• 4 months ago
Get ready to be amazed by these 15 mind-blowing printed creations that will leave you in awe! From intricate designs to jaw-dropping details, this compilation showcases the limitless possibilities of the modern MACHINE! Watch how technology and creativity collide to produce stunning works of art that defy imagination. Whether you're a tech enthusiast, art lover, or simply curious about printed creations, this video is sure to spark your interest. Don't miss out on witnessing these incredible pieces that push the boundaries of what a MACHINE can achieve. Prepare to witness the future of innovation unfolding before your eyes!


00:00Wild animals naturally have a desire to live freely without any borders or limitations.
00:05And while some acclimate to enclosures and restrictions, others try to escape.
00:09Here are the Top 15 Zoo Animal Escapes.
00:15Number 15. Blackie the Orangutan
00:17One of the most famous successful zoo escape stories was accomplished by Ken Allen,
00:21a Bornean orangutan that escaped the San Diego Zoo, nicknamed the Hairy Houdini.
00:26This orangutan fled his enclosure not once, not twice, but three times.
00:31And while Ken Allen was the star of the 1980s, another orangutan named Blackie also made worldwide headlines.
00:38The primate's escape from the Taiwan Zoo was captured on film and was seen terrorizing the visitors and tourists.
00:44The aggressive animal was quickly darted with a tranquilizer and recaptured after his sedation.
00:50Number 14. Cindy the Elephant
00:53This particular zoo escape almost resulted in the death of a zoo employee.
00:57Cindy the Elephant was one of the most notorious and famous animals of the point defiant zoo and aquarium in Washington.
01:03The 9,000 pound animal made headlines as it attacked and tried to kill a devoted zoo worker.
01:09Their unbelievable interaction was captured on film and it shocked millions across the globe.
01:13As Cindy attacked the worker, she managed to escape the enclosure.
01:17Had it not been for the employee's fateful fall on the ground, Cindy would have crushed and killed him in seconds.
01:23Number 13. Cha-Cha the Chimp
01:26One chimpanzee that managed to successfully escape the Yagiyama Zoological Park was Cha-Cha the Chimp.
01:32Even though the animal made a dash for freedom, his liberty was very short-lived.
01:37After officials found the chimp climbed on top of electrical poles,
01:40they had no other choice but to end his freedom with a dart from a tranquilizer gun.
01:44Two employees were injured during the capturing.
01:47And while the zoo workers don't know how the primate managed to escape the zoo's electrical fence,
01:51his success remains undeniable and unprecedented.
01:56Number 12. Tbilisi Flood
01:59In June of 2015, the capital city Tbilisi of Georgia experienced a horrific and significant flood.
02:05Not only did this natural disaster result in 20 human fatalities,
02:09but it also left half of zoo animals out on the streets.
02:12From several big cat species like tigers and cougars, to bears, hyenas, and penguins,
02:18wild animals of all kinds roam the streets of Tbilisi.
02:21Most notably, a huge escaped hippopotamus became the face of the tragedy,
02:25as it stood in shock surrounded by people.
02:28Eventually, the animals were recaptured.
02:31Number 11. San Francisco Tiger Escape
02:34In 2007, a 240-pound Siberian tiger named Tatyana managed to escape the San Francisco Zoo.
02:41This event is considered to be one of the most dangerous escapes,
02:44as the wild animal attacked three young men and even killed a 17-year-old teen.
02:49The tiger managed to escape by climbing up the enclosure wall.
02:53Apparently, the wall was lower than federal safety standards,
02:55and the big cat's claw marks were discovered at the scene of the crime.
02:59Tatyana was eventually shot by the police.
03:03Number 10. Chimpanzees
03:06Cha-cha the chimp isn't the only one of its kind to have accomplished a successful escape and heist.
03:11Chimpanzees are the animals that have the closest resemblance and genetic blueprint of humans.
03:16With 98.7% of shared genetic information and data,
03:19chimpanzees, along with bonobos, remain the smartest animals in the world.
03:23These highly social creatures are known for their out-of-the-box thinking,
03:27often using tools and utensils just like humans do.
03:31So, when there are breaking stories of escaped chimpanzees,
03:34it doesn't come as a shock, because these highly intelligent primates can do what no other wild animals can.
03:40One incident occurred in 2019 in Belfast, Ireland.
03:44Particularly clever chimpanzees saw the opportunity to flee the Belfast Zoo.
03:48In the right exact moment, a piece of wood was placed in such a position
03:52that it aided with the big chimpanzee's great escape.
03:55One visitor that captured the whole plan stated that,
03:58even though she was scared of the wild animals approaching and hurting her children,
04:02she noted how they didn't seem aggressive.
04:04The footage shows these intellectual beings watching the surroundings and being amazed by the environment.
04:09Another great example of smart escape happened in Kansas City Zoo in 2014.
04:14Several chimps made the connection of climbing up a six-foot-long tree branch
04:18and eventually hopping on top of an enclosure fence.
04:21In the captured film, one chimpanzee was seen trailing along the fence, looking around its surroundings.
04:26Luckily, no zoo patrons or animals were injured during the brief escape,
04:30as zoo staff blocked nearby exit routes with vehicles.
04:33They eventually lured the animal back into their holding enclosure.
04:37This successful escape lasted for only 90 minutes,
04:40but it was enough for a TV station helicopter to capture the whole event.
04:47Mandrills are some of the most colorful and extraordinary animals.
04:50These 70-pound mammals are the largest of all monkeys.
04:54These colorful animals are easy prey in the wild and are often considered to be a delicacy.
04:58And with that reason, most mandrills are kept behind zoo walls.
05:02Like any other monkey species, the mandrills are extremely smart animals.
05:06One incident that perfectly showcased their intellect was the 2011 escape event.
05:10The Augsburg Zoo, which is located in Bavaria in Germany,
05:14is the home to over 1,500 animals and 300 different species.
05:18Mandrills are one of the inhabitants of the zoo.
05:20But in 2011, one mandrill decided it had enough of the restrictions.
05:25From the captured video footage, one smart mandrill is seen to be swimming in the enclosure's lake
05:30and eventually hopping up on the fence.
05:33Scared and frightened visitors stood back as the 70-pound animal stood on top of the fence,
05:37waiting for the right time to escape.
05:39The animal continued to roam around the zoo before it was eventually recaptured.
05:43The officials don't know how the mandrill managed to escape,
05:47as the fence was supposed to electrocute him and discourage any attempt at fleeing.
05:53Before we move on, be sure to subscribe to Top5s with notifications on.
05:57Number 8. Evelyn the Gorilla
06:01Named the Bonnie and Clyde of the gorilla world,
06:03is the one gorilla pair that has made a name for rebellious behavior and multiple escapes.
06:09Evelyn and Jim are inhabitants of the Los Angeles Zoo, known for their notorious escape attempts.
06:15These opportunistic animals were quick to notice the enclosure's design flaws
06:19and tried to get their share of freedom four or five times in the past.
06:23One successful escape was even captured on film.
06:26While Jim is the muscles behind these numerous operations,
06:29it appears that Evelyn is the mastermind behind these genius escape plans.
06:33Zoo officials recall how Evelyn once used a vine to jump over the fence,
06:37while Jim would opt out trying to use his power by ripping off doors, hinges, and openings.
06:42This pair harmed no humans or animals and would mostly stare at giraffes and elephants in pure fascination.
06:48The infamous escape that was captured on film happened in 2000.
06:52Then the 24-year-old Evelyn was seen to be strolling along the exterior enclosure and exploring the land,
06:58while she was seen looking around the zoo observing trash cans and golf carts,
07:02before the gorilla was eventually shot with a tranquilizer gun.
07:05The 300-pound animal managed to remove the dart and flee to the bathroom,
07:09but the sedation kicked in soon after when the zoo employees were able to capture Evelyn.
07:14While her freedom lasted for just a few minutes,
07:17it must have been an exciting story to tell Jim after she got back into the enclosure.
07:26The flightless birds, also known as penguins, are thought to be one of the most adored animal species in the world.
07:32Their sheer innocence and small size captured millions of hearts worldwide.
07:36But these adorable creatures may not be as innocent as everyone believes.
07:41Regarded as the most successful penguin escape in history,
07:44one seabird managed to escape the Tokyo Sea Life Park in 2012.
07:48Burdened by living amongst 135 other penguins, this fugitive decided it was time for a change and bolted from the zoo.
07:56Known simply as Penguin 337, this little guy became the most famous penguin escapee in history.
08:03The 24-inch bird apparently climbed over a rock wall that was twice its size.
08:08Officials had stated that catching a swimming penguin is especially difficult
08:12because they have tremendous speed.
08:15So the nation awaited as Penguin 337 made it on land.
08:18The no-flight bird was eventually filmed enjoying its freedom in the Tokyo Bay.
08:2282 days after the initial escape, this small creature was finally captured and taken back to the zoo.
08:28This infamous fugitive was said to be in good condition
08:31and hadn't lost any weight and wasn't looking disheveled or hurt.
08:35And while this penguin's freedom lasted for only three months,
08:38it is the only one amongst his 135 peers to have experienced such joy and liberty.
08:49The small and fluffy red pandas are known for their curious and cunning personalities.
08:53Their escapes have been captured and reported numerous times, but one red panda made national headlines.
08:59On June 23rd of 2013, Rusty the red panda somehow managed to escape the National Zoo in Washington, D.C.
09:07Zoo officials to this day don't know how the little fluffy creature achieved this victorious breakout.
09:14All everyone knows is that when employees and workers arrived at the zoo,
09:17they noticed a red panda missing from the enclosure.
09:20Rusty's escape caused a huge stir with his disappearance, which led to a citywide panda hunt.
09:26Millions across social media platforms were invested in this ongoing investigation and panda hunt,
09:31and one fortunate Twitter user snapped a photo of Rusty in his neighborhood.
09:35A small red animal was spotted in the Adams Morgan neighborhood, which borders the parklands outside of the zoo.
09:41After the authorities were notified about the possible find, they quickly captured the escapee.
09:46Zoo employees had to use a net to maneuver Rusty into a crate, and it was eventually brought back into his lovely enclosure.
09:57One family that was enjoying their peaceful vacation captured a monumental event of a sea lion escaping from the enclosure.
10:04While visiting the SeaWorld in Orlando, Florida, the Ohio family had a close encounter with one of the park's animals that almost escaped the zoo.
10:11The SeaWorld marine animal apparently had jumped off a rock and made its way out onto the dock.
10:16When the park's employee caught up to him, the troublemaker was eventually captured by a net and sent back to his rightful home.
10:23Another successful escape story occurred in Germany, when two-year-old Lola the sea lion broke free of its enclosure.
10:30According to the locals, this sea animal was free for three weeks until it was finally caught.
10:35This marine mammal was eventually lured back with salty, raw fish trails.
10:39Officials say that the sea lion escape events are due to the pure curiosity of the animals.
10:44These highly social mammals love to discover new land and environments, and their escape attempts had no ill intentions at heart.
10:52Number 4. Venomous Snake
10:54The worst thing any citizen can hear is that a venomous snake has escaped its cage and is on the loose in the city.
11:01In 2019, the Bronx public was notified that a mildly venomous snake had escaped its cage in the zoo's Jungle World exhibit.
11:09This, of course, riled up the general public in pure fear of having an encounter with the deadly reptile.
11:15The mangrove species' snake, while poisonous, is not known to be dangerous to people.
11:20Even the spokespeople at the scene stated that the reptiles were very shy, timid, and most likely looking for a place in nature to hide.
11:27While we're confident the snake poses no threat to visitors, we placed a sign at the entrance of the exhibit out of an abundance of caution, said the Bronx Zoo officials.
11:35After weeks of intense investigations and exploration, the Bronx Zoo snake is yet to be found.
11:40The three-foot and tree-climbing serpent has not been noticed by citizens.
11:44This snake that slipped through some mesh that covered the vents at its cage was the second of its kind to have a successful escape from the Bronx Zoo.
11:51Back in 2011, a deadly Egyptian cobra fled the enclosure.
11:55The highly venomous and fatal 20-inch serpent was discovered six days later, with luckily no casualties during its freedom.
12:02Number 3. Kangaroos and a Little Help
12:06When different animal species team up using their individual strengths and intellect, a successful escape takes place.
12:13In one German zoo, three kangaroos, a fox, and a wild boar went missing.
12:18While some might assume this event was a lucky escape attempt, the story has a more intricate and interesting backstory.
12:25According to Michael Hoffman, who was the assistant head of the Hochweil-Schutzpach-Hunsrück-Zoo in Frankfurt, Germany, this incident included three different animal species.
12:35Three kangaroos that managed to escape that August night in 2012 were helped by a fox and a boar.
12:41But how exactly did these little creatures help the mighty Australian natives get a taste of freedom?
12:47When zoo patrons went back to the scene of the crime, they made a stunning discovery.
12:51The employees noticed a big hole next to the cage's fencing.
12:54Hoffman states that the kangaroos got out of the enclosure from the young fox's help.
12:58The red animal had apparently dug a hole right next to the fencing, which resulted in two of the kangaroos escaping swiftly.
13:05But what about the third male kangaroo?
13:07Surprisingly enough, a wild boar decided to join in on the heist and dug another hole under the exterior fence, freeing the last fugitive kangaroo.
13:15This 2012 event is a prime example of what happens when animal species unite in power, brawn, and intellect.
13:27One eagle that dominated the British media in the 1960s was Goldie, the male golden eagle.
13:33On a fateful February morning in 1965, this majestic bird managed to escape the London Zoo while his cage was being cleaned.
13:41This was the first out of two successful escape attempts Goldie had accomplished during its lifetime.
13:46The eagle spent most of his freedom circling around Regent's Park, one of the Royal Parks of London, which surrounded the zoo.
13:52For 12 days, every UK citizen tried to catch a glimpse of the majestic predator as it smoothly glided across the British skies.
14:00Finally, on March 11th, Goldie was caught by the zoo's deputy headkeeper and was sent back to his designated cage.
14:06But the thirst for freedom remained, and on December 15th, Goldie made his second escape.
14:11But this time, he was captured in just four days.
14:14During his time out on the UK capital, Goldie killed a duck and attacked two smaller terrier dogs in the park.
14:20His freedom was highly followed by the general public.
14:23Every British media wanted to get an update on the free-roaming predator.
14:27After being captured and brought back to the enclosure, the eagle's remarkable escape attracted record-breaking visitors to the zoo.
14:33Everyone wanted to see the eagle that made history and flew on top of the London skies.
14:43One escape that resulted in a horrible death occurred in December of 2018.
14:48Mathai the lion managed to escape the North Carolina Zoological Park after its cage was undergoing a routine cleaning.
14:54As a team of trained animal keepers cleaned the enclosure, one of the lions somehow escaped and entered the human-filled space.
15:00Then, a 22-year-old intern was killed.
15:03Alexandra Black, who was an Indiana State University graduate, was working as an intern at the conservation center for about two weeks, until Mathai took her life.
15:12Black was working under the supervision of a staff member when the event occurred.
15:16As soon as the lion was discovered, it was euthanized and killed.
15:19To this day, it's unknown how the lion ended up in the human-filled space, as lions are kept in separate areas during the routine cleanings.
15:27This incident was the first of its kind, and the zoological park that had housed more than 80 animals had to be closed for months.
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