When I Gave My Sister's Bra to a Broke Girl Who Couldn't Afford One…

  • 3 months ago
When I Gave My Sister's Bra to a Broke Girl Who Couldn't Afford One…
Japanese Manga in English
Manga video to learn English


00:00So, it's just the entrance ceremony and homeroom today, huh?
00:04I'm Taku Kimura. This spring, I became a high school student,
00:08but ended up in a different class from my middle school buddies, Otakuda and Charao.
00:13Guess we can head home together.
00:16Hey, that girl!
00:18Huh? You remember her from middle school, right?
00:22Yeah, seriously. It's kinda sad.
00:26Yeah, Aoki Hana, was it?
00:29During the introduction, she was all hunched up. Totally caught my eye.
00:33She's giving that vibe. Can't just leave her like that.
00:39Can you come here for a sec?
00:42Hey, Taku! Where are you going?
00:45I thought we were gonna head home together!
00:47Sorry, but today I can't. Catch y'all tomorrow!
00:52Guess we're good here.
00:55My bad, dragging you here all of a sudden.
00:58Caught wind of all sorts of chatter earlier.
01:01Oh... so like...
01:04Dealing with rumors is such a hassle, isn't it?
01:07Truth is, I've been through the same kind of thing.
01:10Thanks for helping me out. Appreciate it.
01:13Really? That's good to hear.
01:15Could've fired back right then, you know.
01:18But causing a scene on day one, maybe not so cool.
01:21So, ended up this way. Sorry about that.
01:24So, about that. What's the deal?
01:27They were just speaking their mind, but...
01:29I come from a single-parent family.
01:32My dad raised me so hard by himself, but...
01:36A year ago, his business went under.
01:39He's off working hard to pay off debt.
01:42So now I'm living alone, but...
01:44Living on your own?
01:46Not too long ago, my aunt was looking after me.
01:49Using the uniform she handed down to me,
01:52She went to the same high school, so it was a sweet deal.
01:55But... a few months back, my aunt got sick...
01:59And ended up in the hospital.
02:01Since then, it's been monthly allowance life.
02:06But... but...
02:08My body kinda...
02:10You know...
02:12G-grew a lot.
02:14All the undies I used to wear...
02:17They don't fit no more.
02:20Ah, well, so like...
02:22Get some new ones.
02:24Undies ain't cheap!
02:26And it feels off spending my dad's hard-earned money just on myself.
02:30I see.
02:32Alright, gotcha!
02:34Uh, huh?
02:35See, people always say I'm all about throwing around little kindnesses.
02:39So, I'm gonna do that to you too.
02:42So like, that's why...
02:44Come over to my place! It's super close!
02:46And with that, I took Hana back home.
02:49I'm home!
02:50Hey, little bro! How'd your first day go?
02:53Sis, I already told you, don't hug me suddenly.
02:57Tch, don't be a buzzkill.
03:00Sisters gotta smother their brother, right?
03:05Sorry to intrude.
03:07Nice to meet ya!
03:09I'm his sister. Just call me Sis if you want.
03:12Nice to meet you. I'm Hana Aoki.
03:16Hana, huh?
03:18Aw, you're super cute!
03:20So like, where do you live?
03:22Give me your number. And oh, you want Tokisuta? DM me!
03:26Uh, um...
03:30My bad.
03:32When I see a cute kid, I just can't help but get all excited.
03:36Nah, it's all good.
03:38But like, hey, Sis.
03:40Got an issue to discuss about her.
03:42After that, I broke down what happened at school today and explained to her about Hana.
03:48I see.
03:50So that's why the uniform's been around the block.
03:53I'll pass you my old uniform.
03:55It's just a couple years back, so it's gotta still look good.
03:59Oh, no, but that's...
04:02It's all good.
04:04Kids gotta know how to lean in when they need to.
04:07Oh, and Hana? About undies?
04:10They're like, seriously important for protecting a lady's assets.
04:15So like, not wearing them?
04:17Not really the move, no matter the situation.
04:22So like, here's the deal.
04:25How about I gift you some undies?
04:29But I can't let you.
04:32Oh, it's fine. I'm a designer, you know.
04:35Been dabbling in undies a lot lately.
04:38So thanks to that, got a bunch of new ones lying around.
04:42So come on. Let's find you the perfect fit.
04:46Thank you!
04:47Um, I'm gonna head out.
04:50Hold up! I, um, feel kinda uneasy.
04:54Be cool if you stuck around.
04:56Oh, uh, well then.
05:00An E-75. Right.
05:03It's not that easy to find that size.
05:08E... Wait, what comes after A, B, C...
05:12What am I even counting?
05:14So, Hana, this one's for you.
05:17It's cute!
05:19But like, this must be pricey.
05:23No worries.
05:25I wanna give you this, so don't worry about it.
05:28Now put it on.
05:29Oops, my bad. Gotta call.
05:32Catch you later. I'm going.
05:34You got this, little bro.
05:37Um, Taku?
05:39Oh, sorry. If you're gonna try it on, I'll go.
05:43Can you help?
05:45What? My bad. Thought I heard voices. Can you repeat that?
05:49Could you help me put on these?
05:52Sorry, that's a bit too much to ask.
05:55Hold up. I'll let you reconsider your own statement.
06:00Why you gotta make that look like you have no clue?
06:03But, like, this... the design is so out there.
06:08Putting it on seems kinda tough.
06:11Don't worry. You got this. You can do it. I'm useless in this department.
06:15Got it. Gonna give it a shot.
06:18And so, I ended up waiting in the living room.
06:21A few minutes later.
06:23Thanks for waiting. This feels super comfy.
06:27Oh, she looks so happy.
06:29And my chest looks a bit smaller.
06:35Yeah, I always felt like people were staring at me.
06:39Made me feel inferior.
06:41When they measured my size, I told your sister that I want to make it smaller, so it's kinda awesome.
06:49Um, Taku? Seriously, thank you.
06:53Hey, come on. We're classmates, you know? It's nothing.
06:57Yeah, thanks.
06:59Phew, she's smiling.
07:01Taking that leap and striking up a conversation was a good call.
07:05The next day.
07:07So, um, this is a thanks from yesterday.
07:10Made it cause I wanted you to enjoy it.
07:13Looks tasty. Appreciate it. But what about yours?
07:17Uh, uh, well...
07:20Then let's split it, half and half. It'll taste better if we both have some.
07:25Guess you really are a kind person, Taku.
07:28Thought so yesterday, too. Kinda like a hero or something.
07:33First time I've been called that. Feels good to be recognized, for sure.
07:38Alright, let me feed you. Here comes the airplane.
07:42Hey, come on. I can handle feeding myself.
07:45Nope. It's a thank you, so deal with it.
07:49Few days later. Thanks, Hana, for helping me carry this.
07:53No worries. It's all good.
07:56I seriously owe you one, Taku.
07:59If you hadn't talked to me back then, I would've...
08:03Hey, Hana, watch out!
08:06S-sorry. My bad.
08:10As long as you're not hurt, Hana, it's all good, but...
08:15Um, this position's kinda, you know, embarrassing or something like that.
08:21Oh my god! I'm sorry!
08:26I, like, always trip over air or something.
08:30Just be more careful next time, alright?
08:33Gonna make it up to you, for sure!
08:36From then on, Hana helped me out with all sorts of stuff in return.
08:40But it seems like she's pretty laid back, often ends up messing things up when she tries,
08:45and her apologies every time start seeming kinda cute after a while.
08:49Then one day, we got close enough to walk home together.
08:56Hana, is something wrong?
08:58Huh? Oh, um, no, it's nothing.
09:02Hana seems super jittery today.
09:05Hmm, I see.
09:07Taku, we gotta go, so let's go, charo.
09:11Hey, wait! But I was with Hana!
09:14Yeah, yeah, you gotta read the room, man.
09:17Oh, hey, Hana!
09:19What was that all about?
09:22Taku, um, could you, like, stick around for a bit?
09:28Sure thing, but where to?
09:31This way.
09:34Whoa, it's so beautiful!
09:36This place holds memories for me.
09:39My dad told me to bring someone truly important here someday.
09:43Wait, does that mean...
09:45Seriously, you've been a lifesaver, Taku.
09:49No need to sweat it.
09:51I just kinda projected myself onto you, that's all.
09:55What do you mean?
09:57My sis has always been a superstar, you know?
09:59I've always been compared to her.
10:01Got my fair share of gossip and rumors, so helping you out back then was kinda about that.
10:09The thing is, I love fashion like my sis, was aiming for a designing career too, but I ended up giving up.
10:15Felt like I was constantly shown the gap in our talents.
10:19Hard work can beat talent.
10:23Don't sell yourself short!
10:25Sure, talent might play a part in having a good eye or something,
10:29but when it comes to technical stuff, there's so much you can cover with skill.
10:33If you love it, don't give up!
10:35I'll support you, Taku, and I'll be right by your side!
10:39Hana, thanks.
10:41I guess giving up just because I lack talent isn't right.
10:45If she's this supportive, maybe I should give it my all.
10:49Pushed forward by those words, I began to chase the dream I had abandoned.
10:53I started studying design and practicing.
10:55And it wasn't just me who changed, Hana changed too.
10:59She gradually became brighter, seemed like she even made some new friends.
11:03I often saw her talking with the cheerful Ran from our class.
11:07Is she heading home with Ran today?
11:09They've been hanging out a lot lately.
11:11Guess I don't really need to worry anymore.
11:13Girls having fun together is probably better anyway.
11:17Just guys today.
11:19Wait, Otakura and Charo had stuff to do too.
11:21Feeling kinda lonely for some reason.
11:27Hey, Taku!
11:29It's so mean of you to try and leave me!
11:31I thought you were walking home with Ran.
11:33With Ran?
11:35Nope, I'm walking home with you again.
11:37Come on, Taku.
11:39Let's walk together.
11:41Yeah, now I know.
11:43I guess I really want to spend more time with Hana.
11:45If that's the case, what can I do?
11:47Just getting acknowledged can't be the end goal.
11:51I want to grow too.
11:53Well said, Taku.
11:55Whoa, sis!
11:57What's with the sudden...
11:59I thought I'd introduce you to something interesting
12:01since you've been putting in effort lately.
12:03This... a contest?
12:07It's a clothing design contest
12:09sponsored by our company.
12:11We can have as many assistants as we want.
12:13I'll be a judge, but no family favors.
12:15Got it?
12:17If you want to grow, take the challenge.
12:19Go for it, Taku.
12:21Thanks, sis.
12:23A design contest, huh?
12:25Then I want to create clothes
12:27that make people with insecurities smile.
12:29Clothes that'll keep Hana smiling always.
12:31If that's decided,
12:33I need opinions from various people,
12:35so I decided to approach
12:37different people for their input.
12:39Hey, I'm pretty good at sewing
12:41since I've been thrift shopping.
12:43I'll take care of making prototypes.
12:45I've been gathering opinions from girls too.
12:47And of course, Hana,
12:49you'll be the model,
12:51and I'll do the fitting.
12:53Thanks, Ran. You're a lifesaver.
12:55I'll make sure to gather opinions
12:57from girls too.
12:59I'll ask Guzami right away.
13:01So, today you're gonna work with me
13:03part-time, right? Let's go.
13:05Hey, wait. Otaku!
13:07I'm not an otaku.
13:09I'm Otaku Dot.
13:11Taku, I'll be giving my full support
13:13from tomorrow.
13:15Thanks. Counting on you.
13:17And so, my days for the contest preparation
13:19began. During breaks,
13:21we'd discuss based on research.
13:23And after school, we'd start working
13:25at my place. With everyone's help,
13:27the days of hard work continued.
13:29The day of the contest arrived.
13:31Still have some time before
13:33it starts. I've sorted out the
13:35design concept well, and I'm satisfied
13:37with what I've created.
13:39Now all that's left is to present it with confidence.
13:45Hey, um, are you alright?
13:51She's unconscious! What should I do?
13:53Even if I help her here, I might not have
13:55enough time. But I don't want to
13:57become the kind of person who abandons someone
13:59in need. Sorry, guys!
14:01Afterwards, I called
14:03an ambulance. I stayed with her until
14:05we reached the hospital, where I was told
14:07her life wasn't in danger.
14:09And then, I hurried to the contest venue.
14:15Hana... Guess I didn't make it
14:17in time for the contest after all.
14:19I heard about it.
14:21Got surprised, and then...
14:25It's fine, really.
14:27Sorry, Hana! You helped me out, and I...
14:31No need to apologize. Taku,
14:33you're kinder and more heroic
14:35than anyone you know.
14:37And so,
14:39my attempt ended without even
14:41making it to the stage.
14:43A few days later, Hana and I were called
14:45to my sister's company.
14:47I wonder what this is about.
14:49No clue. They told us to bring the design
14:51from the contest, but...
14:53But really, I wonder why. I have no idea.
14:55Uh... Yeah,
14:59Hello, I'm...
15:01Oh, you're...
15:03Sorry for calling you here.
15:05Thanks for helping out the other day.
15:07Huh? What's going on?
15:09This person, she's the woman I helped
15:11What? Really?
15:13I heard from Hana the reason
15:15why you weren't able to participate.
15:17When she explained what happened that day,
15:19it turned out the woman you saved was...
15:21our company president.
15:23Knowing you're her brother,
15:25I wanted to meet you
15:27to express my gratitude as well.
15:29After hearing that you couldn't
15:31join the contest because of me,
15:33would you mind showing me the design
15:35you came up with?
15:37Hmm, I see.
15:39Clothes that even people who feel
15:41inferior to others can enjoy.
15:43Impressive. You're really thinking
15:45about the people who will wear them.
15:47Is there someone close to you
15:49whom you want to see wearing them?
15:51Well, that's...
15:55If you cherish that feeling,
15:57you'll create something amazing.
15:59Thanks for showing me.
16:01Keep doing your best.
16:03You'll definitely become a great designer.
16:05And when that time comes,
16:07I'd be delighted if you'd work with us.
16:09Thank you very much!
16:1130 minutes later.
16:15You got recognized by some big shot!
16:17Can you believe it?
16:19They said they'd be happy if you worked with them!
16:21It's all thanks to you, Hana.
16:23Because you pushed me from behind.
16:25I want to make you,
16:27my beloved, smile.
16:29Huh? Beloved?
16:31Because you said that
16:33you feel inferior to others.
16:35Ignoring that,
16:37I just want you, my beloved Hana, to smile.
16:39I... I care about you so much.
16:41Me too!
16:43I like you.
16:45I really do.
16:49Ever since the day you first saved me.
16:51Taku, I like you so much.
16:53And from now on,
16:55I want to be by your side.
16:57Of course!
16:59And so,
17:01Hana and I became a couple.
17:03Several months later,
17:05Hana's father returned safely.
17:07After hearing the whole story from my sister,
17:09he conveyed his apologies and gratitude
17:11and said they planned to spend more time together.
17:13Her aunt's health has also been
17:15gradually improving.
17:17And as for us,
17:19after that day,
17:21we worked even harder toward our dreams.
17:23Hana also pursued the path of a model,
17:25wanting to rock my designs.
17:27Though it was tough at times,
17:29we supported each other and persevered together.
17:31And a few years later,
17:33our dreams came true.
17:37Hey, what's up?
17:39Wait, is that...
17:41This is our red thread of destiny.
17:43A red underwear.
17:45Yeah, could be.
17:47Let's always be together, Taku.
17:51I'll make you happy no matter what.
17:53I love you, my adorable wife.
17:55I love you too.
