Rojo intenso | Psycho Game

  • 4 months ago
00:01:30Yes, I don't mean to me knee por fin vas a conocer mi tierra muy distinto de valparaíso si
00:01:37Lo que visto me gusta mucho
00:01:39tengo tantas ganas de ver a sandra y a tu papá no los veo desde que fueron a chile imagínate
00:01:44creo que lo vamos a pasar muy bien
00:01:47sobre todo el bello durmiente
00:02:15Por qué porque yo pensaba que como te hagas tanto con la ventana cerrada y en el avión no las podíamos abrir
00:02:20No sé que te vaya a poner al biter y a llorar
00:02:24Que ya no estoy enferma nunca más me voy a ver
00:02:28Y como se llama esa enfermedad claustrofobia
00:02:33Claustrofobia a familia todo listo a la vamos a buscar nuestro bungalow es el 32
00:02:57Seguimos en cobertura
00:03:02Siempre la dichosa cobertura
00:03:06Cultura si música turak cambio
00:03:10Capitán tenemos que volar a una cabina telefónica
00:03:13será lo mejor
00:03:14tripulación embarque la nave transportadora
00:04:43Was having a
00:04:49Pero bueno tu eres Juanito
00:04:53seguro que no te han cambiado
00:04:57Y papá donde se ha metido
00:05:05No se llaman malo
00:05:07La hora está guapísima lo que no entiendo es porque nos habéis quedado vivir aquí estos días en esta época los campings son muy
00:05:13fríos papá la hora y yo nos conocimos en un camping y de alguna forma este viaje nos sirve como recuerdo de aquello
00:05:19me alegra mucho ver que estés bien si muy bien
00:05:22bueno ahora con un poco de lío la empresa quiere mandarme a santiago con un puesto importante
00:05:27y la hora prefiere quedarse en valparaíso por el niño ya sabes que su madre vive cerca no
00:05:31y mamá como sigue
00:05:33pues parece que igual el doctor solís la de cada semana
00:05:37su corazón está cansado
00:05:39tendría que llevar una vida mucho más tranquila pero son tu madre es poco menos imposible
00:05:43saber nervios y ya que es
00:05:48Este año que viene no pasa
00:05:51Ya lo tengo decidido
00:05:52voy a ponerlo a la venta las únicas paellas que voy a hacer van a ser las dos domingos
00:05:56anda ya vincente
00:05:58Cuanto llega octubre empieza que vendo el restaurante que de este año no pasa y cuanto llega el verano se le olvida
00:06:03que de este año no pasa mujer ya lo verás
00:06:08Hay mira ya está y tu hermana
00:06:12Perdón perdón perdón perdón sandrita
00:06:15que alegría que hayáis venido
00:06:19Oye pero que guapa que estás mira quien fue a hablar así que está preciosa gracias a ver qué pasa
00:06:26Por favor no quieras controlarlo todo como dicen los franceses se la vi de duda sorpresa
00:06:31Juanito de acuerdos de tu tía sandra pues ahí la tienes claro que me acuerdo hace años y a lo mismo en chile se la vi
00:06:53Parece que tenemos vecino nuevo es lo que pasa en los campos vamos hijos
00:07:08With you
00:07:15Work and with your near smile with your faces
00:08:30Juan no toques eso
00:08:35Grande ya lo vi pero las cosas que no son tuya no se pueden tocar sin permiso el dueño eres bien curioso tú
00:08:43No Juan te dije que no tocarás nada puede ser peligroso tranquila está descargada discúlpame hijo
00:08:52Es un robo de valleo es un pescado muy grande no
00:08:55más grande que visto en toda mi vida
00:08:57Lo pescaste con eso si esto es un fusil arpa y lo voy a ver por supuesto está descargado cogelo
00:09:06Ya Juan devuelve celos muchas gracias para comerlo solamente mato animales para comer
00:09:14Sabría cocinarlo yo si no sé tienes cara de buena cocinera no es así mi mujer es la mejor cocinera del mundo
00:09:25Soy Javier torrent y nacionalista y yo soy la obra yo soy juan hola juan y me parece que somos tus vecinos
00:09:32Pues entonces dejadme que os regales pescado vale pero con una condición que vengas a cenar esta noche con nosotros y lo compartamos
00:09:38De acuerdo no sé no será mucho lío para la cocinera nada si lo voy a cocinar igual les parece a las nueve
00:09:46gracias por la invitación en permiso
00:09:52Una persona agradable no si eso parece
00:10:26Y Javier
00:10:28Fue con Juan a la casa de sus papas
00:10:30Estabas leyendo
00:10:32Estudiando un poco
00:10:34Pero ya es hora de empezar a preparar el asado
00:10:36Mira yo también he traido estas doradas
00:10:38Tu tendrías que comer mucho pescado porque tiene fósforo y ayuda la memoria
00:10:40Así es
00:10:42Que estabas leyendo
00:10:44No medicina
00:10:46Y yo hablándote del fósforo
00:10:48Bueno si a los médicos se nos puede hablar de todo
00:10:50Voy a empezar a preparar las cosas para la comida
00:10:52No no no de ninguna manera
00:10:54De eso me ocupo yo
00:10:56Además es temprano todavía
00:11:08O sea que más que un flechazo fue un encontronazo
00:11:10Tal cual amor a primera vista
00:11:12Y Juanito nueve meses después
00:11:14Bueno eso es algo que a mi no me va a suceder
00:11:16Porque con el amor nunca se sabe
00:11:18Propongo un brindis
00:11:20Por una familia muy especial como vosotros
00:11:22Ay si salud
00:11:24Por nosotros
00:11:28Oiga señor anfitrión
00:11:30¿Por qué no nos canta alguna canción con su guitarra?
00:11:32Anoche te escuché y lo hacías muy bien
00:11:34Si queréis
00:11:36La música es lo que más me gusta
00:11:38Es mi vocación perdida, ser lucero
00:11:44Este vecino sabe bien lo que es la vida de camping
00:11:46Y es encantador
00:11:48¿Te ha gustado?
00:11:52Y tengo planeado fugarme con él
00:11:54Y obligarlo a que me cocine y me cante
00:12:16You were walking along the street
00:12:18And you'd drink
00:12:20The water of the sea
00:12:22And we were the children of days
00:12:28You looked honest, calm to me
00:12:30I liked it
00:12:32Like your friends with you
00:12:34It seemed to pass the day
00:12:38You were calm with your near smile
00:12:40With your faces
00:12:42All make up
00:12:44Worrying my mind
00:12:50Of darkness
00:12:54Why don't
00:12:56You come to me
00:13:02Of darkness
00:13:04I can't
00:13:06Tell you goodbye
00:13:10Muy bien
00:13:12Muy bien
00:13:16La música es mi verdadero amor
00:13:18¿Y por qué no te dedicas a la música?
00:13:20No, no lo podría vivir de ello
00:13:22Creo que lo que verdaderamente te gusta
00:13:24Tiene que estar aquí
00:13:26No podés venderlo
00:13:28Por eso no entiendo a los artistas
00:13:30Que la mayoría comercia con su arte
00:13:32¿De algo tendrán que comer?
00:13:34Tendría que estar prohibido comer de lo que se ama
00:13:38Creo que me he puesto un poco trascendente
00:13:40No se viene un poco de filosofía
00:13:42Es todo tan frío a veces
00:13:44Lo mismo pienso yo
00:13:48¿Otra copa?
00:13:50Venga, la ultima
00:14:40La música es mi verdadero amor
00:14:42¿Y por qué no te dedicas a la música?
00:14:44No, no lo podría vivir de ello
00:14:46Creo que lo que verdaderamente te gusta
00:14:48Tiene que estar aquí
00:14:50No podés venderlo
00:14:52Por eso no entiendo a los artistas
00:14:54Que la mayoría comercia con su arte
00:14:56Tiene que estar prohibido comer de lo que se ama
00:15:00La música es mi verdadero amor
00:15:02No se viene un poco de filosofía
00:15:04Es todo tan frío a veces
00:15:06Lo mismo pienso yo
00:15:08La música es mi verdadero amor
00:15:10No se viene un poco de filosofía
00:15:12Es todo tan frío a veces
00:15:14La música es mi verdadero amor
00:15:16No se viene un poco de filosofía
00:15:18Es todo tan frío a veces
00:15:20La música es mi verdadero amor
00:15:22No se viene un poco de filosofía
00:15:24Es todo tan frío a veces
00:15:26La música es mi verdadero amor
00:15:28No se viene un poco de filosofía
00:15:30Es todo tan frío a veces
00:15:32La música es mi verdadero amor
00:15:34No se viene un poco de filosofía
00:16:18¿Qué estás escondiendo ahí?
00:16:20Mira mamá, una pistola de verdad
00:16:22Tranquilo hijo, ya
00:16:24No te muevas, pásame eso
00:16:36¿Pero qué hiciste pues Juan?
00:16:38¿Qué hiciste?
00:16:40Vamos a ordenar todo esto
00:16:42Y después vamos a hablar seriamente los dos ¿Escuchaste?
00:16:44Y ayúdame
00:16:46Si Ignacio se llega a dar cuenta
00:16:48Tú se lo vas a explicar ¿Escuchaste?
00:16:50Ya pues
00:16:52Supongo que por lo menos te acuerdas de donde estaban ¿O no?
00:16:54Sí mamá
00:16:56Soy un buen detective
00:17:02Gracias por ayudarme a cerrar los billetes
00:17:04Sabía que mejor estuviera una oficina por aquí
00:17:06No te preocupes, ahora nos vamos a ir a tomar una cerveza
00:17:08A un lugar de puta madre
00:17:10Vale, pero no quiero llegar tarde al campo
00:17:12Vas un ratito, te lo prometo
00:17:14Tú conduce que yo te guío ¿Vale?
00:17:28No lo coge
00:17:30Habrá salido y no se ha llevado el móvil
00:17:32Yo sé que se va a preocupar la ronda
00:17:34Relaja ti y disfruta el momento tío
00:17:38Mira esas rotillas
00:17:40Están buenísimas
00:17:42Muy buenas
00:17:44Toma prueba un poco
00:17:46¿Qué es?
00:17:48Esta es la mejor marihuana del mundo
00:17:50Ah no no gracias, hace tiempo que no fumo hierba
00:17:52Pero una calada nada más y verás lo especial que es
00:17:56Sus copas señoras
00:17:58Señor, ¿le puedo pedir un favor?
00:18:00Por supuesto caballero
00:18:02¿Ves a las dos señoritas que están ahí?
00:18:04Bueno, invítelas de nuestra parte por favor
00:18:06Sí señor
00:18:12Joder, esto está fuerte
00:18:14Pero sabe bien
00:18:16Hagamos un brindis por nosotros
00:18:18Y por ellas
00:18:26Tío, la voy a buscar para que vengan aquí
00:18:28No sé tío, a mí me esperan
00:18:30Pero por favor pega una caladita más
00:18:32A ver si te animas un poco
00:18:34Voy por ellas
00:18:42Así que os gusta bañaros desnudas en el mar
00:18:44Pues sí
00:18:46Y de noche mucho más
00:18:48Muy bien, pues venga tía
00:18:50Ahora no, ahora hace mucho frío
00:18:52Además eso está prohibido
00:18:54Si es prohibido, venga anda
00:18:56Para los jóvenes no hay nada prohibido
00:18:58Y no da miedo meteros en el mar de noche
00:19:00¿Viste la película Tiburón?
00:19:04Tú más bien eres un pulpo tío
00:19:14Oh la la
00:19:16La noche es magnífica
00:19:18¿Crees que sé hablar francés?
00:19:20No sé
00:19:26Esto se está poniendo muy caliente
00:19:28Mejor vamos al otro lado, ¿vale?
00:19:30Sí, vamos
00:19:48Déjame, déjame
00:19:50¿Pero qué te pasa?
00:19:52Perdóname, será la marihuana esta
00:20:00Mi mujer debe estar preocupada
00:20:04Lo siento señoritas
00:20:06Será hasta la próxima
00:20:20¿Qué pasó?
00:20:22Lo siento Laura, es culpa mía
00:20:24Se ha emborrachado
00:20:30Te llamé pero no contestabas
00:20:32Tranquilo, ven a acostarte, ¿ya?
00:20:34Lo siento Laura
00:20:36No pasa nada, pero me preocupé
00:20:38Ya llegamos tío
00:20:48Ya llegamos tío
00:20:50¿Sí? ¿Seguro?
00:20:58Lo siento nuevamente
00:21:00Javier sabe lo que hace y si tomó fue porque quería
00:21:02Es que no fue culpa suya
00:21:04Lo encontré con dos amigas y
00:21:06Tenía María y bueno, fumamos un poco
00:21:10Cosa que pasan
00:21:12Si necesitas algo
00:21:14Voy a saber qué hacer, gracias
00:22:44¿Está fría?
00:22:46¡Está buenísima!
00:23:02Parece que Juan tiene un amiguito nuevo
00:23:06Han estado todas las mañanas jugando
00:23:08¿Y tú cómo estás?
00:23:12No sé qué me pasó, ya sabes que no veo
00:23:14Por lo menos podrías haber avisado
00:23:16Lo sé, lo sé, lo sé
00:23:18Me comporté como un idiota
00:23:20Le di unas caladas a un porro que sacó Ignacio
00:23:22Y perdí la noción del tiempo
00:23:24No te preocupes, olvídate
00:23:28Tu amigo Ignacio te hizo un gran favor
00:23:30¿Qué favor?
00:23:32Le contó a Juan de los xenógrafos
00:23:34Y lo único que quiere el pobre
00:23:36Es que lo lleves hoy día mismo
00:23:38Pues me parece muy buena idea
00:23:40Yo también tengo ganas de verlo
00:23:42Me preparo y nos vamos
00:23:44No, yo me quedo acá, no quiero ir
00:23:46Tengo mucho que estudiar
00:23:48Y no sería lo mejor para mí ir a encerrarme en un lugar
00:23:50lleno de agua por todas partes, tú sabes
00:23:52Como quieras
00:23:54Dile a Juan que en diez minutos estoy listo
00:24:00Te quiero
00:24:12Oye, ¿qué te pasó?
00:24:14Me he golpeado contra las rocas
00:24:16Espérame que voy a buscar el botiquín, ¿ya?
00:24:18Te espero en mi bungalow
00:24:24Tienes unas manos magníficas
00:24:26¿Qué especialidad estudiaste?
00:24:30Pero el mes que viene presento la tesis recién
00:24:34Estarás harta de ver sangre, ¿no?
00:24:36La verdad sí
00:24:38La primera semana en la práctica tenía unas pesadillas horribles
00:24:40Todavía llenas de sangre
00:24:42Pero te vas a acostumbrar
00:24:44Ahí está
00:24:54Es increíble
00:24:56No me duele nada
00:24:58Eres como esa Florence
00:25:00Bueno, Florence de no sé qué
00:25:02Esa que cura con solo tocar con las manos
00:25:04Florence Nightingale
00:25:06Perdón, pero era sola enfermera
00:25:08Doctora, por favor, le pido mil disculpas
00:25:12Baila, doctora
00:25:14No tengo ganas, gracias
00:25:16Vamos, Laura, me vas a decir que no sabes bailar
00:25:18Que se baila, pero no quiero, ya
00:25:20Eres más hermosa cuando te ríes
00:25:50Inés, no, para
00:25:54Te confundiste
00:25:56Solo tenías que decirlo, Laura
00:25:58Pensé que te gustaba tanto como a mí
00:26:04No sé qué decir
00:26:06Tienes razón
00:26:08Disculpa tú
00:26:10Bueno, en realidad no es culpa de nadie
00:26:12Bueno, sí
00:26:14Mía por dejarte empezar
00:26:20¿Qué creíste?
00:26:22¿Que era un violador que te iba a golpear si te resistías?
00:26:26¿O un loco que persigue a una mujer?
00:26:28La viola y la mata
00:26:32A lo mejor lo soy
00:26:34¿Qué crees?
00:26:36Al final cabo hace poco tiempo que me conoces
00:26:38¿Quién sabe que me he dedicado hasta ahora, no?
00:26:40Yo mejor me voy
00:26:44De adentro solo abre con la llave
00:26:48Y no te aconsejo que grites
00:26:54¿Qué? ¿Vas a llamar a Javier?
00:26:56¿Piensas que se va a tragar?
00:26:58¿Que yo te obligue a venir aquí?
00:27:00Él se va a querer lo que yo le diga
00:27:02No, no, no, no, no
00:27:04A ver, voy a...
00:27:06Tú y yo no tenemos nada que hablar
00:27:16¡No! ¡No!
00:28:12Sé que te ha gustado
00:28:14Así que no intentes disimular con esas lagrimitas
00:28:20Y no se te ocurra decirle nada a ese intrépido marido que tiene
00:28:24Porque le mato
00:28:26Le mato a él y a ese niñito detective también
00:28:28¿Lo has entendido?
00:28:58¡Vamos, Juan!
00:29:12¿Qué te pasa?
00:29:16Nada, lo eché en una dama
00:29:18Bueno, pues ya estamos aquí
00:29:24¿Qué pasa?
00:29:32No sabes cómo ha disfrutado Juan
00:29:36A todos los peces les veía algo especial
00:29:38Y con las ballenas blancas
00:29:40Ha sido magnífico
00:29:46Solo faltabas tú
00:29:58Javier, para, amor
00:30:00Para, para
00:30:02¿Qué te pasa?
00:30:04Si es por lo de ayer
00:30:06Si es por eso, perdóname
00:30:10No es mi culpa tuya
00:30:12¿Entonces qué te pasa, Laura?
00:30:14Y no me digas que nada, te lo he notado durante la cena
00:30:16Has estado como... como ida
00:30:18Y no has comido nada
00:30:20Si tienes algún problema, no sé, algo que te preocupe
00:30:26Te quiero mucho, Laura
00:30:34Tranquila, es Ignacio
00:30:36Voy a ver qué quiere
00:30:42¿Qué tal ha ido la cenografía?
00:30:44Muy bien, Juan se lo ha pasado genial
00:30:46Es impresionante ver como todo lo nuevo
00:30:48Impacta en la mente de los niños
00:30:50Y seguramente Juan no olvidará este momento
00:30:52En mucho tiempo
00:30:54En mucho tiempo
00:30:56¿Y a Laura qué le ha parecido?
00:30:58No, ella no vino, se ha quedado estudiando
00:31:00Qué pena, de haberlo sabido hubiera vuelto antes
00:31:02Estuve toda la tarde en el vuelo
00:31:04Mira, yo tengo que salir para Madrid un par de días
00:31:06Es un asunto urgente
00:31:08Además quería devolverle a Laura el botín que me prestaron
00:31:10Pues yo se lo daré
00:31:12Está acostada
00:31:14No sé, de todas formas
00:31:16Me ha encontrado como...
00:31:18Como cansada, extraña
00:31:20¿Extraña? ¿Por qué?
00:31:22Creo que está muy angustiada con su tesis de licenciatura
00:31:24Laura es una mujer inteligente
00:31:26Sabe lo que representa su familia y pradería
00:31:28A ti te quiere mucho
00:31:30Y a Juan, si os perdiera
00:31:32No sé qué sería de ella
00:31:34De momento estamos todos juntos
00:31:36Y espero que sigamos así mucho tiempo
00:31:38Y ahora, si me perdonas, yo también estoy cansado
00:31:40Por supuesto, un beso a Laura y a Juan de mi parte
00:31:52Te amo
00:32:22Te amo
00:32:24Te amo
00:32:26Te amo
00:32:28Te amo
00:32:30Te amo
00:32:32Te amo
00:32:34Te amo
00:32:36Te amo
00:32:38Te amo
00:32:40Te amo
00:32:42Te amo
00:32:44Te amo
00:32:46Te amo
00:32:48Te amo
00:32:50Te amo
00:33:20Bip, bip, bip
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00:35:08Bip, bip
00:35:10Bip, bip
00:35:12Bip, bip
00:35:14Have you had any problems?
00:35:17Well, some nonsense.
00:35:19But I'm glad you also notice it.
00:35:21You've been like this since yesterday.
00:35:23You have to talk about these things, because otherwise they get complicated.
00:35:26Yes, I'll do it tonight.
00:35:28And why not now?
00:35:30It seems like a good time.
00:35:34Come on.
00:35:35Calm down, man.
00:35:44So, any problem?
00:35:51I need to go back to Chile.
00:35:53But why?
00:35:54We still have part of the trip.
00:35:55Yes, I know, Javier, but...
00:35:57Yesterday they called me from the faculty and they postponed the presentation of my thesis.
00:36:01And I need to focus on that, and here I can't.
00:36:03I'm worried about that.
00:36:04So that's what it was.
00:36:06It's normal, I thought something worse was happening to you.
00:36:09I don't know, if you want...
00:36:10If you want, I'll take care of everything and you can stay in the camping studying.
00:36:13No, Javier, I can't study in the camping.
00:36:15And in that bungalow I drown, I can't.
00:36:18Did you get claustrophobia again?
00:36:20Look, Javier, all I need is to go back to Chile.
00:36:24If you want, you can accept that job in Santiago.
00:36:27I'll follow you, I'll go wherever you want, my love.
00:36:29But please, get me out of here.
00:36:34Come on.
00:36:35Let's tell the family.
00:36:37Thank you.
00:36:39Thank you.
00:36:43Thank you.
00:37:13Thank you.
00:37:38You're from Palacio, right?
00:37:41I'm Commissioner Olivares.
00:37:44I know you're very affected.
00:37:46But it's very important that you tell us exactly what happened last night at your house.
00:37:50Your statement is essential to be able to charge the facts.
00:37:56You have nothing to fear anymore.
00:38:01Mrs. Palacios, we need you to tell us everything, from the beginning.
00:38:06And what is the relationship that unites you with that man?
00:38:10What is the relationship that unites you with that man?
00:38:20Juanito, breakfast is ready.
00:38:22Tell mom that she has to go.
00:38:27My love.
00:38:41Juan, go slowly, you're going to get hurt.
00:38:43Yes, dad, but I can't make it.
00:38:45Well, you have to get up first.
00:38:47Yes, I did.
00:38:48But I lost my magnifying glass.
00:38:50Today we want to do a digital fingerprint experiment.
00:38:52And without it, I can't.
00:38:54Is this what you were looking for?
00:38:56Thank you, mom.
00:38:58Don't forget, Tati.
00:38:59I left dad's cake in the oven.
00:39:01And the chicken breast one too.
00:39:03Hurry up, I can't make it.
00:39:07Are you late today?
00:39:09No, about seven.
00:39:11Yes, I know what you're going to tell me.
00:39:13That I have to pick up Juan and take him to the tennis.
00:39:15It's so you don't forget.
00:39:16The message received.
00:39:20Mom, when you want, we're leaving.
00:39:21We're going to the hard work.
00:39:25Laura, you forget something, don't you?
00:39:32I forget the most delicious thing in the morning.
00:39:35Mom, hurry up.
00:39:37Yes, let's go.
00:39:39Bye, Tati.
00:39:40Goodbye, ma'am.
00:39:53Bye, son.
00:39:54Don't forget to eat the fruit at recess.
00:39:56Yes, mom, don't worry.
00:39:58I'm older now.
00:39:59I know, don't be angry.
00:40:00See you in the afternoon at home.
00:40:09Bye, mom, I love you a lot.
00:40:11Bye, son.
00:40:29Do you have a lot of trouble today?
00:40:31Well, I have to tell you a lot of things from yesterday.
00:40:33What a night yesterday.
00:40:34Don't tell me you got together with Iván.
00:40:36Well, yes.
00:40:37But I'll tell you later, okay?
00:40:39With more calm.
00:40:40Now I have a consultation with a patient who thinks he is the president of the government.
00:40:43How are you both doing?
00:40:45Fine? Okay.
00:40:46Come on, perfect.
00:40:47See you later.
00:41:02Here it is.
00:41:04And the teeth?
00:41:05I already brushed them.
00:41:06Let me see.
00:41:08How delicious.
00:41:10Good night, my love.
00:41:11Good night, mom.
00:41:25Well, I'm going to bed.
00:41:27Relax a little.
00:41:30No, no, leave it.
00:41:31I'm going.
00:41:39Hello, Sandra.
00:41:40How are you?
00:41:45My God, it can't be.
00:41:48How did it happen?
00:41:51And dad?
00:41:52Dad, how are you?
00:41:54I'm fine.
00:41:55How are you?
00:41:57I'm fine.
00:41:58How are you?
00:42:03Well, tomorrow I'll take a plane and go there.
00:42:08Don't cry, Sandra.
00:42:10And take care of dad.
00:42:15What happened?
00:42:17My mother has died.
00:42:21She has lost her heart.
00:42:24Oh, my love, I'm so sorry.
00:42:28I'm so sorry.
00:42:36Don't worry, the wound is healing very well.
00:42:38But you take that medicine every night.
00:42:40It will help you rest.
00:42:42Thank you, doctor.
00:42:43Come next week.
00:42:44Well, say hello to your wife.
00:42:45Thank you, my love.
00:42:51Is there any patient left?
00:42:53No, but your husband left a message that the plane left an hour ago and that he will call you as soon as he arrives in Valencia.
00:42:57Okay, thanks, darling.
00:43:16What's wrong, girl?
00:43:17You look like you've seen a dead man.
00:43:21Wow, I didn't guess.
00:43:23Poor girl, right?
00:43:24It seems a lie that there are people capable of such brutality.
00:43:27Tell me, most of them are my patients.
00:43:30I've never understood why you chose psychiatry as a specialty.
00:43:33Because I like the human mind and its shortcuts.
00:43:36Hey, who would have sent me that message?
00:43:40Don't worry, don't worry.
00:43:41I get a lot of spams like that every day.
00:43:44Come on, save it and let's go eat.
00:43:46I'm starving.
00:43:54Let's go.
00:44:35Hi, Laura.
00:44:37Did Juan come?
00:44:38Yes, he left a moment ago.
00:44:39A very nice man came to pick him up.
00:44:41He told me he was a relative.
00:44:43What do you mean a relative?
00:44:44Yes, they barely saw each other, they hugged and that's why I let him go.
00:44:50Did Juan arrive?
00:44:51No, I don't know.
00:44:52Did any relative tell you that he was coming to pick him up?
00:44:55Is something wrong?
00:44:56I don't know.
00:44:57But don't move from the house.
00:44:58As soon as you get there, call me right away.
00:44:59Did you hear me?
00:45:00Yes, ma'am.
00:45:13It's me, it was Tati.
00:45:14To tell you that the boy has just arrived at the house.
00:45:17Oh my God, that's good.
00:45:18Don't be scared.
00:45:19What happened to you, Tati?
00:45:20Tell me about him.
00:45:21Wait a minute.
00:45:26Son, who took you home, my love?
00:45:27It was Ignacio, the one from Spain.
00:45:29Do you remember him?
00:45:31He came to Santiago for a job and he gave me a computer game and a gun.
00:45:36Wait for me, son, okay?
00:45:37I'm going to the house, wait for me.
00:45:38Give it to Tati.
00:45:40Okay, mom.
00:45:42Hello, ma'am.
00:45:43Tatiana, don't leave my son until I get there.
00:45:46Did you hear me?
00:46:06Look, mom, Ignacio came to see me.
00:46:08Laura, what a joy to see you again.
00:46:11Hi, mom.
00:46:12Look, I want to introduce you to Luna.
00:46:17Hi, Luna.
00:46:18Laura is an excellent doctor.
00:46:19She works at the clinic in Las Condes, right?
00:46:24Well, Ignacio, let's finish the game.
00:46:26No, Juanito, no.
00:46:27Your mother has arrived and we have to go.
00:46:29Right, Luna?
00:46:31We're going to a business meeting.
00:46:33Ignacio has come to plan a project with my company.
00:46:36Yes, I came to do some business.
00:46:37I also want to practice a little submarine fishing.
00:46:40They told me that there is a very interesting species in this area.
00:46:43How long do you plan to stay in Santiago?
00:46:45I don't know exactly.
00:46:46No more than a couple of weeks.
00:46:48Well, let's go, honey.
00:46:51Well, Laura, a pleasure.
00:46:53I hope to see you again.
00:47:09Excuse me.
00:47:10Tati, nice to meet you.
00:47:12Thank you, sir. See you later.
00:47:15This is for you.
00:47:16So you can see that in these two years I have not been able to forget you.
00:47:21I hope you know how to forgive yourself.
00:48:36Hello, my love.
00:48:39Yes, it's me. What's wrong?
00:48:40Nothing, nothing. I'm glad to hear you.
00:48:42How are your dad and Sandra?
00:48:44Very sad.
00:48:45We knew that Mom was heart sick, but ...
00:48:48We didn't expect this.
00:48:49Oh, how I want to be there with you and help you, my love.
00:48:52Don't worry, there's nothing to do here anymore.
00:48:54Sandra is going to travel with me to Chile.
00:48:56You don't mind, do you?
00:48:57No, not at all. When do they arrive?
00:48:59At twelve thirty.
00:49:01We'll pick you up tomorrow.
00:49:03I don't want to lose Juan's companions.
00:49:05I really want to ...
00:49:14I'm not Javier.
00:49:17What do you want?
00:49:19Laura, we have to see each other.
00:49:20I want us to talk.
00:49:22I have nothing to talk to you about.
00:49:25Listen to me, Laura.
00:49:26I just want us to clear things up.
00:49:28I know I've been bad to you, but ...
00:49:31I think you wanted to do it too.
00:49:34All I want is to give you the original tape of what you've seen.
00:49:37So you can destroy it yourself.
00:49:40Although for me it has been a wonderful memory.
00:49:42You're a pig.
00:49:43Don't call this house again.
00:51:16What happened, Juan?
00:51:17What happened, my love?
00:51:19What happened?
00:51:20There was someone standing there, looking at me.
00:51:23He had red eyes that turned on and off.
00:51:26Juan, but there's no one here.
00:51:27We're both alone.
00:51:29But I saw him, he was there.
00:51:32Look, it must have been a nightmare, okay?
00:51:34Come on, let's go to bed together.
00:51:41I thought I had overcome it, but ...
00:51:44But every time something happens that upsets me a lot ...
00:51:47The drownings come back to me.
00:51:49You know how this is going, Laura.
00:51:51It's a psychological disease.
00:51:53And every time you get upset,
00:51:55the alarm can jump in the form of drownings or dizziness.
00:52:01I want you to take one of these pills in the morning.
00:52:04And another before going to bed.
00:52:06And you'll see how you get better.
00:52:09I don't want any more pills.
00:52:10I've been taking it for three years and I don't want to need it anymore.
00:52:13I don't want it.
00:52:14So what you have to do is try to run away from everything that makes you nervous.
00:52:19Why don't you go out for a few days?
00:52:20Go out there.
00:52:21Do you want us to go out tonight for a drink?
00:52:23I can't, I promised Juan that I would be with him and we would prepare his birthday.
00:52:27Javier arrives tomorrow.
00:52:29That promises to be a quiet afternoon.
00:52:31There is nothing like your son and your little house to relax, right?
00:52:35Anyway, if you need me, call me whenever you want.
00:52:38Thank you, friend.
00:53:01Hello, Laura.
00:53:02Where is my son?
00:53:03Don't worry.
00:53:04Where is he?
00:53:05He's invited to the amusement park.
00:53:07He'll be back in a couple of hours.
00:53:08And who are you to come and send my son?
00:53:13Laura, don't get upset.
00:53:14You know it's not good for your health.
00:53:16I've only come to talk to you and...
00:53:19I don't know.
00:53:20I don't know what to say.
00:53:21I don't know what to say.
00:53:22I don't know what to say.
00:53:23I don't know what to say.
00:53:24I don't know what to say.
00:53:25I don't know what to say.
00:53:26I don't know what to say.
00:53:28I wanted you to see this.
00:53:29I think it's going to be very interesting.
00:53:42As you can see, Javier plays with fire too.
00:53:46Son of a bitch.
00:53:49I swear I'm not the one with another woman.
00:53:52But, well.
00:53:54Let's get to our business.
00:53:55Here is the master of our recording.
00:53:59I want you to do with him whatever you want.
00:54:02Everything has a price.
00:54:05In return, I want us to make love again.
00:54:17Get out of my house! Get out of my house!
00:54:19Calm down. Calm down, Laura, please.
00:54:21What are you going to do? Calm down.
00:54:23What are you going to do? Kill me?
00:54:25Do you want to kill me?
00:54:27Go ahead. Kill me.
00:54:30Killing is not easy.
00:54:32At least not the first time.
00:54:37Get naked.
00:54:39Please, no.
00:54:41Get naked!
00:54:44And you will enjoy as you did Valencia.
00:54:46Don't lie to me.
00:54:49She doesn't like this game.
00:54:55Take off your panties.
00:54:57No, please.
00:54:58Take off your panties!
00:55:59Juan, the cake is here.
00:56:01Cake, my love.
00:56:02Let's see, guys, the cake.
00:56:06Blow on it.
00:56:08Not yet.
00:56:09Wait, you have to strengthen the moment.
00:56:11Now, son.
00:56:12Whenever you want.
00:56:14Ten years are not fulfilled every day.
00:56:59They haven't arrived yet.
00:57:01The man called a while ago to say he was at the club.
00:57:04He'll be here around nine.
00:57:05Thank you.
00:57:06Can I go get changed?
00:57:09Thank you, ma'am.
00:57:21Thank you.
00:57:42Yes, ma'am?
00:57:44Who brought this?
00:57:46I don't know.
00:57:47He hasn't come all afternoon.
00:57:49I don't know.
00:57:50Who could have brought it?
00:57:51Maybe they gave it to the gardener while I was at the supermarket.
00:57:55But while I was here, no one has come.
00:57:58Okay, leave it there.
00:58:00Can I go?
00:58:04Good night, sister.
00:58:18Do you see how close I can be to you?
00:58:21Don't hang up on me again like you did the other time.
00:58:24Or you'll force me to do something so you'll take me seriously.
00:58:27All I want is to fuck you now.
00:58:30Good night.
00:58:58She's a little high.
00:59:02Are you taking the medicines I left you?
00:59:04Yes, ma'am, of course.
00:59:05Well, do you want to stay here for a little while?
00:59:07In five minutes I'll take it again.
00:59:08Maybe I got nervous.
00:59:15Come in.
00:59:17Dr. Palacios, Dr. Zamudio wants you to come down urgently.
00:59:21A patient has come who has repeated your name several times.
00:59:26It's someone from my family, isn't it?
00:59:28I don't know, he didn't specify it.
00:59:29It's serious.
00:59:30He wants you to come down.
00:59:34I called you because he has repeated your name several times.
00:59:38This is the ICU.
00:59:40Number three.
00:59:44I called you because he has repeated your name several times.
00:59:48This is the ICU.
00:59:50Number three.
01:00:14I'm Laura Palacios.
01:00:16Why did you want to see me?
01:00:20The moon.
01:00:24The moon.
01:00:27I hope we meet again.
01:00:31Who did this to you?
01:00:38Don't worry, you're going to be fine.
01:00:40Don't worry.
01:00:49How is he?
01:00:51If he's alive, it's only by a miracle.
01:00:54In addition to the beating, he already has a series of deep cuts
01:00:58in specific places of his body.
01:01:00That has caused him to lose a lot of blood.
01:01:02I don't know, the aggressor.
01:01:04I don't know, the aggressor.
01:01:06It's like he had surgery knowledge
01:01:08because he didn't want to kill her quickly,
01:01:10but he was bleeding slowly.
01:01:14Do you know her?
01:01:35And we were the children in place.
01:01:40Where old dollars come to me, I like leave.
01:01:44Like your friends with you.
01:01:46Same to pass the day, your day.
01:01:52And the son of a bitch sings well, huh?
01:01:54Ana, that guy is a dangerous psychopath.
01:01:57He got into my consultation, he got into my house
01:01:59and you saw how he tortured that poor woman.
01:02:01And what are you going to do?
01:02:02Let him rape you whenever he wants?
01:02:04You can't allow it, Laura.
01:02:06Look, this kind of sick person is never satisfied.
01:02:09He's going to want more and more.
01:02:10Yes, stop, stop.
01:02:11I'm going to the police.
01:02:14Don't you think you should tell Javier first?
01:02:16Are you crazy?
01:02:18It would be worse.
01:02:19Listen to me, Laura.
01:02:21The police can't do much in these cases.
01:02:23Until that girl declares her guilt, they won't be able to stop her.
01:02:26And to prove a rape, you had to have gone
01:02:29to a medical center on the day of the incident
01:02:31and for a gynecologist to examine it.
01:02:37And what do I do?
01:02:38I don't know.
01:02:40It's been a long time since Valencia.
01:02:44Why wait two years to follow you?
01:02:47And why this obsession with you?
01:02:49If you've done it more times with other women.
01:02:51It doesn't suit me.
01:02:54But there's something I'm sure of.
01:02:56It's serious.
01:02:57It's for you.
01:02:58And you should tell Javier.
01:03:00You're right.
01:03:02I'm going to tell Javier today.
01:03:04Tell me what that beast's name is.
01:03:06Ignacio Vigtellin.
01:03:08At least that's what he said.
01:03:10I'm going to see a friend of mine who works in the Spanish Chamber of Commerce.
01:03:13I'll control all the business that comes there.
01:03:15See if I can connect with Ignacio.
01:03:17And I'll keep the bracelet.
01:03:19I want to see if I can find any trace of his personality.
01:03:51I'm going to do everything I can to reach this guy.
01:03:53Thank you very much, Yanny.
01:03:55My friend is terrified.
01:03:56And I think he's a dangerous guy.
01:03:58I'll look at the Chamber of Commerce.
01:03:59If he's doing business, he has to be registered.
01:04:03I owe you a magic dinner.
01:04:05A magic dinner for two?
01:04:07Yanny, that happened a long time ago.
01:04:09We can always try again.
01:04:11Well, you never know.
01:04:29I haven't danced in years.
01:04:31Anyone would say that.
01:04:33I hardly go to clubs anymore.
01:04:35I'm an old woman.
01:04:37An old woman of 35 years.
01:04:38Come on.
01:04:39I'm going to the bathroom.
01:04:40I am an old woman.
01:04:41As soon as I drink something, I ask for a drink.
01:04:44What do you want to drink?
01:04:45A J.B. Con Agua.
01:04:48A J.B. Con Agua and a Gin Tonic Babyfeeder, please.
01:04:50I'll bring the guy.
01:04:58May I invite you?
01:05:00Thank you very much, but I'm with a friend.
01:05:03I know.
01:05:04I would love to invite you both.
01:05:06If you don't mind.
01:05:10I'm a good person, aren't I?
01:05:13My name is Jose.
01:05:14I'm Sandra.
01:05:15Nice to meet you.
01:05:17Maria, can I leave you alone for a minute?
01:05:22Look, Jose.
01:05:23She's my friend, Ana.
01:05:24Hi, how are you?
01:05:25Nice to meet you.
01:05:27Well, Ana, I told your friend that I would like to invite you to drink something.
01:05:30As long as you are in the company of a sanitary.
01:05:32No problem for me.
01:05:34Well, for me neither.
01:05:37Well, good luck.
01:05:39Do you believe in rejection?
01:05:46I couldn't hide it from you for longer.
01:05:48I know this can hurt us a lot, but...
01:05:50Why didn't you tell me you were here?
01:05:52That I had come home with gifts for my son.
01:05:54Well, I don't know.
01:05:55I know I had to tell you, but...
01:05:57But I thought he would leave.
01:05:58That he would disappear again.
01:06:00Are you sure?
01:06:01What happened? How do you tell me?
01:06:04I'm telling you the truth.
01:06:07Now, if you don't believe me...
01:06:09The best thing I can do is leave.
01:06:11Laura, I saw how you looked at him.
01:06:12How you laughed together.
01:06:13Look, I'm not going to take anything out on you.
01:06:15Because I know that bastard set us up very well.
01:06:19But I want you to know that I have never been unfaithful to you.
01:06:23And I have always respected you.
01:06:26I don't know if you can say the same.
01:06:32I'm going to prepare my things.
01:06:40I believe you.
01:06:42There's something I want to tell you.
01:06:47It's over.
01:06:53It's over.
01:07:16The girl is better.
01:07:19But in his statement he doesn't talk about any Ignacio.
01:07:22He only said that two men attacked her in a park.
01:07:25But it can't be. She told me herself.
01:07:27Maybe she's right and doesn't speak for fear.
01:07:30In his statement he has fallen into several contradictions.
01:07:34But no judge would give us an order to stop this subject with those clues.
01:07:39But they will have to do something.
01:07:40This situation cannot continue.
01:07:42Yes, of course we are going to do something.
01:07:44First we will try to get him to know that he is under surveillance.
01:07:48Normally this is enough and they don't commit any of these acts again.
01:07:53But I don't want to deceive them.
01:07:55With what we have we can't do much more.
01:07:59Sign the report, please.
01:08:08The police won't do anything.
01:08:10We will have to locate him and fix this problem ourselves.
01:08:13I don't even know where he lives.
01:08:15He will contact you. I'm sure of that.
01:08:18You have to meet him somewhere.
01:08:20And I will be the one to meet him.
01:08:22I don't know, Javier. I'm afraid.
01:08:24I'm afraid he will do something to you or Juan. I don't want that.
01:08:27Look, there she is, Sandra.
01:08:29Good morning.
01:08:30Don't tell her anything. We don't want to waste these days.
01:08:34Hi. Sorry for the delay.
01:08:36But yesterday I went out with Ana and I got up very late.
01:08:40Yes, Ana already told us.
01:08:42And I think you told her, didn't you?
01:08:44The truth is that I met a wonderful man.
01:08:46He's handsome, smart...
01:08:48Be careful and go slowly.
01:08:50Leave her alone, let her enjoy.
01:08:52I bet he's a charming guy.
01:08:54The truth is that... I don't know.
01:08:56He's different.
01:08:57This looks like love.
01:08:59Come on, let's order food.
01:09:01Because you must be hungry, right?
01:09:03Of course.
01:09:09Nobody knows me.
01:09:11At least there is no commercial transaction
01:09:13registered with the name of Ignacio Aris.
01:09:15Can it be with another name?
01:09:16It could be.
01:09:17Or be in the country traveling with his real name
01:09:19and not make any transaction.
01:09:22Can I be here alone for the time being?
01:09:24It could be.
01:09:25Anyway, I'll meet my friend the police tomorrow
01:09:27and I'll have all the details.
01:09:29So tell your friend to stay calm,
01:09:31that we will find him.
01:09:32Thank you, Javier.
01:09:33You're welcome.
01:09:35You can count on me for anything.
01:09:38Thank you.
01:09:40Ciao, Linda.
01:10:10Thank you.
01:10:13Do you like the patient I sent you?
01:10:15I guess she told you my message.
01:10:17Ignacio, it has to end.
01:10:19I don't understand why you're obsessed with me,
01:10:21but I need us to talk and end this, please.
01:10:24Now you want us to talk?
01:10:28How much pain would you have avoided, poor Luna?
01:10:31She left without saying a word.
01:10:34But well, let's talk.
01:10:35Will you take me to your house?
01:10:37It will take two hours to get there.
01:10:39I can't.
01:10:40I have an operation at the hospital.
01:10:47In the parking lot of Plaza Peru.
01:10:49In a parking lot?
01:10:52Maybe your husband wants to see me.
01:10:54No, I didn't tell him anything, Javier.
01:10:56At eight.
01:10:58I'll take you to a place I know well.
01:11:01Laura, I don't like surprises.
01:11:04You've seen what I can do to people who mistreat me.
01:11:30What will he do?
01:11:31Will he go with a Superman cape?
01:11:33Laura, don't be stupid.
01:11:34The first thing Ignacio would do
01:11:36if he didn't break Javier's face before
01:11:37would be to report you,
01:11:38showing the room you're in together.
01:11:40What do you want me to do?
01:11:41Do you want me to cross my arms and open my legs
01:11:43every time that son of a bitch...
01:11:45Listen to me.
01:11:47No one is going to cross their arms.
01:11:49But these things are done differently.
01:11:54What are you going to do?
01:11:56Well, look,
01:11:57you have to have friends even in hell.
01:12:34Ignacio, this has to end.
01:12:36I've been talking to a psychologist friend
01:12:38and I think she can help you.
01:12:42She thinks you have a problem,
01:12:44but it can be solved.
01:12:46Maybe if you talk to her or someone else.
01:12:49My friend is an expert in psychology and...
01:12:54Do you know what I'm thinking?
01:12:58I hear all those things you tell me
01:13:00and I don't know.
01:13:02The only thing I can think of
01:13:04is to fuck you.
01:13:07I try to listen to you.
01:13:12I hear all that shit you're telling me.
01:13:15The only thing I think is to fuck you
01:13:17the way you like it the most.
01:13:32Why don't you come with us, man?
01:13:34Relax, guys.
01:13:35There's a misunderstanding here.
01:13:36I don't know what happened to your aunt with me.
01:13:38Oh, yeah?
01:13:53I'm going to let him go.
01:13:55But you don't know me.
01:13:56Do we have a deal?
01:14:06Have you gone mad?
01:14:08This is a crime.
01:14:09What if they kill him?
01:14:12There will be an investigation and you'll end up in jail.
01:14:14And Javier?
01:14:15Not Javier or Leches.
01:14:17This can be very dangerous.
01:14:19They're professionals.
01:14:20And it's already done, so calm down.
01:14:22Calm down?
01:14:24You're crazier than any of your patients.
01:14:26And you?
01:14:27Tell me what you were going to do, Javier.
01:14:29Talk to him in a civilized way?
01:14:31Then you shake hands and everyone else too, right?
01:14:33Look, he's a very aggressive guy.
01:14:35Don't be so naive.
01:14:36We've only done the best for everyone.
01:14:38Look, Ana...
01:14:39Stop it. This discussion is absurd.
01:14:44I'm going.
01:15:07Well, this is normalized.
01:15:11Laura, I don't want you to be alone at any time.
01:15:14Do you hear me?
01:15:15Javier is right.
01:15:16You have to cheer up.
01:15:17Besides, I don't think that son of a bitch will dare to get close again.
01:15:20He knows he's not alone.
01:15:21He knows we're all on your side.
01:15:23You have to try to forget him.
01:15:27I'm going to have a dinner at home tomorrow.
01:15:29It's going to be something very intimate.
01:15:30Jani, Sandra and this new boyfriend are coming.
01:15:32He's so happy.
01:15:34Why don't you cheer us up?
01:15:35Thank you, Ana, but I need to get out of here.
01:15:37I was thinking about spending the weekend at my mom's house.
01:15:41The sea relaxes me.
01:15:42Okay, we'll go out tomorrow afternoon, as soon as I get off work.
01:15:45I'd rather go out early.
01:15:46I'll take Juan and we'll wait for you there, okay?
01:15:48No, I'd rather we go together.
01:15:49I'll call the office and make any excuse.
01:15:51It's not necessary.
01:15:52I'll take my cell phone and if I see someone following me, I'll call the police.
01:15:59Okay, but call me as soon as you get there.
01:16:56Come in.
01:17:02Hi, Javier.
01:17:09Before you keep copying me, give me a minute.
01:17:11I know I've been bad to you.
01:17:13That's why I want to fix it.
01:17:14But you have to talk to your wife.
01:17:16This has to end.
01:17:17What are you trying to tell me?
01:17:18I've tried a thousand times to tell her that our story is over.
01:17:21But she doesn't want to understand it.
01:17:22She has reached the point of hiring three thugs, Javier.
01:17:25Please, you have to help her.
01:17:27You're a son of a bitch.
01:17:29Stop making up more shit about my wife.
01:17:31I know the truth.
01:17:32The truth?
01:17:33You're naive.
01:17:35I didn't want this to end like this.
01:17:38Here's the truth.
01:17:50Don't come near my family again or I swear I'll kill you.
01:18:03Don't come near my family again or I'll kill you.
01:18:36Here you go.
01:18:37Eat something so your light shines.
01:18:42That's great, my boy.
01:18:44I see you ate it all.
01:18:46It was delicious, Grandma.
01:18:48Do you want dessert?
01:18:49Your favorite dessert, my little boy.
01:18:52Look, Mom.
01:18:54Lemon pie.
01:18:56You're so lucky, my son.
01:19:06I didn't think you'd call so soon.
01:19:08What time are you arriving?
01:19:12Yes, of course we can talk.
01:19:16Did something happen, Javier?
01:19:21I'll be here.
01:19:25Laura, is there a problem, my love?
01:19:28No, Mom.
01:19:29I'm going to get some air.
01:19:57Hi, Jani.
01:19:58Hi, beautiful.
01:19:59How are you?
01:20:04We got it.
01:20:05You're my hero.
01:20:06You know it.
01:20:07I'd rather be your lover, but if I'm only available in the hero's square, I'll have to settle for it.
01:20:13Hold on, this guy is careful.
01:20:15What did he do?
01:20:16A little bit of everything.
01:20:17I brought you a complete report.
01:20:19Hey, you must be Sandra.
01:20:20Go get yourself a drink, okay?
01:20:22You'll show me this later.
01:21:01I still can't believe you didn't choose him.
01:21:03Do you know what cojer means in some countries?
01:21:06It's Sandrita, right?
01:21:09By the way, José, Sandra told me you sing very well, so we're going to have to sing something today.
01:21:14Oh, yes.
01:21:15But I think we're going to leave it for another day because there's no guitar.
01:21:17Oh, no, don't trust you. There's everything in this house.
01:21:21Don't look at me, it's not my fault.
01:21:27It's okay, I don't think I have a way out.
01:21:33The world of darkness in your fly, you land here in my mind
01:21:43And you're troubling of my dreams
01:21:48You are walking along the street and you drink the water of the sea
01:21:54And the world of children plays
01:21:57The world of darkness
01:22:02Why don't you come to me
01:22:08Bird of darkness
01:22:13I can't tell you goodbye
01:22:18Sandra, honey, can you help me with closing these shelves?
01:22:21Yes, of course.
01:22:24Women, they always have things to do, right?
01:22:27A question like that is a medical report, right?
01:22:29It can't be that Ana is sick.
01:22:30No, no, not at all.
01:22:31It's a report that she asked me about a guy who is harassing a friend of hers.
01:22:36A son of a bitch, be careful.
01:22:38Oh, and can you tell me his name?
01:22:40It's not going to be a thing that I find here.
01:22:42Ignacio Aristegui.
01:22:45I'm going to make another drink, do you want one?
01:22:46Okay, thanks.
01:22:50Do you know if that person is still in Santiago?
01:22:52Well, it seems so, but with this report, it is most likely that they will catch him soon.
01:22:56I don't know, but you're going to tell me.
01:23:00I can't believe it.
01:23:01Well, believe it, Sandra.
01:23:02It's the insurance.
01:23:03Yes, yes, please.
01:23:05Paseo de las Acacias, number 21.
01:23:07Come quickly, please.
01:23:10Is there a problem?
01:23:11No, I was trying to call Lauro because ...
01:23:13You're lying.
01:23:14José, why?
01:23:15Shh, shh, shh.
01:23:16To the living room and fast.
01:23:23Son of a bitch!
01:23:26José, please!
01:23:27Don't scream, my love, don't scream.
01:23:29The police are coming.
01:23:30They are on their way.
01:23:31So get out now if you can!
01:23:33I believe you, I believe you, I believe you.
01:23:34And I'm going to go quickly, but I'm not going to go alone.
01:23:36The three of us are going to go.
01:23:38Come on, ladies.
01:23:59Why didn't you pick up?
01:24:01I don't know, Javier, I'm nervous, I'm worried.
01:24:04What was so serious that you had to talk to me?
01:24:07Ignacio came to see me.
01:24:10He cut me off.
01:24:11I knew it.
01:24:13I knew that tape was a set-up, my love.
01:24:15You have to believe me.
01:24:16He raped me, I promise you.
01:24:18Look, Laura, we have to talk.
01:24:21We have to talk.
01:24:23We have to talk.
01:24:24Look, Laura, we have to talk.
01:24:28I'm not okay.
01:24:30I don't know what to think.
01:24:45My God.
01:24:47My God.
01:24:48Come on, come on, come on.
01:24:54What happened?
01:25:24Shh, shh, shh, shh, shh.
01:25:54No, no, don't worry.
01:25:55It's a sedative to keep you calm.
01:25:58I guess you want to know what I'm going to do to you, right?
01:26:02First, I'm going to tell you the story of my teacher,
01:26:05Matarife de Fuentes Lavra.
01:26:08Every winter, he would come down to the village to slaughter the pigs.
01:26:13At first, I hated him.
01:26:15The screams of the animals got into my head
01:26:18and made me see strange, cruel things.
01:26:22But then,
01:26:24with time,
01:26:26we became friends.
01:26:29And with time, he taught me all his arts.
01:26:35I learned to use the knife with more mastery,
01:26:37even than he did.
01:26:40And I managed to sacrifice
01:26:42the animals without them making a single scream.
01:26:47I overcame it.
01:26:51You know,
01:26:54the body of mammals,
01:26:56pigs, humans,
01:26:59has five special points.
01:27:07You see, if you open those five points
01:27:10with a small and deep cut,
01:27:12the animal will bleed
01:27:16and without screaming.
01:27:18It can last for hours.
01:27:21But don't worry,
01:27:23because it won't hurt you.
01:27:51Good night.
01:28:09Mr. Palacios.
01:28:15Good evening.
01:28:17I'm Dr. Esteves, Chief of Emergency at the hospital.
01:28:20Your husband has a severe concussion.
01:28:23Three broken ribs and a fractured leg.
01:28:26At this moment, his vital signs are stable.
01:28:29In my opinion,
01:28:30and keeping them in reserve,
01:28:32I would dare to say
01:28:34that his condition is much less serious
01:28:36than I thought at first.
01:28:38Thank you.
01:28:40Thank you, doctor.
01:28:42He is sedated at the moment,
01:28:44but if you want to see him,
01:28:46you can wait a few minutes.
01:28:47After that,
01:28:48I recommend that you go home and rest.
01:28:51We will call you
01:28:52if there is any emergency.
01:28:54Thank you, doctor.
01:28:56I'm going to see him.
01:29:02This will give the recording
01:29:03an intense red touch.
01:29:07You will be fantastic.
01:29:18I love you so much.
01:29:27I don't understand you.
01:29:31I love you and I don't understand anything.
01:29:47I love you.
01:30:05This is incredible.
01:30:07Now, when I'm inside you,
01:30:09the blood pressure will rise
01:30:11and those little drops of blood
01:30:13will be bigger and bigger.
01:30:15I think you're going to get sick.
01:30:45I love you.
01:31:15I love you.
01:31:31No, I'm Jose, his new girlfriend.
01:31:36Where is Sandra? What did you do to her?
01:31:38She's here with me
01:31:40and Ana, your friend too.
01:31:42Do you want to talk to them?
01:31:43Where are they?
01:31:44Tell me, you son of a bitch!
01:31:48Look at your phone.
01:32:14I love you.
01:32:44I love you.
01:32:50You should have given me your son's address
01:32:52when I asked you.
01:32:53I asked you, please.
01:32:54What are you going to do to me?
01:33:02This liquid
01:33:03will hold your heart
01:33:07and rest forever.
01:33:27There you go, you deserve it.
01:34:12Calm down.
01:34:13I'll get you out of here.
01:35:07Where are you, Laura?
01:35:29Captain, can you hear me?
01:35:30They're going to kill me.
01:35:31Please come.
01:35:33They're going to kill me.
01:35:34Captain, please give me your address.
01:35:36Rodeo Avenue.
01:35:38I'm dying.
01:35:55Passado dos años pensando en ti
01:35:57No, un día que no te maldice y pensar a volver a verte para destruir tu vida como hiciste tú con la mía en valencia
01:36:07Porque dos años
01:36:12Porque ese tiempo que estuvo en la cárcel alguien
01:36:16Andó la policía una cinta de una de mis chicas
01:36:20Por ese motivo vas a morir desangrándote lentamente como si fueras un cerdo
01:36:27Despídete de la vida Laura
01:38:05Drink about a mover me pero
01:38:08pero cuando forzaron la puerta entraron
01:38:11luego de la luz el uniforme
01:38:15Pero si que perdió el conocimiento por un minuto por lo menos dijo la policía que me ayudó
01:38:22Su cuñada ya está fuera de peligro y el agresor está en el hospital bajo vigilancia
01:38:31De algo
01:38:33De acuerdo
01:38:36Su madre y su hijo están afuera esperando
01:38:39Supongo que tiene ganas de verlos