
  • 4 months ago


00:00At 7.41 this morning, the body of a 28-year-old woman, Wilma McCann, was found in the Prince
00:07Philip playing fields behind Scottall Avenue in Chapeltown.
00:11She and her mother were four kids, prostitute don't come into it.
00:18Got a place where we can go?
00:21Five pounds, Sidney.
00:22For how long would it have been?
00:23Five minutes?
00:25No, you're my wife.
00:26Mother of my children.
00:28And someone has to provide for them.
00:30Well, I find if you don't solve a murder in the first couple of days, it's an uphill struggle after that, isn't it?
00:35How many men do you know don't own a hammer?
00:37Look, you'll catch him.
00:39You'll just do.
00:57Here you go.
01:16Just leave it for me.
01:34Better leave it for Lordy God.
01:37Police are downstairs.
01:39Get up.
01:51Sidney Jackson.
01:53As in husband to Emily Jackson.
01:57I'm afraid we might have some very sad news.
02:13All we're after at this stage is identification.
02:16Just a quick look to confirm it's her.
02:21It's not her.
02:24Mr. Jackson.
02:25Well, she'd have stopped out.
02:28I said that, didn't I?
02:32She'd have stopped with a mate.
02:36Well, if that's what happened and it's not your wife, we still need that confirmation.
02:55I can't.
02:57But what if it's not her?
03:19Neil, is it?
03:24You're only going to see her face today.
03:27All right?
04:00Good lad.
04:08Great lad.
04:33Irene or Eileen?
04:58I've been a nanny twice before now.
05:01One family had four children, so three's no bother.
05:05You can cook?
05:07And clean?
05:10I've been a chambermaid in hotels.
05:38Why would you be needing someone to start?
05:41Well, there's other lasses to see and I'll need to speak with my husband.
05:46The whole thing could take weeks, love.
05:52Well, you want the very best person for the job.
05:56That's important.
06:18If you just take a seat in there for me, please, Mr Jackson.
06:27Mr Jackson's neighbours say they lost a teenage son a few years back.
06:31Family's not been the same since, apparently.
06:34All right.
06:35So what do you reckon?
06:36Well, Professor G reckons that they're linked.
06:39Same injuries, same type of weapon, same clothing removed as McCann.
06:45Give us another one year about the boot size.
06:51We're Ulfers.
06:53Me, Arneal.
06:56And Emily?
06:58She did books.
07:00And driving.
07:03I don't drive.
07:05Your son.
07:07She drove that.
07:09Picking up, dropping off.
07:11A bit like when your mum took you to school.
07:13That kind of thing.
07:18She were hit in the head with a hammer, Sidney.
07:23That's what we think happened.
07:26Then she would go on over with some sort of implement.
07:28Screwdriver or chisel.
07:31You being a roofer, you'd have a tool bag yourself.
07:41Does it have a hammer?
07:43Screwdriver, chisel.
07:46What is this?
07:47What shoe size are you there, Sidney?
07:50Answer the question.
07:51But why?
07:52What's it to do with?
07:53What's it to do with?
07:54It's to do with the fact that we found a footprint on Emily's thigh.
08:00Someone stood on her.
08:02Stood is wrong.
08:05Stamp'd be a better word.
08:08And whoever did it was wearing some sort of work boot,
08:10so that's why he's asking.
08:13So what shoe size are you?
08:21Let's have a look.
08:24Show us your foot.
08:37Where were you last night, Sidney?
08:42We went drinking, me and Emily.
08:47You left her behind and went home.
08:51She wanted to keep drinking.
08:53So you had an argument.
08:58So you just left Fann in car park and went home.
09:10You'd have waited until you got home before you killed her.
09:13You'd have saved yourself the fare.
09:16What's under the bridge now, though, eh?
09:18How did you meet Wilma McCann?
09:21Work, was it?
09:23If I open these books Emily keeps,
09:25will they tell me all about the roofing jobs in Scott Hall Avenue?
09:29Oh, were you a punter?
09:30Is that why you drank in Chapel Town?
09:33Wilma McCann had four kids, Sidney.
09:37One more than your Emily.
09:41That's seven kids without a mum.
09:46Did you want to draw to yourself Wilma?
09:49That it?
09:52Did you pick her up on October 29th
09:55and kill her with tools from the back of your van?
09:58Don't drive!
09:59Oh, you keep saying, but we don't know that, do we?
10:11It's a Wellington, though.
10:13Done a lot more, Rick. Size seven.
10:22Oh, did Emily go off with another fella?
10:24Is that it?
10:26It weren't like that.
10:28Yeah, well, what were it like?
10:33People weren't paid.
10:35You know, we'd all...
10:38We'd all these bills, you know, we were going under.
10:43It were her idea, you know, not mine.
10:46Her idea?
10:50To go with men.
10:55She'd only done it a few times.
11:00And you went with her.
11:05You know, to be nearby.
11:08So she knew I were in pub.
11:14You know, in case.
11:16Case of what?
11:21In case something's happened.
11:33Another woman has been brutally murdered in Chapel Town.
11:3852 wounds in total.
11:41Hammer to the head, same force, same ferocity.
11:45Followed by a sustained assault to the neck, the body and the back
11:49with what the lab now thinks is a crosshead screwdriver.
11:53Whoever did this murdered Wilma McCann.
11:56Of that, we're now certain.
11:58You were also wearing a size 7 Wellington boot,
12:01but at this stage, we're keeping that detail to ourselves.
12:05Right, let's start on Spencer Place,
12:08Leopold Street and Gayety.
12:10The drinkers, see who saw what.
12:13And I want us logging plates of any cars seen cruising those streets
12:17over the next couple of weeks.
12:19Before we had it right the first time, sir,
12:21I'm going to ask you a question.
12:25Go on.
12:27Who's the Aussies after?
12:29Well, we don't know.
12:31Wilma McCann was a prostitute, Emily Jackson was a prostitute.
12:35And I don't know about you, sir, but I can see a pattern emerging.
12:39Well, if that's where evidence is leading us,
12:42then that must be the conclusion.
12:45Right, as I said, we'll head to the Gayety first
12:48and we'll go from there.
12:50Thank you.
12:54Thank you.
13:40Back again? What's that?
13:43Well, I didn't recognise you. In your uniform.
13:46Very funny.
13:48I want you reading this.
13:50Or at least looking at picture.
13:54Tell me you don't know her!
13:58I can't believe they're out already.
14:00Not as many as normal.
14:02Cos we're here.
14:25What's that?
14:38We now believe that this man is targeting prostitutes.
14:43I'm sure this even stretches to women who go in public houses.
14:47Women of rather loose morals.
14:50What's he on about?
14:52He was found in an industrial area just off the Roundhay Road,
14:56with an area of prostitutes in it to take their clients.
14:59Why's he saying that about me, man?
15:01She had severe head injuries.
15:03There are other injuries.
15:05I'm not prepared to elaborate on those at this time.
15:08No, no. Go back upstairs.
15:11That's not something we can say.
15:14But certainly while this man is at large,
15:17no prostitute is safe.
15:32He's been through before.
15:34Let's have a check.
15:53Right, this'll do.
15:55No-one's going to see you, are you?
15:59Is she a friend of yours, then?
16:03Not really.
16:05I've seen her a couple of times.
16:09She rolled out to be my mam,
16:11but I wouldn't want to look out for her cos she was one that we knew.
16:14Do you know what I mean?
16:16Last thing I remember, she got into a car.
16:20What kind of car?
16:22I let her have it cos I never liked the fella.
16:24Not at all.
16:26What kind of car?
16:28It's a Land Rover.
16:32No, we've got him.
16:34He's not the man we're looking for.
16:36Is it true you never even had sex with her?
16:38Just wanted her dead?
16:42Is it true you never even had sex with her?
16:44Just wanted her dead?
16:46Mind you hear that?
16:49Take that as a yes, then.
16:51Listen, Nicola, we need you to think now.
16:54Think about who you've gone with.
16:56Who you might have seen.
16:58We're after a bloke you'll find frightening.
17:00Maybe not at first,
17:02but when you're alone with him, in his car,
17:06you start to realise
17:08this is a bloke who might lose it and get violent.
17:11A bloke who puts the fear of God into you
17:13because he's got it in him to hurt you at any time.
17:17You know a punter like that?
17:23We all do.
17:30It's all of him,
17:32isn't it?
17:35It's every bloke,
17:39every time, every night, fucking week.
18:09Mr Jackson!
18:11Mr Jackson, are you a suspect in your wife's murder?
18:13Did you not notice your own gear?
18:15Not many women of that sort live round here.
18:17Does that mean you've been cleared?
18:19Does that mean you've been cleared, Mr Jackson?
18:21Have you been officially ruled out?
18:23This is a respectable neighbourhood, Mr Jackson.
18:25Are you a pimp?
18:27Mr Jackson!
18:31If you can pay our money, Mr Jackson,
18:33just let me know when the time is right.
18:36If you can pay our money, Mr Jackson,
18:38just let me know when the time is right.
18:55Who knows what the average man gets up to,
18:58left to his own devices.
19:00And any fellow who uses a prostitute,
19:02don't go around bragging about it.
19:04Don't go on to the wife saying,
19:06guess where I've just been.
19:08Don't tell his workmates.
19:10Don't tell his friends.
19:12What, mate?
19:14Workmates not real mates any more, Dennis?
19:18Tells nobody his point.
19:22The prostitutes won't talk to us
19:24because they worry we'll nick them.
19:26And even if they did be no use anyway,
19:28because the only way they know this bastard is this bastard,
19:31is when they're on their own with him.
19:33By which point it's too late.
19:39Curran is opening the inquest into both murders Monday.
19:44It's been four months.
19:46People are going to want an update, Dennis.
19:49I'm aware of that.
19:53So, what have we got?
20:01Well, it's a boot, size 7.
20:04Not many men take a 7.
20:06Thousands do.
20:07Yes, but tens of thousands don't, and we can rule them out.
20:10Not necessarily.
20:11Don't look for saying the rubber they use is flexible.
20:14He might be a 7, but he could be an 8.
20:17And if he wears thick socks, then he could be a 6.
20:21If he's a 6, why does he take a 7?
20:23Because a lot of these boots belong to the workplaces,
20:26not the workers themselves.
20:27The farms, factories.
20:29You use whatever pay's available.
20:32So, what have we got?
20:58Starting the inquest Monday.
21:03For both murders.
21:05For Wilma and for Emily.
21:09They'll be wanting to know what we're up to.
21:13Hard to ask.
21:18Well, that's all right, isn't it?
21:21Oh, aye.
21:23Oh, aye.
21:26You've done plenty of them.
21:28Aye, plenty.
21:32And they'll want to know if we're any closer to catching him.
21:36They'll be that.
21:47And I'll just have to say, no.
21:51We are no closer.
22:00I keep having this terrible thought, Bet.
22:06I shut it out.
22:09It keeps coming back.
22:13When I'm in the car,
22:16or during the day.
22:21If I'm going to catch that man, I'll need more clues.
22:25And the only way to get more clues is for the bastard to do it again.
22:40Police, what's your emergency?
22:42Police emergency, how can I help?
22:46I just slowed down.
22:48I just slowed down for me, love. Slowed down.
22:51So I can make this slower, then I can...
22:57OK, I'm going to need an address to know where you are.
23:03OK, you're at the park?
23:05It's in Roundhay Park.
23:09OK, and what side of the park?
23:12Chapel Townside.
23:14Yeah, I'm still here.
23:18Phone box.
23:20White pointy tower.
23:22Yeah, Chapel Town Corner. OK.
23:26Yeah, and what's your name?
23:30He's hit you on the head.
23:33He's hit you on the head with a hammer.
23:36It feels like water on your head.
23:38OK, and is it bleeding now, Marcella?
23:43OK, we're going to get an ambulance and police officers to you now, OK?
23:48Shouldn't be more than a couple of minutes.
23:51No, no, no, stay sitting for me, darling.
23:54Stay sitting.
23:56And keep your knickers on the blood.
23:58Scrunch them up and hold them on the bit where it's bleeding, OK?
24:02Was it somebody you know or, you know, a stranger?
24:07No, no, no, he's not coming back.
24:10No, if he's left you alone, he won't be coming back.
24:18Marcella, can you hear me?
24:21Yeah, nice, clear words for me.
24:24Yeah, that's it.
24:26That's it.
24:27He is coming back.
24:30He's driving back towards the phone box.
24:32Same white car.
24:34And is he seeing you?
24:37OK, I need you to stay down.
24:40I need you to stay sitting for me.
24:42No, stay sitting. Stay.
24:47I'm right here. I'm here.
24:52He's gone.
24:55He's gone past. He's driving past.
24:58You can see him in the distance, that's good.
25:00That's good.
25:02Oh, no.
25:04No, nobody's going to mind that you've got blood on the phone.
25:06That's not your fault.
25:08That's not your fault.
25:11You can see the blue lights?
25:14Yep, you can see them. Good, that's...
25:18They know where you are and they know that you're poorly, OK?
25:20You just keep holding your head.
25:24Yeah, I can hear them. Yep, that's them.
25:27I'm going to hand over, OK?
25:30There's no need.
25:33Very welcome, Marcella.
25:35Very welcome, Marcella.
25:54Police emergency, how can I help?
26:05Can you describe him for us, love?
26:11Smart clothes.
26:13Dark hair.
26:15Crinkly hair.
26:17A black man? No.
26:19A white man? A white man with dark, crinkly hair?
26:22A white man in a white kiosk.
26:26He stopped.
26:28He took my hand.
26:30He drove me to the park.
26:33To Roundhague Park, where you were attacked, yes?
26:40Ah, and you made the call after that.
26:43Where'd he pick you up from?
26:45Chapel Town.
26:47At five in the morning?
26:49Well, he must have been drinking.
26:52So, he gives you a five pound note,
26:54then he gives you a whack on the back of the head,
26:56and then...
27:00Does he try to have sex with you, or...?
27:05Go on, just...
27:07finish your story.
27:13I don't know.
27:15I don't know.
27:17I don't know.
27:20He stood there.
27:23Stood there how?
27:28He stood over me,
27:30and he played with himself.
27:39How long have you been on the game, Marcella?
27:42How long have you been on the game, Marcella?
27:50That's not what I do.
27:52No? Just...
27:55every now and again?
27:58I wanted a lift.
28:00I needed a lift home.
28:02That's all it was, darling.
28:04Right, I just...
28:08Why did he give you that fiver?
28:12I don't know.
28:18All right, all right.
28:21I'll tell you what.
28:23I'll send someone down, a WPC,
28:25and a sketch artist,
28:27to get a description of this man,
28:30and then if anything comes up, we'll be in touch.
28:33All right?
28:35All right.
28:43You were late, you'd been drinking,
28:45you'd been clobbered on the head.
28:47A man can play tricks on you.
28:50You sure it wasn't a black fella?
28:53No black man would have done this to me.
28:57All right.
28:59As long as you're sure.
29:01Right, love.
29:04I'm so sorry, darling.
29:06I just heard about the baby.
29:09Is there anything you need?
29:15I don't know.
29:18We need to find you an appointment, love.
29:21To see the doctor.
29:23We need to take it out.
29:26I don't know.
29:29To see the doctor.
29:31We need to take it out.
29:44Detective Chief Superintendent Dennis Hoban.
29:47You are the detective tasked with finding the individual
29:50responsible for these attacks, yes?
29:52That is correct.
29:54And there is a dual murder investigation ongoing?
29:56That's right.
29:59As is clear from the post-mortem reports,
30:01both Emily Jackson and Wilhelmina McCann
30:03were the subjects of willful murder.
30:05Therefore, unless you need me not to do so
30:07for investigative purposes,
30:09I hereby give permission for both bodies to be buried.
30:12Thank you.
30:15How's that going, by the way?
30:21The investigation.
30:24The case of this magnitude
30:27requires considerable... to be undertaken,
30:34and we're in the midst of that work.
30:39Very good.
30:56Dennis, you don't mind me stopping by?
30:59Not at all.
31:01Sorry I missed it.
31:03If you've got a moment,
31:06there's something I've been wanting to show you back at HQ.
31:12So what did you reckon?
31:14I reckon it's a good idea.
31:16It's a good idea.
31:18It's a good idea.
31:21So what did you reckon?
31:23Oh, she tells us she's after a lift home.
31:25She brings him here.
31:27Bookers bring their punters here all the time.
31:29Now, I know this because people in those big houses over there
31:32are always complaining.
31:34So she were definitely asleep?
31:36Oh, aye.
31:38Like Emily and Wilma were asleep?
31:40Yeah, but that's where the similarities end.
31:42Oh, aye.
31:45Now, if this were our man, he'd have stood here,
31:47and it had been pitch black, remember?
31:49And he'd have done what forensics have been telling us.
31:52He'd have gone at her with that knife or that screwdriver of his.
31:58So who attacked her?
32:02Or a punter. Maybe she's taken a punter's fiver.
32:04She's run off with it, out in the shadows.
32:10And then he's, er... Well, he's caught her.
32:12He's caught her.
32:14And he's taught her a lesson.
32:15He's realised that he's gone too far and he's scarpered.
32:21Well, you're getting no prints from this.
32:23It's like concrete.
32:28No need to type it up.
32:30I'll tell Dennis when I next see him.
32:32No, I don't think you'll be seeing much of Orbyn.
32:34Not if you believe the rumours, Jim.
32:37I've something to set out.
32:39Look, just ask the girls back at the office.
32:42Terrific windows in a building like this.
32:45I always think daylight's such an asset.
32:48For example...
32:58Very good.
33:00Thought you'd like it.
33:02D-A-C-C, Dennis.
33:05Deputy Assistant Chief Constable.
33:07I'm in the middle of a double murder investigation.
33:10The role spans the whole of West Yorkshire?
33:12The Combined Force?
33:15This man needs finding.
33:17And he will be.
33:22With respect, sir,
33:24you've never caught a man like this before.
33:27With respect, Dennis,
33:29you haven't caught him either.
33:32I'm afraid so.
33:34With respect, Dennis,
33:36you haven't caught him either.
33:40I don't want this.
33:44I believe you want it.
33:46Those murders are still West Yorkshire, Dennis.
33:48Still within your purview.
33:51You just won't be in day-to-day charge, is all.
33:54And who will?
33:59Don't say, Hobson.
34:01I respect Jim, but...
34:04I'm experienced on this one.
34:10Well, Mr. Storm,
34:12you've already decided.
34:14Dennis, this is a promotion.
34:16It's unbelievable.
34:22There it is.
34:24Pam said he'll need somewhere to hang his hat, so...
34:34I'll be right back.
35:07what does that mean now?
35:10It means
35:12this is only going to get bigger.
35:15More police, better resourced.
35:18I'll still have an eye on things.
35:20And then you've got
35:22Detective Chief Superintendent Hobson in active command.
35:26And, like, he's good, is he?
35:29You know, like, you rate him.
35:32He's a very experienced detective.
35:40I need you to know,
35:46we never thought it were you.
35:49Since we spoke that morning,
35:51I never...
35:53We never thought that.
35:56All right?
35:58Who were it?
36:04that's what we're going to work out,
36:06isn't it?
36:08For Emily, and Wilma,
36:10and all the kids.
36:20Come on. Come on.
36:22Come on.
36:24Come on.
36:26Come on. Come on.
36:56Come on.
36:58Come on.
37:26Come on.
37:56Come on.
38:26Come on.
38:56Come on.
39:39I have to make a big point about getting us in
39:41to discuss these budgets.
39:43Mr Gregory rang to say he's on his way.
39:45Just needed to speak to Mr Hobson first.
39:49I thought you knew.
39:51They found another body.
39:53They found another body.
40:24Straight over there.
40:30What are we looking at?
40:32Early 20s, dark hair.
40:34He's dragged her in full view of the houses,
40:38placed her face down in a specific...
40:40What do you call it?
40:43And it's linked, yes?
40:46We don't know that yet.
40:47No, but it's the same style as McCallum.
40:49I'm sorry. Would you just give me a moment?
40:57Not treading on any toes, Jim.
40:59You can't turn up like this.
41:01It's not your case anymore.
41:04Well, think of me as a fresh pair of eyes.
41:12Everyone's wondering what you're doing here.
41:24Your bag?
41:27What's up there?
41:29Right, new sector.
41:33Keep coming.
41:35Small, isn't it?
41:37What's the name?
41:38I don't know.
41:41Mr Bones.
41:53I'm sorry.
41:58It's okay.
42:24Good morning. I'm Detective Inspector Les Hanley.
42:29The victim's name is Irene Richardson of Cowper Street, Chapel Town.
42:34After months of failing to find work,
42:37she fell into selling herself for money.
42:40Irene is now the third victim of this killer,
42:44a man intent on slaying prostitutes,
42:48a man who has just made a very significant mistake.
42:51He left tyre tracks at the scene.
42:54Now, details of those impressions are going to be with each of you very soon,
42:58but I need a big effort from you now.
43:02I need you to help me identify that vehicle.
43:07We find that car, we find the killer.
43:13Yes, sir.
43:15Good. Right. Thank you.
43:17Good. Right. Thank you.
43:19Right. I want a presence at Rondeau Park. Question everyone.
43:22Right. Let's get on with it.
43:24Thank you.
43:27Jenny, do you remember Cluckston, the lot-loss at Cluckston Realmy?
43:31That wasn't linked.
43:33Or do we have the file?
43:35Erm, I could try and find it, I suppose.
43:37Yeah, yeah. Please.
43:47January saw a slight increase in crime overall.
43:50Crime in our police area is going down,
43:52so maybe start with that.
43:54Erm, and talking about Arthur,
43:57there was an increase in February...
44:17She gone.
44:20Because you people not believe her.
44:23You got an address?
44:39John, I've got that file for you.
44:42Hold on.
44:44Yeah, sorry.
44:50Cos I think he knows, and he probably would,
44:52especially with this man.
44:54Stop his wife from asking questions.
45:06Who did this?
45:07Cluckston, the black lass we saw in summer.
45:10You remember.
45:11Who's this?
45:12What do you want me to do with this?
45:14Well, there can't be too many fellas who look like that, Jim.
45:17Crime's aren't connected.
45:18Well, why don't you tell us what's going on?
45:20There was a prostitute at Attington Park last year in summer.
45:23And we ruled it out.
45:25And now Richardson's been killed.
45:29In exactly the same spot.
45:31In exactly the same spot.
45:32The prostitutes take their punters all the time.
45:34I told you this, John, at the time.
45:36You remember?
45:37People in those big posh houses always complaining.
45:39I told you.
45:40You don't think it's a coincidence, Jim?
45:42I do.
45:43I do think it's a coincidence.
45:45We ruled it out then for the same reason
45:47that I'm keeping it ruled out now.
45:49She was attacked.
45:50It's on back of head.
45:51That is it.
45:52That is the only connection.
45:54Not like these others.
45:58And she were lying.
46:00She were lying, and she were pissed.
46:02No, just think.
46:05What would happen on a case like this?
46:08Someone puts out an appeal on a man
46:10who has absolutely nothing to do with any of these crimes.
46:14We'd send everybody off down the wrong road
46:17to create space for that bastard to kill again.
46:21And we'd kill our careers and all.
46:24But we have to work with the facts.
46:27The fact that he's a seven, the fact that he drives a car,
46:30the fact that he's left distinctive tire marks in the mud.
46:35All right?
46:40Yeah, you're right, Jim.
46:42Go on, John.
46:45Cheers, lads.
46:54Put him on.
46:58Hello, Mark.
46:59Hi, Jim.
47:00We're doing the layout right now,
47:02so I just wanted to check if you had anything to add.
47:05No, I don't think so, no.
