Sostenibilità, Falcone: “A Rozzano impianto per trattamento rifiuti liquidi urbani per smaltire 150mila tonnellate di rifiuti”

  • 2 months ago
(Adnkronos) - “Stiamo mettendo a terra una serie di grandi progetti: il primo è quello di creare a Rozzano un grande impianto per il trattamento dei rifiuti liquidi urbani che, insieme a Canegrate e a San Giuliano Milanese, renderà possibile smaltire oltre 150mila tonnellate di rifiuti liquidi, trasformando ciò che è un rifiuto in gas e calore, chiudendo il cerchio dell’economia circolare”. Lo ha affermato il direttore generale di Cap Evolution, Michele Falcone, in occasione dell’evento di presentazione del Piano industriale 2024-2028 e del Piano di Sostenibilità 2023-2033 di Gruppo Cap.


00:00The year 2023 has been a very important year for CapEvolution.
00:10We are putting on the ground a series of great projects.
00:13The first, certainly, is to create in Rozzano a large plant for the treatment of urban liquid waste,
00:19which together with Canegrate, San Giuliano and Milanese,
00:22will make sure that this company will go to dismantle more than 150,000 tons of liquid waste,
00:28transforming what I have rejected into gas and heat, thus closing the circular economy.
00:34We are moving forward with projects on photovoltaics, promoting CER.
00:38In order to reach 2030, to ensure that more than 50% of the energy of Group K is self-produced.
00:45We are carrying out the project of Salto San Giovanni,
00:47where not only today is a plant for the dismantling of the Forsu working,
00:51but today the project for the Fanghi plant has been restarted,
00:55which will allow to thermovalorize 65,000 tons and to transform 20,000 tons of mud into fertilizers.
01:03We are moving forward with the Neotalia project, with an approved industrial plan of more than 112 million euros,
01:09which will allow an old incinerator to become a modern thermovalorizer,
01:14which will produce energy, heat, recover ashes and scurries,
01:19and will also transform them into raw materials.
