The Tomorrow People Worlds Away Part 3

  • 4 months ago
The Tomorrow People Worlds Away Part 3


01:40Stephen, take a stun gun and go and guard the entrance.
01:42What about Tieso?
01:43Yeah, from what I see, he'd have been able to take care of himself.
01:46Stephen's probably right.
01:47If we tried to help him, we'd only make matters worse.
01:49Probably end up having to rescue us.
01:52Nice people hunting a young girl.
02:01It's gone very quiet out there.
02:09Nothing's making a sound.
02:10Not even the animals.
02:11Who's there?
02:12The guard!
02:13The guard!
02:15The guard!
02:16The guard!
02:17The guard!
02:18The guard!
02:19The guard!
02:20The guard!
02:21The guard!
02:22The guard!
02:23The guard!
02:24The guard!
02:25The guard!
02:26The guard!
02:27The guard!
02:28The guard!
02:29The guard!
02:30The guard!
02:31The guard!
02:32The guard!
02:33The guard!
02:34The guard!
02:35The guard!
02:36The guard!
02:37The guard!
02:38The guard!
02:39The guard!
02:40The guard!
02:41The guard!
02:42The guard!
02:44The guard!
02:45The guard!
02:46The guard!
03:09Wonder why they were hunting her. I don't remember what time I said they're fond of humans
03:34Tyson what happened? I got my foot caught in the trap. I can't walk what you lost the hunt. No, yes, but there was this thing
03:42Come on, I'll help you back to the cave
04:01Heard a stun gun what happened? Well, there's this thing out there. I think it was a cool time just came for us
04:05I had to don't worry just stand guard. I'll take ties. It was soon get his legs fixed up and then go and see what it
04:10Was you stand?
04:17What's going on are you all right? Yeah, I've got me foot in a trap. Don't worry. We'll soon fix it
04:26There's a cool time out there Steven thinks so anyway thinks he may have stunned it well, then they know we're here maybe
04:38Forgotten we can't use our special powers. I'm not even to fix a leg get the kidneys. We'll just have to strap it up
04:45Can you do this while I go with Steven and see if we can find that cool time, okay
04:53Nothing moved no nonsense you went in. Oh, come on. Let's go and see what it was
04:58Probably any a bush you wait till you see it was no bush
05:10Was around here somewhere
05:19There now don't shoot
05:26Well that should ease the pain, but you won't be able to do much walking for a while
05:29For the next few days you'll have to stay in bed
05:34It's all right Elizabeth don't be afraid you'll never guess who really is, but that's the cool time no
05:40This is just a disguise
05:42Time no
05:44Timeless is my close clone brother. I am teak now. This was a necessary disguised
05:49I managed to steal a spacecraft from the cool town base their security wasn't very tight
05:54They don't expect the natives of Piri to sneak up and steal spaceships, but what happened
05:59I got as far as the upper atmosphere when they brought me down with a missile luckily
06:03I was able to eject and bail out you might have heard the ship it passed over here before it crashed. Yeah, we did
06:10Yes, young man
06:12I'm sorry if I frightened you I only meant to frighten off the Vesh hunters
06:16The natives of this planet fear the cool town more than they feared death itself
06:21You did frighten me quite a bit more because I'd never seen a
06:24Come turn before what you did was most courageous. I was wondering how to save the Vesh girl myself
06:29You'd have made a better job of it than I did
06:32You have her here I see
06:40I must change if she sees me looking like a cool town. She might die of fright quite literally
06:47Excuse me a minute
06:51It's all right you're safe safe. Yes, you're with friends. He rescued you they were after me the best takers your Vesh girl
06:59You need have no fear here. We are all Vesh like you
07:05You can rest and sleep
07:08Rest and sleep
07:14She will sleep for a while now she must need it poor child you saved her from certain burning
07:22Do you mean to death? Yes as a sacrifice to the cool town the cool town love to see a Vesh burning
07:29What are Vesh?
07:31We are you and I and her it is the local name for what we are
07:36What do you call yourselves to distinguish yourself from those of your species who have no psionic powers?
07:40Well, we call ourselves tomorrow people. Yes
07:43Well the Vesh are the tomorrow people of Piri
07:46Except that they cannot use their powers because of the radiations transmitted by the side damper in the Great Pyramid
07:52We know a bit about the court on but perhaps you could tell us a little more well like for instance
07:56Why do they want to see the Vesh burned?
08:00Before the cool town came to this planet
08:02The Vesh the local tomorrow people were looked up to and revered by the perions
08:08But the cool town fear the Vesh as a challenge to their authority
08:12So they have taught the perions to hate them most saps would hate us if they knew about us
08:17Well, the cool town certainly hate the Vesh
08:20And are jealous of their psionic powers an inferiority complex more like a persecution mania
08:28It is a bit like if I remember my history of your planet correctly the persecution of the witches in the Middle Ages
08:34So the Piri persecute the Vesh. Yes
08:37Every district has an official Vesh taker appointed by the cool town years ago and now a hereditary position
08:44handed on from father to son
08:48The Vesh takers live in great splendor and are rewarded by the cool town for the number of Vesh that they burn
08:55Often they will burn ordinary people who are not Vesh at all
09:00It has become a religion now a religion of human sacrifice
09:12Victims are burned at the top of tall towers
09:15So as to be near the cool town whom they believe live in the sky, which of course they do in
09:22space stations
09:23Don't the Piri realize the cool town live in space station?
09:26No, no
09:27These are primitive people very like your human peasants in the Middle Ages
09:31Anyone who appears out of the sky is a god to them
09:34But if the cool town like eating the Vesh I don't see the point of the Piri burning them a
09:39Great light completely envelops the top of the tower where the burning is taking place
09:44It gets brighter and brighter
09:47And then slowly wanes and goes
09:57When the light has gone the body has gone as well
10:02It is my guess that the cool town use some sort of matter transporter to take the victims up to their space stations
10:09that way they can get their food without arousing the suspicion of the planet's population a
10:15Pretty efficient trick. It's horrible. Don't forget that the cool town used to rule your world in very much the same way
10:23Yes, I know
10:24We've seen inside one of their pyramids on earth
10:26Many of Earth's religious customs probably stem from the ingenious way they have of getting their food
10:32Now may I ask a few questions?
10:36Like what are you doing here? Time has sent us my clone brother. Yes
10:41He seems to think we'll be able to destroy the side damping transmitter inside the cool town pyramid. That's impossible
10:47He thinks we'll be able to do it because we haven't had our powers for very long and we used to operating without them if
10:52You can that would save the Vesh they would get their powers back almost immediately
10:55Well, that's the other part of our mission to help get rid of the cool time
10:58It's pretty positive action by the standards of the Galactic Federation
11:01I wonder if brother timers has official approval for your visit or if it's a private venture of his own
11:07Does it matter now that we're here?
11:09The cool town sound as if they ought to be sent packing. I will help you all I can
11:15How far is the cool town pyramid from here about two days March through the forest?
11:19We will have to walk there is no other form of transport
11:21I don't think that Tysons in any fit state to make a journey like that. Yes, you're right a
11:27pity though
11:28But have used his expertise in the forest and the girl lender. I think sure to rest up for a few days
11:33Yes, I agree
11:35Liz I think you ought to stay here with the two kids
11:38Stephen and I will go with teak now and see if we can sabotage the cool town pyramid if you're willing I'm willing I
11:44Think I ought to come with you and Stephen stay here. Hey John