• 4 months ago
(Adnkronos) - “Vogliamo dare visibilità a questa antica arte che abbellisce luoghi ‘magici’ in tutti i posti d’Italia”. Lo ha riferito ai microfoni di Adnkronos, Antonino la Spina, presidente dell’Unione nazionale Pro Loco d’Italia, durante l’incontro di presentazione della Rete Nazionale delle Infiorate e delle composizioni di arti effimere tenutosi questa mattina nella Sala Spadolini del Ministero della Cultura, e in vista dell’Infiorata storica di Roma e delle Pro Loco d’Italia prevista il 29 giugno nella capitale per la festa di San Pietro e Paolo. Unipli ha raccolto per la prima volta in un’unica rete un gruppo nutrito di volontari che porta avanti questo inestimabile patrimonio culturale immateriale al fine di tutelarne e valorizzarne tradizioni e saperi.


00:00Many prologues, if not almost all the prologues in Italy, organize the infiorate at any
00:12title or directly in collaboration with other organizations, associations, maestro-infioratori
00:18and communes.
00:19And then we thought of putting them all together to create a real system, a network that could
00:26give concrete answers, to help this tradition a little to stay, because, in short, the costs
00:34of realization, the difficulties are always there, and to give even more visibility to
00:40this wonderful art that then embellishes magical places in all parts of Italy.
00:46A way also to realize, together with all these realities, are more than 74 that already
00:54adhere, which cover more than 80% of Italian infiorate, put them together and bring a
01:02little their own experience, to try to grow in quality, to be able to give greater importance
01:11to every place.
01:12This will certainly benefit the whole system, will create new collaborations, and thanks
01:21also to the Ministry, to the Institute for Intangible Cultural Heritage and ANCI, we will
01:27make even more networks and we will create even more places to give more services and
01:35more credibility and value to the territories.
