Art et designTranscription
00:00Day with Ruff, Ruff, Tweet and Dave
00:02What a fun day, here we go!
00:04Yay! Ruff, Ruff, Tweet and Dave
00:06The Spinning Devils take us on another great adventure
00:08Say their names What a great game!
00:10So play along at home
00:12We are all the Spinning Devils
00:14We'll learn what we might find
00:16With Happy the Hamster taking us there
00:18We know we'll have a magical time
00:20A magical time!
00:21Play along at home
00:23Say their names
00:24Here we go! It's Ruff Ruff!
00:26Ruff Ruff!
00:31Ruff, Ruff, Tweet and Dave
00:38Now you see me
00:40Now you don't
00:43Here I am, Hattie the Hamster
00:45With my hat full of questions
00:48What kind of adventure will we have today?
00:54There's Dave
00:55He's up first
00:56Good morning Dave
00:57Hello Hattie
00:58Tweet, Tweet
00:59I'm up too
01:01Hello Hattie
01:03I'm Dave
01:04That's Hattie
01:06Oh Tweet, I forgot to put my glasses on
01:08I can't see very well without them
01:12Where's my tail?
01:14I know it's around here somewhere
01:16I can smell it
01:18Everyone's here
01:19Ruff, Ruff, Tweet and...
01:21Oh Dave
01:23No Dave
01:24I'll find him
01:25Ruff, Ruff, Ruff
01:26Ruff, Ruff, Ruff
01:28I can see him
01:30Found you Dave
01:33I'm great at hiding
01:35And I'm great at finding
01:37I feel an adventure coming on
01:40Today we're going on a...
01:43My hat
01:44It's bubbled away
01:46Look a card
01:47What does it say?
01:48We're going on a hide and seek adventure
01:52Hide and seek
01:53I love hide and seek
01:54Hide and seek, hide and seek
01:56It seems my hat is already playing hide and seek
01:59And I'll need your help to find it
02:01Do tell me if you see my hat
02:03To your rollipods
02:18All aboard the spin again for a hide and seek adventure
02:30Here we go
02:40Here we are
02:46Hide and seek, hide and seek
02:48You can't find me
02:50Or me
02:51Or me
02:53Or me
02:55Hold on, this isn't right
02:57We're all hiders and no seekers
02:59We need a seeker
03:01Me, me, me
03:02I'll be the seeker
03:03Hold on, only one of you can be the seeker
03:06My hat will help us choose with a question
03:10Your hat's hiding Hattie
03:12I forgot
03:13How can I choose a seeker without a question from my hat?
03:16I've got a blue panda idea
03:18You can make up a question all by yourself
03:20Game time, game time
03:23Hum, I know
03:25The seeker is the one who woke up first this morning
03:28Me, it was me
03:31You didn't all wake up first
03:33So, my question is
03:35Who did you see wake up first this morning?
03:38Was it Ruff Ruff, Tweet or Dave?
03:43Yes, it was Dave
03:45It was me, hurray
03:47I'm the seeker
03:49Quick, hide
03:51Count to five, Dave
03:52And then start looking for Ruff Ruff and Tweet
03:54But here's a helpful Hattie hint
03:56Use your five senses
03:58That's seeing, hearing, touching, smelling and tasting
04:04Tasting, that's my favourite
04:07One, two, three, four, five
04:09Ready or not, here I come
04:12Right, I'll go and find my hat
04:15You will say if you see my hat, won't you?
04:20Did I hear a giggle?
04:22I know that giggle
04:23Found you, Tweets
04:24I heard you laughing
04:27I should have gone baa
04:29Ruff Ruff
04:31I heard Ruff Ruff
04:34Hey, can you see him?
04:37Can you feel him?
04:41Now I can see him
04:42Found you, Ruff Ruff
04:45And now I can feel him
04:47Hey, Hattie's hat
04:50It's on a stripy sheep
04:52So we're done playing hide and seek
04:55Now we're playing hide and sheep
04:58I'll find the hat, sheep
05:01I can't find it
05:02Oh, here you are
05:04Hattie, we found your hat
05:06It's on a stripy sheep
05:09But the sheep ran away
05:11Oh no, what can we do?
05:14We can't see it
05:15So maybe we should listen for the sheep
05:17Great idea, Dave, and a great game too
05:20Let's play
05:21Game time, game time
05:23Here comes a question
05:25What sound does a sheep make?
05:28Ruff Ruff
05:31Ruff Ruff
05:33Ruff Ruff
05:34Can you hear who's making the right sound?
05:37Ruff Ruff, Tweet or Dave?
05:39Ruff Ruff
05:42Yes, it was Tweet
05:44A sheep goes baa
05:46I knew that too
05:47I was only joking
05:51I heard a sheep
05:54Me too
05:58That wasn't me
06:00Found you
06:01Oh, wrong sheep
06:03No stripe and no hat
06:05Come on, sheep
06:07Make a baa noise so I can find you
06:10Wrong sheep, no hat
06:12I'm listening really hard
06:16Hello, moo cow
06:18I found the wrong sheep
06:20Me too
06:21I found a cow
06:26We need to try something else
06:28Well, we looked for the right sheep
06:30And we listened for the right sheep
06:32Yes, seeing and hearing are great seeking senses
06:35But there must be another sense that can help us
06:37I know
06:38We can smell for the right sheep
06:40Dogs are great smellers
06:42And I'm a dog
06:43Good idea, Ruff Ruff
06:45But do you know what the right sheep smells like?
06:49Do you know what Hattie's hat smells like?
06:52Yes, it smells like Hattie
06:56That tickles
06:58I'm smelling hamster
07:01And honey
07:02I had honey for breakfast
07:06I can smell Hattie's hat, this way
07:10Found him
07:12Quick, follow that sheep
07:16We found the sheep
07:18But where's the hat? He must have hidden it
07:22Oh, he wants us to play find the hat with him
07:26Game time, game time
07:29And so the question is, where do you think the sheep has hidden the hat?
07:35I can smell a hat, I had a honey breakfast
07:38And a little grass
07:40I can see well with my glasses
07:43I think I can see the hat in the bush
07:46I think the cow liked the taste of the hat and honey and has eaten it
07:50The hat's in the cow
07:55Ruff Ruff says in the long grass
07:57Tweet says in the bush
07:59And Dave says in the cow
08:02Who do you think is right?
08:04Is it Ruff Ruff, Tweet or Dave?
08:07It was Tweet
08:09I'm right because I could see it
08:12Oh, wonderful job everyone
08:15Thanks so much for finding my hat
08:18Our hide and seek adventure has come to a happy ending
08:22Yes, when something goes missing
08:24Your friends
08:25Or your hat
08:26Watto, what can you do about that?
08:29Look with your eyes
08:30Hear with your ears
08:31Or smell with your nose
08:34I have a good one of those
08:35Touch with your fingers
08:36Or taste with your tongue
08:38Use all your five senses to get the job done
08:43Time to go home
08:45Come on everyone, to the spin again
08:59Here we go
09:06Thanks and a big hats off to you for helping us find my hat
09:10I wouldn't be Hattie without it
09:15Oh, the final guessing game, just for you
09:20Can you guess who will fall asleep first today?
09:24Ruff Ruff, Tweet or Dave?
09:31It was Dave
09:33It's always Dave
09:36Until our next adventure
09:38Bye bye bye