TOP 15 FATTEST Animals

  • 3 months ago
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00:00Hey everyone, did you know while some animal species like elephants and blue whales are
00:04certainly bigger than others, in today's video we won't be looking at the biggest animal
00:09species in the world.
00:11Instead we'll be looking at individual specimens who tower over their peers.
00:15There are the tallest human beings in the world, but there are also the tallest giraffes,
00:19the fattest walruses, and the heaviest elephants.
00:22Whether caused by genetic anomalies or bred to be this way, these individual animal specimens
00:27are truly a sight to behold.
00:30So let's begin today's video as we count down the top 15 fattest and biggest animals in
00:34the world.
00:37480 Otis In 2021, the bear known as 480 Otis won the
00:43award for being the fattest bear in the world.
00:46A dozen of the largest brown bears on Earth faced off during Fat Bear Week, an annual
00:51battle of bulk that rewards their pre-winter hibernation gains.
00:55480 Otis, who won in 2014, 2016, and 2017, was neither the biggest nor the youngest in
01:01this year's competition, but the grizzled veteran easily prevailed over the other beefy
01:07480 Otis weighs over 1,000 pounds as he geared up for his big winter sleep and subsisted
01:12mostly on a diet of wild salmon.
01:15It's absolutely astounding that this bear can grow so fat, but he's going to need that
01:19fat storage for the coming months to keep himself happy and healthy.
01:23To make the situation even funnier, he was incredibly skinny just months before this
01:27during the summer.
01:29But at an estimated 26 years old out of an average lifespan of 20-30, he's firmly into
01:34his final years, and his body is showing its age.
01:38And that sort of weight becomes less and less suitable as the years go on.
01:42Bears living in protected areas like 480 Otis tend to die not just from old age, but competition
01:47from younger, stronger bears.
01:49But how has Otis managed to make it this far?
01:52His success lies in how he's turned his age and experience into an advantage, because
01:56as younger bears have displaced him from the prime spots in his home of Brook Falls, he's
02:01learned to fish as patiently as possible, sitting in one spot for hours at a time and
02:06scooping up passing salmon from the water without burning any extra calories.
02:11So it looks like some of his weight can be attributed to that big brain.
02:17Giant Sea Lions For this entry of big and fat animals, these
02:21are two giant sea lions who look just like they're trying to hitch a ride.
02:26This happens to be in Puget Sound in Washington State in the U.S.
02:30These two California sea lions are well-known in the area.
02:33They typically hang out on the docks, but sometimes they get more adventurous and hitch
02:37a ride on a local boat.
02:39So while it may be absolutely hilarious to see these big guys hanging out on this now
02:43ill-fated boat, it's not that surprising.
02:46They like to hang out like this all the time and blaze about.
02:50But yeah, their size is absolutely amazing.
02:53Depending on their sex, California sea lions can grow up to 9 feet long and weigh well
02:57over 1,000 pounds.
02:58And these two specimens seem to be on the larger side.
03:02Just to put that into perspective, a horse on average is going to be about 8 feet long
03:06and can weigh anywhere from 900 to 2,000 pounds.
03:09So in this case, it's safe to say that these sea lions are as big as horses, and it looks
03:14like we're going to need a bigger boat.
03:19Giant George This huge pooch certainly lives up to his
03:24Giant George is a Great Dane hailing from Tucson, Arizona, and the former world record
03:28holder for not just the tallest living dog, but the tallest living dog ever.
03:33And he held onto that coveted record tightly until February of 2010.
03:37Giant George really was a gentle giant, and probably even big enough for a human to ride,
03:42seeing as how he was almost 4 feet tall.
03:45And that's not even when he's standing upright on two legs.
03:48Just throw a saddle on him and away you go.
03:50But Giant George made plenty of headlines during his reign as the world's tallest dog,
03:54and made some memorable appearances on popular talk shows like The Oprah Winfrey Show and
03:58Live with Regis and Kelly.
04:01Needless to say, he was a hit.
04:03Giant George quickly built up such a big fan base that his owners even gave him his very
04:06own YouTube channel and Twitter account, where they showcased his day-to-day life.
04:11And this huge beast even has a book titled Giant George, Life with the World's Biggest
04:17And indeed, the bigger the dog, the shorter their lifespan.
04:20Great Danes are notable for living on average 8-10 years, and so in October of 2013, Giant
04:25George passed away at the young age of 7, just one month away from his 8th birthday.
04:30But he still managed to leave behind one giant paw print in history.
04:37Garfield the Cat Not just a popular fat cat from the funny
04:41pages, Garfield is a real-life fat cat.
04:44The first fattest cat in recent history was Spongebob, who weighed 33 pounds.
04:49Then there was Meow at 39 pounds, but Garfield put them both to shame when he hit 40 pounds.
04:56After his owner died, Garfield was brought to a no-kill shelter in New York in 2020.
05:01And while it may be both cute and hilarious to see this fat cat, being this heavy wasn't
05:05even remotely healthy for Garfield.
05:08The vets working here immediately stated he was almost too heavy to hold, seeing as how
05:12he was 40 pounds and needed to lose about 50% of his body weight to live a healthy,
05:17complications-free life.
05:19The 10-year-old tabby cat was given a new and strict diet, and even taken out for exercise,
05:23long walks around the room instead of hitting the gym.
05:26So how did a cat get to be this fat?
05:28Well, because cats only tend to eat what they're given, odds are pretty good that the owner
05:32simply overfed Garfield.
05:34We all want to spoil our pets, but sometimes love can go a little too far.
05:41Obi the Dachshund Obi the Dachshund was rescued in 2012 by vet
05:46technician Nora Veneta, but when she found him, he weighed an astonishing 77 pounds,
05:52looking like a sausage bursting at the seams.
05:55Obi was considered morbidly obese, and it was initially sad, but thankfully his story
06:00had a happy ending.
06:01Obi had been living with an aging owner who struggled to care for him properly, and simply
06:05began loving him with food.
06:08But they knew that they would never be able to give Obi the proper care that he needed,
06:12so they handed him over to the pros.
06:14At the time, Obi struggled to walk and breathe.
06:17He had painful sores on his underbelly from his extra weight dragging on the ground, and
06:21that was August of 2012.
06:22In about a year's time, Obi cut his weight down to a svelte 29 pounds.
06:28If Obi can do it, then I guess so can we.
06:30A careful regimen of diet and exercise, and a surgery to remove two and a half pounds
06:34of extra skin have helped Obi lose over 50 pounds and return to the ranks of a happy
06:39and healthy 7-year-old dachshund.
06:41In the end, Obi was able to run, jump, and play like a good and healthy boy should be
06:46able to do, and he even garnered a pretty solid internet following too.
06:50It's safe to say that Obi is a true underdog.
06:56Knickers the Steer Standing at nearly 6.5 feet tall, Knickers
07:01the Steer is quite literally an absolute beast.
07:05Towering over the cows alongside him, Knickers is a Holstein Frisian, a breed that originated
07:10in North Holland and Northern Germany that humans have been breeding for dairy production
07:14over the last 2,000 years.
07:16He lives on a 3,000-acre cattle farm in Western Australia and weighs 1.5 tons, which is about
07:22the same as a Toyota.
07:24It's an astounding fact considering most males of his breed don't make it taller than 5 feet.
07:28When photos made the rounds on the internet, there were plenty of skeptics who just didn't
07:32believe their eyes and claimed Photoshop.
07:35And in this day and age, it's not the craziest thing.
07:37But reporters were on the scene and confirmed that Knickers was very, very real as he towered
07:42over them.
07:43But the big question is, how the hell did he get so big?
07:45Was he bred this way?
07:46Was he pumped full of hormones?
07:48Is he a genetic freak of nature?
07:50Not even the owner of the farm has the answer to that one.
07:53It just is what he is, he says.
07:55Hopefully because he's so special, Knickers won't be sold for parts and will get to live
07:59out his larger-than-life life quietly on the farm.
08:04Hexie the Python The average python can reach lengths between
08:093 and 6 feet long and weigh around 27 pounds.
08:13But Hexie the Python puts that to shame.
08:16Hexie the Python measures more than 18 feet long and weighs about 243 pounds.
08:21As it stands, it takes three people to hold her.
08:24Three strong people, that is.
08:26When her owner Marcus first took her home, Hexie was only 18 inches long, and it's fair
08:31to say that nothing could have prepared him for this kind of growth.
08:35Hexie lives in a massive tank in their home in Gloucestershire, England.
08:38She's the biggest python in the world and can easily eat a human whole.
08:43But her owner insists that she's just one 18-foot-long softie.
08:47That still doesn't stop her from eating some pretty big game, though.
08:50Hexie's been known to chow down on some pretty big animals.
08:53The local farmers are kind enough to donate the majority of her meals that usually consist
08:57of rabbits, stillborn deer, calves, goats, and some pigs.
09:02So when you eat things like that, you're bound to have some pretty big poops, too.
09:06Hexie goes number two just once a month, but her poops are so big that they fill an entire
09:11trash bag.
09:12But hey, at least it's only once a month.
09:16Darius the Rabbit It's fun to see a cute little bunny rabbit
09:20in your yard, but that sentiment may change if Darius the Rabbit showed up.
09:25And Darius is one big ass rabbit.
09:28He weighs 49 pounds and is 52 inches long, and despite his adorable demeanor, he was
09:33originally bred for meat.
09:36And while he could have probably fed an army in a good stew, he was spared such a fate
09:40and kept as a pet, a big pet.
09:43Darius is a continental giant breed which is, as its name suggests, large rabbits in
09:48their own right, growing to be about 15 to 20 pounds.
09:51But Darius is a special case.
09:53As of 2021, he is still the Guinness World Record holder for the world's longest rabbit.
09:59But his sister, Enya, is pretty big, too, and is still continuing to grow.
10:03Enya is currently on the path to surpassing her big brother Darius, but until then, he's
10:08the big man in charge.
10:09Unfortunately, in 2020, Darius was stolen from his home, and the reward for his safe
10:14return was about $3,000.
10:16But for the thieves, Darius was one heavy haul.
10:24Gibson the Great Dane was born in 2002 and didn't stop growing until he was two years
10:29old when he reached almost 42 and a half inches tall.
10:32By then, Gibson was recognized by the Guinness Book of World Records as the world's tallest
10:38At a whopping 180 pounds, which is around the weight of an average American man, he
10:42donned a trademark bandana and went on to be a guest on shows like The Oprah Winfrey
10:47Show, The Ellen DeGeneres Show, and The Tonight Show.
10:49He even managed to sit still most of the time.
10:52All of this spotlight garnered him the attention of Forever Lawn, an artificial grass company
10:56that made special artificial grass for dogs, and they made him their official spokesdog.
11:02And like Giant George, a book was written about him titled Gibson Speaks, the World's
11:06Tallest Dog Talks About His Life.
11:09But being a Great Dane of that size does have its downsides too.
11:12Sadly, Gibson was diagnosed with bone cancer, and in 2009 he lost one of his front legs.
11:18He was put on chemotherapy, but by then the cancer had spread to his spine and lungs.
11:23Gibson lost his battle with the disease and was put down that same year at the age of
11:26just seven years old.
11:28But during his life, when he wasn't making viewers happy on talk shows, he was also a
11:32certified therapy dog and could even utter the phrase, I love you.
11:38Big Jake the Horse Big Jake was a red flaxen Belgian horse famous
11:43for his extreme height.
11:45He stood over six feet ten and three-quarter inches and weighed 2,600 pounds.
11:51Big Jake broke the record for the world's tallest living horse when he was measured
11:55in 2010, and he held that record until he passed away in June of 2021.
12:00Big Jake had some big beginnings too.
12:02The horse was born in 2001 in Nebraska in the United States, weighing approximately
12:07240 pounds, which is about 100 pounds heavier than is typical for his breed.
12:12His parents, however, were normal-sized.
12:14Big Jake was purchased by a relative of his eventual owner, Jerry Gilbert, who took ownership
12:18of it when it became apparent that the horse would become very large and require special
12:24Gilbert kept Big Jake at Smokey Hollow Farm near Ponyette, Wisconsin, feeding him a ton
12:29of food, two to three buckets of grain, and a whole bale of hay a day.
12:33His stall was almost twice the size of that of a regular horse, and he was transported
12:37in semi-trailers due to his size.
12:39Big Jake competed in draft horse showing competitions before retiring in 2013 and made regular appearances
12:45at the Wisconsin State Fair.
12:47Big Jake was known as a true gentle giant, and his owner kept his giant stall empty after
12:52his passing in honor of the wondrous horse.
12:57Lolong McCrock Measuring at 20 feet 3 inches and weighing
13:022,370 pounds, Lolong was the largest crocodile in captivity.
13:07Lolong was caught in Bunawan Creek in the province of Agusan del Sur in the Philippines
13:12on September 3, 2011.
13:14He was captured with the joint cooperation of the local government unit, residents, and
13:18crocodile hunters of Palawan.
13:21Hunted over a period of three weeks, it took a whopping 100 people to bring him onto land.
13:26He naturally became aggressive at several points during that capture and is so strong
13:30that he twice broke restraining ropes before eventually being properly secured.
13:35He was estimated to be at least 50 years old when they got him, but the giant croc Lolong
13:40had an interesting yet morbid history.
13:43He was suspected of eating a local fisherman who went missing in the town of Bunawan, and
13:47also of consuming a 12-year-old girl whose head was discovered two years earlier.
13:52He was also the primary suspect in the disappearance of water buffaloes in the area.
13:57In the examination of the stomach contents after his capture, no remnants of water buffaloes
14:02reported missing before Lolong's capture were found, nor human remains.
14:07Capturing him was like bringing in a criminal in a sense that it was the local citizens
14:11along with the government who were against re-releasing Lolong back into the wild.
14:15He was just too big and too hungry.
14:18He died in captivity in 2013 from pneumonia and cardiac arrest, which was aggravated by
14:23a fungal infection and stress, which was likely caused by living in captivity.
14:28His remains were preserved by taxidermy at the Philippine National Museum of Natural
14:35DEEP BLUE THE GREAT WHITE Deep Blue is a female great white shark that's
14:40estimated to be 20 feet long, over 2 tons, and over 50 years old.
14:45The shark was first spotted in Mexico by researcher Mauricio Padilla and has been featured
14:50on the Discovery Channel's Shark Week.
14:52The shark was spotted by marine biologists studying tiger sharks near the island of Oahu
14:56in Hawaii.
14:58And while various videos show the shark as calm and non-aggressive around humans and
15:02even dolphins, she's not the type of giant animal that you want to run into in the wild.
15:07She's been tagged by researchers so they know what she gets up to during the day and they
15:11know where to find her out in the wild ocean.
15:13They've paid her more than one visit and have even gotten up close and personal by
15:17viewing her from the safety of a cage, and some of the braver folks will even swim with
15:22Despite the large size of Deep Blue, she's been filmed non-aggressively approaching one
15:26diver and even tolerating the presence of other scuba divers in the area, even allowing
15:30free diver Ocean Ramsey to hold on to one of her fins while swimming with her.
15:35Or maybe Deep Blue just thought she was too small to fill her stomach with.
15:39Despite these kinds of encounters, many shark researchers and marine specialists have criticized
15:44some of those interactions, saying that Deep Blue should essentially be left alone because
15:48as an enormous wild two-ton predator, it can become overstressed from too much human interaction.
15:57Zeus the Great Dane Another Great Dane, Zeus, who seems like he
16:01just doesn't know how big he is, and despite measuring 44 inches tall, he'd much rather
16:06sit on your lap than on the couch.
16:09Zeus is a huge dog from Michigan, and he won the title of world's largest dog with thunderous
16:13applause in 2013, and earned his spot in the 2013 edition of the Guinness Book of World
16:20And when Zeus stands up on two feet, he measures 7 feet 5 inches tall.
16:24So what do you feed a dog like this?
16:26Well, about 12 cups of special dog food every day, as well as the occasional fried egg and
16:31some bully sticks.
16:33But his former owner also said that his favorite food of all time was just ice cubes.
16:38But unfortunately, much like his predecessor, Giant George, Zeus died in 2014 from natural
16:43causes when he was just six years old.
16:47Tanzanian Elephant If you're ever looking to go on an African
16:51safari, then Tanzania is the place to be.
16:54You're guaranteed to see all sorts of amazing animals like cheetahs, gazelles, and of course,
17:00The African bush elephant now can grow to massive sizes, giving the lion a run for its
17:04money as king of the jungle.
17:06The average female elephant in Tanzania is about 6,500 pounds, while the male elephants
17:11are about twice that size.
17:13But then there's this elephant.
17:15This elephant was filmed moving about the bush, and the local forest service workers
17:19were left with their jaws on the floor.
17:21They estimated that this elephant weighs about 17,500 pounds.
17:25And if that's the case, then this is currently the largest living elephant on record.
17:30It's the kind of animal you don't want to get angry at, and even if there is a big one
17:33out there.
17:34And how big is that one?
17:38Roger the Kangaroo Alright, we've seen some fat animals, we've
17:42seen some big animals, now how about some buff animals?
17:46Roger the Kangaroo made waves when the internet caught wind of this ripped red kangaroo as
17:51he crushed a metal bucket like it was nothing.
17:54And while he seemed like a character from a fighting game, he was very, very real, living
17:58out his life in an Australian nature sanctuary.
18:01According to his caretakers, Roger became the alpha of the group, standing 6 foot 7
18:06inches tall and weighing about 200 pounds.
18:08He was rescued from his mother's pouch as a joey when his mother died from being hit
18:12by a car.
18:13And while he was an average-sized baby, he would quickly grow to this comically large
18:17size and physique.
18:19Chris Barnes, the founder of the preserve, has said on more than one occasion that Roger
18:23was not only known for his aggression, but for getting into scuffles with the men as
18:28Barnes claimed that Roger clocked him so hard that he needed 6 stitches, and if Roger ever
18:33landed a kick on you, it could prove to be deadly.
18:35Sadly though, this big red kangaroo died just a few years ago in 2018 when he was just 12
18:40years old, which isn't terribly old for a kangaroo, but Roger was certainly larger than