The Maid Café Waitress Famous for Her Coldness to Her Fan is Actually My Fiancée…

  • 2 months ago
The Maid Café Waitress Famous for Her Coldness to Her Fan is Actually My Fiancée…
Japanese Manga in English
Manga video to learn English


00:00Uh, Sarah, you look wonderful today as always!
00:05Don't say my name like that, just because you're my master.
00:09That sharp stare of yours, wonderful!
00:13I don't get it.
00:15Don't talk, it's hurting my ears.
00:18Mmm, what a character.
00:22As expected from our number one maid.
00:25My name is Masato Nakamura, I'm a third year in high school.
00:29I work as a waiter at the Koiwa Maid Cafe, where classical maids serve customers.
00:34And the number one maid at our cafe is...
00:38Hehe, you're so cute today!
00:43That girl, Sarah Miura.
00:45She is very much not like a classical maid, and acts bitter towards everyone.
00:51However, some hardcore fans love that about her, and she became number one here before we knew it.
00:58What are you going to get, hurry!
01:00I don't have time to be with you.
01:02I have other masters waiting for me.
01:05I want the omelette rice that comes with the handshake.
01:09And please pour in some of your love with the handshake before I eat it.
01:15Uhhh, thank you!
01:18Now let go, hurry!
01:20More, more, more!
01:23Huh? Didn't you hear me say let go?
01:26Huh, huh, good, good, act meaner!
01:31Enough, right?
01:33Thank you, it was amazing!
01:37While I'm leaving, make sure you eat it all up.
01:40Yes, I'll eat the plate as well!
01:44Um, Sarah?
01:46What, I'm working right now.
01:48I know you are, but...
01:51Maybe you shouldn't be that mean, even though you're popular with that.
01:55It's okay, just leave me alone.
01:58Of course I can't!
02:00When you were looking for a job, you happened to see our owner, Lan, fall in front of you and you helped her.
02:07With that, you somehow ended up working here.
02:10But just because you're helping out our owner, your masters would start hating you if you act too mean.
02:16So what? Besides, you started working here for the same reason.
02:20I'm not that mean to everyone, though.
02:24Right, well, I don't plan on changing my attitude.
02:27Well then, see ya.
02:29Wait, Sarah!
02:31Not only is she like that to her customers, but she was like that to me as well.
02:36She always acted bitter towards everybody.
02:39Well, she was nice only to the owner, Lan, who is also a girl.
02:43So, Sarah always acted like that, but...
02:47I'm home!
02:49Welcome home, Masato!
02:51Do you want me now? Me? Or maybe... you?
02:56I think I want food. I'm starving.
02:59You want to eat me then, huh? I cleaned the bedroom.
03:03Mmm, smells good. Is it curry? Maybe eggs for toppings would be nice.
03:09Of course, and I made the pickles you love as well.
03:12Thank you. You really know what I like, huh?
03:17I'm so happy you complimented me.
03:20Wait, no! Why aren't you eating me?
03:24Meaty, I'm sad. Look at me only.
03:27Wait a second. At least let me change.
03:31Fine, I'll change you.
03:33No, because you steal the clothes I take off.
03:37Well, of course. Those are my treasures. Your smell is on them.
03:45Aha! Don't ignore me, Masato. Because they're really my treasures.
03:50Masato, your scent is better than any perfume out there.
03:54Okay, okay, thank you. Anyone would be surprised to hear that.
04:00So why is the bidder number one made here?
04:04That's because she is my fiancé.
04:09I understand. Weird to have a fiancé at a modern time like this.
04:14But actually, our parents were best friends.
04:17However, Sarah's parents passed away when she was young due to a traffic accident.
04:22Our parents made a promise with each other saying that the other family should take care of both children if something happens to their parents.
04:30And our children should marry each other.
04:35Thus, my father didn't adopt Sarah, but took her in as a guardian of a minor.
04:40Yes, it was because they wanted us to get engaged.
04:43But it was also because they thought they could never become her real parents, but would always be her parents' best friends.
04:51There was no doubt we couldn't get used to it at first, but time fixed that for us.
04:56Sarah accepted us as her family in time.
04:59And then, one day...
05:07Masato! Masato!
05:09Sarah, are you okay? Are you not hurt?
05:13Yes, I'm okay.
05:15Good, I'm glad you're fine.
05:17But Masato, you're...
05:19I'm fine, because you're precious to me.
05:25After this accident, Sarah seemed to fall in love with me.
05:29And from the next day on, she started acting lovey-dovey and sweetly.
05:34She was so sweet that it was as if she had boiled down a pot of sugar, honey, and molasses.
05:40My parents, seeing us like this, told us that we should live together for the future.
05:45And we started living together as soon as we entered high school.
05:48They said it was important for both of us to live together to make sure we were compatible.
05:53So here we are, living together.
05:57Hey, Sarah, why are you sitting here?
06:00Isn't it normal for me to sit on the lap of someone I love?
06:04I don't want to spend even a split second away from you.
06:07I see, but you're a little heavy.
06:11Well, I guess all the love in my body makes me heavier.
06:15Yeah, but I...
06:18I can't help this, Masato, so please accept it.
06:21So she won't let me say anything, huh?
06:25You really do smell great, Masato.
06:31Do I smell that strongly?
06:34Maybe like pheromones. It's just amazing.
06:38I should take in all the scent.
06:40I'm not a cat.
06:43You're as amazing as a cute little cat.
06:49Is it that good?
06:51You don't know?
06:52It means we're meant for each other on a DNA level if we feel the other smells good.
06:57DNA level?
06:59Yes, so it means that our love is fate on a DNA level.
07:03I never thought fate works that way.
07:06There's no way I can leave now, huh?
07:10By the way, Sarah, I don't know about your attitude at work today.
07:14What, you're suddenly lecturing me?
07:17I'm being lovey-dovey with you right now.
07:19I don't want to hear about this right now.
07:21I understand how you feel, but listen properly.
07:25I know you're popular for that bitter attitude,
07:28but if you do it too much, it might cause a misunderstanding.
07:31I know most people like it, but there might be people who gets upset at it.
07:36Why don't you become nicer to them?
07:39I'm sure that would be better.
07:42Come on, you're not a kid.
07:44See, there's news on the internet saying a restaurant staff and a customer got in trouble.
07:49Why are you being so mean?
07:51I'm not being mean.
07:53I'm not interested in anyone except you, so it's fine.
07:57Besides, it seems like everyone likes it. There's not a problem at all.
08:01But you really don't know what would happen.
08:05Maybe it's about time we tell everyone we're engaged?
08:10Not yet? You always say no to that.
08:13I think it would be easier for us like that.
08:16And I really am worried about you.
08:20You're worried?
08:22Of course. You're important to me.
08:24And your father left you in our hands.
08:28If something happens...
08:30Thank you! I'm so happy!
08:33I love you, Masato. Receive my love!
08:37No, we can't!
08:39Hush! Are you shy?
08:42No, it's not that I'm shy.
08:45I know, I know. It's because I'm important, right?
08:49Yes, you're important to both me and your father.
08:53I can't lay my hands on you like that.
08:56I knew it.
08:57Hmm? You knew what?
09:00Nothing. I'm very important to you, huh?
09:04So I'm saying you are, gosh.
09:07But again, she changed the subject.
09:11I wonder why she doesn't want to tell everyone about our relationship.
09:16What? Why are you staring at me like that?
09:19Do you want to kiss me?
09:21Sure, it doesn't have to be a normal kiss.
09:23How about an adult-y kiss?
09:26Gosh, I said no!
09:29Come on, let's go to bed.
09:34Hey, Sarah? I can't breathe.
09:38It's okay, I can breathe.
09:40Well, of course you can.
09:44Hey, Masato. I want to be with you forever.
09:48Don't leave me no matter what. I want you by my side.
09:51What's that all of a sudden?
09:54Nothing. I just got a little worried.
09:57Don't worry. I'll always be here.
10:00Okay, good. Good night, Masato.
10:03Yeah, good night, Sarah.
10:06Like this, she's lovey-dovey with me every day.
10:10And honestly, she is the cutest, most adorable thing in the world to me.
10:15I hope that Sarah could live peacefully like this forever.
10:20And then one day...
10:22So, what do you want to do after all?
10:27Please love your older sister again.
10:30What? You don't have to cry that much.
10:33Why in the world did this happen?
10:36She suddenly told me she wanted me to listen to her.
10:39And she told me that her brother is at a rebellious age.
10:43She's so shocked she can't do anything about it.
10:47And thus, she wanted my advice.
10:50Because I'm the only guy here.
10:55I don't know what to do, my little brother.
10:58Everyone goes through a stage like that.
11:01I'm sure he'll come back once he settles.
11:04So why don't you accept him with your big heart?
11:08He'll come back if I wait?
11:11I mean you love him that much. I'm sure he would feel that.
11:16I see. Thank you, Masato. You really are reliable.
11:22Yeah, no worries.
11:26Why are you staring at them like that?
11:30Ah, Masato. He's giving advice again?
11:35He's very kind. He's quite popular amongst the maids.
11:39I guess everyone likes kind people.
11:44Whoops, I still have work. You should get some rest.
11:48Thank you. So, he's popular, huh?
11:52Um, Sarah, I have something to ask you.
11:57Ask me?
11:58Is it okay?
11:59Yes, what's wrong?
12:04I'm home.
12:05Oh? She usually comes flying to the entrance.
12:09She's not here today?
12:11Is she feeling sick?
12:14Sarah, what's wrong?
12:16What is?
12:17You didn't come to hug me like you always do.
12:20Did something happen?
12:22I have days like that too.
12:24And I'm sleeping on the sofa today, not on the same bed as you.
12:28If you don't want to sleep with me, sleep on the bed and I'll sleep on the sofa.
12:34I don't know what happened, but I'll be your help if you need me.
12:38So don't keep it in. Tell me.
12:41Masato, thank you.
12:43Although we said that...
12:46After this day, Sarah stopped clinging on to me.
12:50She didn't even tell me the reasons why.
12:52However, when I tried to ask her, she would try to avoid me even inside the house.
12:57I didn't know what I did and so I didn't know what to do.
13:00And then one day...
13:03Boss, what's this?
13:05I don't know. It was like this when I came here.
13:08Who would do such a thing?
13:11We couldn't catch the culprit even on the security cameras.
13:14I told the police just in case.
13:17They said they're on the move, but be careful everyone.
13:20Anyway, we can't open the store today. Everyone, go home.
13:27It's dangerous. Let's go home together.
13:30Um, Masato, do you have a moment?
13:33Uh, um...
13:35Well then, I'm leaving.
13:37W-wait. Sarah, wait.
13:40M-Masato, don't go. I have something to tell you.
13:45Tell me something.
13:47I like you, Masato.
13:49You're so kind, always trying your best, and your heart is so warm.
13:54I'm sorry.
13:56I like Sarah.
13:58I can't fall in love with anyone other than her.
14:02So, I'm sorry.
14:05Is that so?
14:07Is that why you always look at Sarah with very kind eyes?
14:11I wanted you to look at me with the same eyes, but I guess it can't be helped.
14:16Thank you for listening to me.
14:18Well then, go on. Sarah's waiting for you.
14:22Thank you.
14:23I appreciate your feelings, though. Thanks.
14:27You won't even let me hate him.
14:31Sarah, where did she go?
14:34Hey, why are you here?
14:36Sarah? I hear her from over there.
14:40It must be fate to meet you here, Sarah.
14:44We are destined to be together.
14:47Of course not. If it were fate, I'd rip that apart with all my might.
14:52Uh, your bitterness, that's also your beauty.
14:58That's enough.
15:00Wh-what are you?
15:02I'm her fiancé.
15:05Fiancé? Of course you're not, you liar!
15:11I'll beat you up!
15:20Master, you shall not touch the maids like that.
15:24Sarah, are you okay?
15:26Masato, thank you for helping me. You're really strong, huh?
15:30I trained my body to protect you, and...
15:34you finally looked at me.
15:38You wouldn't look at me recently.
15:40Hey, Sarah, why were you acting like that?
15:43That girl told me that she liked you, so I thought I couldn't be with you anymore.
15:49What? Of course that wouldn't happen.
15:52Because you're with me only because you're my fiancé, right?
15:57So I thought I had to accept it and move on, for your happiness.
16:02I thought that living with you would only last until you find another person.
16:06Is that why you wanted to keep it a secret that we're engaged?
16:12Sarah, you know I like you?
16:15I thought you knew because we're always together.
16:18But I guess we should have talked about it properly. Sorry.
16:22I love you, Sarah. I've always loved you and you only.
16:28Masato, I love you too.
16:31And with that, we confirmed our love for each other once more.
16:37And then a few days after that,
16:39we found out that the guy that I beat up was the culprit of the messy store.
16:43Apparently, he did that because he wants Sarah to be more bitter towards him.
16:48We made sure that the culprit paid for all the damages.
16:51And after that, we told everyone that Sarah and I were engaged.
16:55Everyone blessed us.
16:57I was relieved to hear that the girl who confessed her love to me was on good terms with Sarah.
17:03I'm home.
17:05Welcome back, Masato.
17:07Why are you in a maid uniform?
17:10Don't sweat the small stuff.
17:12So, do you want me or me or maybe me?
17:17Hmm, maybe Sarah?
17:20I see, me, huh?
17:22Wait, what?
17:24Why not choose you sometimes?
17:27Masato, I would always, always be your maid only.
17:32You're getting yourself into a job for life, huh?
