Morgan Stanley dan HSBC, Turunkan Peringkat Saham Indonesia

  • 3 months ago
HSBC Holdings Plc menurunkan peringkat saham Indonesia menjadi netral dari sebelumnya overweight pada Rabu (26/6/2024).

Melansir dari Bloomberg, HSBC mengatakan penurunan peringkat ini merupakan imbas suku bunga yang tinggi dan nilai tukar rupiah yang lemah. Sementara, terdapat ketidakpastian seputar kebijakan pemerintah di tengah potensi perubahan kabinet dalam waktu dekat.


00:00We are still in IDX closing session. Thank you for joining us.
00:05Next, we will invite you to talk about the election topic that has been collected by our team.
00:11In June, two global financial services companies that are facing each other
00:16downgraded the level of capital market investment in Indonesia.
00:19Early last week, Morgan Stanley lowered the level of capital market investment in Indonesia to underweight.
00:25Now, the HBSE Holding PLC also lowered the level of capital market investment in Indonesia from overweight to neutral.
00:35The level of capital market investment in Indonesia was lowered by Morgan Stanley to underweight since early last week.
00:42Morgan Stanley is a giant investment bank and financial services provider that has an office in New York.
00:48Morgan Stanley himself is the president of the world's largest bank, J.P. Morgan.
00:53At present, Morgan Stanley has become one of the largest and most influential investment banks in the world.
01:01Along with the decrease in the level of capital market investment in Indonesia, IHSG continues to weaken along with foreign net sales.
01:08Morgan Stanley asked, now the HSBC Holdings PLC also undermines the rating of Indonesian stocks.
01:15The financial services company lowered the level of Indonesia's equity to neutral from previously overweight.
01:21The reason for the decrease in the level of capital market investment in Indonesia is the still high interest rate and weak exchange rate.
01:28Morgan Stanley also talked about the future fiscal policy, one of which is the free lunch and milk program promised by the elected president, Prabowo Subianto.
01:38This is considered to have the potential to significantly burden the country's finances.
01:44HSBC said that the share price index has dropped more than 7% from its highest level.
01:49The release of foreign funds also made IHSG so stressed.
01:53Even today, in the midst of that sentiment, IHSG Kamis is still moving to continue to strengthen the rise of yesterday's share price above the level of 6,950.
02:03Strengthening is also back on the shoulders of big caps stocks, especially banks such as BBRI, BMRI, BBCA, and BBNI,
02:10which are each moving to strengthen between 2% to 3% in the trading session for one day.
02:15How about the projection of domestic stock market resistance when downgraded by the two financial services companies?
