46Okay, I'll call you Kota!
05:50Maria just called my name! I can die anytime!
05:56With that, my life like a dream began!
05:59I tried very hard to make Maria smile and laugh.
06:03However, no matter how hard I tried, for one whole week, she wouldn't crack.
06:09Maybe there's no way a guy she doesn't even know well will be able to make her laugh.
06:14But no, I shouldn't give up!
06:17So, what are we going to do today?
06:20My friend told me about a really funny stand-up comedy show! Let's watch that!
06:27A few minutes later...
06:32This is hilarious!
06:34It is?
06:36Y-you don't really like it?
06:39I think it's the funniest stand-up comedy I've seen!
06:43But you're not laughing!
06:46Hey, how are you laughing?
06:48Which part of it made you laugh?
06:51Really, which part? How were you breathing right before you burst out?
06:55Huh? Um, I just felt it boil from my stomach!
07:01Man, she's close!
07:03I see...
07:05Maria was an earnest girl who earned to grow.
07:09She always thinks logically and tries to understand the situation.
07:14I'm sure she gained popularity because of her hard-working personality.
07:19Hm? Your stomach? That means...
07:23So you breathe in here and then laugh?
07:26Or is it here?
07:28W-wait a second...
07:30Maybe here?
07:34What? Tell me properly!
07:36It's not there! I'll tell you properly, so stop!
07:40My heart's going to burst into pieces!
07:43I know she's trying hard to laugh, but this is too much!
07:48On another day...
07:50I know! Maybe she'll laugh if I surprise her!
07:53Maria, boo!
07:57Ah, it didn't work.
07:59Wow! How did you do that? Did it come out your sleeve?
08:03It-it's my hand! I twisted it!
08:07Huh? Your hand? How?
08:11So, as you can see...
08:13She always ended up making my heart flutter, and my efforts in making her laugh ended in vain.
08:20Before I knew it, two weeks had passed.
08:23Nothing's working...
08:25It's too hard to make Maria laugh!
08:27She's making me happy!
08:31Lift the corners of my mouth to a 45 degree angle...
08:34Try to make my eyes droop...
08:36Maybe my cheeks should be orange...
08:38A little line or two?
08:42She's really serious about her idol job...
08:45But I think she's trying a little too hard.
08:48I want her to relax.
08:51The next day, I took Maria to a park a little far away from the city.
08:58I'm glad you like it.
09:00You're always trying hard. You should rest.
09:03But I'm making all my fans wait!
09:05But I still don't want you to try too hard.
09:09We all wish for your best!
09:13Coda, you're so sweet. Thank you.
09:16Huh? Did you smile?
09:20You laughed right now, didn't you?
09:22No way, me?
09:25Why? I wasn't able to laugh until now!
09:28Why don't you try thinking through it logically, like you always do?
09:35A few minutes later...
09:37I got it!
09:38What is it?
09:39I was with you right now!
09:41And you were always by my side and encouraging me!
09:44You thought about my situation with me and you cared about me!
09:48That made me really happy!
09:50I was unsure if I should be continuing my idol career,
09:53but you made my heart all nice and warm!
09:56And before I knew it, I was naturally smiling!
09:59So that means...
10:02So I should do things to make you happy, huh?
10:06Yay! We found out how to make you laugh!
10:09Y-yeah! I think that's the only way!
10:13I'll do my best to try and make you happy from now on!
10:16T-thank you!
10:19Oh? Something about her reaction is a little different.
10:23Am I imagining things?
10:26And then after that, I did my research so that I can find ways to make a girl laugh!
10:32Koda! Did you make a girlfriend or something?
10:36I-it's not that, but...
10:38There's a girl I want to make happy!
10:41Oh, really? How sweet!
10:44Well then, leave it to me!
10:46I'll introduce you to the best dating spot!
10:50And the place I went to with Mario was...
10:53It's delicious!
10:55She's laughing! Thank you, Ron!
11:00You have cream here!
11:02T-thank you!
11:04You're welcome!
11:06Huh? What's with that expression?
11:09She was so poker-faced until now!
11:12Can we come here again?
11:14Of course!
11:15My, my! Aren't you two in love?
11:19Ehehehe! Yes!
11:22Hm? Did she just say yes?
11:25And then after that, Mario learned to laugh naturally!
11:29And then one day, I realized that I was in love with her not as a fan, but as one man!
11:36I want to continue cheering on her as a fan, so I shouldn't tell her how I feel!
11:42I reported to my father and Mario's mother that Mario was able to laugh now!
11:48And then the next day, the two came to the house!
11:51You really are able to laugh now, aren't you?
11:54What a wonderful smile, Maria!
11:56It's all thanks to Coda!
11:58Coda! I knew you would do it!
12:01Thank you for the support! Coda, thank you so much!
12:05You're welcome!
12:07Well then, Maria, I'll continue supporting you as your fan!
12:11Y-yeah! Thank you!
12:13Goodbye, Coda!
12:15I was kind of happy that she saw me as a man, but she's an idol!
12:20This is how it should be.
12:22Romance is a big obstacle for a girl who's serious about her idol career.
12:28And then a few days later...
12:30The first line seats for Maria's comeback live!
12:33How did you get these tickets?
12:35Really? Aren't you hiding something?
12:38Uh, it's a coincidence. My acquaintance gave me.
12:42Ah, I gotta call me. I'll have to get this.
12:49Ah, Maria! Congratulations on your comeback live!
12:53I'm here at the concert with my friends! I'm excited!
12:59What should I do? I'll be betraying my fans again!
13:03Calm down! Where are you? I'll go there right away!
13:07Sorry, I have to go!
13:09Make sure you protect this girl at all costs!
13:12Be honest to your feelings!
13:14What? You two knew about it? Thank you!
13:19A little while later...
13:21Where's Maria?
13:23Here, sorry. This is the first time anything like this happened.
13:27Maybe she's nervous because it's been a while.
13:30Maria! I'm coming!
13:32Coda! I... I can't laugh anymore again!
13:37And you supported me so much back then! I'm sorry!
13:41I can't make the audience enjoy today!
13:46And I made them all wait during my break! I... I... I'm a failure as an idol!
13:53That's not true! You're the best idol, Maria!
13:57We fans love you, no matter what!
14:00There's no way we'll hate you when you're trying this hard for your fans!
14:04I'm your number one fan! Trust me on this!
14:09Thank you. I'll do my best.
14:12There's no way I can make my fans wait any longer!
14:15Yeah, don't worry! I'll be here with you!
14:19And then, after that, Maria was back to usual.
14:23If anything, she had evolved into something better.
14:27Man, she's a beautiful girl!
14:30I believe she's become even more attractive than before!
14:34Yeah, she's stunning!
14:36I love you! I love you, everyone!
14:40Maria is smiling!
14:42Hey, this guy just fainted!
14:44This is an important moment in idol history!
14:47Wow, the effect she has!
14:50I knew I was right.
14:52She definitely was looking at us! We'll hear from you later!
14:57Uh, of course!
15:00After the live performance, Otakura and Ran pushed my back and I went straight to Maria.
15:06Maria, you were great!
15:10I was able to smile! I was able to do it in front of everyone, Coda!
15:15Yeah, you were adorable! Good job! I'm so happy too!
15:20You know, I wasn't able to smile after that because I stopped meeting you, Coda.
15:25But when I'm with you, I feel so many emotions!
15:29And I can naturally smile!
15:31B-because I love you!
15:35Please stay by my side!
15:37As my boyfriend!
15:39B-but you're an idol! I shouldn't...
15:42I know, but right now I want you to answer.
15:46Do you love or hate me?
15:49Not as an idol.
15:51Please look at me as a woman!
15:55Yes, I love you too!
15:58Thank you!
16:00I thought Maria's mother, who was the president of her agency,
16:04would oppose us becoming a couple, but...
16:07she was perfectly okay.
16:09Our agency allows free romance.
16:12Girls shine more when they're in love.
16:14And we'd welcome you!
16:16Maria dating a normal man was reported on the news,
16:20but Maria's fans were very welcoming,
16:22saying that the man was a great influence who was able to make Maria laugh.
16:27And then we...
16:30Coda! I'm going to be starring in a TV show!
16:34Compliment me!
16:36Wow! Who's your opponent?
16:39I think the most popular actor right now.
16:42I'm worried you'd fall for him!
16:45Gosh, what are you saying?
16:49I love you and only you, Coda!
16:52You too, Coda! Don't be looking at other idols!
16:56There's no way I can ever...
16:58The girl who gave me life will continue shining right next to me.
17:03Maria is my sun, but according to her, I am the sun and she is the moon.
17:09I always feel incredible happiness from the warm smile that she has.
17:14We hope to shine each other's lives from now on and ever.
17:21Hi! It's me, Mel!
17:24Thanks for watching my channel!
17:27I'm super happy if you watch the next and other videos, too!
