When My Cold Housekeeper Finds My Sister's Underwear She Forgot…

  • 3 months ago
When My Cold Housekeeper Finds My Sister's Underwear She Forgot…
Japanese Manga in English
Manga video to learn English


00:00I'm Sho Ito, a 22-year-old businessman.
00:04Hey Sho, came to hang.
00:07Woah, this place is a mess.
00:11If you've got complaints, don't come over.
00:14And this flashy girl is my little sis, Meg,
00:17who drops by occasionally because her college is nearby.
00:21I can't believe you leave this place dirty.
00:25I'm busy with work, you know.
00:27That's why you never get a girlfriend.
00:31Ugh, right in the feels.
00:34But Meg's got a point.
00:36Ever since I started working, it's been all work and sleep on weekends.
00:41I don't want to grow old like this.
00:43Well, if you won't, I'll help out.
00:47Huh? What's that supposed to...
00:50Oh, got a text from my boyfriend. Later!
00:53What was that about?
00:55It took me a few days to understand what Meg meant by those words.
01:01Coming! Who is it?
01:03I'm Kana Fukuda from Koiwa Housekeeping Services.
01:07Nice to meet you.
01:09I didn't ask for any.
01:11Are you sure you got the right place?
01:14Huh? You're Mr. Sho Ito, right?
01:17Yeah, that's me.
01:20Come to think of it, Meg did mention something about helping me out.
01:24Hold on a sec.
01:26I ordered housekeeping for you.
01:28I'm the best sister in the world.
01:31So, it was Meg.
01:33It'd be rude to refuse now, and having a clean house would be nice.
01:38Sorry, please help me today.
01:41Sure, no problem.
01:44She's really beautiful, but a bit unfriendly.
01:48While I was anxious about the first housekeeping service,
01:51she, Kana, did her job really efficiently.
01:55Two hours later.
01:57Whoa! The room's sparkling clean!
02:00Only had two hours, so this was all I could do.
02:04No, it's more than enough.
02:06It feels like I just only read a single manga panel.
02:10I see.
02:12I made dinner. Please enjoy.
02:15Well then.
02:16Okay, thank you so much!
02:18And then Kana left.
02:21I was starving, so I dug into the meal.
02:24So good!
02:26When was the last time someone cooked for me?
02:29This taste feels so nostalgic.
02:32A comfy room, tasty food.
02:34This is irresistible!
02:36I decided to book Kana's housekeeping service twice a week from then on.
02:41Even if she's distant, I hoped we'd eventually get along, but...
02:46Thanks, Kana, as always.
02:49Oh, no.
02:51It's just part of the job.
02:55Even after a month, her salty attitude remained unchanged.
02:59Need a topic to talk to Kana.
03:02Got it!
03:03Uh, um, Kana, how did you become so good at housekeeping?
03:08My parents both worked, so I was alone at home most of the time.
03:13Being an only child, I ended up doing the chores instead of my parents.
03:17Must have been tough.
03:19I've always relied on my parents, never did chores.
03:22It's really impressive.
03:28I'm really, like, a total mess, huh?
03:31But that's why we got work.
03:34No words for cheering me up?
03:36Does she actually hate me?
03:38Maybe I'll try to step up my housework game.
03:42Please don't, or I'll lose my job.
03:46If I can't do housework, Kana will hate me.
03:49But if I can, I won't get to see her.
03:52What do I do?
03:55Days passed without getting close to Kana at all.
03:58Then one day...
04:00Hmm? Kana seems a bit down today.
04:04Kana, are you feeling tired or something?
04:07No, not at all.
04:09Uh, Kana, can I have some coffee, please?
04:15And would you like some too, Kana?
04:18But I'm working.
04:20I just want you to chat with me, is that okay?
04:23Alright, if that's what you want.
04:29Ugh, man, this awkward silence.
04:32I felt something different from her usual vibe.
04:35But what should I start talking about?
04:38How did you notice?
04:42That I was acting differently.
04:44People say they can't tell what I'm thinking because of my poker face.
04:48I can kinda sense you're not feeling as chipper.
04:51We've spent time together, even though you were working, right?
04:57Something happened.
04:59It's embarrassing, but...
05:01I got a complaint from a client.
05:04They wanted me to be friendlier.
05:07She's polite at work, but yeah, kinda distant.
05:10So that's why she was feeling down.
05:14I like doing housework, but I'm not good at dealing with people.
05:18My personality isn't all sunshine, and I thought that was no good.
05:23I totally get that.
05:26Even you, Sho?
05:28I've got a sister who's super outgoing, and I felt down thinking my gloomy self is no good.
05:34But when I'm around you, who's always composed, I feel better.
05:39Your housekeeping skills are amazing, so have more confidence.
05:46She suddenly went silent.
05:48Is she mad?
05:52Thank you.
05:54Oh, n-no...
05:56She smiled for the first time!
05:59It might have been just my imagination, but since then,
06:02Kanna seemed a bit softer in her attitude.
06:05I wanted to get even closer to Kanna.
06:08But then, one thing happened.
06:12I kinda feel bad.
06:14Could it be a cold?
06:16Thank god today was a day off.
06:19Wait, today's the day Kanna's coming!
06:22I can't cancel, and she's probably here already!
06:27I gotta get that.
06:31Hi! How's it...
06:33Are you okay? What happened?
06:36Just caught a cold. I'm sorry, today.
06:40Uh-oh, I feel dizzy.
06:46Sho, you awake?
06:48Huh? Kanna?
06:50Did you carry me to bed?
06:52I'm sorry for the trouble.
06:54Oh, uh, no.
06:56Then it's past the usual time.
06:58I'm sorry, I'll pay extra.
07:00No need.
07:02Huh? But...
07:04You're not feeling well, don't worry about that stuff.
07:07Just rest.
07:09Uh, okay.
07:12Is Kanna mad?
07:14It's gonna be annoying for her to come to work
07:16and have a client faint.
07:18Can't sleep?
07:24Kanna's holding my hand!
07:27You seem to be struggling, so...
07:30I thought this might help you relax.
07:34Man, she's so nice.
07:36A few hours later.
07:38Dozed off.
07:40What time is it?
07:42Kanna must have left by now.
07:44You awake?
07:46Kanna, why?
07:48I was worried.
07:50Anyway, looks like you still have a fever.
07:54She's so close!
07:56Made some porridge.
07:58Can you eat it?
08:00Sorry for the hassle.
08:02When you're feeling unwell, just take it easy and lean on others.
08:06Here comes the plane!
08:08Uh, I mean...
08:10I got this!
08:12Just come on, here.
08:14Oh, um...
08:20Kanna, she's amazing.
08:22Looks aloof, but super sweet.
08:24Wish I had a girl like her.
08:27Kanna, you usually give me the cold shoulder, but...
08:30What's your real take on me?
08:35Your face is redder than before.
08:37You okay?
08:39Starting to feel feverish again.
08:41Getting kinda woozy.
08:44That's it!
08:46Right, but I...
08:51Just have some rest?
08:56If you're gonna ask me out...
08:59Do it when you're feeling better.
09:02Days later, Kanna's magic hands got me over my cold in no time.
09:07Gotta thank Kanna today.
09:09I had a wicked fever.
09:10Don't recall what I said.
09:12Hey, you listening?
09:14Gonna use the washer?
09:16Yeah, yeah.
09:17Got bigger fish to fry right now.
09:21Worried cause you said you caught a cold.
09:24Even today, I jetted here after crashing at my boyfriend's place.
09:28Alright, I hear you.
09:30Oh, about time Kanna showed.
09:33Alright, Meg.
09:34Cause the housekeeping service is dropping by.
09:38You telling me to leave?
09:40What's the problem for me to stay?
09:42Uh, well...
09:44Yeah, yeah, gotcha.
09:47I'm too nice for my own good.
09:50Okay, got it.
09:52A few minutes later.
09:54Kanna, thanks for the other day.
09:56Cleared up my cold like a hundred percent.
10:01Uh, um...
10:03That's all?
10:05Got nothing else to say?
10:09Oh, maybe I should have paid for extra time.
10:12Ugh, forget about it.
10:14Alright then.
10:17What did she mean?
10:19Kanna seems pissed.
10:21What's up with her?
10:24Meg's phone.
10:25She forgot it, huh?
10:29Yeah, what happened?
10:31What the heck is this?
10:35Whoa, why the tears?
10:37And what's that?
10:39My line!
10:40Thought laundry was done.
10:42But then this happened when I wanted to hang it out.
10:46Could this be Meg's?
10:48I didn't know you had a girlfriend.
10:50And you letting her wear this?
10:54Gotta clear this up.
10:56Kanna, uh, calm down.
10:59This is, uh, my sister's.
11:03Yeah, so, uh...
11:06Hey, did you see my phone?
11:09Oh, your phone was right here.
11:13Look, over there.
11:17You're a lifesaver.
11:20Hey, what are you...
11:23Gotta jet after this.
11:25Looking all chummy like that...
11:28Isn't the sister thing a lie?
11:32Even after saying all that...
11:36No, really.
11:37Meg's my actual sister.
11:40What that?
11:42Well, it's time.
11:44Thanks for today.
11:46W-wait a sec.
11:48Wanted to clear up the misunderstanding about having a girlfriend.
11:51Oh well, next time, I guess.
11:54That's what I thought, but...
11:59Kanna, sorry about the other day, but...
12:02Nice to meet ya!
12:03I'm Ran and I'm here for today!
12:05Cheers for having me!
12:07Y-yeah, nice to meet you.
12:10Didn't expect someone else to show up.
12:12Did she avoid me?
12:14Nah, probably just coincidence.
12:17But even the next time, Kanna didn't show up.
12:20Kanna not showing...
12:22Guess we'll never meet again.
12:26That's a big sigh.
12:29How long have you been here?
12:31Was here all the time.
12:33Seriously, you didn't notice?
12:37Anything up with the housekeeping person?
12:40W-well, actually...
12:43As I was pondering, I told Meg about Kanna.
12:46And then...
12:49Nah, not just your fault.
12:52But I did cause the misunderstanding.
12:55Should I make a call?
12:56Should I do it now?
12:57Don't have her number.
12:59Plus, probably did something weird when I had the cold.
13:02But about that...
13:06You might be in trouble.
13:09Mom said you get all needy when you catch a cold.
13:12You might have said something weird to that person.
13:15Oh shoot.
13:16I probably said something totally nuts to Kanna.
13:21Messed up.
13:23The next day.
13:25Alrighty then, see you next time!
13:29Wait a sec!
13:30What's up?
13:31How's Kanna?
13:33Is she okay?
13:35Well, if I gotta say...
13:38Not exactly in the best shape.
13:42What does that mean?
13:43Don't know the full deal.
13:45But seems like she's dealing with some illness.
13:48Can't be sharing stuff like that with customers.
13:51Forget I said anything!
13:55Is she alright?
13:56And the misunderstanding's not cleared up.
14:03I know it's a huge favor to ask, but...
14:05Could you give me Kanna's number?
14:07Can't do that.
14:08It's private info, you know.
14:10Yeah, I bet.
14:13Speaking of today...
14:15Gotta go to Koiwa Hospital for my...
14:20Back pain.
14:23Seems like our...
14:26Goes there a lot.
14:28The staff on a day off might be there now.
14:35Thank you so much!
14:42Sick enough to miss work.
14:44Must be rough.
14:46She helped me when I was down with a cold.
14:48It's my turn to help her!
14:53You sure it's cool walking around like this?
14:56Don't push yourself!
14:59Heard you're sick.
15:02Had the flu, but I'm all good now.
15:06But you were at the hospital, right?
15:08Visiting my mom who was hospitalized.
15:11She's getting discharged today, so I took the day off for the paperwork.
15:17You weren't seriously ill, right?
15:21I'm totally fine.
15:23Oh, okay.
15:27About when I had the cold...
15:31I don't even remember.
15:32Might have said rude stuff to you, huh?
15:35Don't remember?
15:37Oh well, then.
15:41So, uh...
15:42She's really my sister.
15:44Was just happy she found the phone and hugged me.
15:49She doesn't believe me!
15:52I mean...
15:53Thank god!
15:59Even if you don't remember, you told me you liked me.
16:04I said that?
16:06Even then, you didn't bring it up next time we met.
16:10Then I found that thing from the laundry machine.
16:13Seems like you wanted to forget about us because you had a girlfriend.
16:18I'm sorry.
16:20I thought even you, Sho, liked outgoing girls.
16:24That really broke my heart.
16:28The person I like is you, Kanna!
16:33Finally, you told me you liked me!
16:39I like you too.
16:41Notice the change in me, even though I'm usually poker-faced.
16:46Never met anyone like that before.
16:49Kanna, you aren't always poker-faced.
16:52I mean, you cry a lot.
16:54C-come on, stop it!
16:57But I fell for you because of that.
17:02I really like you.
17:06And that's how we got together.
17:09Afterward, it's a story I heard from Kanna, but...
17:13Later on, turns out what Ran said about Kanna being sick was to give me a push, knowing she liked me.
17:19The illness was just the disease of love.
17:23Also, introduce Kanna to Meg.
17:25We apologized for our misunderstandings, and despite being total opposites, they've become as close as siblings.
17:32A while later, I started living with Kanna.
17:35She taught me the ropes, and I've gotten better at chores I used to suck at.
17:40Kanna kept up with her housekeeping job and seems to be thriving even more.
17:45A few years later...
17:47She always does the cleaning, so maybe I should clean her room as well.
17:53What's this?
17:54Is Kanna wearing something flashy like this?
17:58Don't... look...
18:02I was planning to wear these tonight.
18:06It's for the fun later, darling.
18:10Hi! It's me, Mel!
18:14Thanks for watching my channel!
18:16I'm super happy if you watch the next and other videos too!
