Jaxon and Song's Maple Mystery Jaxon and Song’s Maple Mystery E004 The Palm Tree

  • il y a 2 mois
00:00Song and Jackson, The Riddle Unravelers, discovered the only place to see the first Canadian sunrise of the day is Cape Spear. But, no time to waste, look!
00:18What from up above? Looks like a palm tree waving in the wind, but is actually flat and filled with water.
00:26Filled with water. We need water. Niagara Falls, Ontario has tons of water. Let's go there, west!
00:35Great bounce! Look for palm trees!
00:38Yeah, great!
00:44Who knew water could be so noisy?
00:47Huge amounts of water pours over the falls every day.
00:51Right, but look, I see nothing shaped like a palm tree. Maybe we should move closer.
00:58Flapping moose muzzles, it's wet down here!
01:02I don't see a palm tree shaped anything anywhere. Do you, Jackson?
01:06Nothing here but water and rocks. Maybe we need trees. It's a palm tree shape.
01:12I see plenty of deciduous trees, maple, oak, birch, and coniferous trees, pine, spruce. But palm trees in Canada? Let me check. Yes, in British Columbia!
01:30Yeah, but Song, we aren't looking for actual palm trees, just a palm tree shape filled with water.
01:36Good point! So we need water. There's lots of water in Lake Ontario. Let's go there!
01:41Right! Let's go palm tree hunting!
01:43Hold on!
01:46I'm trying!
01:59Did you see that? Is that not the coolest thing ever?
02:02Wait, maybe the pilot knows where to find the palm tree shape!
02:07Hi, I'm Jackson, and this is Song.
02:10Hi, I'm Pete. Pilot Pete!
02:12Quai, quai! We love your plane!
02:14This is a float plane.
02:16It has no wheels?
02:17Not at all. It can only land in water. The pontoons disperse the water and support the plane just like the hull or the bottom of a boat does.
02:25But Pilot Pete, if it can only land in water, what is it used for?
02:29Float planes are used to fight forest fires, for water rescues, and to reach remote places near water.
02:34The plane must fly you up high.
02:36In the sky, have you ever seen what looks like a palm tree waving in the wind, but is actually flat and filled with water?
02:42No, I haven't, but you do see better and farther the higher up you go.
02:47Good point. We're too low, Jackson. The riddle did say from above.
02:51We need to be much, much higher up.
02:57A rocket? No, that's way too...
02:59Thank you, Pilot Pete!
03:02Hum, I'm thinking this might be definitely too high!
03:08We'll see everything!
03:10No way! No rocket for me!
03:12But the riddle! We've got to solve it!
03:16Right! For the riddle! I'll do anything!
03:26Look at that! The Great Lakes are the largest body of freshwater in the world!
03:31Oh, I see it! Lake Huron, Lake Superior, and Lake Michigan make the shape of a palm tree.
03:37And Lake Ontario and Lake Erie look like fallen fronds.
03:40Fallen fronds? What are fallen fronds?
03:43Palm tree branches.
03:44Weird name, but I like it!
03:46That's it! Riddle solved! We are radical Riddlers!
03:52Look! A new one!
03:55OK, curious. What is it?
03:59I don't know. But, uh-oh, look!
04:03What giant bread basket has no bread in it?
04:08What? No bread?
04:12What giant bread basket has no bread in it?
04:16See what you can figure out and meet us back here soon!
04:19Gotta go!
