Ruff-Ruff, Tweet and Dave Ruff-Ruff, Tweet and Dave E021 A Birthday Party Adventure

  • il y a 4 mois
00:00Ruff, Ruff, Tweet and Dave
00:01What a fun day, here we go!
00:03Yeah! Ruff, Ruff, Tweet and Dave
00:05The Spinning Devils take us on another great adventure
00:07Say their names
00:08What a great game!
00:09So play along at home
00:11We love all of the Spinning Devils
00:13Who knows what we might find
00:15With Hattie the Hamster taking us there
00:17We know we'll have
00:18A magical time
00:19A magical time
00:20Play along at home
00:22Say their names
00:23Here we go, it's
00:24Ruff, Ruff
00:25Ruff, Ruff
00:28And Dave
00:29Ruff, Ruff, Tweet and Dave
00:34Hello! It's me, Hattie the Hamster
00:37With my hat full of questions
00:39And today is my special day!
00:44Can you guess why?
00:47Let's visit Ruff, Ruff, Tweet and Dave
00:49And see if they can guess why it's my special day
00:52Ruff, Ruff, Tweet and Dave
00:54What a wonderful way to spend my day
00:56With Ruff, Ruff, Tweet and Dave
01:00Morning, Hattie
01:01Good morning, Ruff Ruff
01:03Hattie's here, Hattie's here
01:05Hooray! That means it's adventure time
01:08Good morning, Tweet and Dave
01:11What adventure are we going on today, Hattie?
01:13Ask the hat, ask the hat
01:15I will, I will
01:19Today we're going on
01:21A birthday party adventure
01:25I love birthdays
01:27And parties
01:30I'm so excited
01:31I could almost eat my birthday hat
01:34It's Hattie's birthday
01:36Happy birthday, Hattie
01:38Tweet, Tweet
01:39Happy birthday
01:40Thank you
01:42And you're all invited to my party
01:44To play party games
01:48To your roly pods
02:02All aboard the spin again
02:04For a birthday party adventure
02:15Here we go
02:27Welcome to party land
02:36I love playing party games
02:38I love getting birthday presents
02:40Oh no, we don't have a birthday present for Hattie
02:43We have to get Hattie a present
02:45A surprise present
02:47Roll up, roll up
02:49For my first party game
02:51Yeah, a party game
02:53My first game is called
02:55The cup and ball game
02:58Ball, ball
02:59Who can tell me which cup the ball is under?
03:01Me, me
03:02It's easy
03:03That one, I saw you
03:05Well done, Ruff Ruff
03:07Now, keep watching the cup with the ball underneath
03:12Which cup is the ball under now?
03:15I saw, I saw
03:16That cup
03:18Well done, Dave
03:20Now that you know how to play
03:22It's time for the big Hattie hat and ball game
03:25Take it away, Hats
03:28Wow, big ball
03:30Are you ready to play?
03:32Game time, game time
03:37And my birthday question is this
03:39When the hats stop moving
03:41You have to tell me which hat the ball is under
03:44I'm going to look really hard and not blink
03:48But you're blinking lots, Tweet
03:51I know, I'm doing all my blinks now
03:53So I don't do them in the game
03:55That's a good idea
03:59We're ready
04:00Don't take your eyes off the Hattie hat with the ball underneath
04:04Here's a Hattie hint
04:05Watch the middle hat
04:11Can you tell me which hat the ball is under?
04:15Ruff Ruff, ball, ball, this one
04:17This one, this one
04:19Did you follow the ball?
04:20Do you know who's sitting on the hat with the ball underneath?
04:23Is it Ruff Ruff, Tweet or Dave?
04:28And the answer is...
04:30Ruff Ruff
04:31Yay, I won, ball, ball
04:33Can I keep it? Can I?
04:35Of course you can, Ruff Ruff
04:37I've got a blue panda idea
04:39We could give Hattie the ball for his birthday present
04:42Yeah, the ball
04:44Shh, the ball
04:46A ball is a great present
04:48I'll hide it behind a tree
04:50But we need to wrap it in birthday paper
04:53Who wants to play another party game?
04:55Shush, shush
04:58This game is called Hattie's favourite things
05:02Great, this looks fun
05:04Now, can you tell me what all my favourite things are?
05:08Yes, a flower, a shell
05:10Oh, some colourful paper
05:12A rubber duck and a bell
05:14We did it
05:15Yes you did
05:17Oh, I feel another birthday game coming on
05:20Game time, game time
05:24And here is the game
05:26Close your eyes and when you open them again
05:29Now you can tell me what new favourite thing has been put on the table
05:33I love remembering games
05:35OK, open your eyes
05:37What is the new favourite thing on the table?
05:40Er, the bell, the colourful paper, the banana
05:45Who chose the new favourite thing on the table?
05:48Was it Ruff Ruff with the bell, Tweet with the colourful paper or Dave with the banana?
05:53Who is right, Ruff Ruff, Tweet or Dave?
05:59It was Dave
06:01Hooray, I knew because bananas are my favourite thing too
06:05Can I eat it, can I?
06:07Of course you can, Dave, I'll be back soon with a new game
06:11We can use the colourful paper to wrap Hattie's present
06:15Good idea, Tweet, I'll do it, Ruff Ruff
06:17Oh, watch out for Hattie
06:19I'll eat the banana
06:21Oh, Hattie's coming already
06:23I'm loving my birthday
06:26Oh, where's Ruff Ruff?
06:27It's a surprise
06:29Surprise, I'm back
06:31Good, as I have a surprise too
06:33It's time to play my favourite party game
06:36Game time, game time
06:40And the question is, who can win a game of say please?
06:45Me, me, me
06:46What's the say please game?
06:48It's a fun game with only one rule
06:51Only do the things I ask if I say please first
06:55Let's have a practice
06:57You can play along at home too if you like
06:59Here goes, please say happy birthday, Hattie
07:02Happy birthday, Hattie
07:04Please give me a wave
07:07Jump in the air
07:09Oops, you didn't say please first
07:12I shouldn't have jumped
07:13That's right, Tweet
07:15Now you understand how to play, let's play the game for real
07:20Remember, only do things if I say please
07:23Here we go, please jump in the air
07:26Turn around
07:29Please wave your arms
07:33So, who won the game of say please and only moved when I said please?
07:38Was it Ruff Ruff, Tweet or Dave?
07:43Yes, it was Tweet
07:45Yay, I won
07:47Because you didn't say please when you said turn around, I didn't turn
07:51He did
07:53Yes, hats off to you, Tweet
07:55Happy birthday, Hattie
07:57A birthday present for me, how wonderful
08:01Please open your present, Hattie
08:05My very own bouncy ball
08:08The ball was my idea
08:10I picked the wrapping paper and I wrapped it
08:13Oh, thank you
08:15You're the best three friends a birthday hamster could ever have
08:18Did you enjoy the games?
08:21By learning the rules
08:23Games can be fun
08:25And by learning the rules, everyone won
08:27I got a banana
08:29And I found the ball
08:31And I heard when please wasn't mentioned at all
08:35Birthday games are fun to play, I'd like a birthday every day
08:41Who wants party bags?
08:43Party bags, thank you
08:45With cake and goodies inside
08:47Come on everybody, to the spin again
09:08Thank you for joining my birthday party
09:11You helped make our party games even more fun
09:17The final guessing game, just for you
09:21Can you guess who will fall asleep first today?
09:25Ruffruff, Tweet or Dave?
09:32It was Dave
09:34It's always Dave
09:37Until our next adventure, happy birthday to me
