Wheel Of Fortune S01E03 (2024)

  • 3 months ago
00:00This programme contains strong language and adult humour.
00:03This programme is brought to you in part by Wheel of Fortune.
00:09Oh, hey!
00:15It's Saturday night, it's Saturday night!
00:20Hello and welcome to Wheel of Fortune!
00:26A game where wheel-spinning, puzzle-solving and prize-winning
00:29can win you a possible fortune of £50,000!
00:35Ten seconds in and this audience is already hysterical with excitement.
00:39Let's meet tonight's players.
00:41Philly, Craig and Becky, there they are.
00:44Hi, guys.
00:46Hello. Lovely to see you all.
00:49I'd like you all to meet your favourite rotator,
00:52it's The Wheel, there it is.
00:54Now, we'll all get to know you a bit better as the game goes on,
00:58but before you get your hands on those spokes,
01:00I'll tell you what we're going to do.
01:02We're going to start winning some money with three quick-fire puzzles.
01:06OK? You'll need your buzzers for this.
01:08And what happens is we light up a puzzle on the board,
01:11then the letters are revealed one at a time.
01:13Whoever buzzes in first will win £500.
01:18OK? You all clear?
01:20I'll tell you now, the clue for all three is Musical Sing-Along.
01:25All right, here's the first one. Here we go.
01:29Cue the music. Here come your letters.
01:32It's a musical sing-along.
01:36And it's Becky.
01:38All That Jazz, Chicago.
01:41Well, well, you're out of it, even!
01:45Well, well, you're out of it, even!
01:53Are you holding your buzzer? You are. I am.
01:55Oh, yeah, you are. We're just checking. You're hitting it.
01:57Let's have our second one. £500 already. Well done, you.
02:00Here we go.
02:02There are the lights, here come the letters.
02:04Musical sing-along.
02:14And it's Becky again.
02:16Defying Gravity, Wicked.
02:18Oh, come on!
02:22Well done.
02:24I'm guessing this category is in your wheelhouse.
02:27Quite possibly.
02:29Let's see if you can make it three out of three.
02:31You've got £1,000 already, Becky. Here's our third.
02:34There it is, and here come the letters.
02:36Fingers on the buzzers, you can do this.
02:38Musical sing-along.
02:45Oh, and it's Becky again.
02:47One Day More, Les Miserables.
02:54I mean, it's annoying, Philly and Craig,
02:57but in fairness, you did very well, Becky.
03:00Well done.
03:01All right, let's just check the scores
03:03at the end of that first set of puzzles.
03:05Philly and Craig yet to score, but £1,500 already to Becky.
03:09Well done.
03:12Philly, where are you from? What do you do?
03:14I am from Margate in Kent and I work as a cleaner.
03:18And do you clean, like, offices or houses?
03:20Some offices, but mainly houses,
03:22which is the best because there's always pets.
03:24Oh, yeah.
03:25What, so you can play with the pets or clean up after them?
03:27Yeah, most of the time I just play with the pets.
03:29OK, yeah. And judge the people who own the house.
03:32I know. No, not at all, never.
03:34You're a huge fan of Back To The Future.
03:37Massive fan, ever since I was a little kid.
03:39And tell people how much of a fan of a film you are.
03:42My daughter's called Marty.
03:46And how old is Marty? Has Marty seen the film?
03:48Oh, yes, I've tried to get her to watch it,
03:50but she just thinks it's boring. She's seven.
03:52OK, fair enough. She'll grow into it. She'll grow into it.
03:54I really hope so.
03:55All right, good luck tonight, Philly.
03:57Craig, what about yourself? Where are you from? What do you do?
03:59Aldersfield, and I'm a sport and business manager.
04:02And your house sounds quite crowded.
04:04A lot of kids, a lot of cats.
04:06A lot of noise, a lot of attitude as well.
04:08OK, is that just from the cats or the kids?
04:10No, the wife.
04:11But you're a big fan of Aldersfield Town Football Club.
04:14Yeah, massive Aldersfield Town fan.
04:16I've supported them all my life.
04:18We got to the Premier League, as people might or might not know
04:21in the audience, a few years ago.
04:23Nothing, nothing.
04:25Best day of my life.
04:27Well, listen, hopefully the team is now watching
04:29and they'll be supporting you for a change.
04:32Return to Becky, where are you from and what do you do?
04:35I am from Southend-on-Sea in Essex,
04:38and I have just graduated from university
04:40with a degree in jazz music.
04:42Oh, see? See?
04:45Oh, it's like cheating.
04:47Coming in here with your music graduate, blah, blah, blah.
04:51And do you play an instrument?
04:53I do, I play jazz saxophone.
04:55And what are you doing right now?
04:57I'm working in a coffee shop,
04:58and I'm saving up to hopefully do some travelling.
05:01Good luck tonight, Becky. Thank you.
05:02You are our baby, you're only 21, right?
05:04I know, I know.
05:05A little baby player.
05:06All right, well, listen, good luck to you all.
05:08Shall we get started? Yeah, let's.
05:12Now, as you know, this game is all about solving puzzles.
05:16First, you'll spin the wheel loaded with cash prizes
05:18for £100 to £500.
05:21Now, once the wheel stops on an amount,
05:23you'll get to choose a consonant.
05:25If it's on the board, you earn the cash amount
05:28for each time it appears on the board.
05:31But only the person who solves the overall puzzle
05:34will keep their cash for the round.
05:37By the end, whoever's earned the most
05:39will go on to play for a possible £50,000.
05:43All right?
05:45Now, don't panic, by the way.
05:47You might be looking at your scoreboard, Becky, thinking,
05:49where did my money go?
05:50Don't worry, when it's banked, it's safe.
05:53We just go to zero at the top of each game.
05:55The clue for this first puzzle is short and sweet.
05:59Now, before the show, we decided someone randomly
06:01to start the game, and it's you, Becky.
06:03So you get to spin first. Off you go, spin that wheel.
06:06Ooh, look at that! The first spin of the night!
06:08Here we go!
06:11Short and sweet.
06:14And each letter you pick will be worth £150.
06:17T. T. There is a T.
06:20Now, at this stage, you know this, you can either spin again,
06:23you can try to solve the problem,
06:25or you could spend £100 on a vowel.
06:27What would you like to do? I'm going to spin again.
06:29I think that's wise.
06:31OK, here we go.
06:39£225. N.
06:413 Ns.
06:45Well done, Becky.
06:47There we go.
06:49Round it goes.
06:55£300, a letter.
06:57D. D.
06:592D, £600. Well done.
07:11M. Already M?
07:13No, Ms! Rightfully, you're up.
07:15Spin away. There we go.
07:21Ooh, ooh, ooh!
07:25£400 a pot. S.
07:27S? There is one S, you get £400.
07:29And you're spinning again.
07:31Off you go, Philly.
07:37What are we doing, what are we doing?
07:41R. R.
07:43There is an R, £150 for Philly.
07:45Can I buy an E, please?
07:47An E, you'd like to buy an E.
07:49Let's see, you've got two Es.
07:51OK, there they are. What would you like to do now?
07:53I'll buy an A.
07:55An A? OK.
07:59I'll spin. Spin again? All right.
08:01There we go.
08:09£200. L.
08:11Let's see if there's Ls on the board. There are two Ls.
08:13That means £400 goes into your prize pot.
08:17I'll buy an O. You love the vowels.
08:20Two Os.
08:22How are you feeling? Short and sweet is your clue.
08:24You're spinning again. All right.
08:35Come on, Philly!
08:37It's a spot prize.
08:39If the letter you choose is on the board,
08:41you don't just get the monetary amount,
08:43you will also win that spot prize. What are you picking?
08:47It's a G!
08:49Which means you get £100 and you can pick up your spot prize.
08:51Thank you.
08:53And I can tell you, you've won a three-night stay
08:55for a family of four
08:57at a Dutch theme park, Efteling,
08:59courtesy of Magic Breaks.
09:01Wow! I know!
09:05OK. OK, what are you doing now?
09:07Spinning. All right.
09:09Here we go.
09:12Short and sweet...
09:16£150. C.
09:18No, C.
09:20OK, Craig, this is your moment.
09:22Spin that wheel. There you go.
09:30We're good, we're good, we're good, we're good.
09:32£250 a pop.
09:36There are two Hs. That's £500.
09:41What would you like to do now, Craig?
09:43Please, can I solve it? You can!
09:45Long-haired Shetland pony.
09:47Let's see if you're right.
09:49He is!
09:53Well done, Craig.
09:55You've banked £500 at the end of the round.
09:58Let's see how that affects our scores.
10:01Philly, you came so close,
10:03but you have got your break to Holland.
10:05Meanwhile, Craig has £500,
10:07but look at Becky go.
10:11Well done.
10:13It is time for another puzzle.
10:16I can tell you your clue is...
10:21Philly, you're our lowest scorer right now,
10:23so you get to spin first. Here we go.
10:25Come on, Philly!
10:35There's the breaks. Off you go, Craig.
10:37Off you go, Craig. Spin away.
10:47No, we're good. £250.
10:49T. Is there a T on the board?
10:51There are two Ts. £500 to Craig.
10:53Here he goes.
10:55Nice big spin from Craig.
10:5720 minutes of small talk is your clue.
11:04N. All right.
11:06Come on, £225.
11:08Spin, spin, spin.
11:10Look at that go. Fantastic. Very good.
11:16And it's £250 this time.
11:18D. D.
11:20Lovely choice. There isn't one.
11:22All right, Becky, off you go.
11:24Off you go.
11:26She's back in the game.
11:30She's back in the game for a second.
11:32Philly, you get the wheel back.
11:34Here we go.
11:41And Philly is playing for £225.
11:46There are three Hs.
11:50What would you like to do now, Philly?
11:52Can I buy an E, please?
11:54An E. An E.
11:56There is an E. Off you go.
12:0220 minutes of small talk,
12:04and you are playing for £225.
12:08Three Ss. Wow.
12:10£675 right there.
12:12What would you like to do now?
12:14Can I buy an A? An A, you can.
12:16There are two on the board.
12:18And now?
12:20Can I buy an I?
12:22OK, yeah.
12:24Two Is.
12:26You're spinning? All right, spin away.
12:36And it's £100.
12:40G. There is a G, yes.
12:42And now?
12:44Yep, there you go.
12:52Oh, we're good. 150.
12:56No, M.
12:58Craig, the wheel is yours.
13:00Here we go.
13:08And you're playing for £200.
13:12Two Rs. £400 right there, Craig.
13:14What would you like to do now?
13:16Spinning again? All right, do it.
13:18There you go.
13:29B. B.
13:31Yes, there is a B on the board.
13:35You're spinning again.
13:37You've got to buy a vowel. Vowel, please.
13:39Vowel, which one? O.
13:41O, OK.
13:43There's your O.
13:45There are now no more vowels.
13:47You've either got to solve or to spin again.
13:49Solve, please. OK.
13:51Cashier in with the boss.
13:53Look at that!
13:57You banked £1,175 in that round, Craig.
14:00Well done.
14:02We add that to the totals.
14:04Philly, you still get your small prize, but no actual cash.
14:07Becky is £1,500.
14:09But our new leader, with £1,675, it's Craig!
14:17You know, the wheel contains an astonishing 15,000 moving parts,
14:21making it the most complex mechanism in game show history.
14:24That might be a lie, but I'm telling you the truth
14:27when I say it's time for a break.
14:38Welcome back to Wheel of Fortune,
14:40and now it's the moment everyone's been waiting for.
14:43It's another triple toss-up!
14:45Yes, I said that!
14:47And each one is going to be worth £500.
14:49Have you got your buzzers?
14:51All right, your clue for all three is What's In Dad's Wardrobe?
14:55Come on, Craig, you should know this.
14:57OK, here come your letters.
15:00What's In Dad's Wardrobe?
15:02First one to buzz in correctly gets £500.
15:11Flared bootcut jeans.
15:16And it's Becky.
15:18Faded bootcut jeans.
15:22Oh, so close!
15:24So close!
15:26All right.
15:28Well done, Becky, £500.
15:30Let's have another one. Here we go.
15:32This is number two of three.
15:34What's In Dad's Wardrobe?
15:36Reveal the letters, please.
15:47Old rock band T-shirt.
15:51You've done it!
15:53Money in the bank!
15:55Money in the bank!
15:57Well done, £500, Philly.
15:59Let's have our final toss-up. Here we go.
16:02There are the lights. Here come the letters.
16:07What's In Dad's Wardrobe?
16:09What's In Dad's Wardrobe?
16:21And it's Philly again.
16:23Wrap-around sunglasses.
16:25By Georgie Starling!
16:29Well done, Philly.
16:31That's turned things around.
16:33Let's have a look at the scores.
16:35And now, Becky has 2,000.
16:37Well done. Craig, 1,675.
16:39But the headline is Philly now has £1,000!
16:44Well done, everyone.
16:46You might like to dust off your passports
16:48because whoever solves the next puzzle
16:51will get the chance to play for a holiday to Dubai.
16:57Now, the wheel has sneaked in a new top amount of £750,
17:02but it's also added another bankrupt
17:04because, frankly, it can be malicious and vengeful.
17:07Your clue for this puzzle is A Little Bit Fragile.
17:12A Little Bit Fragile.
17:14Philly, you are our lowest scorer, so off you go.
17:20Here we go.
17:22Oh, oh, oh, oh.
17:26It's OK. I'm glad I got it now.
17:28It's the best of times, the worst of times.
17:30Craig, your turn. There you go, sir.
17:32Yeah! Big spin.
17:40£300 a pop.
17:42T. T. How are we doing?
17:44There is a T up there.
17:46You're spinning again? OK, do it.
17:48There you go, sir.
17:53Oh, all right.
17:55Oh, oh.
17:57Oh, come on!
18:01What consonant would you like, Craig?
18:05Oh! No, H, Becky, you get to spin.
18:07Here we go.
18:14Ooh, ooh, ooh. Nearly, but not.
18:16£200. L.
18:18How are we doing for Ls? Two Ls.
18:20£400 and Becky's prize spot.
18:22Here we go.
18:24Here we go.
18:29Oh, oh, oh, oh.
18:31Is it, is it? No, it's not.
18:33It's £150. N.
18:35One N. £150 for you.
18:37And another spin, I believe.
18:39Here we go.
18:47Sorry about that, Becky.
18:49Philly. There you go.
18:55Oh, oh, oh.
18:57No, we're good, we're good.
18:59£250. What would you like? S.
19:01One S. £250.
19:03You're spinning again? Off you go.
19:10All right, we're looking good, it's looking good.
19:12£150. R.
19:16There isn't an R. Craig, you're back in play.
19:19All right, round it goes.
19:22A little bit fragile is your clue.
19:24And Craig is playing for...
19:26No. Oh!
19:28Sorry, Craig. It's in a mood.
19:30Off you go, Becky. Couldn't wait to get your hands on it there, could you?
19:37Oh, is it, is it, is it?
19:39No, it's not. £200.
19:43No Ds. Philly, it's back to you. All right.
19:46And you're playing for...
19:48£250. P.
19:50P. No Ps.
19:52Craig, look at you.
19:54Yeah, you can build up your money again.
20:00Oh, is it?
20:02No. Oh, A.
20:04£400. G.
20:06No Gs. Come on, Becky.
20:08All right.
20:13It's a swap prize!
20:15If the consonant you pick is up there,
20:17you get the monetary amount plus the prize.
20:19What are you picking? B.
20:21There is a B.
20:23You get £100 and you can pick up your swap prize there
20:26because you've won four annual Platinum Passes
20:29to Merlin Attractions,
20:31a couple of times in a row.
20:33And you're playing for...
20:39Merlin Attractions across the country.
20:41There you go!
20:43Well done.
20:45What would you like to do now? Spin again?
20:47OK, off you go. Mighty spin.
20:49Oh, look at that. Yeah, lean in.
20:51Lean in.
20:55And you're playing for...
20:57£150. F.
20:59No Fs. Philly, here you go.
21:01F for Philly.
21:07Oh, come on!
21:11K. K. How are we doing?
21:13No Ks. Craig, you're back in play.
21:15There you go. Spin that wheel.
21:24Oh, what is happening?!
21:27Becky, something's turned.
21:29It's nearly turned.
21:42No Ms. Philly, spin that wheel.
21:44Do I have money? Yeah, you've got £250.
21:46OK, can I buy a vowel, then? You can, of course.
21:48OK, can I buy an A, please?
21:50An A. Philly would like an A.
21:52There are four As. That's some value shopping right there.
21:57What are you doing now?
22:01OK, you can afford it. Do it.
22:05Oh, Craig, you've got the wheel now.
22:07There you go.
22:13We're good, we're good.
22:15It's got to be a money amount. £225.
22:21No, Y! Becky, Becky, Becky.
22:23All right, it's yours.
22:35No, W. Come on, Philly. Can I solve?
22:37Oh, you can.
22:39Valuable antique vase.
22:41Are you right?
22:43You are!
22:45Well done!
22:47Very good.
22:49Now, because of all your vowel shopping,
22:51you've only got 50 quid at the end of that,
22:53but each puzzle is worth 500,
22:55so we'll bump it up to that and add it to your total.
22:57You also get to play the Holiday Bonus Round!
23:03So, Craig and Becky,
23:05you can take a breather,
23:07and Philly, I can tell you,
23:09this is what you're playing for.
23:13Win a holiday for two to Dubai,
23:15staying at the five-star Raffles Le Palm.
23:17There you'll be able to relax
23:19on the hotel's 500-metre private beach
23:21or unwind in the award-winning spa
23:23before enjoying an evening out
23:25at one of the six bars and restaurants,
23:27courtesy of British Airways Holidays.
23:33Can you see yourself there, Philly?
23:37Am I right in thinking, have you never been on a plane?
23:41Oh, wow!
23:43Dubai is lovely, but a plane ride!
23:45I know!
23:47OK, we'll do just one puzzle away
23:49from winning that fantastic prize.
23:51This puzzle, though, is against the clock.
23:55First thing you need to do is choose a category.
23:57There are three to choose from.
23:59You can have film title,
24:01food and drink,
24:03or around the house.
24:05Which one would you like?
24:07OK, um...
24:09Food and drink.
24:11Food and drink. You've gone with food and drink.
24:13Now, I want you to win that holiday, I really do.
24:15So I'm going to give you the same six letters
24:17we always use, R-S-T-L-N,
24:19and an E.
24:21Put them on the board, see how we're getting on.
24:25Not too shabby. All right, there they are.
24:27Now you get to pick three consonants of your own.
24:29What would you like, Philly?
24:35and D.
24:37All right, plus a vowel.
24:41All right, let's see if they're on the board.
24:49Your category is food and drink.
24:51You've got ten seconds, you can guess as many times as you want.
24:53OK. Are you ready? Yep.
24:55OK, your time starts now.
24:57Black pepper.
24:59You're right!
25:01Oh, Philly!
25:03That's fantastic!
25:05You're getting on a plane, you're going to Dubai.
25:07I'm so thrilled for you.
25:09Thank you. Oh, well done, Philly.
25:11Who are you going to take?
25:13My partner, Perry. Oh, how cool.
25:15Hey, if you fancy a very short break of your own,
25:17here it comes.
25:19But the wheel demands a continued presence after the adverts,
25:21so you better do what it says.
25:33Welcome back to Wheel of Fortune.
25:35And if you spent the break dreaming of a triple toss-up,
25:37then dream no more,
25:39because that's what's about to happen.
25:41And each one is now worth
25:43£1,000, guys.
25:45So get your buzzers.
25:47This can change everything.
25:49Your clue for all three is
25:51Saturday Night Takeaway.
25:53Let's have the first one.
25:55Light the lights, reveal the letters.
25:57Each one of these is worth
26:01Saturday Night Takeaway.
26:09Spicy chicken
26:15And it's Craig.
26:17Spicy chicken burger.
26:23Well done, Craig. £1,000.
26:25That's more like it. Lovely.
26:27All right, let's have our second one.
26:29Here are the lights, here come the letters.
26:31Here we go.
26:33Saturday Night Takeaway
26:35is your clue.
26:37Oh, Philly. Hawaiian pizza.
26:43Well done.
26:45All right,
26:47here we go with our final
26:55Saturday Night Takeaway.
26:57It's Philly again.
26:59Dirty Donna Kebab.
27:05A window of your world,
27:09Pay for it!
27:11Well, it's done, you're proud.
27:13Where do the scores stand now?
27:15Let's add that all up.
27:17And Becky, you have
27:19£2,000. Craig has
27:23But would you look at that?
27:25With £3,500,
27:27Philly is our new leader.
27:33I feel like it was seconds ago you were the lowest
27:35scorer. How are you feeling
27:37now? Yeah, good.
27:39Were you a bit nervous at the beginning?
27:41I think so, yeah.
27:43You didn't get anything at the beginning and now you're on fire.
27:45Yeah, this is exciting.
27:47There's a plane in your future.
27:49Pace yourself with the drinks.
27:53Craig, you've had a weird game.
27:55You've got a toss-up there,
27:57which is excellent, well done.
27:59But you're good at the puzzles. You've solved two now.
28:01I'm trying, Graeme.
28:03You're doing well, sir.
28:05You're doing well. Thank you.
28:07And Becky, such a strong start.
28:09What's happened? Has the wheel
28:11turned on you? The wheel
28:13has turned. I think I peaked with
28:15a musical start and then...
28:17No, because we all kind of thought,
28:19oh, it's a done deal.
28:21This woman's going to absolutely walk it.
28:23But look, you've got some money in the bank
28:25and you've got your theme park
28:27passes as well. Yeah, pretty good. So you're not doing too
28:29shabby. All right, so
28:31brace yourselves. As you've seen, anything
28:33can change. So it's time for your next
28:35puzzle. And it's a crossword,
28:37which means all the words are
28:39connected. And the wheel's in
28:41a giving kind of mood because it's increased the
28:43top amount to £1,000. See, it can
28:45be nice. It can.
28:47Your clue is
28:49Money Talks. Becky, as lowest
28:51scorer, you get to spin first, so off we go.
28:53All right, it's a crossword.
28:55It's a crossword.
28:57It's a crossword.
29:01Ah, we're playing for £250, Becky.
29:05There is a D.
29:07Spinning again. All right, off you go.
29:15Oh, not quite.
29:17£150. S.
29:19S. No Ss. Come on, Philly.
29:21Off you go. Spin, spin, spin.
29:24All right,
29:26the wheel is turning. Yikes.
29:30£250. T.
29:32How many Ts do we have? No Ts.
29:34Craig, it's back with you.
29:36All right, spin away, sir.
29:44We're OK. 225.
29:46H. No Hs.
29:48Becky, the wheel is yours once more.
30:00There is an R. Well done.
30:02And she's spinning again. There she goes.
30:08Money Talks.
30:10Oh, oh, oh!
30:12So close. £200. M.
30:14No Ms, Philly.
30:16The wheel is yours
30:18and off it goes.
30:28Two Ls. £200.
30:30And she's spinning again.
30:42You're looking for Ps. No Ps.
30:44Craig, you're back in the game.
30:46All right.
30:54£250, Craig.
30:56W. W, all right.
30:58There is a W.
31:05Money Talks.
31:07Money Talks is the clue.
31:09£250. N.
31:11Two Ns. £500 for Craig.
31:15Are you spinning again or are you going to buy a vowel?
31:17What would you like to do?
31:19I'll buy a vowel, please.
31:21Four As.
31:25What would you like to do now?
31:28You're spinning again.
31:30There you go.
31:38£250. B.
31:42There is a B for £250.
31:44What would you like to do now?
31:48Solve it, please.
31:54It's not.
31:56Over to you, Becky.
31:58Craig is staring in disbelief at the crossword.
32:06Off you go, Philly. It's your turn.
32:08Can I just solve it? You can.
32:10Bargain Bank Windfall.
32:14She's done it again!
32:16Wow, Philly.
32:18Now, you only scored £200 in that round,
32:20but each puzzle worth £500,
32:22so we bump it up to that.
32:24So let's have a look at the scores at the end of that round.
32:26Becky has £2,000.
32:28Craig has a perfectly respectable £2,675.
32:32Philly, you now have £4,000.
32:39All right, let's have another puzzle.
32:42And this one is a linked phrase.
32:44That means two phrases linked together by a common word.
32:48For example, buy one, get one free, willy.
32:51Do you see? Which would be buy one, get one free,
32:53and then free willy.
32:55I said willy, Craig. I said willy.
32:57Becky has the lowest score.
32:59You'll spin first. Off you go.
33:11Tension. There is an S. Well done.
33:13And she's spinning again.
33:15All right, off you go.
33:23£225. T.
33:25T. How many Ts do we have?
33:27We've got one T. £225.
33:29Off you go. Ooh, big spin. OK.
33:37Oh! £150.
33:41L. How are we doing for Ls? Yes, there is an L up there.
33:43Well done so far.
33:51And it's still going well. £250.
33:53M. There is an M.
33:55OK. And she's spinning again.
33:57All right.
33:59Off you go, Becky.
34:07D. D?
34:09No Ds. Come on, Philly.
34:11There you go. You've got the wheel.
34:21Oh! £1,000.
34:23All right, what are you picking?
34:25N. N?
34:27Four Ns!
34:31Wowza! All right, that was worth it.
34:33What do you want to do now? Can I solve?
34:35You want to solve? Yes. OK.
34:37It's Raining Men In Black.
34:45Where the hell did that come from?
34:47I just knew it. I could just see it before I spun.
34:49Wow! That is impressive.
34:53Wow. At the end of that, you managed to bank £4,000.
34:57We add that to your overall total, so let's take a look.
34:59Becky's still on 2,000.
35:01Craig on 2,675.
35:03But with £8,000,
35:05it's Philly!
35:09Well, as we all know,
35:11the temperamental wheel
35:13takes as much as it gives,
35:15so those scores could all change.
35:17We'll be back right after this.
35:27Welcome back to Wheel of Fortune,
35:29where we're so close to discovering
35:31who'll be playing for £50,000.
35:33But first,
35:35who fancies another triple toss-up?
35:37Who'd say no to that kind of offer?
35:39All right, each one's worth £1,000.
35:41Your clue this time
35:43for all three
35:45is Overheard At The Zoo.
35:49Overheard At The Zoo.
35:51£1,000 up for grabs.
35:59Overheard At The Zoo.
36:01And it's Philly.
36:03It smells funny in here.
36:07You are right!
36:13I imagine as a cleaner
36:15you've said that before.
36:17All right.
36:19Let's have our second one up here.
36:25Overheard At The Zoo.
36:27Worth £1,000.
36:33What are those monkeys doing?
36:41That is impressive.
36:45You were making it up as you went along.
36:49Well done. Another £1,000 for you.
36:51This is our third and final toss-up.
36:53Here it is.
36:55Here comes the music and the letters.
36:57All right.
36:59One more £1,000 up for grabs.
37:01Overheard At The Zoo.
37:11Don't put your fingers
37:13in there.
37:19What a great final
37:21triple toss-up.
37:23Everyone got a go.
37:25Let's look at the totals so far.
37:27Becky now has £3,000.
37:29Craig is on
37:33Philly is on £9,000.
37:39It is time for your
37:41final puzzle.
37:43It is all change on the wheel again.
37:45It has added £2,000 but it has also
37:47gained two more game-changing
37:51Your clue is
37:53love it or hate it.
37:55Becky is lowest scorer.
37:57Spin, spin, spin.
37:59Good luck, everybody.
38:05Love it or hate it, you are playing for £150.
38:09Two Ns, £300.
38:11She is spinning again.
38:13Off you go.
38:21It is not what we dreamt of.
38:23It is what Philly dreamt of.
38:25All right.
38:27You have got the wheel.
38:29You have given it a spin.
38:31Where is it going to land?
38:37Two Ts, £400.
38:39Spinning again.
38:41Off you go.
38:49It is on £150.
38:53There, well done.
38:55What are you doing?
38:57Can I buy an O?
38:59There are two Os.
39:15Two Gs, £400.
39:17That sound is my instruction
39:19to give the wheel one final spin.
39:21Whatever amount it lands on,
39:23that is how much each letter will be worth
39:25for the remainder of the puzzle.
39:27Excuse me one second.
39:29Harder than it looks.
39:31It is harder than it looks.
39:33I hope I did you proud.
39:37All right.
39:39Each one is worth £200.
39:41What happens from here on in,
39:43I will ask you for a letter.
39:45I will start with you because you are in play.
39:47If the letter is up there,
39:49you then have three seconds
39:51to try and solve the puzzle.
39:53If you can't, it moves on.
39:55You can pick vowels at this stage,
39:57but obviously you won't get any money
39:59if you pick a vowel.
40:01Philly, what would you like?
40:05There is a C.
40:07You now have three seconds.
40:13Two Rs.
40:15Can you solve it?
40:21Over to Becky.
40:25C is gone, so it goes to you, Philly.
40:29Three As.
40:37Over to you, Craig.
40:43Two Ds.
40:45Solve it.
40:47Dress party.
40:51It's over to you, Becky.
40:55It's an F.
40:57Going to a fancy dress party.
40:59She did it, everybody!
41:03Well done, Becky.
41:07A flurry there at the end.
41:09You got £200.
41:11So for the last time,
41:13let's see the overall totals.
41:15Becky, well done.
41:17You have been bumped up to £3,200.
41:19Craig has £3,675.
41:23But Philly has £9,000.
41:27Which means you are tonight's winner
41:29and going on to play
41:31for a possible £50,000.
41:35Unlucky, Craig.
41:37You have got £3,675,
41:39which isn't too bad.
41:43I feel Huddersfield should really
41:45give you free season tickets now.
41:47You have really brought them to the limelight.
41:49Philly can buy me one if she wants.
41:51I don't know about that.
41:53I have quite a lot left over.
41:59Becky, how about you?
42:01You have got £3,200,
42:03but you have also got your theme park passes.
42:05Yeah, that will be fun.
42:07It will be good fun.
42:09Thank you so much, both of you, for playing.
42:11It has been really nice to meet both of you.
42:13Ladies and gentlemen, please give it up for Craig and Becky.
42:21OK, Philly.
42:23Let's play for £50,000.
42:29The big wheel's work is done for tonight,
42:31so now let's welcome his little brother,
42:33Mini Wheel.
42:35Check it out.
42:37Adorable, right?
42:39Now, Philly, in front of you
42:41are 24 standard-issue gold
42:43light entertainment envelopes.
42:45Inside each are cash prizes
42:47ranging from £15,000
42:49up to the big one, £50,000.
42:51The next spin of the wheel
42:53will decide which envelope
42:55you're playing for.
42:57Good luck. Give it a spin.
42:59All right, round it goes.
43:03Oh, I hope it's a good one.
43:05I hope it's a good one.
43:07It's this one.
43:09Now, I hold on to this. We don't know what's in here yet.
43:11But if you got the £50,000,
43:13do you have any idea what you'd spend it on?
43:15I really want to take my daughter to Disney.
43:17We want to go as a family.
43:19But I also want a new Hoover.
43:23I think you're good. I think you're good.
43:25You can go to Disney twice and, yeah,
43:27get a new Hoover. OK.
43:29It's time to pick your category.
43:31This is important. Here we go.
43:33You've got three. Summer fun,
43:35modern technology
43:37or in the calendar?
43:41Summer fun.
43:45To help you out, I'm giving you a head start
43:47with the same six letters we always use.
43:49R, S, T, L, N
43:51and an E.
43:53Let's put them up there.
43:57That's what I can give you.
43:59You now get to pick three consonants.
44:01What would you like, Philly?
44:09All right. And a vowel.
44:15OK. Let's see if they're up there.
44:23You have ten seconds
44:25to guess as many times as you can.
44:27Are you ready? Yeah.
44:29The category is summer fun and the time starts now.
44:31Paddling pool.
44:35Oh, I'm so happy
44:37for you.
44:39Oh, Philly.
44:41All right.
44:45This is the
44:47moment of truth. You're OK.
44:49It's all good. It's all good.
44:51Let's find out what you've won.
44:53OK. All right.
44:57You have won
45:05OK. We add that
45:07to the £9,000 you won
45:09earlier to give you this
45:11amazing total.
45:13Philly has won
45:17plus your trip to Dubai,
45:19plus your trip to Holland.
45:21I'm so pleased
45:23for you, Philly.
45:25Oh, well done.
45:27We're thrilled for you. We love a winner.
45:29And that's all we've got time for
45:31tonight. The Masked Singer is up
45:33next, so from me and the wheel,
45:35goodnight! Yay!
45:37Well done!
45:39Well done.