Emmanuel Macron Pushing Europe Towards WWIII-NOW THE END BEGINS-JUNE 28 2024

  • 3 months ago
On this episode of the NTEB Prophecy News Podcast, in the lead-up to WWI, there was whispers of war everywhere you turned, Archduke Ferdinand was shot and off we went. In the lead-up to WWII, the whispers of war swirled around the funny little man with the funny little mustache, and in the blink of an eye, Nazi Germany rolled tanks into Austria and the world was suddenly at war. Europe in 2024 is a highly-unstable confederacy, straining at the seams, and in the midst of relentless chaos, there is one man at the center, adding fuel to the fire. That one man is Emmanuel Macron, a man who appeared as though sent on a mission, a mission that threatens to erupt into WWIII. At the moment, the political prognosticators are prophesying his imminent downfall, something that looks more and more likely as France heads into the snap election Macron himself called for. In Germany, a man by the name of Björn Höcke has revived the Nazi rallying cry of ‘Everything For Germany’, a slogan that was engraved on the daggers of SA commandos. Ever watch those videos of what happens when you add Mentos candy to Coke? Macron is the Coke, and Höcke is the Mentos, prepare for explosion.
00:00:00Welcome to the NTEB Prophecy News Podcast with your host and Bible teacher Jeffrey Greider.
00:00:08Rightly divided, dispensationally correct, and standing on the authority of the King
00:00:13James Holy Bible. This program is brought to you by NowTheNBegins.com.
00:00:20And good afternoon everybody. Happy Friday and welcome to this edition of the Prophecy News
00:00:26Podcast today. Emmanuel Macron and Bjorn Hoek pushing a divided Europe ever closer
00:00:33to the brink of World War III. Can it be stopped? In just about two weeks time,
00:00:39France will have either elected the most radical right-wing populist government ever
00:00:44to control a nuclear power, opted for a rabidly anti-capitalist, anti-western,
00:00:51far-left coalition, or proved itself to be entirely ungovernable. Over in Germany,
00:00:58Bjorn Hoek has revived Nazi slogans to the delight of cheering masses. Over in France,
00:01:05President Emmanuel Macron has brought France to the brink of collapse, and quite possibly Europe
00:01:12to the brink of World War III. Everything old is quite new again. Ecclesiastes 1.9 says,
00:01:20The thing that hath been, it is that which shall be, and that which is done is that which shall be
00:01:26done, and there is no new thing under the sun. In the lead-up to World War I, there were whispers
00:01:33of war everywhere you turned. Archduke Ferdinand was shot and off we went. In the lead-up to World
00:01:39War II, the whispers of war swirled around the funny little man with the funny little mustache,
00:01:46and in the blink of an eye, Nazi Germany rolled tanks into Austria and the world
00:01:51was suddenly at war. Europe in 2024 is a highly unstable confederacy, straining at the seams,
00:02:00and in the midst of relentless chaos, there is one man at the center adding fuel to the fire.
00:02:08That one man is Emmanuel Macron, a man who appeared as though sent on a mission,
00:02:14a mission that threatens to erupt into World War III. At the moment, the political prognosticators
00:02:20are prophesying his imminent downfall, something that quite honestly looks more and more likely
00:02:27as France heads into a snap election on Sunday. This is something that Macron himself has called
00:02:34for. In Germany, a man by the name of Bjorn Hoek has revived the Nazi rallying cry of
00:02:42everything for Germany, a slogan that was engraved on the daggers of the SA commandos.
00:02:49Ever watch those videos of what happens when you add Mentos candy to Coca-Cola? Well, Macron is the
00:02:57Coke and Hoek is the Mentos. You better prepare for explosion. Heavenly Father, we thank you,
00:03:05God, for your goodness and your mercy. We thank you, Lord, for all these that you've gathered
00:03:10here today. We thank you, God, for these broadcasts and podcasts and Bible studies
00:03:15and Sunday services and everything that you call us to do, Lord. And we are so glad and grateful
00:03:22that we can meet together as a church family and pray for each other and lift each other up. What
00:03:28a blessing that that is. Lord, today we pray for lost souls. We pray for Sarah and Eric and Becky
00:03:36Jacobs, Greg and Melissa Price, Glenn Clark, and Jeanette's family, Cheyenne, Bridget, Tony, Dion,
00:03:44Matthew, Samuel, two great grandbabies. We pray for Trista, Tara, Shauna, and George, Trevor,
00:03:53Derek, Adam, and Roland Carrier and their families, my three brothers, John, Jimmy, and David,
00:03:58daughter, Christy, and niece, Melissa, Jesse and his mom, Rachel's dad, Ralph, unsaved Catholic
00:04:07family members of the Bolton family, Jordan Shapiro, David Peck, in the Wears Bickey family,
00:04:14daughters, Valerie and Marie, husband, Greg Sr., and son, Greg Jr. We pray for Jeffrey's children,
00:04:24Tyler, Tevin, daughter-in-law, Katelyn, and grandsons, Logan, Ronnie, and Russell.
00:04:30Jeanette and Bob have unsaved Catholic family members. Connie has three unsaved kids. Brandy
00:04:36has unsaved family members. Rita in Colorado asking salvation prayer for son, Dan.
00:04:43Ron needs to get saved. Spray of Sunshine's sons, Daniel, Patrick, and Brian. Shannon praying for
00:04:51Lori W., and Brian M., and Jan Lacker asking prayer for son, David. People who need a healing
00:04:59today. Lori Ann says, please continue to pray for my mom, Joyce, and for my dad. They are both
00:05:08experiencing health issues. Gail, I am having a severe arthritis attack in my knees, and it is
00:05:16very difficult to walk, and it is painful. NC Jen, I'm suffering from loss and refuse the idea
00:05:25of psych meds. Please pray God will help me through this time of grief. Thank you.
00:05:31Shaycaster needs prayer. He's also going through a very difficult family time.
00:05:37Derek O'Reilly said praise report. His mom came back with a good report about the blood clot.
00:05:47Cher says, I have a prayer request for a friend whose name is Ron. The doctor's just found a
00:05:53large lump on his lungs, and he needs a scan and a biopsy done. Also, update on granddaughter Cheyenne
00:06:00still waiting for a neurologist, but thanks be to God, no more blackout episodes.
00:06:08Daniel for mental and emotional support. Sadie for wisdom and guidance. Heather
00:06:13for Lyme disease and rheumatoid arthritis. Amanda Ward in Kentucky. We continue to pray for her
00:06:21as she goes through cervical cancer, and for her husband, Jeff. Amber for a complete healing,
00:06:28sobriety, and peace. Angela, please pray for sister-in-law Gail, who has stage four kidney
00:06:35disease and is on dialysis. Also, please pray for my brother Larry to get saved. Linda's sister
00:06:43Mary Ann has rheumatoid arthritis. Asher, please pray for my mom. Juanita, my daughter Madison
00:06:50battling depression. Also, anxiety. Gail has an unspoken God knows the needs. Stephanie,
00:06:57please pray for husband Andy's battle with alcohol and for him to get saved.
00:07:03Krista is battling breast cancer. Rob Beatty battling liver cancer. Amanda Emaw battling
00:07:10breast cancer, and there was one more. I'll think of it in just a minute. Marcia Swanson has myelgic
00:07:18encephalomyelitis. It is a neuroimmune disease. George H for health issues. James Revett looking
00:07:27for work while battling addiction and mental health issues. Robert Wiley is battling ALS disease,
00:07:36and he says, please pray for me to live long enough to transfer my disability benefits to my
00:07:43Lisa. Jill Puckett needs prayer because she's losing her vision.
00:07:48Dina is running for soil and water conservation supervisor. Please pray for that. Paul Caulfield
00:07:56has type 1 sugar diabetes. Ron Alliston has cancer. Cindy Kettlecamp says prayers for her daughter
00:08:05Brooke are showing an improved condition in her autism. Please continue to pray for Brooke.
00:08:14Dan Cain, please pray for my wife Roxy with MS and for son Jonathan. Rob's friend Mike has MS.
00:08:23Ida Karulik has cancer. Roz has asthma and scoliosis. Maddie Luck has lowly body dementia,
00:08:31and her daughter Michelle has neuropathy and fibromyalgia. Tracy says I have severe arthritis
00:08:39in my spine, diabetes type 2 that's hard to control, and a fatty liver. Melissa B's husband
00:08:46Brian has stage 3 kidney disease. Ricky Gooder needs prayer for her eyesight. Casey is a woman
00:08:54with lupus and kidney issues. Jane, please pray for the salvation of my parents and brother,
00:09:01and that my husband would have a healing. Jackie H, please pray for God's favor regarding my ex
00:09:08and custody of my son. Dave Evans' friend Manuela has vasculitis. Stacy is going through a divorce.
00:09:16Please pray both she and her husband get right with the Lord. Terry Horn says please pray for me.
00:09:24I have had several strokes. Casey, please keep my husband on your prayer list. He is unsaved
00:09:31and a severe alcoholic. Tom Rance continues to recover from a stroke and a brain bleed. Kathy
00:09:38healed, recovering from surgery. Her husband Robert and Aunt Linda have macular degeneration.
00:09:46Wayne needs prayer for cancer, not sure if he is saved. Teresa G has macular degeneration.
00:09:53Linda Benjamin, please pray for overall health and memory issues. Berta and Mike Crabb are going
00:10:00through some challenging times with their health issues. Kathy Boehm says my fiance Matt is
00:10:08incarcerated and it is far from the Lord. Please pray for him to get back. Laurieann, please pray
00:10:15for my Aunt Dorothy. She has a brain tumor that has grown. Ladies who are expecting,
00:10:23Spray of Sunshine says please continue to pray for son and girlfriend who are expecting twins.
00:10:29And Mother April, Mother-to-be April has been struggling with COVID and blood clots and other
00:10:36issues. Please pray for salvation and for a complete healing. Jose and Ana de la Rosa
00:10:44expecting their third baby. Marilyn Lenore's granddaughter-in-law Tori expecting a baby boy
00:10:52in August. Tanya, son Vincent and fiance Sarah having twin boys August 25th. Abigail Wagner,
00:11:01June home delivery due any day now. CJ's daughter-in-law Emily expecting in December.
00:11:09Deborah Mack, good friend Gwen is pregnant going through morning sickness and Lauren
00:11:15is expecting a baby in December. Please pray for mom and baby.
00:11:23Let's go into the chat room and see what we have.
00:11:28Well, NC Jen says please pray that I can reconcile with my daughter Caitlyn and grandson Jedidiah
00:11:37and for her salvation as well. Healing from past trauma, take out my elder cola twice a week,
00:11:48continue my anti-trafficking work, freedom from my depression, motivation to walk three times a
00:11:56week and get strong, and salvation for my dad, mom, sister and her three kids. My main request
00:12:04is for the grief and depression to lift because then everything will just fall into place.
00:12:12She says right now I have no hope. The depression is the block and we are very happy to pray for
00:12:20that, but Jesus Christ is our blessed hope, our ever-present hope. The Bible says,
00:12:28casting all your care upon him for he careth for you. And so Heavenly Father,
00:12:36as we gather again by way of radio, we lift up all these prayers and all these praises
00:12:43and we ask you to work and move as only you can. Everything from the smallest requests for
00:12:50prayers for pets all the way up to loved ones with strokes and
00:12:55blood clots and heart attacks, God, we ask you to work and move
00:13:02and do for us that which we cannot do for ourselves. We throw ourselves at your feet, God,
00:13:09and we say if you don't do it, it's not going to get done. If you don't give it to us, we're not
00:13:15going to have it. And we commit all these things to you in Jesus' name. Amen. We have a lot to
00:13:25talk about. Welcome to the program, everybody. So glad that you are here. This is the podcast that
00:13:32we were not able to do on Monday. And this is World War III and Europe is on the brink.
00:13:41And everywhere you look, in every European news outlet, radio outlet, TV outlet,
00:13:50there is nothing but talk of war and rumors of wars. Turn to Matthew chapter 24.
00:13:58Back in the early days of the pandemic back in 2020, I did an article called,
00:14:06oh, I forget the exact title. But it was, well, you know what, let me just pull it up
00:14:12and refresh my memory. We're coming up on 11,000 articles that we have done. And what a blessing
00:14:22that that is. We are about to start our 16th year in December of ministry. And back on
00:14:33March 18th of 2020, I wrote this article called, Massive Earthquake in Utah is the latest event
00:14:43in a series of events that began on January 1st and is starting to look like the Matthew 24
00:14:50birth pangs. And I gave these verses from Matthew 24 verses three through eight.
00:14:59Matthew 24 verse three. And as he sat upon the Mount of Olives, the disciples came onto him
00:15:05privately saying, tell us when shall these things be? Question number one. And what shall be the
00:15:12sign of thy coming? Question number two. And of the end of the world? That's question number three.
00:15:19And Jesus answered and said unto them, take heed that no man deceive you. For many shall come in
00:15:27my name saying, I am Christ and shall deceive many. And ye shall hear of wars and rumors of wars.
00:15:35See that ye be not troubled for all these things must come to pass, but the end is not yet. For
00:15:43nation shall rise against nation and kingdom against kingdom. And there shall be famines and
00:15:48pestilences and earthquakes in diverse places. And all these are the beginning of sorrows.
00:15:57Now you will notice that the very first thing, the first question that the disciples asked him,
00:16:04when shall these things be? Now I didn't read the verse, which shows you what these things are.
00:16:12In Matthew 24 verses one and two, we read this. And Jesus went out and departed from the temple
00:16:21and his disciples came to him for to show him the buildings of the temple. And Jesus said unto them,
00:16:29see ye not all these things? Verily I say unto you, there shall not be left here one stone upon
00:16:37another that shall not be thrown down. So the very first question that they want the answer to
00:16:44is when will the temple be thrown down? Now you will notice that the temple was destroyed
00:16:55in 70 AD, about two years after the apostle Paul was executed. But the point that I'm making
00:17:04is that the destruction of the temple happened in the opening days of the church age. And so
00:17:12these things, what we call the beginning of sorrows, from Matthew chapter 24, starts with
00:17:20deception. People will come in the name of Christ and be deceivers. You will hear of wars and rumors
00:17:28of wars. And Jesus says, don't be troubled for all of these things have to happen. But the end,
00:17:35the end days, the time of Jacob's trouble and the great tribulation, he says is not yet.
00:17:43For nation shall rise against nation and kingdom against kingdom. And there shall be famines and
00:17:49pestilences and earthquakes in diverse places. All these are the beginning of sorrows.
00:17:58World War I happened during the church age. World War II happened during the church age.
00:18:06And in my opinion, World War III will also happen during the church age. World War III
00:18:15is not the battle of Armageddon in Revelation 19 and Ezekiel 39. World War III is not the battle
00:18:23of Gog and Magog that we read about in Revelation chapter 20 and Ezekiel chapter 38. World War III
00:18:33is the bookend to World War I and World War II. And so these verses in Matthew 24
00:18:42are some of the only verses in Matthew 24 that apply to the church age.
00:18:48But they do apply to the church age. And Europe, that's where World War I started.
00:18:56That's where World War II started. And that's where World War III will start as well. So on
00:19:04today's podcast, I want to show you the things that Emmanuel Macron is doing either directly
00:19:12or indirectly to bring about World War III. And I want to show you the things that Bjorn Hoek
00:19:22in Germany is doing either directly or indirectly to bring about World War III. Because
00:19:31you had the same players in World War I and World War II. And you're going to have the same players
00:19:38in World War III. France is going to be in the middle. Germany is going to be in the middle.
00:19:44Russia is going to be in the middle. The United States is going to be in the middle.
00:19:50And the Jewish people are going to bear the brunt of whatever happens. Because that's what
00:19:57happened in World War I. That's what happened in World War II. And it very much stands to reason
00:20:04that that is what is going to take place in World War III. So in just a little bit, we'll be getting
00:20:13to our top story, what Emmanuel Macron and Bernard Hoek are doing in Europe to bring about World War
00:20:22III. And we got some crazy clips for you to play. But as we work our way towards our top story,
00:20:31let's take a listen to this. Israel is saying that the work that they've been doing in Gaza,
00:20:39the active phase of that work is rapidly coming to an end. They are gaining control of the Gaza
00:20:47Strip. And now they're turning their attention to the Lebanon border. Take a listen to this.
00:20:57Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu says the, quote, intense phase of fighting in Gaza's
00:21:03southern city of Rafah is nearly over. But Netanyahu also noted that does not mean the
00:21:09war between Israel and Hamas is coming to an end. This is new video into us this morning from the
00:21:15Israeli military said to show some of the latest operations in Rafah. Netanyahu says the war in
00:21:21Gaza will continue until Hamas is completely driven from power. But he adds Israel now plans
00:21:28to redeploy some troops to its northern border with Lebanon amid escalating tensions and exchanges
00:21:35of fire with Hezbollah. Our senior international correspondent Margaret Evans is leading our team
00:21:40on the ground in Israel. And she has the very latest this morning. We're up in northern Israel,
00:21:47about five kilometers from the border with Lebanon. There's been a real increase in
00:21:52cross-border attacks from both directions in recent days, and with it an increase in rhetoric
00:21:59from both sides. We've had the Hezbollah leader, Hassan Nasrallah, saying he can reach deep into
00:22:06Israel. A response from Israel, the Israeli military saying that they've approved ground
00:22:12invasion plans for southern Lebanon, if they are needed. In the meantime, you have 10s of
00:22:181000s of people on both sides of the border who've been displaced. We've been speaking to some of
00:22:23them on the Israeli side. Some of them say that they've had enough that the Israeli government
00:22:29hasn't got a plan for them. They feel forgotten given the fighting that's taking place in Gaza.
00:22:34Some others say it's time for the Israeli government to step up and solve the problem
00:22:40with Hezbollah and this border militarily. The fear for many is that the longer that the
00:22:46conflict continues in Gaza, the greater the likelihood that this border could kick off
00:22:53in earnest and with devastating consequences to populations on both sides. And not just those
00:22:59populations, but the rest of the Middle East fear that this could be or become a regional war.
00:23:07Margaret Evans, CBC News in northern Israel.
00:23:11So Israel is wrapping up the active phase of their war with Hamas in Gaza. They've taken
00:23:17control of what they need to take control of. And now they're turning their attention to
00:23:24Hezbollah in Lebanon. Hezbollah is significantly stronger and larger and more
00:23:36supplied with weaponry than Hamas is. And here's an article from the Times of Israel yesterday,
00:23:47June 27. Hezbollah shells north with 40 rockets after operative killed in IDF drone strike.
00:23:58Hezbollah launched a barrage of some 40 rockets at northern Israel on Thursday afternoon in what
00:24:04the terror group said was a response to recent Israeli airstrikes in Lebanon, including the
00:24:10killing of one of its operatives earlier in the day. The exchange of fire came as American
00:24:16intelligence expected a major escalation between Israel and Hezbollah in the coming
00:24:24weeks in the absence of a ceasefire with Hamas in the Gaza Strip. An unnamed senior U.S. official
00:24:32told the outlet that the risk of war is higher than it has been for weeks. The official said
00:24:39that a major attack by either side, which could spark a war, could take place with,
00:24:45quote, little notice. Amid travel warnings from Washington and several European countries,
00:24:52two senior officials who spoke said that the start date of a war was unclear,
00:24:59but that Israel was acquiring arms and building up forces quickly. Meanwhile, the Israeli
00:25:06defense forces said most of the rockets fired in the major barrage of the northern city of Safed
00:25:12and nearby communities were downed by the Iron Dome air defense system. So, we see that war
00:25:21between Israel and Hezbollah could literally take place at any possible moment. We played this clip
00:25:33for you last week on the podcast. I'm going to play it again. This is the Hezbollah leader
00:25:42saying that total war with Israel could happen, and when it does, there will be no rules in this war.
00:26:03And the rest of that is just scary music showing you bombs falling on Israel. But,
00:26:21all kidding aside, Hezbollah has about 150,000 missiles that they could launch at any given
00:26:30moment. And about a thousand of those 150,000 missiles are what they call precision-guided
00:26:39munitions. And those are the really dangerous ones. Those are the ones that you can really
00:26:44pinpoint. And those are the ones that really do a very large amount of damage. One of the things
00:26:54that the United States is a little bit fearful of for Israel is that Hezbollah has so many rockets
00:27:03and so many missiles that it's quite possible that Iron Dome could get overwhelmed. If you
00:27:12remember a couple of months ago when Iran fired those hundreds and hundreds of drones and rockets
00:27:20at Israel, Iron Dome got a lot of them. But Israel needed help from the United States,
00:27:30from the UK, from France, and from neighboring Jordan. And I don't know if Jordan is going to
00:27:38step in with Hezbollah. That may be a little bit too close for comfort for the Jordanians. I don't
00:27:45know. The United States has said, and I hope that we stick with it, but the Biden administration has
00:27:55said that if Israel goes to war with Hezbollah in Lebanon, that the United States will stand by
00:28:03Israel and support them in the active phase of the war. And I can only assume that they'll help
00:28:13to shoot down missiles. They'll help to shoot down rockets. I really don't know how much of an appetite
00:28:20that the United States has in an election year to get into a ground war with a Muslim country.
00:28:28But you never know. Election years bring about crazy, wacky things, and this year is no different
00:28:38at all. Last night, of course, was the big debate between Biden and Trump. And we have
00:28:47some interesting and memorable highlights of that to play for you in just a little bit.
00:28:55Remember this oldie but goodie? The state of the union is strong.
00:29:01You should come. Surge to the border. Migrants surge across from Mexico.
00:29:05Pushing resources to the limit. Some of those thought part of the terror watch list. Every
00:29:10state is a border state. Every city is a border city. Sharp rise in the amount of drugs. 8,500
00:29:15pounds of fentanyl. Cartel controls everything that happens here. America is at a breaking point.
00:29:21Joe Biden is touting Bidenomics. Bidenomics is working. 78% of voters view the economy negatively
00:29:28and that the president is to blame. We're changing people's lives. Unrelenting price increases.
00:29:34Sticker shock is hitting millions of Americans hard. The highest economic growth in 40 years.
00:29:39Highest inflation rate, Mr. President, in 40 years. I got that. Crime is dominating the headlines.
00:29:45Surge of violence. Smash and grab robberies. 24% more murders. The buck stops with me. The
00:29:52Middle East in flames. Israel has formally declared war. The Taliban has returned to power. Embassy
00:29:58shuttered. The flag coming down. Vladimir Putin doesn't fear this president. Xi Jinping told
00:30:03President Biden China will reunify with Taiwan. Weakness invites aggression. Appeasement has
00:30:08failed. It's open season on America. The country has soured on Joe Biden. The most vacation days
00:30:14taken by a president. The White House in damage control. Where is the president? Why isn't he
00:30:19communicating? And that's just a little bit of what the Biden administration has brought to
00:30:34America and to the American citizens. And should he be re-elected? We can expect four more years
00:30:42of exactly that. And we will get to those Trump-Biden clips in just a minute.
00:30:52What else do we need to talk about? Oh, here's an interesting thing. Here's an interesting thing.
00:30:59Talking about the last couple of months, we've done a number of programs talking about the
00:31:06singularity, transhumanism, the day when computers and mankind merge together and they become one.
00:31:16Well, there's a company called Cognify, and they're working on technology that approaches
00:31:25the incarceration of convicted criminals in a very unique and different way. And I don't know
00:31:35if this is something that will actually come to pass, but we are certainly living in the day and
00:31:42time where people are attempting to do these type of things. Take a listen to what Cognify
00:31:49wants to do for the penal system. Welcome to Cognify, a facility designed to treat
00:31:58criminals like patients. Instead of spending years in an actual prison cell, prisoners could
00:32:03finish their sentence here in just a few minutes. Cognify could someday create and
00:32:08implant artificial memories directly into the prisoner's brain. These complex, vivid, and
00:32:14lifelike memories are created in real time using AI-generated content. Depending on the seriousness
00:32:20of the subject's crime and their sentence, the memories could be tailored to the rehabilitation
00:32:25needs of each subject. The artificial memories implanted by Cognify would be seamlessly
00:32:31incorporated into the existing neural networks of the brain, preventing cognitive dissonance and
00:32:36ensuring the subject experiences the memories as if they were real. The Cognify concept offers a
00:32:42new approach to criminal rehabilitation, transforming how society deals with offenders
00:32:47by focusing on rehabilitation rather than punishment. First, the prisoner is given a choice,
00:32:54either spending tens of years in a prison cell or seeking fast-track rehabilitation through
00:32:59artificial memory implantation. If the prisoner chooses to undergo fast-track rehabilitation,
00:33:04the Cognify device is used. Next, the prisoner undergoes high-resolution brain scanning to create
00:33:11a detailed map of their neural pathways. This brain map helps guide the Cognify device to target
00:33:17specific brain regions responsible for memory, reasoning, and logical thinking, such as the
00:33:22hippocampus, prefrontal cortex, amygdala, parietal lobe, and anterior cingulate cortex.
00:33:29Once the target brain regions are identified, Cognify is then placed around the head of the
00:33:34prisoner. The intensity and the type of artificial memories is then adjusted depending on the crime.
00:33:40Inside the criminal's mind, time would pass differently, slower than in real life, making
00:33:45them experience years' worth of artificial memories in just a few minutes. Synthetic memories are
00:33:51customized. And let me just stop that right there for the moment. Turn to Revelation chapter 13.
00:34:00Revelation chapter 13, this is the chapter where we are introduced to the beast,
00:34:05that's Antichrist, the second beast, that's the false prophet, and the dragon, who is Satan.
00:34:15And it is in this chapter that we see a lot of amazing and unbelievable things taking place. It's
00:34:24going to be a high a time of high technology. Revelation 13 11, and I beheld another beast
00:34:34coming up out of the earth, and he had two horns like a lamb, and he spake as a dragon,
00:34:40and he exercised all the power of the first beast before him, and causeth the earth and them which
00:34:46dwell therein to worship the first beast, whose deadly wound was healed. And he doeth great
00:34:52wonders, so that he maketh fire come down from heaven in the sight of men, and deceive them
00:34:59that dwell on the earth by the means of those miracles which he had power to do in the sight
00:35:05of the beast, saying to them that dwell on the earth that they should make an image to the beast
00:35:14which had the wound by a sword, and did live. And he had power to give life unto the image of the
00:35:22beast, that the image of the beast should both speak, and cause that as many as would not worship
00:35:28the image of the beast should be killed. Now I'm sure this is just some wild and wacky coincidence,
00:35:38but we live in a day and age where people are talking about colonizing Mars,
00:35:43where people like Elon Musk are attempting to make driverless vehicles, they're implanting
00:35:50people's brains with microchip brain implants, the technology billionaires are creating virtual
00:36:02worlds and virtual universes for us to inhabit, and everything is slowly but steadily churning
00:36:12its way to the type of world that we see in Revelation chapter 13. Now I understand
00:36:24when the rapture of the church takes place that's going to be a highly supernatural event,
00:36:31and the events that follow that are also going to be highly supernatural events.
00:36:38The people living during that time will see dead people coming back to life, they'll see Moses and
00:36:47Elijah as the two witnesses, they'll see Judas who is going to come back to life as Antichrist,
00:36:56they're going to see amazing things taking place, and the bulk of that is going to be
00:37:04from a supernatural perspective. But all the technology that the world has, the devil is going
00:37:14to make good and full use of that technology. You know what the Bible calls Satan? That he is the
00:37:24prince of the power of the air, and that's how the vast majority of people surf the internet,
00:37:37they do it on the air, they do it on wi-fi. Ephesians chapter 2 verses 1 and 2,
00:37:47And you hath he quickened who were dead in trespasses and sins, where in time past you
00:37:54walked according to the course of this world, according to the prince of the power of the air,
00:38:01the spirit that now worketh in the children of disobedience.
00:38:08And this prince of the power, the whole world is under the power of the air, the whole world
00:38:17is engulfed in this unseen spiritual battle that is taking place.
00:38:27Turn to Ephesians chapter 6 verse 10.
00:38:31Ephesians chapter 6 verse 10, Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord and in the power of his
00:38:38might. Put on the whole armor of God, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil.
00:38:46And Paul says, Because for we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities,
00:38:55against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in
00:39:04high places. Wherefore, take unto you the whole armor of God, that ye may be able to withstand
00:39:11in the evil day, having done all to stand. There is a book that we sell at the bookstore by
00:39:20End Times author, Jeffrey Martis. And one of the things that I really like about all the books
00:39:31that he writes, right on the front and the back cover, there's a little logo circle and it tells
00:39:40you that all the scripture that you're about to read in whatever book he writes comes from the
00:39:49King James Bible. And he has written this book called, The Prince of the Power of the Air and
00:39:57the Last Days. And here's the blurb for the book. One of the many names the Bible ascribes to the
00:40:06devil is the Prince of the Power of the Air. And I just read that verse from Ephesians 2.2. While
00:40:13it's easy to overlook such details, this ominous title communicates far-reaching implications.
00:40:22Its various meanings and ties will lead to profound potentials that help expose the
00:40:27sweeping extent of the devil's hand in our time. About four or five months ago, we did a series
00:40:36of Bible studies based on this book. And you can go into our archives and go back and listen to
00:40:43some of those programs. And we highly recommend that you get a copy of The Prince of the Power
00:40:50of the Air by Jeffrey Martis. And it will be an eye-opening blessing for you. It really, really
00:41:01is quite stunning what you will read in that book. And I love all the books that he's written.
00:41:09He's a good Bible teacher. He's a good author. And he has the King James Bible. You can't go wrong
00:41:17with that. All right, how about this? And we talk about this on a fairly regular basis.
00:41:25The far left is using climate change as a weapon. And everywhere that you turn,
00:41:34even if you're a Roman Catholic and you want to go to the Vatican to spend some quality time
00:41:41with your leader, you know what you find when you get to the Vatican? We did this article yesterday
00:41:48called Pope Francis says that climate change deniers are stupid as he preaches the gospel of
00:41:57Gaia and New Age paganism to Bible illiterate Catholics. Take a listen to this clip. And we're
00:42:05going to talk a little bit about Pope Frankie. And he is on a climate change warpath. Take a
00:42:14listen to Bill Nye, the non-science guy, talking about the beginning of the new normal. Life
00:42:22threatening heat across the country. More than 127 million Americans are on alert. And it's just
00:42:28the beginning of what will be a sweltering stretch. Even right now, while we're standing
00:42:32in the shade, it's hard to find somewhere comfortable to get away from all of the heat.
00:42:37Yeah, Scott, it is a scorcher once again. I-95
00:42:41bakes today. We're talking four out of four on the scale that we use to measure extreme heat.
00:42:46Some of the coverage across the country of the scorching summer heat hitting the nation
00:42:51for more on what's driving the economy. And let me just stop that clip there for a second.
00:42:57You do realize when they, when these people are talking about extreme weather, exclamation point,
00:43:05exclamation point, when these people are talking about scorching summer heat,
00:43:10scorching summer heat, they're talking about temperatures in the low to mid 90s.
00:43:18Because that's what it's been for the past couple of weeks. In Florida, it was about 93 yesterday.
00:43:27It's going to be about 91 or 92 today. And I'm 63. And I can easily remember weather patterns.
00:43:40From about 55 years ago, I think I probably first started paying attention to the weather
00:43:47somewhere around the age of six or seven. And I can remember during the 70s and the 80s,
00:43:56there were days where it was 100 plus. And we would go to the beach and everybody would take
00:44:03precautions and we would all drink a lot of liquids. But everybody went about their life
00:44:10fairly normally. I can remember back in 1977, it was the winter of 1977 going into 1978.
00:44:20And I can remember living in North Jersey. And in the space of about 36 hours, over two feet of snow
00:44:30fell on the ground. And it was great. We got off of school for a couple of days. Everybody stayed
00:44:38home for a couple of days. We had snowball fights. We went sleigh riding. And the point that I'm
00:44:46trying to make is all through the 70s and the 80s and the 90s and the 2000s, I can look at wild
00:44:58weather, regular weather, normal weather. And easily over the last half century,
00:45:08as far as I'm concerned, and the weather that I have been exposed to,
00:45:13I don't notice any change in the weather at all. Do you?
00:45:18Extreme weather and weather. The new normal is with us now. I'm joined by science educator,
00:45:25Bill Nye. Good morning, Bill. It's so great to have you with us this morning. There are very
00:45:29few people watching us this morning who aren't. Bill Nye is to science what Bill Gates is to
00:45:39epidemiology. Just so you know. Experiencing sweltering heat. The same is happening around
00:45:46the world. Flooding, wildfires. Give us your read on that. Is this the new normal?
00:45:55It's the beginning of the new normal, with respect. So the latest research is that there's
00:46:02not a turning point or a tipping point or a knee in the curve. It's just going to get hotter and
00:46:06hotter and worse and worse and more and more extreme. So this is a taste of the normal of
00:46:12the future, unless we, humankind, get to work and address it. And let's talk about that. Our
00:46:19Ginger Zee talks about climate change a lot, global warming. What do we need to do right now,
00:46:26in your view? Well, there's two things, everybody. I say this all the time. The first thing is talk
00:46:33about climate change. If we were talking with our families and friends and people we vote for
00:46:40about climate change, we'd be much more inclined to do something about it. And then the other
00:46:44thing that I always say is vote. So we have a situation. Oh, right. That's enough of Bill Nye,
00:46:51the non-science guy. But remember this clip from New York Governor Kathy Hochul,
00:46:57and she wants to terrify you into, I don't know what she wants you to do.
00:47:03But this is the same woman who three years ago wanted you to be her vaccination apostle
00:47:11and follow her to go get the government injection. Take a listen to New York
00:47:19Governor Kathy Hochul saying that 90 degree heat is an unprecedented crisis.
00:47:29This is not a natural hot weather stretch for us here in the state of New York, especially upstate.
00:47:35But we are going to be seeing temperatures at levels we have not seen in our lifetimes.
00:47:40And I want to update New Yorkers on what we're doing about this significant public health event.
00:47:46Not only is she telling you things that are highly skewed, she is outright lying to you.
00:47:59There is no temperature that we have experienced this summer that we have not already experienced
00:48:07in some previous summer. So when she says that we are experiencing temperatures that we have not
00:48:15seen in our lifetime, is she trying to tell us that the temperature in New York City
00:48:23has suddenly got to 110 degrees? Is that what she's trying to tell us?
00:48:30Right now, everywhere north of New York City is under a heat advisory, and it's only going to get
00:48:34worse. Starting today in the Genesee Valley and the Finger Lakes, and starting tomorrow, extreme
00:48:41heat will hit everywhere in the great state of New York. Now what does this mean? It's a dangerous mix
00:48:47of high temperatures and extreme humidity causing feels like temperature of over 100 degrees.
00:48:56Now that's hot. It feels like it's 100 degrees. Well guess what? It's not 100 degrees.
00:49:05It's not even 98 degrees. The temperature that she's talking about was between 90 and 93 degrees.
00:49:16I don't know on what planet 93 degrees is considered an unprecedented crisis,
00:49:28but this is what they want to do because they want to motivate you into climate action.
00:49:38And if you are a Roman Catholic, your leader, Pope Francis, he is doubling down, tripling down,
00:49:47quadrupling down on his gospel of Gaia. If you've never heard of Gaia, it is New Age paganism
00:50:00earth worship. That's what Gaia is. G-A-I-A. It is New Age paganism worship of the earth.
00:50:11And this is what I wrote in this article that we published yesterday on Now The End Begins. I said,
00:50:18imagine calling yourself the Vicar of Christ, a Roman Catholic title which means whoever holds
00:50:25that position is the personification of Jesus Christ on this earth. Can you imagine
00:50:35any human being saying that they were the vicarious appearing of Jesus Christ?
00:50:45How awesome that must be. You might well imagine that somebody who is called the Vicar of Christ
00:50:53would be a veritable storehouse of Bible knowledge and scripture references,
00:50:59kind of like the real Jesus in the Bible. Yet somehow Pope Francis, the current quote air quotes
00:51:08Vicar of Christ, doesn't seem to know any Bible at all. And when he mentions things like the Holy
00:51:15Spirit, they are very often in complete disharmony with the biblical Holy Spirit. It's kind of like
00:51:25walking into a McDonald's and walking out with an impossible burger. Something just doesn't add up.
00:51:35You know what it says in Genesis 1-26? And God said, let us make man in our image after our
00:51:43likeness, and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air,
00:51:50and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth
00:51:57upon the earth. Like it or not, God gave man dominion over this earth. And even though
00:52:08one chapter after he gave man dominion over the earth, man fell into sin, and the serpent was
00:52:16cursed, the woman was cursed, the man was cursed, and the earth was cursed, man still has dominion
00:52:25over the earth. Pope Francis says that it is the arrogance of the people who seek dominion over
00:52:36nature that leads to the degradation of the environment. But the Bible says that man has
00:52:46dominion over the earth. Now if you're a Roman Catholic, you must at some point, and I was a
00:52:54Roman Catholic for 30 years before I got saved. If you're a Roman Catholic, you must at some point
00:53:02come to grips with the fact that you have sworn allegiance to a man who is a New Age Gaia
00:53:10worshiper, who is leading you into paganism. That's exactly who Pope Francis is. He's a New
00:53:19Age pagan. The vicar of Christ he absolutely is not. There is no such thing in the Bible
00:53:27as mother earth. Paul says our mother is not the earth, is not Mary, but New Jerusalem who is the
00:53:36mother of us all. If you're a Catholic, the Bible tells you that Mary had six other children,
00:53:45that the only mediator between man and God is the man Christ Jesus, and to call no man your father
00:53:54upon the earth. Now if you want something to believe in, open up your Bible and start with
00:54:01that. All right, we are getting close to our top story coming up on one o'clock Eastern time.
00:54:11We are almost there. What else can we play before we get to the top of the hour?
00:54:19We also have to talk about Trump and Biden and the debate from last night. We're going to talk
00:54:25about that in just a couple of minutes. Take a listen to this from our friend Jason A. over on
00:54:33YouTube. He's cogent, but I undersold him when I said he was cogent. He's far beyond cogent.
00:54:42In fact, I think he's better than he's ever been intellectually,
00:54:48analytically. Start your tape right now because I'm about to tell you the truth,
00:54:53and F you if you can't handle the truth. This version of Biden
00:55:02intellectually, analytically, is the best Biden ever.
00:55:06Now, of course, the footage that emerged early on from the event,
00:55:12including the bizarre spectacle of the U.S. president wandering off after a skydiving display
00:55:18and having to be wrangled back into line by his counterparts, other world leaders,
00:55:23was bizarre enough. And this led to amazed commentary from around the world, as well as
00:55:30this fantastic New York Post front page meander in chief. That's him, folks. And then there was
00:55:39this uncomfortable moment when the president went in for an intimate forehead to forehead moment
00:55:46with the Holy Father, Pope Francis. I. Anyway, and I don't want to I don't want to.
00:56:00I mean, choose my words.
00:56:11Los Angeles and and what am I doing here from the.
00:56:22And the leader of the free world was in sterling form last night after a big Democrat fundraiser
00:56:28in L.A. with many A-listers. They're the usual suspects, George Clooney, Julia Roberts,
00:56:33Barbara Streisand. Watch here as Barack Obama grabs Biden's arm and helps direct the confused
00:56:40POTUS off stage. So that's that's what Joe Biden has been doing over the last couple of months. He
00:56:55he has been freezing up a lot and his eyes have been bulging out of his head.
00:57:00There's all sorts of ideas and conspiracy theories about what type of medication he is on
00:57:06and what they're doing to prop him up. And in the debate last night that started at 9 p.m.
00:57:13Eastern time. And let me just read to you a little bit of the official transcript of
00:57:21that debate from last night. Let's see here. The debate started at nine o'clock. It says
00:57:32the moderators lay out the rules of the debate before they introduced the candidates.
00:57:379.03 the candidates were introduced and Biden seemed to mumble on his way to the stage.
00:57:43Tapper immediately begins with the first question, which is about the economy and inflation.
00:57:48Question goes to Biden. Biden blames Trump for economic failures of his administration.
00:57:55Trump answers by noting that we had the greatest economic in the history of the world. And Trump
00:58:02lays out how he got the country out of a big mess. And by 9.08 Eastern time, Joe Biden's pupils
00:58:13had become highly dilated. People on social media were asking questions. Why are Biden's eyes
00:58:23so dilated? His pupils are popping out of his face. At 9.10 Trump is laying out why he wants
00:58:31bigger tax cuts, arguing that the tax cuts he did before generated massive economic growth.
00:58:38And that is true. And then by 9.15 Joe Biden experienced his first major freeze up on the
00:58:48stage. That's where he became motionless and just was looking like he was locked in. Remember,
00:58:56if you follow us on X, that video that we posted last week when he was at the G7 meeting
00:59:03and they're watching the paratroopers land and he just is looking off at something,
00:59:09some imaginary thing, and they had to go grab him and bring him back.
00:59:14And then when he was on the stage with Emmanuel Macron, he walks away and tries to sit down
00:59:22in some sort of imaginary chair. Some people were speculating that perhaps he was
00:59:28having a bowel movement in his pants. I don't know. And he had to be led away by his wife.
00:59:36And he's been experiencing these highly freezing moments. And just like Mitch McConnell did before
00:59:47they could finally cover for him no longer. Well, Biden's first major freeze up happened
00:59:5710 minutes into the debate. And we'll talk a little bit more about that in just a couple of
01:00:07minutes. But what a mess. What an absolute mess. And this is what I wrote in this article about
01:00:18the debate. I wrote this yesterday. I said, regardless of the outcome, it will be one of
01:00:26the fakest things that you will see all year. And it absolutely was. And I said, except for maybe
01:00:35what you're going to see on November 5th. And that's going to be highly fake as well.
01:00:44All right. We are about ready to get to our top story of the day. World War III. Europe is
01:00:52rushing madly forward into World War III, or at least that's what it looks like at the moment.
01:01:04But before we get to that, let me just give you an update on the Bibles Behind Bars program.
01:01:12June has been an amazing month for us, sending out lots and lots of Bibles going out.
01:01:21And about a week and a half ago, we sent off Bibles to the High Desert State Prison in Nevada
01:01:29and the Southern Desert Correctional Facility. That's where Brother Roy Bell was incarcerated.
01:01:36You know who called me on the phone today? Chaplain Julio. He is the chaplain at the High
01:01:45Desert State Prison. And he called me on the phone and he wanted to thank us for all the Bibles
01:01:55that we sent to him. And I told him that we are going to continue to keep his facility stocked
01:02:03with Bibles. In a couple of months, he's getting ready to retire. And he said that he is so happy
01:02:11that he is able to leave a fully stocked storeroom at the High Desert State Prison
01:02:19with King James Bibles for the person who's going to be taking over after he retires
01:02:26in a couple of months. So I just want to let you know that Pastor Julio Calderon is very appreciative
01:02:34and he says thank you everybody for sending all the, we send him Ruckman Reference Bibles,
01:02:40we send him Cases and Cases, the King James Bibles, and he is so very glad to get those.
01:02:49Also, we sent out Bibles to the Adelphi At-Risk Youth Center in Pennsylvania,
01:02:55the Sebastian County Detention Center in Arkansas, the River Correctional Facility
01:03:01in Louisiana. In the chat room the other night, Papa Tassin, I think it was last
01:03:11Sunday, Sunday night, Papa Tassin, and he said that he,
01:03:19the work that he does overlaps with what happens at the River Correctional Facility,
01:03:24and he was talking with some of the people, some of the inmates who receive Bibles from us,
01:03:30and he said in the chat room the other night what an amazing difference that that makes.
01:03:37So we've been sending out all these Bibles to all these places. We have new requests
01:03:44from the Atlanta City Detention Center in Georgia, the Orange County Jail in Florida,
01:03:51and the Santa Clara County Jail in California, and I got a message through our Facebook page,
01:03:59there is a homeless shelter in St. Augustine, they need Bibles as well, and I told them that
01:04:07we would be happy to supply those Bibles for them. So if you would like to help us
01:04:14to send Bibles to the Atlanta City Detention Center, the Orange County Jail, the Santa Clara
01:04:20County Jail, and the homeless shelter in St. Augustine, we invite you to go to biblesbehindbars.com
01:04:29and click on the donate link. This is how it happens. This is the secret sauce.
01:04:37God's people getting a burden and doing the work that God has called each and every one of us to do.
01:04:46We have over 10,000 people who have donated and who are donating, and that is how we are able to
01:04:55send out thousands and thousands and tens of thousands of Bibles every single year. We do it
01:05:03through your prayers and through your generous financial support. If you'd like to help us,
01:05:10please go to biblesbehindbars.com and click on the donate link. Thank you, as always, very,
01:05:18very much. All right, let's get to today's top story. This was the podcast that was supposed to
01:05:25be this past Monday, and we couldn't do it because Spreaker decided to discontinue the live broadcast
01:05:36format, so we have to do it another way. A lot of you wrote and said, please make sure
01:05:46that you do that program. You know, on Monday, one of the things that really frustrated me
01:05:54is we had thousands and thousands of people who had logged on to listen to this podcast,
01:06:03and it really broke our heart that we weren't able to get that podcast going, that we had that glitch.
01:06:12Keep this ministry in your prayers. The devil is constantly attacking, constantly trying to
01:06:19throw up roadblocks, and we need your prayers that we would have the strength and the power
01:06:29and the provision and the protection from the Lord to keep doing these very necessary
01:06:36end times broadcasts. Here's an article from Al Jazeera, whatever.
01:06:46Europe preparing for war as Ukraine conflict looms large. The Global Peace Index finds
01:06:54Europe's military spending is rising amid fears the war in Ukraine will expand, and of course,
01:07:03the war in Ukraine is expanding, and we understand, you hear it all the time, Ukraine cannot beat
01:07:12Russia without massive intervention from some big western country or the United States.
01:07:22It is not possible, and you can quote me on this, you can write this down,
01:07:31there is no situation that exists where Ukraine by themselves is able to defeat Russia.
01:07:41Russia is the largest national land mass on the face of the earth. They have an endless supply
01:07:49of soldiers, endless supply. You know, back in World War II, when the Germans launched something
01:07:57called Operation Barbarossa, and for about the first six months, the Russians were stunned,
01:08:08and Hitler launched this massive springtime blitzkrieg on Russia, and all during that summer
01:08:18and all during that fall, it looked like Germany was going to relatively easily
01:08:25take control of Russia, of the Soviet Union. You want to know how that war ended?
01:08:34That war ended with a massive amount, over one million Russian soldiers marching through
01:08:45Berlin. That's how World War II ended, and you know what Adolf Hitler found out?
01:08:53He found out the same thing that Napoleon found out,
01:08:58that unless you have some sort of really interesting trick up your sleeve,
01:09:03you are never going to beat Russia. Now, Russia just happens to be one of the nations in the end
01:09:13times that is mentioned in Bible prophecy. The Bible says this in Ezekiel chapter 39.
01:09:24Ezekiel 39 verse 1, Therefore thou son of man prophesy against Gog, and say,
01:09:32Thus saith the Lord God, Behold, I am against thee, O Gog, the chief prince of Meshach and Tubal,
01:09:39and I will turn thee back and leave but the sixth part of thee, and will cause thee to come up from
01:09:44the north parts, and will bring thee upon the mountains of Israel. It's like we've been saying
01:09:52the entire time, World War I, you have all these conflicts happening on the surface,
01:10:00but at the center of World War I was the Balfour Declaration, and the land of Israel being
01:10:07partitioned next to the land of Palestine. World War II ends with the Jewish people going back to
01:10:16that land. It is a guarantee that you're going to have plus or minus 10% the same players in World
01:10:27War III, and at the heart, it doesn't matter who the players on the top are, at the heart of World
01:10:34War III will be Israel and the Jewish people. That's a guarantee you can count on that. So let's talk
01:10:45for a moment about Germany.
01:10:53Germany over the last year and a half, two years, has taken a stunning turn to the far right.
01:11:04If you remember for years and years and years, a woman by the name of Angela Merkel
01:11:11was the leader of Germany, and Angela Merkel was very much of a centrist, very much of a democrat,
01:11:24a little bit on the liberal side, and
01:11:31she was in power for a long, long, long time, and then she left,
01:11:40and then that other guy took over. I got to jog my memory here to see if I can remember
01:11:48that guy's name, but he didn't do too well. He didn't do too well, and when
01:12:00the war broke out between Russia and Ukraine, that's when Germany decided to start rebuilding
01:12:12their military, and that's a very important point because the German military has largely remained
01:12:21defensive since 1945, but over the last 18 months,
01:12:32the German military has been going from being largely defensive to becoming
01:12:42offensive, and of course, they give all the reasons why that they're doing that,
01:12:51but during that time period, we have seen a rise in the far right in Germany. Now, there is a group
01:13:02called the AFD, and the AFD is the Alternative for Deutschland or Germany Party. AFD, Alternative
01:13:14for Deutschland, and the leader of that party is a man by the name of Bernard Bjorn Hoek,
01:13:23and he is taking the entire nation of Germany to the far right. Now, one thing that is helping him
01:13:33to do that is Germany is one of those nations that has brought in a very high number of immigrants,
01:13:43of immigrants, and crime in Germany has skyrocketed, rapes and murders and lootings,
01:13:52and just a general sense of being unsafe on the streets. That's what Germany has been dealing with.
01:14:01Now, Bernard Hoek drew a lot of attention to himself
01:14:08by using a phrase that was kind of banned, kind of frowned upon in Germany,
01:14:17and in English, that phrase is everything for Germany, and that was one of the things that
01:14:27the Nazi commandos engraved on their helmets and on their swords and on their daggers
01:14:38to remind themselves that whatever they had to do to make Germany great again,
01:14:44they were going to do that. I found this thing on YouTube called the Bjorn Hoek song, and it's
01:14:55a send-up of a song by Bruce Springsteen from 1984 called Born in the USA. I don't speak German,
01:15:05so I can't tell you what the words say, but just take a listen to it. It's only a minute
01:15:11and a half. Just take a listen. It's called the Bjorn Hoek song.
01:15:35Hey, brown sump, schlumpf, mit der Pfanne. Stumpf ist beide trumpf, du schrumpf, Germane.
01:15:43Ätzend, hätzend machst du den Rechtsruck, klar. Und besorgte Bürger, die sind alle da. Björn von der AfD.
01:15:54Du bist ein Luftverpester, schlimmer als VW. Die Angstträume werden größer in unserem Land,
01:16:03gerade für blonde Frauen werden sie leider immer größer.
01:16:07Fui, du, das braune Schreckgespenst. Dein Horizont ist deutsch und etwas begrenzt.
01:16:14Spießgesellen mit Schießbefehlen, wohin ich auch blick. Da wünscht man sich schon fast die lusche Lucke zurück.
01:16:22Björn von der AfD, der singt gern die Nationalhymne.
01:16:31Blühen Glanze dieses Glückes, blühen Glanze dieses Glückes, blühen Glanze dieses Glückes, blühen Glanze dieses Glückes, blühen Glanze dieses Glückes, blühen Glanze dieses Glückes, blühen Glanze dieses Glückes, blühen Glanze dieses Glückes, blühen Glanze dieses Glückes, blühen Glanze dieses Glückes, blühen Glanze dieses Glückes, blühen Glanze dieses Glückes, blühen Glanze dieses Glückes, blühen Glanze dieses Glückes, blühen Glanze dieses Glückes, blühen Glanze dieses Glückes, blühen Glanze dieses Glückes, blühen Glanze dieses Glückes, blühen Glanze dieses Glückes, blühen Glanze dieses Glückes, blühen Glanze dieses Glückes, blühen Glanze dieses Glückes, bl
01:17:01I did not. I don't even know what this is. There are people in Germany and a number of our German listeners have written to me to tell me that there is no threat from the AFD party and yet there's a lot of people who feel quite threatened by the AFD party.
01:17:28The German spy chief has told the BBC that the far-right alternative for Deutschland party poses a risk to the roots of democracy. The AFD regularly rejects accusations of extremism but the BBC has found clear links between significant party figures and extremists or even former neo-Nazi networks by investigating just one event held in the East German city of Cottbus. Our Berlin correspondent Jessica Parker has this report.
01:17:55In Germany's East, the far-right alternative for Deutschland is popular even aiming for power. And Jean-Pascal Homme is a regional parliamentary candidate.
01:18:13The AFD is proactive on social media but also on the ground and it feeds this idea they want to promote that they are of the people and taking on the establishment.
01:18:22But, as the BBC has found, Jean-Pascal Homme's held links with several groups now classed by domestic intelligence as extremist networks accused of anti-migrant, anti-Muslim ideology.
01:18:43All these organisations focus on one subject, the theme of our times. It is the population replacement going on in Germany and in Europe. To voice that and to fight that politically is not extremist.
01:18:54You don't think the great replacement theory is extremist? I mean it's a far-right conspiracy theory.
01:19:00No, the great replacement is happening. I can see that in my own city. I do not say it is organised from up high. I say it's happening.
01:19:10It was at this office back in March that Jean-Pascal Homme helped organise an event. The speaker was an MP called Matthias Helfrich who once described himself as the friendly face of National Socialism, also known as Nazism.
01:19:27Matthias Helfrich insists the years-old leaked messages were satire. His talk here in Cottbus was on re-migration, a code word, say many, for mass deportations.
01:19:40In this video he talks about re-migrating millions to preserve the land of the Germans.
01:19:51In the audience in Cottbus that night was Benedict Kaiser, another influential figure. He works for an AFD MP. But over a decade ago, Mr Kaiser was pictured at neo-Nazi demos. We've approached him for comment.
01:20:11This spy chief claims that extremism within the AFD poses a risk to democracy.
01:20:18When I'm speaking about a German oak, a big strong old tree, it can take a blizzard, it can take a storm. But once you have an enemy that goes for the roots, and that's exactly what's happening right now, going for the roots of our democracy, it's very dangerous because it goes to the vital parts of our democracy.
01:20:38The AFD says it's being smeared by a biased establishment. And as the country builds towards regional and EU elections, this isn't a fringe movement, but one trying to go mainstream. Jessica Parker, BBC News in Brandenburg.
01:21:00So there you have the BBC's look at the AFD party. And I understand that there are people who support them in Germany, and they think that they're doing a good thing.
01:21:18And look, I would not be happy if I was a German citizen and seeing all these hundreds of thousands of migrants that are just, well, we have that here in America, and it's happening in places like Philadelphia and New York City and Los Angeles, all these towns and places that are run by Democrats.
01:21:43And you just can't dump tens of thousands of people into a system and expect that system to keep operating. If you've been listening to these broadcasts for a long time, you know that we chalk that up to the Cloward-Piven strategy to destroy America.
01:22:07And the idea is that you overwhelm the welfare and benefits system till the whole thing crashes, and then everything has to be rebuilt. And to me, that's what they're doing.
01:22:26Let's listen to a minute or two of this clip. What's driving Germany's far-right AFD resurgence?
01:22:34I'm at the Brandenburg Gate in the heart of Berlin, a city where the Nazis were finally defeated in 1945 and Adolf Hitler took his own life. Now something unthinkable is happening. A nationalist, anti-immigrant, far-right party is on the rise here. Its leaders use Nazi slogans and sound like descendants of history's tyrants.
01:22:58It's a party at a German resort. And listen to what they're chanting.
01:23:04Deutschland for Deutsche. Germany for the Germans. These young people are singing Nazi slogans. Ausländer raus means foreigners out. And this is the Nazi salute. A chilling example of how the far-right is coming out of the shadows in Germany.
01:23:24The country has strict laws banning Nazi phrases, gestures and symbols, but they're increasingly being ignored. This is Chemnitz, a former East German city known as a hub for extremists. Uwe Chubala runs Shalom Restaurant here and tells me anti-Semitism that used to exist beneath the surface is now out in the open.
01:23:46And it's the worst it's been, he says, since the Nazi era. A pig's head marked with the Star of David was left on his doorstep and a group of men attacked his restaurant with rocks. Violent anti-immigrant groups roamed Chemnitz, threatening and attacking people after a local man was stabbed and killed by a Syrian.
01:24:10And the Second World War was not that long ago. Have people forgotten?
01:24:22I don't know, he says. It's not just anti-Semitism. Supporters of the far-right believe Germany is no longer German enough. That too many immigrants and asylum seekers have been allowed in.
01:24:35And a new far-right party, the AFD, is capitalizing on that. Formed in 2013, polling shows it's now the second most popular party in Germany. It's poised to win power in three German states and projected to make big gains in the European Parliament elections this week.
01:24:52Its most prominent member is Björn Höcke. He's been fined for using the Nazi phrase Alles für Deutschland, everything for Germany, a motto that was engraved on stormtroopers' daggers. Höcke, a history teacher, claims he didn't know. His critics call him a straight-up Nazi.
01:25:13So that's what you have happening in Germany and they're dealing with their far-right. But in France, you have the same thing. And this is why Emmanuel Macron called the snap election.
01:25:32He called the snap election because he was stunned and taken by severe surprise by what the far-right in France was able to do. Within days after he called for the snap election, thousands of people in France were marching against the far-right.
01:25:58Rallies are being held across France to protest against the far-right. The demonstrations come ahead of snap parliamentary elections later this month called by President Emmanuel Macron. Anti-racism groups joined French unions to march through the streets of Paris. They fear Marine Le Pen's National Rally Party could lead the first far-right government since the Second World War. French authorities expect hundreds of thousands of demonstrators nationwide.
01:26:24Isn't it interesting, have you noticed, that all the events that are taking place in Germany right now, whether you agree or disagree with them, people are saying these things haven't been seen since the Second World War. And all the things that are taking place in France right now, whether you agree or disagree with them, people are saying we haven't seen these things since the end of the Second World War.
01:26:54What did they say on October 7th when Hamas attacked Israel and 1,200 Jews were slaughtered in a single day? We haven't seen this type of thing since World War II.
01:27:15And that is the main theme that's taking place right now. Things that have not been in evidence since World War II are now suddenly popping up everywhere. And what is the reason for that? Why are these things happening?
01:27:34They are happening because the world in general, and Europe in specific, is preparing itself for World War III. I don't know when that war is going to break out. I don't know when it's going to take place.
01:27:52But it is obvious that one way or the other, Israel, Europe, and the Near East are going to find themselves once again embroiled in a global conflict.
01:28:14And unless something major changes, some sort of unseen thing that is going to recalibrate things, but outside of that, if nothing changes, Netanyahu said yesterday, Iranian axis on the march to conquer the Middle East.
01:28:35And this is why he's going to go after Hezbollah in Lebanon. So we started the podcast by talking about wars and rumors of wars. And that's exactly what we have.
01:28:50And there is no other place where a global conflict is more likely to break out than in Europe. And all across Europe, there is massive financial, social, and economic and political instability.
01:29:09Those are exactly the things that were present for World War I. Those are the things that helped to launch World War II. And these are the things that you're going to have to have in place for World War III.
01:29:26Now, I know that I promised some clips of the debate from last night, and we are almost out of time. But Biden did not do so well. Take a listen.
01:29:40Making sure that we're able to make every single solitary person eligible for what I've been able to do with dealing with everything we have to do with.
01:29:58Look, if we finally beat Medicare, we find housing for black Americans, the impact of the choice, the idea that they're going to, I'm not proposing that everybody, they pay, millionaires pay 1%, 1%.
01:30:22So no one after, I've not raised the cost of Social Security for anybody. I got my handicap, which when I was Vice President, down to a six.
01:30:31And wants to get rid of the ability of Medicare for the ability for us to be able to negotiate drug prices with the big pharma companies.
01:30:45What I'm going to do is fix the tax system. For example, we have a thousand trillionaires in America, billionaires in America.
01:30:52No one was hurt, no one Israeli was accidentally killed, and it stopped.
01:30:58And I'm going to continue to move until we get the total ban on the total initiative relative to what we're going to do with more border patrol and more asylum officers.
01:31:09That is really, really, really bad. And then there was this.
01:31:15Any legal limits on how late a woman should be able to terminate a pregnancy?
01:31:20I support it. Roe v. Wade. I said three trimesters. First time is between the woman and the doctor. Second time is between the doctor and an extreme situation.
01:31:30The third time is between the doctor. I mean, between the woman and the state. The idea that the politicians.
01:31:38Joe Biden did really, really bad last night, and it is obvious it can no longer be hid.
01:31:46The man is falling apart. If you're a Democrat, if you're a Democrat, you're not voting for Joe Biden.
01:31:54You're voting for Kamala Harris. And if you're comfortable with her as president, then go ahead.
01:32:00But please keep in mind that Joe Biden has not been selected as the nominee of his party.
01:32:13That doesn't take place for a number of weeks. Joe Biden is not the nominee, just as Donald Trump has not been selected by the Republican Party to be the nominee for the Republican Party.
01:32:30He is the presumptive nominee. Joe Biden is the presumptive nominee.
01:32:38And I have been saying this for quite some time, but I really feel that the Democrats are going to come up with a curveball.
01:32:46I really don't see them continuing with Joe Biden, but we'll see what happens.
01:32:52We are living in the midst of ever-changing times, and the only way that you can keep up with what's going on is you've got to get in the book.
01:33:02You've got to open up your King James Bible. You've got to read what you see. You've got to believe what you read.
01:33:08And then you've got to go out and do something about it.
01:33:13And with that, we have come to the end of our time for tonight.
01:33:17Thank you so much for being a part of the NTEB global family of Bible believers across America and around the world, Lord willing.
01:33:28We'll see you back here Sunday, 7 p.m., for another NTEB rightly dividing King James Bible study.
01:33:38And we hope that it will be a blessing for you.
01:33:42Have a great weekend, everybody, and Lord willing, we'll see you Sunday.
01:34:13It's a light to my pathway, a lamp to my feet
01:34:18When the world gets so dark you can't see
01:34:22And I've not made a change in one word that it says
01:34:26But it sure made a change in me
01:34:30This blessed old book that I hold in my hand
01:34:34It's true from beginning to end
01:34:37It's the solid foundation wherever we stand
01:34:42Sin kept me from it, now it keeps me from sin
01:34:56When I think what it cost just to hold it in my hand
01:35:01It reminds me that I owe a great debt
01:35:04To all of the martyrs who'd go to the stake
01:35:09And quote it with their dying breath
01:35:13Now it's critics are many and believers are few
01:35:17But one thing I've found to be true
01:35:21If you find when you read it that there's something wrong
01:35:26There's something wrong with you
01:35:29This blessed old book that I hold in my hand
01:35:34It's true from beginning to end
01:35:38It's the solid foundation wherever we stand
01:35:42Sin kept me from it, now it keeps me from sin
