• 4 months ago
Anna Karenina Part Four Full Movie Original Series
05:40— Значит, так.
05:43И что же, граф, вы известили вашу супругу Дипеши?
05:52— Я холост.
05:57— Как граф? Разве вы не женаты?
06:02— Нет, я никогда не был.
06:05— Ну как же так? А почему вы не женились?
06:12— Если вас так интересуют подробности моей частной жизни, то потому что 30 лет назад я очень сильно любил одну женщину, а она умерла.
06:24— А, сочувствую, граф. А у меня моя первая супруга тоже умерла.
06:33— Да, барон, вот как оно. Скончалась от инфлюэнса.
06:41— Послушайте, ваше высокопревосходительство, папироску желаете?
06:47— Что вам, что?
06:49— Капитан Максимов. Был в одной землянке с графом, тяжело ранен в голову, бредит.
06:54— Закурил, что ли?
06:56— Очень вам благодарен, я не курю.
06:59— Ну и черт с вами. Доктор, покурим?
07:02— Ваше превосходительство, пойдемте.
07:05— Очень у вас голова болит.
07:07— Да черт его, ничего у меня не болит.
07:10— Пойдемте, пора.
07:12— За что у вас Владимир с банком? Я был при штабе адъютантом.
07:19— Прощайте.
07:22— Выздоравливайте.
07:33— Максимов, ты как сейчас? Бредишь?
07:39— Нет, сейчас я в полном осознании.
08:27— Трогай!
08:32— Трогай!
09:02— Трогай!
13:02You'd better tell me what you were doing.
13:05How are you? Yes, I understand that this is your state.
13:09When will this be?
13:12Soon. Soon everything will be fine.
13:16We will all calm down and we will not suffer anymore.
13:22I don't understand.
13:25I know this. I know, right?
13:31I will die. I am very glad that I will die.
13:35And I will get rid of myself and you.
13:39What kind of nonsense is this?
13:42I don't understand.
13:45I am very glad that I will die. And I will get rid of myself and you.
13:51What kind of nonsense is this?
13:55No, this is true. What is true?
13:58That I will die. I had a dream.
14:02A dream? Yes, a dream.
14:04I have seen this dream for a long time.
14:06I saw that I ran into the bedroom, that I need to take something here, find out something.
14:11You know how it happens in a dream.
14:13And I see that there is something in the corner.
14:16What nonsense, how can you believe?
14:18And this something turned, and I see that this is a man with a raised beard.
14:24Small and scary.
14:26I wanted to wake up from fear.
14:29I woke up, but I woke up in a dream and began to ask myself what it meant.
14:36And the root of our servant says to me,
14:41You will die by birth.
14:46By birth, mother.
14:50And I woke up.
15:06I woke up.
15:24What do you need?
15:26A letter from your lover.
15:32They are not here.
15:37Sit down.
15:40I need to talk to you.
15:50I told you that I would not let you take your lover.
15:55I needed to see him to ...
15:58I do not go into the details of what a woman needs to see her lover.
16:02I wanted to ... I just ...
16:07Don't you feel how easy it is for you to insult me?
16:10You can insult an honest man and an honest woman.
16:14But to tell a thief that he is a thief is only the establishment of a fact.
16:19I did not know this new feature of cruelty yet.
16:22You call it cruelty.
16:25The fact that a husband gives his wife freedom,
16:29giving the honest blood of the name,
16:32only on the condition of compliance and decency.
16:34This is cruelty.
16:36This is worse than cruelty.
16:38This is meanness, if you already want to know.
16:45If you want to use this word,
16:47then meanness is to leave a husband, a son for a lover,
16:50and eat the bread of a husband.
16:54You ...
16:57You cannot describe my situation worse than I understand it myself.
17:02But why are you saying all this?
17:06Why am I saying all this?
17:09So that you know.
17:12Since you did not fulfill my will
17:16regarding compliance with decency,
17:18then I will take measures to end this situation.
17:24Soon it will end anyway.
17:29It will end sooner than you came up with your lover.
17:33All you need is the satisfaction of animal passion.
17:37Alexei Alexandrovich,
17:39I am not saying that this is ungracious,
17:41but it is immoral to beat a lying man.
17:46I came to tell you ...
17:50I can't change anything.
17:52I came to tell you that tomorrow I am leaving for Moscow
17:56and will not return to this house anymore.
17:59And that you will have information about my decision through a lawyer
18:03to whom I entrust the divorce case.
18:09My son will move to his sister.
18:14You need Seryozha to hurt me.
18:19You don't love him. Leave Seryozha.
18:23Yes, I even lost my love for my son.
18:27Because my disgust for you is connected with him.
18:31But still, I will take him with me.
18:37Alexei Alexandrovich,
18:40Alexei Alexandrovich,
18:49leave Seryozha.
18:52I have nothing more to say to you.
18:56Leave Seryozha to me.
19:02I will give birth soon.
19:07Leave him.
19:14I did everything for you.
19:18You trampled everything into the dirt
19:22that is characteristic of you.
19:28I am not an evil person.
19:31I never hated anyone.
19:36But I hate you with all my soul
19:40for all the evil that you did to me.
19:48Love those who hate you?
19:51Love those who hate you.
19:54But you can't love those whom you hate.
20:06She disrespected her duties
20:09and betrayed her husband.
20:12That's what she did to us.
20:15No, it can't be.
20:18For God's sake, you are mistaken.
20:22It is very difficult to make a mistake
20:25when a wife declares to her husband
20:28that she has 8 years of life and a son,
20:31that all this is a mistake
20:34and that she is a failure.
20:37I can't connect them.
20:40I can't believe it.
20:43I have been watching for a long time
20:46to make doubts possible.
20:49I doubted when there was hope,
20:52but now there is no hope,
20:55and I doubt everything.
20:58I doubt everything so much that I hate my son.
21:02I am very unhappy.
21:07Yes, it's terrible.
21:10But is it really true
21:13that you decided to divorce?
21:16I decided to the last measure.
21:20I have nothing else to do.
21:26Wait, you are a Christian.
21:29Think about her.
21:32What will happen to her if you leave her?
21:35I thought a lot.
21:38I left everything as it was.
21:41I gave her a chance to make amends.
21:44I tried to save her.
21:47But she will be nobody's wife.
21:50She will die.
21:53What can I do?
21:57I thank you for your participation.
22:00Please, I...
22:13I will tell you about myself.
22:27My husband lied to me.
22:32Out of anger and jealousy,
22:35I wanted to leave everything.
22:38I wanted to...
22:41But I remembered.
22:44And Anna saved me.
22:47And now I live.
22:50My children grow up.
22:53They feel their iniquity in the family.
22:56They become purer and better.
22:59I live.
23:02I forgave.
23:05And you must forgive.
23:15I can't forgive.
23:18And I don't want to.
23:21And I think it's unfair.
23:42I'm sorry I upset you.
23:45Everyone has their own grief.
24:15I am a slave of yours.
24:21Where there is no pain, no grief,
24:28no sigh,
24:32there is eternal life.
24:35There is eternal life.
24:43With holy rest.
24:51Yes, I feel sorry for the captain.
24:54He was a glorious young man.
25:06You, Alexey Kirillovich,
25:09have been fighting for a long time.
25:12Have you ever thought about
25:15what people kill each other for?
25:18No, I haven't.
25:21Who thinks about it?
25:24A priest or a writer.
25:32After Anna's death,
25:35I went to Serbia for the war.
25:38My soul ached.
25:41I was the first in every fight.
25:44I was looking for death.
25:47And nothing.
25:50I wasn't even wounded.
25:53And I killed many Turks.
25:56Although, in fact,
25:59if Anna hadn't died,
26:02the Turks would have been alive.
26:08We hate our loved ones more than our enemies.
26:15To hell with your philosophy.
26:18It's not for me.
26:21Well, to hell with it.
26:24Let's better mention the Turks
26:27who became victims of the Russian passion.
26:34I don't have matches.
26:57All right.
27:00Give her a sausage.
27:03It will be better.
27:06He will come.
27:09It will hurt him to see her.
27:12Give her to me.
27:15Give her to me.
27:21Give her to me.
27:24Give her to me.
27:27Ask him.
27:30Doctor, what's wrong with her?
27:33She's in bad shape.
27:36She's in labor.
27:3999 out of 100 cases end.
27:45I'll be with you, Anna.
27:48We wait for the end every minute.
27:54I can feel it now.
27:57Here they are.
28:03On the fingers.
28:06Here they are.
28:09The fingers are so heavy.
28:18But soon everything will be over.
28:25The doctor said there's no hope.
28:28I'm all in your power.
28:31But let me be here.
28:34I'm afraid of death.
28:37I'm in a hurry.
28:40I have no time.
28:43I don't have much time left.
28:55It's going to be hot.
28:58I won't understand anything.
29:01Now I understand.
29:09I need one thing.
29:12I'm the same.
29:15But I have another one.
29:18I'm afraid of her.
29:21I'm afraid of her.
29:24She loved me.
29:27I wanted to hate you,
29:30but I couldn't forget the one
29:33who was before.
29:36That's not me.
29:39Now I'm real.
29:42I'm everything.
29:45I need her.
29:51Forgive me.
29:55Forgive me for everything.
30:08No, you can't forgive me.
30:13I know I can't forgive you.
30:22Go away.
30:25You're too good.
30:35Remember one thing.
30:38You only needed forgiveness.
30:41I don't want anything else.
30:52Why won't he come?
30:58Come here.
31:15Give him your hand.
31:19Open your face.
31:23Look at him.
31:27He's a saint.
31:31Open your face.
31:40Open your face.
31:44I want to see him.
31:48Open your face.
32:14Give him your hand.
32:17Forgive him.
32:43Thank God.
32:46Thank God, I'm ready.
32:50I just need to stretch my legs.
32:54It's okay.
33:00I'm going home.
33:04Maybe she'll ask you.
33:07Oh my God.
33:10Oh my God.
33:14Oh my God.
33:17When will this end?
33:20Give me morphine.
33:23Give me morphine, doctor.
33:26Give me morphine.
33:29Give me morphine.
33:43Alexei Alexandrovich.
33:52Please listen to me.
33:56I have to explain my feelings to you.
33:59The feelings that led me and will lead me.
34:03So that you don't get confused about me.
34:09You know, I decided to divorce.
34:12And I even started this case.
34:15I won't hide it, I confess to you.
34:18My desire to take revenge on you and her chasing me.
34:21I'll say more.
34:25I wished her death.
34:28Alexei Alexandrovich, you shouldn't.
34:39But I saw her and forgave her.
34:43I forgave her completely.
34:47I want to set another trap.
34:50I want to give the shirt when they take my caftan.
34:54And I pray to God that he doesn't take away my happiness and forgiveness.
35:00Here is my position.
35:04You can trample me in the mud.
35:07Make a laughing light. I will not leave her.
35:12And I will never say a word of reproach to you.
35:17My duty is clearly defined for me.
35:20I must be with her.
35:24And I will be.
35:50I love you.
36:20I love you.
36:50I love you.
37:20I love you.
37:41Does your mother know?
37:44No, I didn't tell her anything.
37:50How stupid it was.
37:58How is she?
38:01She is fine.
38:04She and the child are safe.
38:12I shot myself by accident.
38:16And please never talk to me about it.
38:21And tell everyone.
38:24Because it's too stupid.
38:28You need to change. I'll tell you now.
38:36I'm not crazy.
38:42Make sure there are no rumors that I shot myself on purpose.
38:47No one says that.
38:50But I hope you won't shoot anymore.
38:58I probably won't.
39:02But it would be better.
39:13I'm sorry.
39:26When the inflammation was over, I began to recover.
39:29I felt that I had completely freed myself from one part of my grief.
39:34With this shot, I seemed to have washed away the humiliation I had previously experienced.
39:38And now I saw the opportunity to look people in the eye without shame.
39:43I could live.
39:46But one thing I couldn't get out of my heart.
39:49It was a regret that I lost Anna forever.
