The New Gate Episodes 12

  • 3 months ago
00:00A few days later...
00:06There are a lot of monsters heading for Balmer.
00:09Could this be a rebellion?
00:14When the demons from the sacred ground gather and reach a certain level,
00:18all of them will become monsters and be released.
00:21We call that a rebellion.
00:24It looks like most of them are low-level monsters.
00:28Why are there monsters in Balmer?
00:30Because the area around the sacred ground is protected by Mistgaruda.
00:34If we try to avoid that, we'll have to head for Balmer.
00:37And Balmer has become a stronghold for the rebellion.
00:42I see.
00:43That means we have a good chance of defeating them.
00:47Balmer does have strong soldiers and vanguards,
00:51but they don't always live off the sacrifices of a small number of people.
00:55Besides, such a large-scale rebellion...
00:59I'll have Shun'i hurry up just in case.
01:02There's still time for the monsters to reach Balmer.
01:05We'll catch up with them.
01:08We can't just say goodbye in this situation.
01:12I understand.
01:19So this is Balmer.
01:21Shin, how long do you think it'll take for the monsters to arrive?
01:24Just a few more days.
01:27I see.
01:28I'm going to meet Ryoshu.
01:30Shin, report to the Adventurer Guild.
01:33What do we do after that?
01:35If we're going to intercept a large-scale invasion,
01:37the guild and the army's cooperation is essential.
01:40The vanguards will gather soon.
01:42I see.
01:43I understand.
01:45Welcome to the Adventurer Guild.
01:48I am the guild master, Valenrakut.
01:51I am Shin.
01:54I heard you have information on the rebellion.
01:58There is a rebellion around the sacred site of Kalkia
02:00centered on human-type monsters such as goblins and orcs.
02:04It should arrive in Balmer in a few days from the speed of the invasion.
02:08So soon?
02:10It's like you've seen it before.
02:12I confirmed a large number of monsters heading for Balmer near the sacred site.
02:16I see.
02:18If that information is true, we'll respond immediately.
02:21Then, can you believe me now?
02:25Don't tell me...
02:28If you still don't believe me, check with your master.
02:31My men are contacting your master right now.
02:36I understand that you're not lying.
02:39I'm going to issue an emergency declaration.
02:42If your men can talk to your master,
02:45the army will act immediately.
02:48As soon as we hear from him, we'll prepare to evacuate the residents.
02:52Eliza, contact the representatives of each guild.
02:59What are you going to do now?
03:02Please let me help.
03:04That's reassuring.
03:06There are few scouts protecting the city right now.
03:09I'm counting on you.
03:14I'll meet up with Leon for now.
03:19I feel like I've seen this place before.
03:22Nyandar Land?
03:24Don't tell me this place is...
03:26No, but...
03:27Shin, we'll be arriving at Balmer soon.
03:31When we arrive, tell my master and my men that we'll join the defense.
03:39Also, I found a place in Balmer that interests me.
03:42It's called Nyandar Land. Do you know about it?
03:45No, I don't know anything about it.
03:47I see. I understand.
03:49Well then, I'll leave the rest to you.
03:54Could it be... Beret?
03:56Oh my, oh my!
03:58It's been a long time, Master Shin!
04:00I've been looking forward to the day we can meet again!
04:05I never thought I'd meet a support character from the game era.
04:10I guess it's only natural since Shunny exists.
04:14So, Master Shin, you're in charge of the rebellion?
04:18Yeah, I just talked to the guild master.
04:21I see.
04:23But if it's just the rebellion,
04:25couldn't you have destroyed it when Master Shin found it?
04:28Ah, the one who was with me at the time was the second princess of Beelzebub.
04:32I figured I'd have to do my best in front of her.
04:36I see.
04:37High Humans are treated like half-gods these days.
04:42It wouldn't be strange for a princess to get married.
04:45Well, I'm actually interested in it,
04:48so I'd like to deal with the rebellion as quickly as possible.
04:51I see.
04:53Master Shin is an old friend of my master.
04:56If there's anything I can do to help, please let me know.
04:59I'm counting on you.
05:01Oh, right!
05:02I found a shop called Nyandaland earlier.
05:05It's a shop run by Master Shin's friend, Hibineko-san.
05:10Hibineko-san is in this world?
05:12Don't you know her?
05:14Shadow-san and Hawley-san are in Balmer, too.
05:18Those two, too?
05:20Hibineko-san and Hawley-san are currently working in Balmer,
05:24but they're doing well.
05:25I see.
05:26But those three should have died in the Death Game Era.
05:31Why are they in this world?
05:33I didn't expect Master Shin to be so surprised.
05:36There's a list of players in this world.
05:39Would you like to take a look?
05:41There is?!
05:42Show me!
05:46Is that all of them?
05:49Of course, not all of them are on the list.
05:52I'm surprised just by the ex-players,
05:55but all the players in this world are people who were involved with me.
06:01Please take a look at this, too.
06:03What's this?
06:05This is a list of people who are known as the Player Killers.
06:11They're the ones who killed my friends and many other players in the Death Game Era.
06:16They're the ones who enjoy killing people.
06:21When the players were first found in this world,
06:24the one who claimed to be the one who should look for P.K.
06:27was actually Shunny.
06:31It seems that Shunny didn't tell you about this in the game.
06:36I just found out that the players are still alive.
06:39I see.
06:41If you're going to tell me about this as a friend of Master Shin's,
06:44then that's clearly an act of betrayal.
06:47You didn't tell your master the important information on purpose.
06:51That's unacceptable.
06:53Even if you're a friend of Master Shin,
06:55I can't help but punish you.
06:57No, no.
06:58I can't believe Shunny did that.
07:01But at that time...
07:03Do you know the name Nyanderland?
07:06No, I don't know anything.
07:08I'm just kidding.
07:11Don't worry.
07:12Judging from Shunny's personality,
07:14he wouldn't try to harm Master Shin by hiding the information.
07:18Don't surprise me.
07:20Well, there's no way Shunny would do such a thing.
07:23Now, let's stop talking about memories.
07:25I have to get ready for the rebellion.
07:28Are you going to fight, too?
07:30No, no.
07:31As long as Master Shin is here, Balmer is safe.
07:34I'm preparing for the bloodbath.
07:36After the rebellion, a lot of material will be lost.
07:39I see.
07:40He must have loved money.
07:47I looked into the rebellion.
07:49It seems that some strong individuals have appeared
07:52in order to suppress the rebellion.
07:55The larger the scale, the higher the probability of appearance.
07:58This rebellion may also be...
08:05We finally meet.
08:07Just in time.
08:09What happened to Shunny?
08:10Did you report it to your master?
08:12Master is popular.
08:14It can't be changed so easily.
08:17I see.
08:18Shunny is in trouble, too.
08:24Where are you going?
08:26I'm going to meet the predecessor in the castle of Ryoshi.
08:29I need to cooperate with him.
08:34Shunny came back at night, so I didn't ask about it.
08:38That's an obvious act of betrayal.
08:41Is something wrong?
08:43No, let's go.
08:45Let's go.
08:49Master Shunny.
08:50Thank you for coming.
08:53Let me introduce you.
08:55This is Shin.
08:56And this is Tiera.
08:58I'm Tauro Yaxpel, the lord of Balmer.
09:01Nice to meet you.
09:02We don't have much time until the rebellion arrives.
09:06Please wait in front of Balmer.
09:10I'll deploy a cavalry behind you.
09:13As soon as we enter the castle, the second group led by Shunny will attack with high-range magic skills.
09:19The monsters in the back will be led by us, the cavalry.
09:24I see.
09:25Then I'll lead the cavalry.
09:29That's reassuring.
09:31Please do it.
09:33I understand.
09:34Master's training?
09:36What's wrong, Tiera?
09:38Master's training is as tough as a demon, so I feel sorry for him.
09:43Tiera, please join the training.
09:47Cooperation is important.
09:49I'll do my best.
09:51Don't die, Tiera.
09:57This is...
09:59Is there no reaction from the monsters?
10:03The monsters are completely gone, even though they usually appear.
10:07This is probably the effect of the rebellion.
10:10As far as I know, there is no record of such a thing happening in the past.
10:14I have experience.
10:16After the appearance of the monsters in the surrounding area completely disappeared,
10:20they all came together like black waves.
10:23Of course there is no record of the past.
10:25It's because it's an event that happened during the game era.
10:28I'm glad Shunny talked to me.
10:31Please be careful.
10:33There is a possibility that a large-scale rebellion will occur and a powerful individual will appear.
10:39In other words, it's an event boss.
10:45I'm tired.
10:47Thank you for your hard work.
10:49Thank you, Shunny.
10:50I'm glad you told me what happened earlier.
10:53Of course.
10:55By the way, Shunny,
10:56have you ever used large-scale magic against Guild Wars after I left?
11:02I was able to deal with it with normal large-scale magic.
11:05If that's the case, it's not good to use it.
11:08Can you use it once when you attack?
11:12If I can use it, that's the only time I can use it.
11:15What are you going to do after this?
11:18That's right.
11:19It's a great opportunity, so let's upgrade the equipment to hide.
11:23Wow, you look bad.
11:34All right.
11:47It seems that the unit that appeared in the lightning has confirmed the group of monsters.
11:51Is it okay for the princess of a country to participate?
11:54What are you talking about now?
11:56It's a great opportunity to test the experience I got from Shin.
11:59I see.
12:00Then I'll leave the back to you.
12:11I have something to tell you after this battle.
12:18She's here.
12:22Blue Judge!
12:30Blue Judge!
12:35Commence interception operation!
12:38Master, you're amazing!
12:41But it's not over yet.
12:43Even after all this, they're still coming?
12:46It doesn't seem to be just a rebellion.
12:49Shunny, can you go one more time?
12:52It seems that large-scale magic cannot be used continuously.
12:55Is it the same as the time of the game?
12:58It's a little different from the plan, but I'll lead the second wave of monsters.
13:02I understand.
13:06It's time to greet each other.
13:22First of all, it's like this.
13:24I want to save the best for last.
13:27I'm counting on you.
13:31Don't let your guard down until you stop breathing!
13:40Tierra-oneechan, you're amazing!
13:43Just now, Shin challenged me that I could use it,
13:47but I didn't know it was so powerful!
13:51You're good.
13:59Let's follow Ryo-sama!
14:08It doesn't seem to be just small fry.
14:17I have to back you up!
14:21It seems that I used too much magic.
14:25Don't push yourself!
14:27But at this rate...
14:30Sorry to keep you waiting.
14:35The one with the invitation?
14:37I'm Wilhelm.
14:39I'm here to save you, princess.
14:41That person is...
14:43It's been a while.
14:45It's Lassia!
14:47I'll restore your magic.
14:50Let's go!
14:54Blue Moon Edge!
15:01Thank you.
15:03But why did you come to Balmer?
15:05There was a request for support from the guild.
15:09Now that you mention it...
15:11There are too many monsters!
15:13Please save Shin!
15:16Well, it's impossible for him to fight.
15:26It's finally my turn.
15:35Are you okay?
15:36W-Who are you?
15:38Huh? Me?
15:40Let's see...
15:41Call me Red.
15:44Sorry, but please stay away from here.
15:47When you're around, you won't be able to use your abilities.
15:52I might end up killing all of you.
15:55That's the kind of weapon this is.
16:02Who is that person?
16:09That's a cursed weapon, isn't it?
16:17It's a weapon that can destroy everything in an instant.
16:19Take this!
16:21He's a monster, isn't he?
16:24Kill him! Kill him!
16:26Kill him! Kill him!
16:27Kill him more!
16:29More! More!
16:31Shut up.
16:33That's a cursed weapon.
16:35This big guy...
16:37He was perfect for rebelling because he could gather the enemy's soldiers.
16:41Oh, I found him.
16:48He's the event boss who's controlling the rebellion.
16:59It's a psychological attack, huh?
17:03Limit Off.
17:12I'm an I-Human.
17:14I don't need that.
17:19The monsters have been destroyed.
17:21There are no casualties.
17:23I understand.
17:29I want to go home.
17:30Me too.
17:31It seems that we have to give a reward to the one who raised the ore in the rebellion.
17:35I can't believe we have to do it until the ceremony.
17:37It can't be helped if it's Balmer's way.
17:41Sorry to keep you waiting.
17:43Let's go.
17:50I'm not good at places like this.
17:54Billhelm and the others said they weren't interested and left.
17:59Then, ladies.
18:01I'll say, please give me a hand.
18:05It doesn't suit you at all.
18:07Be happy.
18:08I'll give you a hand today.
18:12Nice to meet you.
18:18He's looking at me a lot.
18:20I guess so.
18:22Let's go to the corner.
18:25Shin, you're finally here.
18:27You're finally here.
18:33I was wondering.
18:35Did you have anything to do with the princess of Beidlift?
18:40She was interested in my equipment and magic.
18:43Is that so?
18:44I was surprised.
18:46I thought you were approached.
18:50You're kind even though you have eyes.
18:52If I'm with Leon, I'll be noticed.
18:56I don't care at all.
18:58Don't be ridiculous.
19:00Why are you acting like a stranger?
19:02You proposed to me once.
19:06It's a joke.
19:07I'm sorry to make fun of you.
19:09I'll bring you something to eat.
19:11Please sit down.
19:19Can I hear about your activities in the rebellion?
19:23Of course.
19:25Can you bring me something to drink?
19:29Oh, sure.
19:39It's a nice view.
19:41I'm sorry.
19:42I missed my seat.
19:44Are you jealous?
19:46That's right.
19:47I'm not your real fiance.
19:53Did you hear from Beret?
19:55There are players in this world other than me, right?
19:59And PK, too.
20:01Is there anything you wanted to tell me?
20:05I'm sorry to keep it a secret.
20:07But I couldn't tell you.
20:09When I found out about PK's existence,
20:11I felt like I was going back to that Shin.
20:15A cold and cold Shin.
20:20If I was in the game era, I could have endured it.
20:24But now...
20:26Now I can't stand it.
20:28I can't stop it.
20:31I can't replace him.
20:35But I'm glad he's not here.
20:44Maybe I can replace him.
20:47Maybe I can be Shin's support.
20:50So I...
20:58I'm sorry.
21:00Please don't apologize.
21:03Don't blame yourself too much.
21:06If I were in the same position as you,
21:09I'm sure I'd do the same.
21:13I was really happy to meet you.
21:17I finally beat the boss.
21:19When I thought it was over, I was suddenly sent here.
21:22I don't know anyone here.
21:25The home feels like someone else's home.
21:29So when you said,
21:30When you said,
21:33I was so relieved.
21:35You remembered me.
21:38Of course.
21:40Beret told me it was a delivery act.
21:43I'm not going to blame you.
21:46I'm not going to punish you.
21:48But that's...
21:49I can't hear you.
21:51I've made up my mind.
21:52I've made up my mind.
21:53I won't argue with you.
21:56I won't hide anything from you anymore.
22:01I'm sorry, boss.
22:03Originally, I was...
22:05Um, Shin.
22:07Can I ask you one thing?
22:09What is it?
22:13That person...
22:17Do you still love her?
22:29I still feel the same way.
22:32I see.
22:34I understand.
22:39I understand.
22:47I won't give up.
22:49I love you, Shin.
22:51I understand that I will return to my original world someday.
22:54But this feeling is still true.
22:58Let's go back soon.
23:03I didn't expect this.
23:07I still don't know how to return to my original world.
23:12The existence of PK, who was an enemy in the game era, is also a clue.
23:18If my dead friends are alive...
23:25Let's go.
23:26To the next town.
23:36Thank you for watching.