A man sends his four sons to look at a pear tree during different times of the year, where they consequently learn a valuable lesson.
00:00A man once called for his four sons and sent each of them to go and have a look at a pear
00:07tree that was a distance away from their home at their own convenience.
00:12The first son went to look at the tree in the winter season, the second in the spring,
00:19the third in summer and the youngest son went to look at the tree in the fall.
00:28After a year had passed by, the father asked all four of them if they had visited the tree
00:35and if they could describe to him what they had seen.
00:41The first son said that the tree was ugly, bent and twisted.
00:49The second son said, are you kidding?
00:52The tree was covered with fresh green buds and seemed so promising.
01:03Disagreeing with his two brothers, the third son said it was full of blossoms that smelled
01:11so sweet and looked so gracious.
01:17It is the most beautiful thing I have ever seen in my life.
01:23The last son said, they are all wrong dad.
01:29The tree was ripe and drooping with fruit.
01:34It was so full of life.
01:38The man explained to his sons that they were all correct because each one of them had seen
01:45only one season in the life of the tree.
01:50And then he taught them a very important lesson.
01:56Cannot judge a tree or a person by only one season, by only one phase of their life.
02:06The essence of who they are can only be measured at the end when all the seasons are up.
02:15If you give up when it's winter, you'll miss the promise of your spring, the beauty
02:24of your summer and the fulfillment of your fall.
02:30Let's not allow the pain of one season to destroy the joy of the rest.
02:38Let's not judge life by one difficult season.
02:44Let's endure the difficult times with hope and better times are sure to come.
02:51Thank you very much.