• il y a 6 mois


00:00:00Sous-titres réalisés para la communauté d'Amara.org
00:00:30Qu'est-ce que tu fais, Square?
00:00:32J'essaye de ramener la grotte.
00:00:36J'essaie, j'essaie!
00:00:38Allez, Square, appuie sur le bouton droit.
00:00:42Le rouge! Appuie sur le rouge!
00:00:46Vite, on est occupé!
00:00:51D'accord, d'accord!
00:00:55Désolé, monsieur.
00:00:57Je ne vous avais pas observé.
00:00:59Je suis en train de faire vos ordres, vous savez.
00:01:01Je veux que le lieu soit propre, propre, propre.
00:01:03Laissez-moi faire ça.
00:01:04Arrêtez ce mop-là de mon visage.
00:01:06Je veux juste aider, aider, aider.
00:01:09La poussière!
00:01:10Propre, propre, propre, hein?
00:01:12Où êtes-vous allé? Dans une grotte?
00:01:14C'est tout à fait vrai, monsieur.
00:01:16Dommage, dommage!
00:01:18J'essaie, monsieur. Croyez-moi, j'essaie.
00:01:20Mais ils veulent juste que je vive comme des animaux.
00:01:23Vous ne me méfiez pas, Hare.
00:01:25Vous êtes en train de faire quelque chose.
00:01:27C'est vous. C'est le Northwoods pour vous et votre équipe?
00:01:30Oui, le Northwoods.
00:01:34Le Northwoods? Oh, pas ça, monsieur.
00:01:36Pas le Northwoods.
00:01:38Oh, c'est trop dur pour nous.
00:01:40Oh, oui.
00:01:42C'est effrayant, cette vie.
00:01:44Essayer de vivre entre tous ces animaux sauvages.
00:01:46Nous ferons tout.
00:01:48Tout, monsieur.
00:01:50Oui, monsieur. Nous travaillerons même à l'heure.
00:01:5224 jours pour essayer.
00:01:54C'est incroyable.
00:01:57Vous ne me méfiez pas.
00:01:59Mais un jour, vous allez tomber.
00:02:01Et zippez. Le Northwoods pour vous.
00:02:04Oui, le Northwoods pour vous.
00:02:06Qu'est-ce que vous faites, petit Sir Echo?
00:02:08Sortez de la voiture et apportez-moi mon emplacement.
00:02:11D'accord, d'accord.
00:02:12Lignez-vous, lignez-vous, lignez-vous.
00:02:13J'ai un annoncement.
00:02:14Oh, j'ai hâte.
00:02:16Qu'est-ce que c'est, monsieur? Nous sommes tous ici.
00:02:18Commande et nous obéissons.
00:02:20Vous avez un nouveau collègue.
00:02:22Magnifique. J'aime rencontrer de nouveaux visages.
00:02:24N'est-ce pas, Boobie?
00:02:25Oh, oui, c'est toujours un grand plaisir de vous rencontrer.
00:02:28Oui, c'est ça. C'est...
00:02:30Rare Bear.
00:02:31Je ne peux pas vous dire à quel point je suis heureux d'être ici avec vous.
00:02:35Je n'ai jamais vu un endroit tellement joli dans mon ensemble.
00:02:39Ça doit être un verneur.
00:02:41C'est Hare, Boobie et Square.
00:02:43Comment allez-vous? J'ai hâte de vous rencontrer.
00:02:46N'ayez pas peur, il va aimer ça ici.
00:02:48Il sera Hare's bosom bunny.
00:02:50Faites-le se sentir à la maison.
00:02:52Oui, faites-le se sentir à la maison.
00:02:55Oh-oh, sortez.
00:02:57Oh, mon Dieu.
00:02:59Je ne savais pas qu'ils me mettaient à la maison.
00:03:03Oh, ce n'est rien. Vous n'avez rien vu encore.
00:03:09Excusez-moi un instant, rare old bosom bunny bear.
00:03:14Qu'est-ce qu'il y a?
00:03:15Oui, qu'est-ce qu'il y a ici?
00:03:17De la même manière que je le vois,
00:03:18le vieux B.D.I.s Peedly a mis un espion ici.
00:03:21Pas de blague. Qui est-ce?
00:03:24Lui. Je pense qu'il est un homme dans un costume de bear.
00:03:27On va le prouver avec une petite interrogation.
00:03:29On peut même lui poser des questions, alors faites attention.
00:03:36Allons-y, comment longtemps avez-vous été un bear?
00:03:38Quatre ans.
00:03:39Qu'étiez-vous avant ça?
00:03:41Je pense que j'ai toujours été un bear.
00:03:43Ah oui? Où est-ce que Goldilocks a mis sa tête?
00:03:46J'ai peur que je ne connaisse pas la jeune dame.
00:03:48Qu'est-ce que vous savez de Smokey?
00:03:49Que ce n'est pas bon pour vous.
00:03:51La prosecution reste.
00:03:53Je ne pense pas que vous soyez tous des bears.
00:03:55Prends ce costume de bear.
00:03:58Comment savez-vous que j'ai une tête?
00:04:02Hé, c'est amusant.
00:04:06Vous allez bien?
00:04:07Mon gars, vous êtes fort comme un bear.
00:04:10Oui, vous avez dit qu'il était un homme dans un costume de bear.
00:04:13Je pense qu'il doit y aller.
00:04:15On va célébrer votre arrivée avec un grand jour dans la ville.
00:04:19Ça serait génial.
00:04:22Mais comment sortons-nous de la zoo?
00:04:24C'est très simple.
00:04:25Vous aimeriez quelque chose de noir, brun,
00:04:27ou peut-être un Tweed?
00:04:37On reviendra tout de suite avec plus d'amusements et d'aventures.
00:04:43Bonne nuit, les gars.
00:04:44Revenez à nouveau. J'espère que vous avez apprécié votre visite.
00:04:47Je l'ai certainement apprécié.
00:04:49Qu'est-ce que vous essayez de dire?
00:04:50Regardez ces touristes. Ils deviennent plus bizarres chaque jour.
00:04:53Oui, ils deviennent plus bizarres chaque jour.
00:04:55Qu'est-ce que c'est? Un enregistrement?
00:04:57Asseyez-vous ici. On trouvera des sièges à l'arrière.
00:05:00Bonne nuit à vous, les gars.
00:05:03Oh, mon Dieu!
00:05:04Il y a trois barres de toilettes.
00:05:08Bon, c'est parti pour le snooper, Spy.
00:05:10Square Hick'll ne reviendra jamais ici.
00:05:13Oui, vous êtes un génie sur un clip.
00:05:15Un vrai mastermind.
00:05:16Oui, c'est ce que je dirais.
00:05:18Ok, on arrête le camouflage.
00:05:25Tout est clair. Allons-y.
00:05:26Prenez soin de Peevely.
00:05:28Je me demande comment il va s'occuper d'un ennemi.
00:05:32Oui, c'est ce que tu dis.
00:05:33Il a raison d'essayer d'envoyer un spy avec nous.
00:05:36C'est le moment de vérifier.
00:05:38Voyons si Peevely a quelque chose d'autre.
00:05:43Ne devrions-nous pas faire nos tours de la zone, Mr. Peevely?
00:05:46Plus tard.
00:05:47Plus longtemps je peux le garder autour de ses cheveux, plus je l'aime.
00:05:51Ses cheveux m'intéressent.
00:05:53Parfois, je pense que je les vois partout.
00:05:57L'office du gardien de la zone, c'est Peevely.
00:06:01C'est le superintendant.
00:06:03Oui, monsieur.
00:06:04Le nouvel ennemi que vous avez envoyé est arrivé.
00:06:06Vous voulez que je lui donne une attention spéciale?
00:06:09Il coûte combien la ville?
00:06:1250 000 dollars?
00:06:15Il est très rare.
00:06:16Oui, monsieur.
00:06:17Je vais voir s'il reçoit une attention spéciale.
00:06:20Et je l'ai mis avec un sac de cheveux.
00:06:22Nous devons l'enlever de là, tout de suite.
00:06:24Oh, c'est dégueulasse.
00:06:25Nous sommes morts.
00:06:26Oh, quand Peevely trouve que Rare Bear est parti,
00:06:29c'est le Nord de la forêt, c'est sûr.
00:06:33Allez, à la double.
00:06:34Nous devons le ramener à la grotte.
00:06:36Vite, vite.
00:06:37Nous devons l'enlever de là.
00:06:41Ils nous attaquent, Bubby.
00:06:42Nous avons beaucoup de problèmes.
00:06:44Beaucoup de problèmes.
00:06:45Ils vont à la grotte et si Rare Bear n'est pas là,
00:06:47nous sommes parti.
00:06:48Nous devons les attaquer.
00:06:50Mais comment?
00:06:51Avec une autre production de H.A.R.E.'s Mighty Art Players,
00:06:54qui s'appelle Bubby.
00:06:59Je vous remercie, Mr. Peevely.
00:07:01Nous avons besoin d'aide.
00:07:02C'est Bubby.
00:07:03Qu'est-ce qui se passe?
00:07:04Pourquoi lui?
00:07:05C'est un bon garçon, très jeune.
00:07:06Vous devez le sauver.
00:07:07Quoi, quoi, quoi? Où est-il?
00:07:08Là-bas, monsieur.
00:07:09Allez, Botch.
00:07:10Revenez à la grotte. Vite.
00:07:12Qu'est-ce qui se passe?
00:07:13Oh, je suis effrayé, monsieur.
00:07:16C'est mon pancréas qui crie.
00:07:18Ça fait mal?
00:07:19Oui, la douleur est en train d'arriver.
00:07:21C'est excruciant.
00:07:22Peut-être un peu d'aspirin.
00:07:24Oh, c'est en train de devenir sombre.
00:07:27Je suis un garçon.
00:07:29Je vais chercher la grande grotte dans le ciel
00:07:31où il crie.
00:07:32Botch, emmène-le à mon bureau.
00:07:34Essaye d'attendre, Bubby.
00:07:36Qu'est-ce qui se passe avec Rare Bear?
00:07:39Il va le garder. Il est dans la grotte.
00:07:41Maintenant, j'ai un mauvais poisson sur mes mains.
00:07:44Oh, vous êtes si gentil à dénoncer la douleur
00:07:46et si pensant.
00:07:49Pourquoi nous avez-vous appelé, poisson?
00:07:52Nous devons nous déplacer.
00:07:53Nous devons nous déplacer vite.
00:07:54Nous devons nous reposer pour Rare Bear.
00:07:56Où en avons-nous?
00:07:58Les bananes.
00:07:59Mais je suis un guerreur.
00:08:02Les slicks vont avoir besoin d'un chagrin de couleur poisson.
00:08:05C'est un peu difficile à récupérer, Botch.
00:08:07Mais ça va vous coûter.
00:08:08Je vais payer, je vais payer.
00:08:10Juste l'obtenir. Vite.
00:08:13C'est tout. C'est fini.
00:08:15Je vais aller chercher le dernier chagrin de couleur poisson.
00:08:18Prends-lui un verre d'eau.
00:08:19Oui, monsieur.
00:08:24Allez, allez. Où est l'eau?
00:08:26Vendu, monsieur.
00:08:27Tout de suite, monsieur.
00:08:30Assurez-vous que c'est un endroit parfait.
00:08:31Et les bananes, vous devez agir comme Rare Bear.
00:08:34Je pense que je peux m'en occuper.
00:08:38Continuez à travailler.
00:08:39Je vais aller chercher Bobby.
00:08:42Je pensais que du lait vous ferait mieux.
00:08:44Vous l'avez fait, monsieur.
00:08:46Oh, un miracle.
00:08:48Vous avez les mains d'un cureur.
00:08:50Je commençais à aimer ce chagrin de couleur poisson.
00:08:53Viens, Bobby.
00:08:54Nous devons trouver de l'espace pour d'autres qui ont besoin de son aide.
00:08:56Oui, mais où est-il?
00:08:57Et mon lait?
00:08:59Tu sais, ce cheveux n'est pas si mauvais.
00:09:01Tu vois ce qu'il m'a appelé?
00:09:03Un cureur.
00:09:04Je ne le crois pas.
00:09:05Ma mère a toujours voulu que je sois un chirurgien de cerveau.
00:09:08Monsieur Peevely, qu'est-ce qu'il y a de Rare Bear?
00:09:11Tu as raison, Botch. J'ai presque oublié.
00:09:13Nous devons l'enlever.
00:09:18Ça pourrait être le frère de Rare Bear.
00:09:20Mon Dieu, il est un double de Trident Cason.
00:09:24Rappelez-vous, quand Peevely arrive ici, pensez à Rare Bear.
00:09:28Très bien.
00:09:31Mon Dieu, ils ne t'ont pas tué, n'ont-ils pas?
00:09:33Pas du tout, Bob.
00:09:35Si jamais ils étaient là, ils auraient été hospitables.
00:09:40Hey, ça ne ressemble pas.
00:09:42Une banane mangeant un bear?
00:09:44C'est ça, monsieur. C'est pour ça qu'il est si rare.
00:09:47Oh, bien sûr, ça doit être ça.
00:09:49D'accord, venez.
00:09:51Nous vous nettoyerons et vous donnerons votre propre cave privée.
00:09:56Nous nous sommes certainement fous de ces crocodiles, n'étions-nous pas?
00:09:59Pas pour longtemps, n'étiez-vous pas là?
00:10:01Ils vont nettoyer les bananes.
00:10:03Ce ruban les donnera sûrement.
00:10:05Les gars, nous devons attraper Rare Bear avant que Peevely nous attrape.
00:10:08Oui, mais comment sortons-nous de cette cave privée?
00:10:10Réfléchissez, nous allons s'éloigner.
00:10:13Oh, mon dieu, la voie difficile.
00:10:17Hey, Melvin, vous et les gars, vous êtes prêts?
00:10:20Tous prêts à s'éloigner.
00:10:24Oh, je ne sais pas, vous mettez un peu de poids sur lui, n'est-ce pas?
00:10:27Je suis désolé pour ça, Melvin.
00:10:36Merci, les gars.
00:10:38À tout à l'heure.
00:10:40Ok, maintenant nous devons attraper Rare Bear et sortir Peevely de notre cave.
00:10:43Je vais faire avec le motocycle, Square.
00:10:45Je viens tout de suite.
00:10:48Ok, les gars, allez-y.
00:10:51Hey, une petite douche, et vous vous sentez bien et propre.
00:10:54Si c'était la même chose pour vous tous, je prendrais une autre banane.
00:10:59Prêts avec la douche?
00:11:01Ok, Rare.
00:11:02Je vais juste rester là pour une petite douche.
00:11:07Oh oh, Hare ne va pas aimer ça.
00:11:10Oh, oh, Monsieur Peevely, ce n'est pas un oiseau.
00:11:13C'est des bananes.
00:11:14Alors où est Rare Bear?
00:11:16C'est Hare.
00:11:18Je le savais, il a besoin de quelque chose.
00:11:20Retourne à ta cage, banane.
00:11:22Allez, Botch.
00:11:23Je n'ai pas de banane?
00:11:26Vite, Botch, vite.
00:11:32Voilà, c'est bon.
00:11:33Qu'est-ce que c'était?
00:11:34Quelle est la différence?
00:11:35Nous devons les attraper.
00:11:42Ne soyez pas timides.
00:11:43Mais vous avez dit ce matin...
00:11:45Qu'a-t-il dit?
00:11:47Qu'a-t-il dit?
00:11:48Il a dit qu'il allait s'en aller.
00:11:49Il y a encore plus à venir.
00:11:55Hé, Pachydégé, c'est Rare Bear.
00:11:57Vite, vite, suivez-le.
00:12:03Il est là.
00:12:04Hé, Rare Bear.
00:12:07On l'a perdu.
00:12:08Oui, c'est son problème.
00:12:09Prenons celui-là.
00:12:10Vite, suivez ce véhicule.
00:12:13Deuxième étage.
00:12:15Je ne le vois pas.
00:12:16Il doit être quelque part ici.
00:12:18D'accord, attrapez-le.
00:12:19N'essayez rien.
00:12:20Nous vous avons envisagés.
00:12:21Vous avez perdu 50 000 dollars avec un bear
00:12:24et vous allez le payer.
00:12:26Nous l'avons attrapé maintenant.
00:12:31Revenez ici.
00:12:33Attendez, Botch.
00:12:38Uh-oh, Hare.
00:12:39Peebly est juste derrière nous.
00:12:42Regardez où nous sommes allés, Hare.
00:12:52Hé, c'est Rare Bear.
00:12:56Vite, le véhicule.
00:12:59Suivez ce bus.
00:13:02Il est là.
00:13:04Arrête de conduire.
00:13:05C'est à l'avant.
00:13:06Nous les avons attrapés.
00:13:07Uh-oh, ici vient Peebly.
00:13:09Je vais me mettre à l'arrière de l'allée.
00:13:18Ils sont là.
00:13:19Allons les attraper.
00:13:20Non, Rush.
00:13:21Ils ne vont nulle part
00:13:23sauf vers la forêt nord.
00:13:25C'est juste notre chance d'arriver et essayer de les sauver.
00:13:28Nous devions choisir le bois sec pour les mettre en prison.
00:13:35D'accord, Botch.
00:13:37Va à l'intérieur et ramasse ce qu'il y a.
00:13:38Je vais le sortir tout de suite.
00:13:40Tu ne peux pas.
00:13:41Tu es responsable de la perte d'un poisson de 50 000 dollars.
00:13:45Mais, monsieur, c'est pour ça que nous sommes allés à la ville.
00:13:47Oui, monsieur.
00:13:48Nous étions juste en train d'essayer de trouver le pauvre garçon.
00:13:51Tu vas y aller et rien ne va le changer.
00:13:54Bonjour, Peebly.
00:13:55Superintendant, qu'est-ce que vous faites ici?
00:13:58Je pensais que j'allais entrer et voir comment Rare Bear aimait sa nouvelle maison.
00:14:02Et je lui ai dit combien j'étais content.
00:14:05Surtout en vivant avec elle et les autres gens merveilleux.
00:14:08J'ai pensé que j'avais perdu, mais le bus m'a arrêté à la porte.
00:14:11Désolé, je t'ai mal jugé, frère.
00:14:13Vous êtes tous des poissons.
00:14:15Qu'est-ce qu'il s'est passé avec ces poissons?
00:14:17Comment sont-ils arrivés de cette façon?
00:14:19Je vais vous dire, monsieur.
00:14:20Ces trois...
00:14:21Chut, ne le dis pas.
00:14:22Il va savoir de Rare Bear.
00:14:24Ces trois quoi?
00:14:26Ces trois...
00:14:29Nous sommes des modèles.
00:14:30Monsieur Peebly va mettre une statue de nous dans le zoo.
00:14:33C'est comme ça qu'on est arrivés.
00:14:35N'est-ce pas, monsieur?
00:14:38C'est ça, monsieur. Statues.
00:14:40Très bien pensé, Peebly.
00:14:42Une sorte de costume du parc.
00:14:44Oui, monsieur. J'adore les poissons.
00:14:46C'est vrai, monsieur.
00:14:48En fait, il était juste en train de nous donner un traitement royal
00:14:51et de nous nettoyer personnellement, vous savez.
00:14:54Et vous devriez faire un bon travail aussi.
00:14:56Tout le monde autour de Rare Bear, je veux qu'ils soient immaculés.
00:15:00Vous comprenez?
00:15:01Je... je... je comprends, monsieur.
00:15:06Oh, ça sent bien.
00:15:09C'est sûr que ça sent bien.
00:15:10Ça fait que mon sang circule tout au long de ma vie.
00:15:13Doucement, doucement.
00:15:16Oui, monsieur, je vais devoir demander à Super de venir plus souvent
00:15:18pour voir à quel point vous êtes gentils, ces trois Rare Bears.
00:15:24J'ai peur que vous vous manqueriez le gros doigt.
00:15:27Oh, je vais vous acheter pour ce doigt.
00:15:30Un jour, je vais vous acheter un doigt!
00:15:57Sous-titrage Société Radio-Canada
00:16:27Sous-titrage Société Radio-Canada
00:17:28We're the search and bear zoo
00:17:31Stay at home every night
00:17:32Never quarrel or fight
00:17:34Ah, we don't even fight!
00:17:36So don't yell
00:17:38Help, help, here come the bears
00:17:40Help, help, here come the bears
00:17:41Help, help, here come the bears
00:17:43Let's play
00:17:52So don't yell
00:17:54Help, help, here come the bears
00:17:56Help, help, here come the bears
00:17:57Help, help, here come the bears
00:17:59Let's play
00:18:00Help, it's the hair-bear rush
00:18:14What are you doing playing with cut-outs?
00:18:16Next you'll be cutting out paper dolls
00:18:18It was the bears, Mr. Peatley
00:18:20I know, I know
00:18:22So let's get back to the zoo
00:18:23and bear down on those trouble-making bears
00:18:26Right, Mr. Peatley
00:18:31So you agree with me, Hare
00:18:33that busy little hands make busy little bears
00:18:36That's right, sir
00:18:37There's no bears like busy little bears
00:18:39Then let's move, move, move
00:18:41Yeah, move, move, move
00:18:43We're moving
00:18:44Yeah, like he said to try to say
00:18:46We're moving
00:18:54Oh, that Peatley, what a slave-driver
00:18:56Oh, you can say that is right
00:18:58He's a real bear
00:18:59If it weren't we sitting trading
00:19:00isn't there something we could do here?
00:19:02Do? Do?
00:19:03That rhymes with zoo
00:19:04which means you-know-who
00:19:06Hare Barry's just come up with another brilliant idea
00:19:09Oh, that's a straighter today
00:19:11What is it, Hare?
00:19:12Yeah, tell us
00:19:13What we're gonna do is raffle off the zoo
00:19:16Raffle off the zoo to trade a side
00:19:19But suppose somebody we don't like wins the zoo
00:19:22Oh, relax
00:19:23The one who wins the zoo
00:19:24will be somebody we all love and respect
00:19:27Oh, that's a twister today
00:19:28Who is it?
00:19:29Who else?
00:19:35Hop to it, busy, busy, busy
00:19:37You heard this, Mr. Peatley
00:19:38Busy, busy, busy
00:19:42Will you buzz off?
00:19:46Oh, I sure love flowers
00:19:49Yeah, that's what I try to say today
00:19:51Nothing like a nice, neat zoo
00:19:53Gotta keep it going, fellas
00:19:56Like Mr. Peatley says
00:19:57Busy hands make busy little bears
00:20:00You've gotta be ruthless, Bats
00:20:03It's the only way
00:20:04Yeah, the only way
00:20:06Okay, Square, make with the knot
00:20:12All right, Boobie, let it go, go, go
00:20:14Yeah, leave it to me, son, I'll do that
00:20:17Oh, oh, my lawnmower just got away,
00:20:21that's how they say today
00:20:28Bats, do something
00:20:31Coming, Mr. Peatley
00:20:40That is no escape for the half-bear
00:20:42I get every little bit of paper
00:20:44I get every little bit of paper
00:20:50Don't worry, sir, I'll catch you
00:20:53You numbskull
00:20:55Sorry, Mr. Peatley, accidents will happen
00:20:58Especially with you bears around
00:21:01It's not us bears, sir
00:21:02It's working with this old red bear equipment
00:21:05But I have a solution, sir
00:21:07You? All right, all right, let's hear it
00:21:10We hold a raffle
00:21:11And raise enough money to buy new equipment
00:21:14Yeah, a raffle
00:21:16And since it's for you and a beautiful zoo,
00:21:19we'd be happy to volunteer for a raffle run and tootie
00:21:22Ah, a beautiful zoo might get me a promotion
00:21:25But I warn you, no tricks
00:21:28You'll be working barehanded
00:21:30Get it?
00:21:32Yeah, tata
00:21:34Oh, here, that was a real star today
00:21:36He sure fell for that one
00:21:38Here, you're all brains
00:21:42Now, let's see how much we got in our petty cash
00:21:46I'm gonna need a hundred bucks to buy all those raffle tickets
00:21:50There's not enough here
00:21:51Okay, square, off with the hat, off with the hat
00:21:54It's not much
00:21:56Ah, every penny helps
00:21:58How much we got, Boobie?
00:21:59Well, let's see here
00:22:00Divide by, uh, three
00:22:02Subtract two for this me
00:22:04And, oh, we got...
00:22:06How much is that in plain single talk?
00:22:08We're still a little short of the dry detail
00:22:11Ah, once we get the zoo tiptoes,
00:22:13I promise to treat you like a V.I.O.
00:22:15A Very Important Ostrich
00:22:18Well, I had a little nest egg put aside
00:22:21But I always wanted to be a V.I.O.
00:22:26Yeah, and if Hare wins the zoo,
00:22:28he'll see to it that you all get a dry one as well
00:22:30when he misses the smile
00:22:32That sounds like a good deal to me
00:22:35Truste Hare, Fur Face, you'll live like a king
00:22:38I am a king, king of the beasts, king of the jungle
00:22:42But do me a favor, don't tell my wife about this
00:22:47Ninety-eight, ninety-nine, one hundred
00:22:50Now all we have to do is raffle off the zoo
00:22:52That's all, we just have to register
00:22:54And with your name on all the tickets, you can't lose
00:22:59All right, everybody, we're ready for the raffle
00:23:02I don't know what the prize is,
00:23:04but Hare promises it's a big surprise
00:23:08He should know how big, big, big it is
00:23:10But you do the drawing
00:23:15Number seventy-two
00:23:16Ah, that's mine, I win
00:23:18Let me see that ticket, I smell something fishy
00:23:21Well, it could be the seal, sir
00:23:23I'll take over the drawing
00:23:26The next number is ninety-three
00:23:28Hey, I win again
00:23:29Oh, no you don't
00:23:31You can't have every number in the drum
00:23:36Yes, truly
00:23:38Who else?
00:23:39This is the last number, it better not be hers
00:23:42Number twenty-eight
00:23:44Hare Bear strikes again
00:23:46All right, you won
00:23:48Big deal, what's the prize?
00:23:50It's printed on the back of the ticket, sir
00:23:52The prize is the zoo
00:23:54The zoo?
00:23:55Oh, oh, you can't own the zoo, it belongs to the city
00:23:59Oh, yes, I can
00:24:01Tell him, Bubby
00:24:02Okay, I will
00:24:03There happens to be a clear legal precedent in the city of Atreides
00:24:07With the case of the city versus Schmidt Lab
00:24:09Case number was walking out of the city, the docket number
00:24:12We have established Atreides without a shadow of a doubt
00:24:15There were two voices and the red light was hanging on the slide
00:24:18Now, what better proof do you need than that?
00:24:20I didn't understand a word he said
00:24:22Ah, come on, it's perfectly clear to me
00:24:24So if you'll kindly step aside, I'll take command
00:24:26I'll also take your whistle
00:24:28Well, we all gotta go sometime
00:24:31Use it, in good health
00:24:33Let's hear it for our new leader
00:24:35Hip hip
00:24:39Mr. Peevely, I think Bubby gave us a bunch of double talk
00:24:42Hare can't own the zoo
00:24:44Of course not, Botch
00:24:46But we'll let him know
00:24:48Of course not, Botch
00:24:50But we'll let him think he owns it
00:24:53I'll teach him a lesson he'll never forget
00:25:05We'll be right back with more fun and adventure
00:25:13This is the life
00:25:15The zookeeper, every day will be a holiday
00:25:18Gee, if every day's a holiday
00:25:20What'll we do for the real holidays?
00:25:23We'll just make it twice as easy
00:25:25Hey, Hare, the lock on my cage is broken
00:25:29So how come you're interrupting the headman's siesta?
00:25:32Because it's the headman's job to fix it
00:25:35Hare, Hare, my water pipe stopped up, look
00:25:39Ah, so what?
00:25:40I don't know nothing about plumbing
00:25:42You're in charge of the zoo
00:25:44You have to learn fast
00:25:50How'd you get your trunk stuck like this, Fumbo?
00:25:53Reaching for a peanut
00:25:55Ah, what's with you? Can't you read?
00:25:57It says, please don't feed the animals
00:26:00Hare is beginning to sound just like Peevely, he say, waitin' to
00:26:03Bubby, Square, give me a hand
00:26:05When I count to three, everybody pull
00:26:07One, two, three
00:26:11Ah, boy
00:26:13We're really learning the zoo-owning business from the bottom up
00:26:18Uh-oh, those bears are really suffering
00:26:21Yes, I love it
00:26:24Hey, Peevely, you call that working?
00:26:26Let's get busy, busy, busy
00:26:28What's with you, Hare?
00:26:30You know the zoo rules, it's our coffee break
00:26:33No, no, not till you finish cleaning up the grounds
00:26:35It isn't the hop, hop, hop
00:26:38Ah, what a day
00:26:40I'm so tired, my fur hurts
00:26:46Ah, boy
00:26:48I never knew Peevely had it so tough
00:26:52Oh, no
00:26:54Tell me I'm dreamin'
00:26:56I'm sorry, I can't say the dream
00:26:58Because Hippy the Hippo is stuck in the bathtub
00:27:00With a tri-word word to say
00:27:02That's no dream, it's a nightmare
00:27:07Humbo's complaining he didn't get his dinner
00:27:09Bidgets reports his heater's on the blink
00:27:12Listen, there's a leak in the seal's pool
00:27:14What are we gonna trade aside it be?
00:27:16I don't want the zoo anymore, take it away
00:27:18I don't want it
00:27:27Time to eat
00:27:29I'm too beat to eat
00:27:31Oh, hey, that's a real try to say
00:27:33If I were you, I would beg Peevely to take back the zoo
00:27:36And have the whole size of it, like they would with me
00:27:38Ah, now listen, nothing makes Hare bear beg
00:27:43Must be another complaint
00:27:45I'm beggin', I'm beggin'
00:27:50Any minute now, Hare should come crawling to me on his hands and knees
00:27:56Come on, come on
00:27:58The three of us beg, it'll carry more weight
00:28:00If Hare only knew that he doesn't really own the zoo
00:28:04Yeah, wait till he finds out you're still boss of the zoo
00:28:13Hey, what am I laughing at?
00:28:16Mr. Peevely's office
00:28:20It's the superintendent of the zoo
00:28:22The superintendent?
00:28:24Yes, sir
00:28:27You'll be over in the morning to inspect the zoo?
00:28:30Yes, sir, everything will be in order, sir
00:28:32I ask all the animals to be ready for inspection
00:28:35Did you hear what I heard?
00:28:36Yeah, a telephone
00:28:38I heard opportunity knock
00:28:40I didn't hear no knock
00:28:42Come on, move, move
00:28:43Get the rest of the animals, I'm holding a meeting
00:28:48All right, now you all know what to do
00:28:50Tonight we move on to the secret underground passage
00:28:52Where will we sleep?
00:28:55I got that figured out too
00:28:57Next slide, Booby
00:28:59You'll hide in the old boxcar in the railroad yard
00:29:02Boy, will Peevely panic when he finds out we're gone
00:29:05Exactly, and by tomorrow, I'll have him eaten out of my bare hands
00:29:10Quick, into the tunnel, everybody on the quick, quick, quick
00:29:13Quick, quick, quick, quick
00:29:32Mr. Peevely, wake up
00:29:36What are you oohing about now?
00:29:38Hare is under the rug, he's out of his cave
00:29:41He's telling me there's a hippopotamus under that rug
00:29:46Oh, oh, there he is
00:29:48There's a hippo under the rug
00:29:50You've been eating too many animal crackers
00:29:52Now go back to sleep before I put you in a cage
00:29:59All together
00:30:04I apologize for the accommodations, fellas
00:30:06But after tonight, I'll really put the squeeze on Peevely
00:30:10No, the squeeze is not on
00:30:16Don't have Clyde to stand around, but you'll have to stay this morning
00:30:19What did he say?
00:30:21He said don't go away, there's more to come
00:30:34Hey, the alarm
00:30:36Peevely's coming
00:30:40All right, all right, all right
00:30:42Your little game is over here
00:30:44I'm back in command here
00:30:46You mean I'm not the owner?
00:30:48Of course not, I just wanted to see you suffer
00:30:51Now line up for inspection, hop, hop, hop, hop, hop
00:30:55Where is everybody?
00:30:57Oh, oh, Mr. Peevely, the animals are gone
00:31:00What do you mean they're gone? They can't be gone
00:31:03Well, if they're not gone, then why are all the cages empty?
00:31:06They are gone
00:31:08Oh, the superintendent's coming today
00:31:10Oh, you're behind this, aren't you, Hare?
00:31:13Me? Little old me?
00:31:15How could you accuse me, a plain, ordinary bear?
00:31:17I'm warning you, Hare
00:31:19Maybe the pixies took them
00:31:21You think the pixies took them?
00:31:23Yeah, but they missed you, knucklehead
00:31:27I hate myself for doing this, but...
00:31:32You've got to help me find the animals before the superintendent arrives
00:31:37I'd be glad to, sir, but...
00:31:40You know the regulations about us bears leaving the zoo?
00:31:43Article 764 specifically states...
00:31:45Forget the regulations
00:31:47Mr. Peevely, how can you say to trade?
00:31:49Please! If you help me find the animals, I'll give you anything you want
00:31:53I'll treat you all like kings
00:31:55Like kings?
00:31:57Well, if you put it that way and cross your fingers and put it in writing
00:32:01My keen animal tracking sense just might lead me to them
00:32:04Anything! Anything! I'll put it in writing
00:32:09My animal instincts tell me they're in that railroad yard
00:32:13Oh, you'd better be right
00:32:15My bear's intuition tells me they're in that boxcar
00:32:18What boxcar?
00:32:24Excuse me, sir, where's the old boxcar?
00:32:27Yeah, coupled to a train and headed cross-country
00:32:30Headed cross-country?
00:32:32Don't worry, sir, I'll get him back for you in time
00:32:35I know a shortcut
00:32:40Look, there's a train
00:32:42I know how to stop it
00:32:44You do? How?
00:32:45I'll show you
00:32:53We're on a choo-choo
00:32:55Hey, what's with that ooh-ooh to choo-choo? We won't be for long, hip-hop
00:32:58Oh, boy, I better step on it
00:33:03I'll catch the train this time, sir
00:33:05You'd better hurry or it's your bear skin, huh?
00:33:12Detect a wheel, Mr. Peevely
00:33:14Okay, you guys, into the act
00:33:22What do we do now?
00:33:24I'll pull the emergency stop
00:33:27Something tells me we should have told Mr. Peevely
00:33:321, 2, 3, stop
00:33:341, 2, 3, stop
00:33:36Faster, boss, faster
00:33:38I'll have you back cleaning the ostrich cage
00:33:43Well, congratulations, Peevely
00:33:45You run a ship-shaped zoo
00:33:47Thanks to the equipment, sir
00:33:49Keep up the good work
00:33:51All right, all right
00:33:53Animals dismissed
00:33:55Back to your cages
00:33:57Back to your cages
00:33:59Back to your cages
00:34:01Back to your cages
00:34:03That's what he said in a day
00:34:04What's for lunch, Peevely?
00:34:05I hope you fix something we like
00:34:07Oh, yeah, and it better be fit for kings like you promised
00:34:12Hop, hop, hop, hop
00:34:14Oh, you win this round here
00:34:16But just wait till next time
00:34:18Oh, just wait till next time
00:34:30In the Wonderland Zoo
00:34:33We're the surgeon bear zoo
00:34:35Stay at home every night
00:34:37Never quarrel or fight
00:34:39Ah, we don't even fight
00:34:41So don't yell
00:34:43Hop, hop, here come the bears
00:34:45Hop, hop, here come the bears
00:34:46Hop, hop, here come the bears
00:34:48Let's split
00:35:00Mr. Peevely, oh, oh, Mr. Peevely
00:35:02It works, it works
00:35:04Can't you see I'm working?
00:35:07Help, help
00:35:09The Martians are attacking
00:35:10The Martians are attacking
00:35:12The Martians
00:35:14Where are the Martians, Mr. Peevely?
00:35:16Where? Where?
00:35:17Never mind the Martians
00:35:19What are you doing in that cockamamie getup?
00:35:21It's my new invention, Mr. Peevely
00:35:23I call it my peeping ear
00:35:25A peeping ear?
00:35:27Yeah, I can hear everything in the zoo
00:35:29Now, uh, that means I can hear anything
00:35:31That sneaky hare bear is doing
00:35:33Are you sure?
00:35:35Sure, I'm sure
00:35:36Oops, oops, I got something
00:35:38What can you hear?
00:35:39It's coming along clear
00:35:40What do you hear?
00:35:41The coconuts rolling
00:35:43Coconuts rolling?
00:35:45Listen, you missed
00:35:47That's what I call a peeping ear
00:35:52Nice shot, bananas
00:35:54Who's there?
00:35:55Hi, fella
00:35:56Meet the new champ
00:35:59All right, all right, all right
00:36:00The match isn't over
00:36:02Set him up in the alley, alley, alley
00:36:04I only have six odds, you know
00:36:06Have at you, chickens
00:36:11There it goes again
00:36:12I hear it, I hear it
00:36:13Coconut rolling
00:36:16I'll bet he hears us
00:36:18And if I catch him, I'll get a promotion
00:36:26In the wonderland, too
00:36:29Where the surgeon bears go
00:36:32Stay out of it tonight
00:36:33There's a lot of fight
00:36:35Ah, we don't even fight
00:36:37So don't yell
00:36:39Bow, bow, here come the bears
00:36:41Bow, bow, here come the bears
00:36:42Bow, bow, here come the bears
00:36:44Let's play
00:36:56Bow, bow, here come the bears
00:36:58Bow, bow, here come the bears
00:37:00Bow, bow, here come the bears
00:37:02Let's play
00:37:25Not now, bubby
00:37:26Can't you see?
00:37:27Okay, everybody free
00:37:29Everybody man for himself
00:37:34Mr. Peevely
00:37:35Hold her on fire
00:37:36All right
00:37:37You asked for it
00:37:50It was the bears, Mr. Peevely
00:37:52It was the bears
00:37:54I didn't see any bears
00:37:56All I saw was you
00:37:57And your silly peeping
00:38:00All right, hurry you guys, hurry
00:38:02Get to the cage
00:38:03Oh, that was close
00:38:05Yeah, boy, you can set us right in there
00:38:07Peevely almost had us, that's right
00:38:11Hey, what's with the King of the Beasts?
00:38:13I'm hiding out from Mrs. King of the Beasts
00:38:15Hey, what's with you guys?
00:38:16Your tails are dragging
00:38:18Gotta tell you, it's that Peevely
00:38:19Yeah, always bugging us
00:38:21Yeah, you can say that's right
00:38:22Always bugging us
00:38:23Well, if he had a wife like mine
00:38:25She'd keep him busy
00:38:26Furface, where are you?
00:38:28Oh, it's her, I'm splitting
00:38:30Oh, boy, poor old Furface
00:38:32I'm telling you, of all the drives that I ever saved
00:38:34He sure got stuck with a ding-a-ling of a twit
00:38:37Yeah, that's right, she did
00:38:39Hey, wait, wait a minute, that's it
00:38:41We'll stick Peevely with a ding-a-ling
00:38:43Uh-uh, won't work
00:38:44She's already married to Furface
00:38:46No, no, no
00:38:48I mean, we'll get his own ding-a-ling, you ding-a-ling
00:38:51Why don't somebody answer the phone?
00:38:53What we'll do, we'll send his name and picture
00:38:55To a Lovin' Hearts Club
00:38:57Yeah, to Lovin' Hearts Club, you guys
00:38:59That's one of those places on a dreaded climb
00:39:01Where they match up lonely people to each other's names
00:39:04Match up somebody to Mr. Peevely
00:39:06Nobody's that lonely
00:39:07All right, all right, all right
00:39:09Now stop the ad-libbing, you guys
00:39:11Step one, we get a picture of Peevely out of his office
00:39:14Well, sure, but how are we gonna sway that?
00:39:16Brain power, that's how
00:39:18Bring me George the Giraffe
00:39:22Ok, diptose, check out the scene
00:39:25Right, I've got you here
00:39:32All clear here
00:39:41Mr. Peevely, ooh, ooh
00:39:43There's a giraffe in our house, ooh, ooh
00:39:45Hey, you got bats in the belfry, climb up
00:39:51Uh, ah, ah, ah
00:39:58How can I watch television with you snoring and sneezing?
00:40:03The lights are off, it's a blackout
00:40:08Ih, we couldn't send this picture to a Lovin' Hearts Club
00:40:12Yeah, they'd send it back
00:40:13Yeah, why don't we just face the trials, here?
00:40:15Your plan to work out this thing is a real bombshell
00:40:18Ah, relax. Relax, pals. Oh, there's no square. Who says we have to send in Peebly's picture? I mean, we could send anybody's in. They'd never know the difference.
00:40:30Hey, that's great! But whose smile will we claim?
00:40:33Mine? Oh, just a thought.
00:40:36How about Dale Dashing, the handsome singer? I'm a fan. I have a few extra photographs. Oh, isn't he beautiful? Oh!
00:40:47There's your answer. I mean, he's gonna be a smash. Now, all we do is mail out these 8x10 glossies and this love note, and then wait for the hearts to melt.
00:40:56All right, I'll be in the pouch and in the mailbox. And a quick, quick, quick!
00:41:00Mail, mail special, on the way!
00:41:12We'll be right back with more fun and adventure!
00:41:17Hey, Pear, what's gonna happen when the ladies find out what Peebly really looks like?
00:41:22Ah, forget it, John, forget it! When love walks in, brains walk out. It's chemistry, right, Bubby?
00:41:29Of course, everybody knows it's rather than this. I mean, when Cupid with his arrows took two pirate's ways on a plait, plait, plait, plait, plait.
00:41:36Then a man and a woman, they look with the moonlight and roses and he jetties twines, and if they haven't got a swice, they could live happily ever since.
00:41:44I wish I'd said that.
00:41:49Well, it's been a week since we mailed that letter and no action. I'm worried.
00:41:53Well, maybe we should have sent my picture.
00:41:55All right, you social butterflies, let's break up this tea party.
00:41:59Tea party, sir? Ah, no, sir, no, sir, we were just figuring out how to make this a happier place for you, our beloved zookeeper.
00:42:08Ah, knock it off. You all know you're not supposed to leave your cages.
00:42:12Yeah, you're not supposed to leave your cages.
00:42:14But if I need an instant replay, I'll call you. Now then...
00:42:19Oh, look, Mr. Peebly, a lady. She's going into your office.
00:42:22What, what, a lady? I hope it isn't one of my many fans. They love me here at the zoo. They're always asking for my autograph. A lady?
00:42:33I'm looking for Eustace P. Peebly.
00:42:37I am Eustace P. Peebly, madam. At your service.
00:42:40What is this, a gag?
00:42:43Hey, here, what do you think of the way this is working in a side tray?
00:42:46Well, I would say that, uh, she made a step with it.
00:42:49Looks like Peebly's gonna be with us forever.
00:42:52Ah, don't give up the ship, mates.
00:42:54Hey, looky, looky, looky!
00:42:58Hey, what's that?
00:42:59Oh, it's the marines. You could use the help.
00:43:03You, Peebly!
00:43:04Ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah!
00:43:06You cut your hair!
00:43:07Now look!
00:43:08We'll be married on Friday!
00:43:09Married? Friday?
00:43:11Date that Thursday. I hate long engagements.
00:43:13Now, see here, madam, I have no intention of getting married.
00:43:17Do you or don't you admit that your name is Eustace P. Peebly?
00:43:21I don't.
00:43:22Well, that's all I need to hear. The wedding is on.
00:43:24You, call a meeting of the animals.
00:43:26Yes, sir, uh, madam.
00:43:28Yes, madam. Uh, sir.
00:43:30And after I become Mrs. Peebly, I will not put up with a messy zoo or messy animals.
00:43:37Yeah, or messy animals.
00:43:39Whose side are you on, anyway?
00:43:41And you will wash your paws or claws before meals.
00:43:44Oh, what's with you today?
00:43:46You, hyena!
00:43:48And what's so funny?
00:43:52Now, all of you trot back to your cozy, comfy cages.
00:43:56On the double!
00:43:58On the double!
00:43:59If there's one thing I won't be needing around here, it's an echo.
00:44:03There! Now, doesn't that look much nicer than those plain old bars?
00:44:07And keep your dirty paws off of them!
00:44:09I'll be back later with the lace doilies.
00:44:12Lace doilies?
00:44:14Forty-eight, forty-nine, fifty.
00:44:17Now, I want you to keep that up for another hour,
00:44:19and I'm cutting it down to five meals a day.
00:44:23From now on, this is the way it's gonna be.
00:44:26You'll wear ties at all times,
00:44:28and you will keep that mop combed at all times.
00:44:33What was that?
00:44:35Yes, you see what he means, lady.
00:44:37Please do not try to make us cry this way.
00:44:39Oh, really? I didn't know.
00:44:40Yes, and not only that,
00:44:41but sometimes when the poor animals should not be as tired as they are at the end of this cry,
00:44:44free as the wind, so please...
00:44:46Whatever you said!
00:44:47Please, I say with my...
00:44:49Whatever you said, my dear, it changes nothing!
00:44:52That's what I said.
00:44:53And that goes for all of you. Got that?
00:44:55This was your idea, Herr?
00:44:57Yes. Now, the truth of the is,
00:44:59Yes. Now, the truth of the is,
00:45:01we've got double trouble.
00:45:04When you got Herr Berry, you mustn't despair.
00:45:06It, uh, just so happens that, uh,
00:45:08I have a plan. Let's go!
00:45:10Where to, Herr?
00:45:11To see Peely!
00:45:13Oh, no. He ain't such.
00:45:15Now, you just wait. After today, he's gonna love us.
00:45:19Say that again, Herr.
00:45:21Quick, before she comes back.
00:45:23Of course, sir, of course.
00:45:25You know, a truck is leaving to take some cages back to the Alaska Zoo.
00:45:29Now, if the future Mrs. Peely...
00:45:31Don't say that.
00:45:33Whatever you wish, sir.
00:45:34Now, if she heard that some animals were trying to escape in that truck,
00:45:39she'd try to stop them, right, Herr?
00:45:41Right, right, right.
00:45:43And if by sheer accident, mind you,
00:45:46she happens to get locked in that truck...
00:45:49Say no more. Pull it off and I'll wipe out all your demerits.
00:45:52But if you fail, I double them, triple them, even.
00:45:56You know, it's good to do business with a man of your intelligence, sir.
00:46:00Next stop, Nome.
00:46:03You sure those bears are planning to escape in the truck?
00:46:07Got it right from the hippo's mouth.
00:46:09What are you gonna do?
00:46:11You'll see.
00:46:12Yeah, I'll bet.
00:46:17Hey, there's Melvin Signal. She's on her way.
00:46:20Oh, boy.
00:46:21You got everything straight, Bananas?
00:46:23Tell me again, Herr.
00:46:26All right, all right, all right. Now, pay attention.
00:46:28We'll be in the truck. She'll come in after us, and I yell, OK.
00:46:32You yell OK?
00:46:34And we all jump out, except her.
00:46:36Yeah, except her.
00:46:39Now, you slam the door and lock it.
00:46:42No, not now. Now, when she's in the truck.
00:46:45All right, watch it, everybody. Cap on your train now. Here she comes.
00:46:48All right, all right, all right.
00:46:50Everybody take your places.
00:46:52Come out now, you bears. I know you're in there. You're not getting away with it.
00:46:56Out, out.
00:46:58I got him.
00:47:00He said OK.
00:47:03I guess they're all loaded up. Let's go.
00:47:08Now, what happened, Bananas?
00:47:11What happened, Bananas?
00:47:13Did I do it wrong?
00:47:14What, what, what?
00:47:15He says OK.
00:47:17And I slammed the door.
00:47:19Wait a minute. You mean the bears didn't jump out?
00:47:23I didn't say, uh...
00:47:25Oh, oh, the hare-bear bunch is trying to sneak away again.
00:47:28Oh, you wonder. Don't you get the picture?
00:47:32I didn't bring my camera.
00:47:33Come on now, don't you see what happened?
00:47:36They got rid of those three pesky bears, and that charming battle ax in one fell swoop.
00:47:42But in the end, it's Bananas.
00:47:45To be continued...
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00:57:39Hey, it looks pretty good, gang, for this sliding race.
00:57:44Face up!
00:57:45Okay, you beach bums, what are we waiting for?
00:57:50Here we go! Aloha and take it away, fumble!
00:57:54Are you okay, Hank?
00:57:59First one to wipe out is a rotten bear!
00:58:02Second to wipe out is a rotten bear!
00:58:09What was that?
00:58:10Sounds like a tidal wave.
00:58:13This is a zoo, knucklehead, not Waikiki Beach!
00:58:17Come on, you flounderhead, to the bear's cave!
00:58:20That's where everything starts!
00:58:25They're gone! I knew the bears were behind this!
00:58:29The question is, where did they go?
00:58:33Ah, what's this?
00:58:37Ah-ha! 3-3-3, rock-a-belt drive!
00:58:41Get the jeep, Botch! Quick, quick, quick!
00:58:50I'll show them this time, Crenshaw!
00:58:52My spaceship will be the first to land on Mars!
00:58:55You're a genius, Master!
00:58:57Yes, and only I will conquer Mars and reap a fortune from its natural resources!
00:59:02Is the spaceship ready, Master?
00:59:04Ready and waiting for three brave, fearless and foolhardy space travelers!
00:59:21We'll be right back with more fun and adventure!
00:59:28Ah, what do you think you're driving, Boobie?
00:59:30It sure is lumpy!
00:59:32Yeah, and I think I know a way to smooth it out!
00:59:37Hey, how about that? Relax and leave the driving to nobody!
00:59:41Hey, fellas, listen to Gido! I think we're almost there!
00:59:45We're there!
00:59:50What was that?
00:59:52They're here! My three fearless space travelers!
00:59:56Let's not lose our cool, gang!
00:59:58I mean, you know, if he was dangerous, I'd be a beware of the dog sign!
01:00:01Maybe there was, but he ate him!
01:00:03Welcome! I am Professor Nielsen Rockabilt!
01:00:07But, sir, they look like the three bears!
01:00:10I don't care if it's Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs! Get them in here!
01:00:15Yes, sir!
01:00:17What about this dog-like thing?
01:00:20Oh, Killer hasn't eaten anybody in weeks!
01:00:25But if you want him to go away, just bark at him!
01:00:28Well, I'll try anything once!
01:00:37Now, that dog has a deep psychological problem!
01:00:39Yeah, I'd hate to be his psychiatrist!
01:00:43Step on it, bots! We can't be far behind them!
01:00:46Oh, and we've sent them back to the woods! Do I get a promotion?
01:00:50No, I'd like to promote you back to the woods!
01:00:55Yes, sir! All my life, I've wanted to help make this a better world!
01:00:59And I ask you, what better way than to put an end to this?
01:01:03Yes, sir!
01:01:04Yes, sir!
01:01:05Yes, sir!
01:01:06Yes, sir!
01:01:07Yes, sir!
01:01:08Yes, sir!
01:01:09Yes, sir!
01:01:10Yes, sir!
01:01:11Yes, sir!
01:01:12Yes, sir!
01:01:13Yes, sir!
01:01:14Yes, sir!
01:01:15Yes, sir!
01:01:16Yes, sir!
01:01:17Yes, sir!
01:01:18Yes, sir!
01:01:19Yes, sir!
01:01:20Yes, sir!
01:01:21Yes, sir!
01:01:22Yes, sir!
01:01:23Yes, sir!
01:01:24Yes, sir!
01:01:25Yes, sir!
01:01:26Yes, sir!
01:01:27Yes, sir!
01:01:28Yes, sir!
01:01:29Yes, sir!
01:01:30Yes, sir!
01:01:31Yes, sir!
01:01:32Yes, sir!
01:01:33Yes, sir!
01:01:34Yes, sir!
01:01:35Yes, sir!
01:01:36Yes, sir!
01:01:37Yes, sir!
01:01:38Have there, any questions?
01:01:40Ah, there's just one Mr. Rockebelt ah What's in it for us?
01:01:45What's in it?
01:01:46You'll come home to a hero's welcome, a phone call from the president, a ticker tape parade up Broadday and an invitation to the White House.
01:01:56Gee! A phone call from the president!
01:01:59The ticker tape try, right up Broadway today!
01:02:02An invitation to the White House!
01:02:05Okay, we'll go!
01:02:07Excellent !
01:02:08Viens, je vais te le faire.
01:02:12C'est parti pour le jeu !
01:02:20Désolé Mr Peaveley, je n'arrive pas à m'habiller de ces bruits de puissance.
01:02:27C'est bon.
01:02:28Fox, fais quelque chose !
01:02:31J'ai un plan.
01:02:34Chaque homme pour lui-même.
01:02:37C'est parti !
01:02:49Je ne sais pas comment il est arrivé à ce bâtiment.
01:02:52Tu appelles chaque homme pour lui-même, Teamwork ?
01:02:56Oh, regarde !
01:02:57Où pensent-ils qu'ils vont ?
01:03:01Ils vont s'en foutre !
01:03:04Oh, des vrais astronautes.
01:03:06Peut-être que je pourrais obtenir leur autographe.
01:03:08Si on ne les arrête pas, je vais obtenir ton autographe.
01:03:11Et une résignation.
01:03:12Bon voyage !
01:03:14Oh, le professeur part.
01:03:18Mars sera le mien.
01:03:19Tout le monde !
01:03:21C'est maintenant la chance.
01:03:22Allez !
01:03:23C'est maintenant la chance.
01:03:30Laissez-moi gérer les Ahas, s'il vous plait.
01:03:33Oh, bonjour, M.Pigley.
01:03:34Vous voulez que j'aille à l'étage de l'éclat pour entrer sur la fameuse glorie de Douda, n'est-ce pas ?
01:03:38Nous allons à Mars.
01:03:39Le seul endroit où vous trois astronautes allez, c'est la forêt nationale.
01:03:44Oh non, ils ne le sont pas.
01:03:45Et vous allez à Mars avec eux.
01:03:48Mars ?
01:03:53Qu'est-ce qui se passe ?
01:03:54Je pense que nous sommes devenus des astronautes.
01:03:56Quoi ?
01:04:00Attendez !
01:04:01J'ai mes mains sur vous, les poissons !
01:04:04Ditto !
01:04:10Regarde, M.Pigley.
01:04:11Je flotte !
01:04:12Parce qu'il n'y a pas de gravité, toi, Lunkhead.
01:04:15Ok, Boss.
01:04:16Passons le bateau de retour à la Terre.
01:04:18Oh, vous voulez que je vérifie le manuel dans le compartiment de gaffe ?
01:04:21Rien que le manuel.
01:04:23Appuyez sur le bouton et retournons.
01:04:27J'ai choisi celui-ci.
01:04:32Appuyez sur le bouton et retournons.
01:04:47Nous sommes de retour.
01:04:49Tu n'as pas l'air d'être sur Terre.
01:04:51Tu n'as pas l'air d'être sur Mars non plus.
01:04:53Oui, Mars, Chartreuse.
01:04:56Où sommes-nous ?
01:05:01Pourquoi n'avons-nous pas demandé à ces glides ?
01:05:06Des monstres !
01:05:07Ne les tuez pas, Boss !
01:05:08Ne vous inquiétez pas, M.Pigley.
01:05:10J'ai besoin de cette promotion.
01:05:11Ils ne me semblent pas dangereux.
01:05:13Ici ils viennent.
01:05:14Ou ici ils s'échappent.
01:05:16Je vais essayer de leur parler.
01:05:19Salut, partenaires !
01:05:20Comment allez-vous ?
01:05:24Vous savez où nous sommes ?
01:05:31Je n'arrive pas à communiquer avec eux.
01:05:33Peut-être qu'il y a une différence de génération.
01:05:35Hey, mon gars, laissez-moi essayer.
01:05:38Hey, qu'est-ce que vous faites ici ?
01:05:41Nous travaillons.
01:05:42Nous travaillons, n'est-ce pas ?
01:05:44Mais qu'est-ce que vous faites ici ?
01:05:46Vous ne pouvez pas travailler ici avec ces deux monstres ?
01:05:48Vous ne pouvez pas travailler ici avec ces deux monstres ?
01:05:49Vous ne pouvez pas travailler ici avec ces deux monstres ?
01:05:51Hey, vous savez quoi ?
01:05:52Ils ne sont pas en train de travailler ici.
01:05:54Quoi ?
01:05:55Qu'est-ce qui se passe ici ?
01:05:57Il m'a dit qu'ils se sont fait un déjeuner ensemble
01:05:59et que vous êtes leur nouveau leader.
01:06:02Eh bien, je serai.
01:06:03Je savais toujours que j'avais des qualités de leader.
01:06:07Vous devriez être le leader, M.Pigley.
01:06:10Hey, attendez un instant.
01:06:11Si quelqu'un va être un nouveau leader ici,
01:06:13c'est moi.
01:06:16Qu'est-ce que vous faites ici ?
01:06:18Oh, il était sur le site de l'avion
01:06:20avant que vous ne soyez là ce soir.
01:06:22Eh bien, qu'est-ce que vous dites, Boobie ?
01:06:24Eh bien, je lui ai juste dit que Pigley,
01:06:26je dois le dire,
01:06:27c'est notre leader de terre.
01:06:28C'est moi.
01:06:30Ah, avec vous, c'est un ami, Boobie.
01:06:32Qui a besoin d'ennemis.
01:06:34Attention, vous pauvres !
01:06:36Oui, attention, vous pauvres !
01:06:38Ah, ce lieu commence à ressembler à un zoo.
01:06:42Il a juste demandé
01:06:43ce que vous voulez faire avec nous, M.Pigley.
01:06:45Allez à la dungeon avec eux !
01:06:51Ne vous inquiétez pas,
01:06:52vous n'aurez plus à...
01:06:54Qu'a-t-il dit ?
01:06:56Il a dit de ne pas partir,
01:06:57il y a plus à venir !
01:06:59Il y a plus à venir !
01:07:10Ah, ils m'aiment, Bodge.
01:07:11Chaque souhait est leur commandement.
01:07:14Oh, peux-je être le leader assistant,
01:07:16votre Royal Highness ?
01:07:18Eh bien, je pourrais le considérer.
01:07:22Ah, c'est bien, Boobie.
01:07:24Pigley est le leader
01:07:25et nous sommes dans le clin d'œil,
01:07:27grâce à vous.
01:07:28Pouvez-vous m'aider ici
01:07:29si j'ai l'occasion de parler à Lurien ?
01:07:31Hey, regarde !
01:07:32Regarde-lui !
01:07:33Hey, regarde-lui avec ce léger !
01:07:35Pigley est terrible !
01:07:36Ah, il a bien le traitement royal !
01:07:38Ah, délicieux !
01:07:41Oh, délicieux !
01:07:43Vous avez l'air de moquer votre leader !
01:07:46Désolé, M.Pigley.
01:07:47M.Pigley, votre Royal Highness !
01:07:50M.Pigley, votre Royal Highness !
01:07:53Faites attention, Naver,
01:07:54c'est après la dungeon avec vous !
01:07:57Oh, mon dieu !
01:07:58Pigley s'est trompé !
01:07:59Oui, tu l'as dit, Claude.
01:08:00Il ne peut pas faire ça à nous !
01:08:02Tu es sûr ?
01:08:03Dites au garde
01:08:04qu'on veut voir le leader
01:08:05le premier jour du matin.
01:08:07Hey, garde !
01:08:08Nous voulons qu'il s'occupe
01:08:09de la dungeon avec nous !
01:08:14Qu'est-ce qu'il dit ?
01:08:15Oh, pauvre Pigley !
01:08:16Ils choisissent un nouveau
01:08:17tous les jours ici
01:08:18et ils mettent l'ancien
01:08:19dans une cage de verre.
01:08:21Dans une cage de verre ?
01:08:22Pfiou !
01:08:23Pfiou, Pigley l'a eu !
01:08:25Oh, ça vous donne
01:08:26des émotions mélancoliques.
01:08:28J'ai hâte de le dire,
01:08:29mais on va devoir l'aider.
01:08:31L'aider ?
01:08:32Oui, monsieur, l'aider.
01:08:33Dans les mots
01:08:34d'un célèbre patriote américain
01:08:35qui a une fois
01:08:36dit à sa mère
01:08:37qu'il devait s'unir
01:08:38ou qu'il pourrait
01:08:39se tromper ici
01:08:40en travaillant
01:08:41même si son nom
01:08:42était Sam, 14 ans.
01:08:43Oh, j'aimerais que je l'aie dit.
01:08:46Il faut qu'on pense à quelque chose
01:08:47vite !
01:08:48Je vais essayer,
01:08:49mais je pense que c'est trop tard
01:08:50pour contrôler la dungeon.
01:08:52Laissez-moi sortir de cette dungeon !
01:08:54C'est difficile, Mr. Pivley.
01:08:57Peut-être qu'ils me feront
01:08:58leur nouveau leader.
01:09:00Je sais que vous êtes derrière ça.
01:09:02Tenez-le, tenez-le, mes amis.
01:09:03Je l'ai !
01:09:04Maintenant, c'est mon plan.
01:09:07Pfiou !
01:09:08Pfiou !
01:09:09Pfiou !
01:09:10Pfiou !
01:09:13Oh, malade !
01:09:14Tu es malade quand tu as
01:09:15un trident, hein ?
01:09:16C'est contagieux
01:09:17comme un trident,
01:09:18comme une maladie de terre
01:09:19que Cloidus a appelé
01:09:20Common Colditis.
01:09:21Ah !
01:09:22Ah !
01:09:25Allez, les gars,
01:09:26les motos !
01:09:31Fils de pute, aidez-moi !
01:09:33Mais, your highness,
01:09:34your highness,
01:09:35your highness, your highness, your highness.
01:09:36Attends, je vais te faire
01:09:37les mains.
01:09:38Attends, je vais te faire les mains.
01:09:39Attends, je vais te faire les mains.
01:09:50Hey, attention !
01:09:52Attention !
01:09:53Je ne peux pas te voir
01:09:54avec Boobie dans mes yeux.
01:09:59Maintenant, où est Boobie ?
01:10:05où as-tu trouvé
01:10:06cette folle voiture ?
01:10:07Je l'ai reçue
01:10:08d'un vendeur d'avion
01:10:09sur le grange
01:10:10qui travaillait dans la salle.
01:10:11Retourne à la roquette.
01:10:12Bouge, bouge, bouge !
01:10:14je donne les ordres
01:10:16Oui, il donne les ordres
01:10:18Oh !
01:10:19Juste ce que j'ai besoin,
01:10:20un lapin.
01:10:22Oh, oh,
01:10:23ils arrivent.
01:10:28Vite, vite !
01:10:30Je suis trop jeune
01:10:31pour m'intégrer.
01:10:32Il y a un vaisseau d'avion.
01:10:36Oh, oh,
01:10:37la voiture est partie.
01:10:38Oh !
01:10:39Oh !
01:10:40Oh !
01:10:41Oh !
01:10:42Oh !
01:10:43Oh !
01:10:51Mais, mais,
01:10:52quel bouton
01:10:53je prends cette fois,
01:10:54Monsieur Beevily ?
01:10:55Le bouton de terre,
01:10:56qu'est-ce d'autre ?
01:10:57Oh, oui, la Terre.
01:10:59Ici, il y a
01:11:07bon sang,
01:11:08ce bouton dit
01:11:09« Destruct »
01:11:10et non « Earth ».
01:11:19Eh, les gars,
01:11:20Put you polite at the trinity sea? We're back in the zoo!
01:11:22Yeah, we landed in the zoo.
01:11:24Yes sir, Mr. Peely. It was teamwork that did it.
01:11:28Right, huh? Teamwork. I'm all for it.
01:11:33Now, work, work, work! Hop to it, all of you!
01:11:36Yeah, hop to it, hop, hop, hop!
01:11:38As for you, King Bot, it's your turn.
01:11:43Oh, oh, my promotion!
01:11:45Yeah, I'm promoting you to the bottom.
01:11:48Cleaning trash can bottoms, that's what. Now get started.
01:11:52Boy, those Darulians don't know how lucky they were to get rid of Peebly.
01:11:56Yeah, Hare, you can say that trite again.
01:11:58Especially the trite when they ask me to tell about the large client who worked to death.
01:12:01That old American papriot who worked for this lodge.
01:12:12In the Wonderland Zoo.
01:12:15Where the surgeon bears zoo.
01:12:17Stay at home every night, never quarrel or fight.
01:12:20Ah, we don't even fight!
01:12:22So don't yell, help, help.
01:12:25Here come the bears.
01:12:26Help, help.
01:12:27Here come the bears.
01:12:28Help, help.
01:12:29Here come the bears.
01:12:30Let's split, help!
01:12:31It's the Hare Bear Bunch!
01:12:33THE END
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