• last year


00:00It's time for the show where your creativity fills in the blanks.
00:05It's Mad Libs.
00:07And now, here's your host, David Sedoni.
00:16Hey, how you doing?
00:18What's happening? Welcome to Mad Libs,
00:20the greatest word game in the whole wide world.
00:23A Mad Lib is a story where you pull some words out,
00:26and then it's up to you to fill in the blanks with your own imaginative words.
00:30What we do right here, we take two teams.
00:33We run around like crazy in a bunch of mental and physical games
00:37to take that Mad Lib off the page and bring it to life.
00:40That's enough talk. Let's start the games.
00:42Bring out the teams! Come on!
00:50Come on out here!
00:55These are my new Elfie friends over here.
00:58Let's find out who these guys are before we start all the fun.
01:02Over here first, we got Daniel. How you doing, buddy?
01:04Good. How about you?
01:05I'm great. Tell us about yourself. Do you have any pets?
01:07Yeah, I used to, but my snake, I had a snake and it got away in my mom's car.
01:10Did you ever find it?
01:11No, never found it.
01:12I bet your mom loved that.
01:14Then we sold the car.
01:16Sold the smart move. Get rid of it. And the snake.
01:19Let's find out who your teammate is. Angelise, how you doing?
01:21Fine, and you?
01:22Good. Tell us about yourself. What's your favorite thing to do in the whole wide world?
01:25I like to talk on the telephone with my girlfriends.
01:27All the time, huh?
01:28Yes. My parents would get tired of me all on the telephone.
01:31Girls on the phone. It's a disease, I'll tell you.
01:33Let's find out who your opponents are over here.
01:35The blue team. How you doing, blue team?
01:37Good. Heather, tell us about yourself. Do you like music?
01:39Yes, I love music and dancing and singing.
01:41Do you play any instruments?
01:42I play the piano.
01:44A little?
01:45A little.
01:46Like just chopsticks or a little more?
01:48A little more.
01:49A little more. Good to have you here.
01:50Let's meet our teammate over here. We got Chris. How you doing, buddy?
01:53Tell me about you, dude. What do you like to do for fun, you know, when you're not in school and stuff like that?
01:56I like to motorcycle ride up in Glamis. It's a place.
01:59Wow. How long have you been riding motorcycles?
02:02Since I was like eight or nine.
02:04Ooh. Big ones? Small ones? Little ones? In between?
02:07Quads. Two wheelers.
02:08That's cool. All right.
02:10Well, give it up for our teams. They're psyched and ready to go.
02:14They do lots of fun things, but I guarantee you, guys, it's not going to be nearly as much fun as what we're doing here today.
02:23We're going to put dynamite in your dictionary, blow that thing up, and the words are going to fall all over the stage here today.
02:28These two teams are going to be competing to try and get the most points to move on to the Maximal Mad Lib.
02:33That's where they have a chance to win a river rafting trip down the American River.
02:39You want to talk about some fun stuff?
02:42Wild Adventure in the River.
02:44In our first round, what we like to do is, we know these guys are going to have a blast,
02:48but we want you guys at home to have a blast, too, so we're going to let one of our viewers start us off today.
02:53We're going to read a viewer Mad Lib. Check it out.
02:58Hi, I'm Alana. I love to play the sax.
03:01Here's my Mad Lib, Mary Poppins.
03:05One night, Mary Poppins helped out her buddies, the Chimney Elves.
03:10They climbed up on the roof and sneezed into the smokestack, but one of them got stuck,
03:17so Mary used her beaks to wedge him out.
03:21They had fun, even though they got cereal all over themselves.
03:26Have a great game!
03:29Okay. Thank you very much, Alana.
03:33It's time to see Mary Poppins like you've never seen it before, here with my elfin friends.
03:39Come on, elfies, let's go.
03:41All right. Red Elves over here, Blue Elves over here.
03:44Here's how this one works. The elves come over and they grab a balloon, just like that.
03:49Then they take the balloon, they stick it between their beaks, just like that.
03:53Beaky beaks.
03:54Beaky beaks.
03:55Then they have to walk it over using just their beaks and then sneeze it into the smokestack.
04:01It goes into the smokestack and down rains all the cereal.
04:05The team that gets the most cereal rained on them in 45 seconds, they are a winner.
04:08They get 20 points and they can get cereal all over their heads
04:11so they can pour milk on themselves and have some breakfast.
04:13Are we ready to go?
04:15All right, teams, on your mark, get set, go!
04:22Cheek to cheek.
04:25Beaking them in, that's one for the red.
04:28Blue team cereal, two for the blue.
04:32That's one, two for the red.
04:34Here comes the second one for the blue. It's a tie game, two to two.
04:37And I got cereal all over me, that's three to three.
04:40That's three to two.
04:43Blue team's got to go get another balloon.
04:45Now the red team has four.
04:49Great recovery by the red team.
04:51Blue team sneezes one in.
04:53That one's not going to go.
04:55They have to wait for the cereal to explode.
04:57Here comes the red team.
05:01We got exploding cereals everywhere.
05:03Red team's still ahead.
05:05Blue team's trying to get one.
05:06Oh, that's it, time's up.
05:08Time's up, we're taking a look at the scores.
05:10Blue team had their balloons floating around a little bit.
05:12You got two of them to call them down.
05:14Matter of fact, here, want some more cereal? Have some.
05:17And then red team, you get some too.
05:19You guys did great, you got five.
05:21You're our winners. Way to go, red team.
05:25All right.
05:26That means the red team gets the first points on the board of the day.
05:29You guys have 20.
05:30Blue team, don't worry about it.
05:31I got so many chances for you to make up points.
05:33Matter of fact, let's go to round two,
05:35where we're going to find out who's madder than who.
05:38Come on, guys, follow me.
05:42Come on up here, elves.
05:45Over there, red elves, over here.
05:47All right.
05:48We are going to find out who's madder than who.
05:51Now, word power is the key to being an expert mad liver.
05:55You want to be a serious mad liver, you got to have a ton of words,
05:58a huge vocabulary to draw from.
06:00That way, you have more options to fill in all the blanks.
06:02What you do in this game is you try and fill in the blanks
06:04when I give you a category.
06:06When you think of a word that fits the category,
06:09you spin it out and push the hot potato over to your opponent.
06:12We keep going until one team runs out of words.
06:15When that happens, the category's over and the other team gets five points.
06:19Remember, you can't repeat another player's answer
06:22or a different form of the same word, okay?
06:25We're going to put two minutes up on the clock.
06:26You guys are going to have as much time as you can in that two minutes
06:29to bust through as many categories as possible.
06:32Who wants to go first?
06:34I will.
06:35Okay, he's going to go.
06:36Heather's going to go first over here.
06:37You want to go first over here?
06:38I will.
06:39Go ahead.
06:40All right, we'll go girls first.
06:41On the clock.
06:42Are we set to go?
06:44Here comes your first category.
06:45Astrological signs.
06:59Oh, that one didn't beat the buzzer.
07:00That's five points for the blue team.
07:02Blue team goes again.
07:03This one is methods of travel.
07:07Methods of travel.
07:19Out of time.
07:20Five points for the blue team.
07:21Moving on.
07:22Next category.
07:23Types of balls.
07:25Types of balls.
07:28Bounce ball.
07:32Golf ball.
07:34Tennis ball.
07:39All out of time.
07:40Five points for the red team.
07:41Guys, in here comes the next one.
07:43Foods you eat with your hands.
07:47French fries.
07:49Hot dog.
07:54That one beat the buzzer.
07:55Keep going.
08:00That one didn't.
08:01That's five points for the blue team.
08:02Going on to the next one.
08:05Let's start with the letter T.
08:34We already had a form of that earlier, but, man, good job, girls.
08:37They were going forever.
08:38Five points for the blue team.
08:40Guys, back in.
08:41Okay, guys.
08:46Little mermaid.
08:47Cabbage patch.
08:49That's it, guys.
08:50Don't worry.
08:51You don't have to name any more dolls.
08:52We're out of time.
08:53Come on in here, guys.
08:54Let's take a look at the scoreboard.
08:55Blue team, getting on the scoreboard.
08:56Nice job.
08:57You rallied.
08:58They got 20 points.
08:59Red team still keeping the lead, though, but just barely.
09:0125 for the red team.
09:03Nice job.
09:05All right.
09:06We got ourselves a real good game shaping up here, and when we come back,
09:10we're going to watch these guys use their minds and their muscles
09:13as they run around in the Mega Stunt right after this.
09:17What's happening?
09:33How you doing?
09:34Welcome back to Mad Libs.
09:35Man, check out these scores.
09:37Look at this.
09:38Blue team, 20 points.
09:39Red team in the lead, but just barely.
09:4125 points.
09:42What a great game we've got going on here.
09:45And you know what's only going to get better as we go on to our Mega Stunt.
09:48This Mega Stunt, what we got, you know, Mad Libs is all about words.
09:51So today our Mega Stunt is called Kid of Many Words.
09:54Kids know how heavy those big, big backpacks are, right?
09:58Well, today we have a big, big back ball,
10:01and the girls are attached to them with these right here.
10:04Now, on the back of the back ball, that's where we're going to find
10:06what else you have in your book bag, but, you know, mohawks.
10:10We got a mohawk right here.
10:11On the back of each mohawk, there's a word.
10:13What you do is you go, you grab the word, and you put it onto the Mad Lib wall.
10:17The first team to fill in the wall, all four,
10:19they win the Mega Stunt and they get 20 points.
10:21Now, guys, remember, Chris, you're going to be over here chasing Angelita's ball, okay?
10:27And Daniel, you're going to be chasing Heather's back ball.
10:29So make sure, girls, you got to put some moves on.
10:32Don't let the team, the other guys, get any mohawks, all right?
10:36Keep the moves going.
10:37Bust a move.
10:38You ready to go?
10:39Girls, why don't you get in position out there.
10:41Guys, you get in position over here.
10:43Get ready to chase the other girl all around.
10:47They're going to make you run like crazy.
10:49On your mark, get set, go.
10:52Put the moves on, girls.
10:56That's one for the red team.
11:05There's one for the blue team.
11:07Heather's putting some moves on.
11:12Daniel put a juke on.
11:16That's two for the blue team.
11:20That's three for the blue team.
11:27Heather is juking Daniel.
11:29Oh, they ran into each other in the center, a collision.
11:32He's so close.
11:36Three to three, next one's a winner.
11:39That's it.
11:40That's it.
11:41That's it.
11:44All right, Heather, we're going to get you undone.
11:46Chris, you come over here, buddy.
11:48Chris, right here.
11:49Come on.
11:50Come here.
11:52Are you done now?
11:53You can breathe and happy?
11:54All right.
11:55Chris running around like crazy.
11:56Heather, come here.
11:57Give me some.
11:58You, I'm telling you, had him running around like crazy over there.
12:02So Chris had the time to go over.
12:04Daniel was trying to juke and jive, but you had him.
12:06Here's your words.
12:07You've got bed mites, flip-flops, pajamas, and slugs.
12:13Now, these are your words that you earned, as we can tell by your guys' heavy breathing.
12:16What we're going to do is we're going to jam those into the Mad Lib.
12:19Come over here.
12:20Your words in the Mad Lib.
12:21Let's see how it looks.
12:26It's called The Joy of Computers.
12:28You ready to read this?
12:30All right, it goes.
12:31My computer has 32 mega bed mites of memory, but I have plenty of floppy flip-flops just in case it crashes.
12:39I love to surf the pajamas for hours and send e-mails to all my slugs.
12:45Good one, guys.
12:4832 mega bed mites.
12:50See, you put in those goofy words and it's harder to say.
12:53Nice job.
12:54You guys earned it.
12:55You got the 20 points.
12:56That means you're taking the lead, blue team.
12:58Nice job.
13:00Come over here.
13:01We're going to take them all over right now.
13:03Move over to the mixed-up Mad Lib and see who's going to the max.
13:06Come on, guys.
13:13All right, it's time to get ourselves a big winner for the day.
13:17Let's check out the scoreboard.
13:18Red team has 25 points.
13:20Nice job, red team.
13:21Blue team, 40 points.
13:22They're in the lead.
13:26These guys are getting all their equipment off.
13:28We're getting ready to get ourselves a winner.
13:30How do we do that?
13:31Well, it's the mixed-up Mad Lib.
13:33A mixed-up Mad Lib is a sentence that already has a crazy word inserted.
13:37It's up to you guys to buzz in, give me the correct answer.
13:40Each one's going to be worth 10 points.
13:43Now, we do this for one minute and 30 seconds.
13:45So, red team, that means you only need two questions.
13:48You can get two questions in a minute and 30.
13:49This one goes fast, and then you guys are in the lead.
13:52All right, you ready to go?
13:54Let's get in positions.
13:55Good luck to you, teams.
13:56We're going to find out who's going to the max as we get mixed up.
14:00Here comes your first mixed-up Mad Lib.
14:03The mountains that run along the eastern part of the U.S.
14:05are called the Apple Dumplings.
14:09The Application Mountains.
14:16All right, guys in.
14:17If you order Pie a la Mode, it will come with a scoop of pimple cream.
14:24Pineapple cream.
14:25Ice cream.
14:26Ice cream.
14:27Girls, but that sounds good.
14:28The smallest bone in the body is located in your ape.
14:33The University of Notre Dame's team mascot is called the Fighting Idiot.
14:37Fighting Irish.
14:40Yes, you got it.
14:41Take the lead.
14:42The PTA and the Masters Tournament are in the sport of grouch.
14:48Recapturing the lead.
14:49In Greek mythology, the most powerful god is known as Zinc.
14:55Georgia's capital city is Avocado.
15:01An action word is called a violin.
15:12A square has four equal slurpees.
15:18Catching up.
15:19As they say on Broadway, there's no business like coal business.
15:22Show business.
15:23The type of music sung by Leanne Rimes is funky and western.
15:29Taking the lead again.
15:30The comic strip where the tiger comes to life when the adults aren't around is Calvin and Hacienda.
15:34Out of time.
15:35That one didn't make it.
15:36Oh, man.
15:37Red team, 65.
15:38Blue team, 70.
15:39They're the winner.
15:40Way to go, blue team.
15:42Oh, man.
15:43All right, Daniel.
15:44Just for fun, just for fun, what was that last answer?
15:48Calvin and Hacienda.
15:49Did you know it?
15:50Calvin and Hobbes.
15:51Calvin and Hobbes.
15:52Two seconds away.
15:53You would have had the lead.
15:54That means you guys, great, great job today.
15:56Red team is awesome.
15:57We're going to give you guys some stuff for playing such a great game, though.
16:00You're going to get, both of you guys get one year of unlimited service right here on
16:05the Disney online service.
16:06Disney's Blast Online.
16:07That's for you.
16:08And you get to set the world's greatest Mad Books and Mad Lib games.
16:13Nice job, guys.
16:14Give it up for the red team one more time.
16:15Just seconds away.
16:16Blue team, the buzzer beaters.
16:17Give me some.
16:18Give me some.
16:19Give me some.
16:20Give me some.
16:21Give me some.
16:22Give me some.
16:23Give me some.
16:24Give me some.
16:25Give me some.
16:26Give me some.
16:27Give me some.
16:28Give me some.
16:29Give me some.
16:30Are you ready to go?
16:32Are you ready to go to the Max?
16:33Let's go.
16:34Come on.
16:35Awesome, awesome game, you guys.
16:36Man, that much.
16:37You got it by that much.
16:38Now we're going to get, find out who's going to be giving the clues for you guys.
16:39The very important part of the Maxwell Mad Lib.
16:40You have to put the words in the right places.
16:41Who's going to do it?
16:43Chris, you're going to put them up there, okay?
16:44Here's the secret sealed words.
16:45You take them up there.
16:47Go stick them up in the five different areas.
16:48And choose wisely, because that's going to decide if the blue team ends up winning the
16:49grand prize at the Maxwell Mad Lib.
16:50Don't you miss it.
16:51Come on back.
16:53Hey, welcome back to Mad Lib.
16:54Time to build our Maxwell Mad Lib.
16:55It's time to build our Mad Lib.
16:56It's time to build our Mad Lib.
16:57It's time to build our Mad Lib.
16:58It's time to build our Mad Lib.
16:59It's time to build our Mad Lib.
17:00It's time to build our Mad Lib.
17:01It's time to build our Mad Lib.
17:02It's time to build our Mad Lib.
17:03It's time to build our Mad Lib.
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17:59It's time to build our Mad Lib.
18:00It's time to build our Mad Lib.
18:01It's time to build our Mad Lib.
18:02It's time to build our Mad Lib.
18:03It's time to build our Mad Lib.
18:04It's time to build our Mad Lib.
18:05It's time to build our Mad Lib.
18:06It's time to build our Mad Lib.
18:07It's time to build our Mad Lib.
18:08It's time to build our Mad Lib.
18:09It's time to build our Mad Lib.
18:10It's time to build our Mad Lib.
18:11It's time to build our Mad Lib.
18:12It's time to build our Mad Lib.
18:13La, la, la, la.
18:14La, la, la, la.
18:15La, la, la, la.
18:16La, la, la, la.
18:17La, la, la, la.
18:18La, la, la, la.
18:19La, la, la, la.
18:20La, la, la, la.
18:21La, la, la, la.
18:22La, la, la, la.
18:23La, la, la, la.
18:24La, la, la, la.
18:25La, la, la, la.
18:26La, la, la, la.
18:27La, la, la, la.
18:28La, la, la, la.
18:29La, la, la, la.
18:30La, la, la, la.
18:31La, la, la, la.
18:32La, la, la, la.
18:33La, la, la, la.
18:34La, la, la, la.
18:35Good luck to you, Blue Team.
18:36On your mark, get set, go.
18:37Okay, come on, Fred.
18:38Spell it.
18:39All right.
18:40Spell it.
18:41That is it.
18:43It's small.
18:46It's small.
18:51You got it.
18:52Nice job.
18:53Where do you want to go?
18:54Something slippery.
19:05Good job.
19:06Nice job.
19:07Where are you going?
19:08All right.
19:09Come on, Chris.
19:10Sing it.
19:11It's animal to zoo.
19:12It's a big, scary snake.
19:13It has big neck.
19:14It's very poisonous.
19:15It's a big, scary snake.
19:16More specific.
19:18You got it.
19:19Nice job.
19:20All right.
19:21Come on, Chris.
19:22Let's go.
19:23Now, where do you want to go?
19:24You got that one.
19:25He's going to draw it.
19:26Can it be there?
19:28It's inside a body.
19:30Inside a body.
19:31Inside a body.
19:32A brain.
19:33Keep going.
19:34Inside a body.
19:35A brain.
19:41Pass on that one.
19:42Act it.
19:43Act it.
19:44Come on.
19:45Kind of movie.
19:47Good job.
19:49Go back.
19:51Come on.
19:52Draw it.
19:54Do something else.
19:55I can't understand.
19:56That's it.
19:57It's inside a body.
19:59Inside a body.
20:02He's guessing.
20:03Come on.
20:06Oh, man.
20:07Four out of five.
20:08You still got a good chance, though.
20:09Don't worry about it.
20:10Come over here.
20:11Chris, come on down.
20:12You guys, you never know.
20:13You still have a really, really good chance.
20:14Chris, come on down here, buddy.
20:15Right there, boss.
20:16You still have a really good chance.
20:17You got four out of five.
20:18Come on.
20:19Come on.
20:20Come on.
20:21Come on.
20:22Come on.
20:23Come on.
20:24Come on.
20:25Come on.
20:26Come on.
20:27Come on.
20:28Come on.
20:29Come on.
20:30Come on.
20:31Come on.
20:32Come on.
20:33Come on.
20:34Come on.
20:35Come on.
20:36Come on.
20:37Come on.
20:38Come on.
20:39Come on.
20:40Come on.
20:41Come on.
20:42Come on.
20:43Come on.
20:44Come on.
20:45Come on.
20:46Come on.
20:47Come on.
20:48Come on.
20:49Come on.
20:50Come on.
20:51Come on.
20:52Come on.
20:53Come on.
20:54Come on.
20:55Come on.
20:56Come on.
20:57Come on.
20:58Come on.
20:59Come on.
21:00Come on.
21:01Come on.
21:02Come on.
21:03Come on.
21:04Come on.
21:05Come on.
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21:46Come on.
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21:56Come on.
21:57Come on.
21:58Come on.
21:59Come on.
22:00Come on.
22:01Come on.
22:02Come on.
22:03Come on.
22:04Come on.
22:05Come on.
22:06Come on.
22:07Come on.
22:08Come on.
22:09Come on.
22:10Come on.
22:11Come on.
22:12Come on.
22:13Come on.
22:14Come on.
22:15Come on.
22:16Come on.
22:17Come on.
22:18Come on.
22:19Come on.
22:20Come on.
22:21Come on.
22:22Come on.
22:23Come on.
22:24Come on.
22:25Come on.
22:26Thank you so much for joining us today.
22:27Thank you for being here.
22:28And we'll see you back next time.
22:29See you next time right here on Mad Billion.
22:30So long.