Trade Flaherty While We Still Can

  • 2 months ago
00:00Yesterday, okay. So yesterday you asked me a question and the question was
00:06If you are Scott Harris, are you trying to move Jack Flaherty now
00:10That his stock isn't gonna get higher. And
00:13So if you get an offer now
00:16Would you be inclined to take it?
00:18yesterday I
00:21Said no
00:26Today today I
00:29Wish I would have said yes
00:32Well, not that I was looking to trade him yesterday, but I'm saying I think that I'd rather get the ball rolling now
00:40Because stocks pretty high. Yeah stock is high and I'm not sure if it's gonna be high
00:45I mean a team that gets him now actually gets a few more starts out of them
00:50They're knowing that's gonna be a rental. Anyway, at least you get a few more starts out of them that maybe you can
00:55Further charge in your standings. So my theory yesterday was
01:01You get everybody's real offer right before the trade deadline
01:05they're hoping to get off light now and
01:09Are willing to up the ante later and you'll get a higher price
01:16And then he goes out last night goes five and two-thirds gives up three home runs five earned runs seven hits
01:21He did have seven strikeouts
01:24But what we don't want is his stock to go down and
01:29I gator am ready
01:33To beg and
01:35Maybe even plead
01:38For something to work out for this team
01:42Just give us something
01:45Are you kidding me? Like we've got an asset that has some market value
01:51It's just one start like it's just one start
01:54And I shouldn't overreact
01:57But I am getting to the point now where I think that if it can't go wrong it will go wrong
02:04Because that's the kind of what's the opposite of a heater?
02:08Because that's where the cooler we're on such a cool streak right now
02:12And I I said it earlier in the show. I think people feel worse about the Tigers right now than they do the Pistons
02:23It's depressing it is and look I
02:28I'm hoping that and assuming that Jack Flaherty is gonna bounce back and he'll be fine in his next start
02:34But I do want a I know honesty. I do want to get this thing rolling
02:37I have there's something in the back of my mind. This isn't exactly why I want to do this
02:42But I can't help it knowing that it's there
02:45and thinking about what happened last year when you're trying to unload a pitcher and
02:50You wait you wait you wait you wait, and then it ends up being too late
02:55Because he changed his mind at the last second when he thought he had a deal done
02:59I think back other past years for the Tigers have had trade assets before the trade deadline and then somebody gets hurt and
03:08You know this is Jack Flaherty's already had the back issue. Yep. It was quickly resolved thankfully
03:16But that's back lingering in my mind as well is
03:19Is that something that's gonna be explained because it always seems to happen when when somebody has a bad outing or a couple bad outings
03:26Well, whoa, what's wrong? Yeah, and then next thing you know the guys on the seven-day. I
03:31Injured list or whatever 10 days 15, whatever they're gonna do he's out
03:36Please don't let that happen here. Please let him bounce back be the trade asset that he is and
03:42And find it and there might be are there more teams that are in it right now that would want to be in it if
03:48You let the league wide know we're open for business Jack Flaherty. We want to move them the next week
03:53Give me your best offer. You don't want to sound desperate though. No, you don't want to sound desperate
03:57But I don't think that sounds desperate. I think that sounds like we're commanding this. Okay, we're in charge. We're in charge over here
04:03Yeah, we're running this show. Yeah
04:05Don't be fooled
04:07Don't be football. What's our eyes tell you it's uh
04:11It's a weird deal because
04:14We've so little left to root for is what it feels like and I don't blame fans for still going to games and cheering for
04:21Their team there's nothing wrong with that have you do you have fun with it?
04:24but for me in terms of grand scheme of
04:28You know trying to you know, hope that they can compete here. It's some sort of level
04:34It's pretty frustrating knowing that this team
04:38You know is just it's not taking big steps forward and maybe they will when it's all said and done
04:42It's a long season and when you're when you're playing poorly
04:47We always talk about how it feels like you're never gonna win it
04:49You're never gonna win again, and when you're playing great feels like you're never gonna lose again
04:54They have got to you know
04:57Put together a little bit of a win streak to create a little bit of interest and maybe they won't
05:01Well, they're at the low point of the season right now
05:04There's seven games below 500 they haven't been that low all year long
05:08They are halfway through the season 81 games in the 81 games
05:1523 of them have seen the Tigers score one run or zero runs
05:22In 23 of the 81 games it feels like you're abstaining from playing offense you'd like pass we're up we'll pass
05:30That's what it feels like some nights, yeah
05:34Two four eight five three nine ninety seven ninety seven in the meantime it
05:39He does have value still one start doesn't change that
05:45He has value but
05:48your question yesterday was strike while the irons hot and
05:53I hope it wasn't necessary
05:55Necessary I hope we're not sitting here going my god the asset completely diminished in the weeks leading up to we need something to work
06:02out right
06:04Jack Flaherty
06:05Jack Flaherty has to be motivated as well. He's in a contract here
06:09he bet on himself took a short-term deal with a team that wasn't going to be particularly competitive and
06:16He wants I mean I would imagine
06:19He'd love to it's not like he's gonna go to a contender and they're not gonna use him
06:23He'll get a chance to make starts for a contending team right. This is exactly what you want and
06:30He you know has to be motivated to get out of here, right
06:36Sure sure unless he likes it
06:39Well, that could be the case and it might be like I'm gonna do my best work under Chris Fetter moving forward, right?
06:44And but he's not gonna also tank intentionally. No
06:48No, but you know the Tigers have they've got we know they've got a bunch of issues here. I said to start the show
06:55I'm I'm at the point now that
06:58it's I
07:00deem the offense to be unacceptable and a change has to happen and I think the change I need to see is
07:07Let's get new blood in here with the hitting instructors because these guys aren't getting a job done
07:12It has been a historically bad offensive team for the last several years
07:17So change it up, I know the person I would first blame the players absolutely
07:23For not performing, but at some point it's it's not just the players
07:28It's it's got to be something else and and let's start looking at it. And I want to see I
07:34Want to see a change here because 23 out of 81 games is more than 28 percent of their games
07:43Mean that's insane where they score one run or fewer
