Movin' On Episode 06 The Cowhands Oct 24, 1974

  • 2 months ago
Movin' On Episode 06 The Cowhands Oct 24, 1974


00:00Take wheels rollin', gotta keep them goin', take wheels rollin' movin' on, the white line
00:16is the lifeline to the nation, and men like Will and Sonny make it move, a good hot cup
00:24of coffee is waitin' up ahead, and the rhythm of the highway hums along, jammin' gears has
00:33got to be a fever, cause men become addicted to the grind, it takes a special breed to
00:42be a truck drivin' man, get a steady hand to pull that loaded highway, big wheels rollin',
00:50gotta keep them goin', big wheels rollin' movin' on.
01:20You know, there is something very beautiful about a well-shaped animal.
01:41Now, here's the rider you folks have been waiting for, a young fellow that's cut a pretty
01:48wide swath through rodeo in this last season or two, a kid that we think is going to be
01:53a very, very big star as soon as he learns to tie his own shoes.
02:19It's sure one ride there, folks, and one fine upcoming young rider, Manolo Higgins.
02:26Let's have a hand for this contender.
02:35Well, here it is, folks, and you ain't gonna be surprised at this.
02:39The winner of the Brahma Bull event is Manolo Higgins, and that makes him the all-round
02:45cowboy for this year at the Lodestone Posse Rodeo.
02:48So, let's hear it.
02:50So, you all drive careful goin' home, folks, cause we need you back here next year.
02:54And remember, nobody loves a drunk cowboy.
03:09Thank you very much, Mr. Edwards.
03:11About done wasting your time on those mixed-up old horny toads out there?
03:16Well, Tommy says I got a lot to learn.
03:19You sure do.
03:20How to count money, how to trust people.
03:23You got a lot to learn, boy.
03:25A lot.
03:27See you tomorrow, boy.
03:34Hey, ain't that a show?
03:36Tommy's better than last year.
03:38I'm sure glad you boys could stick around.
03:40Hey, Tommy, I got a bill for you.
03:42Just mail it on down at the ranch, would you, Sonny?
03:44I got a new accountant set up this year.
03:46Usually we get paid in cash, Tommy.
03:49Hey, Stud, I got your horse ready for you.
03:52Oh, no.
03:53No, not this year.
03:54Aw, come on, Sonny.
03:56I seen the way you ride that buckin' diesel of yours.
03:58No way, no way.
04:00Look, I got 20 bucks that says that horse can do it to you.
04:03There's 20 more.
04:05No, no.
04:15That sure wasn't worth no 20 bucks.
04:20You all right, Sonny?
04:22You know, the only thing wrong with me is my head, and that was wrong before I got on that horse.
04:28Four seconds.
04:29You beat last year's record by three seconds.
04:31You've improved a lot.
04:32You lied to me, Tommy.
04:33You said that was a walking horse.
04:35Well, he's walking now.
04:37You know, you're just too old to ride him.
04:39That's why you turn him over to a kid like me.
04:41That rocking chair?
04:43I can't?
04:45Where's your money, boy?
04:46Let him be.
04:47He ain't no world champion cowboy no more.
04:48He'd be the world champion fool he gets up on that horse.
04:50Hey, look, Grandma.
04:51Now, you tend to your knitting, and I'll mind my own tail, all right?
04:56Well, you gonna put your money where your mouth is, part?
04:58Get it up.
05:04Now, you didn't give that horse a sleeping pill or anything like that, did you?
05:07Sonny, this horse is so mean, he bucked his hind legs off right out in the pasture.
05:11We had to sew him back on with a catch rope.
05:14Hang in there.
05:15Let her go.
05:27Why don't you break?
05:30Shut up.
05:56What are you guys, a couple of wet nurses?
06:12I don't need no doctor.
06:14You can't even stand up and walk, Tommy.
06:16Just let him take a look at you down there, okay?
06:19Oh, it ain't okay.
06:24I got a lot of work to do.
06:26Wrapping up this show and moving it on down the road to Bradley Springs tonight.
06:33You know, give me a minute with Sonny, will you?
06:36Appreciate it.
06:46How come he didn't tell me you weren't supposed to ride anymore?
06:50Kino said you broke your back three years ago.
06:52Kino is a nice old man, all right.
06:56I never should have made that bet with you.
06:59Forget it, Pard.
07:02Will you hand me that box out of the front there?
07:18It's a cash box.
07:20I reckon I'll be in there at the docks.
07:25Probably overnight.
07:27And I got some problems, it looks like.
07:31Looks like?
07:32I need you and Will to haul this stuff down to Bradley Springs for me.
07:35That ain't far, but...
07:37Paying us for the first job.
07:39It's none of the foreman of yours.
07:40Come on, Will.
07:41It's my fault he's laying here.
07:43He's just asking us to do him a favor.
07:45Okay, okay.
07:49None of these fellas is on the honor roll in the brains department.
07:53They're good old boys, but...
07:55I'd like to think that you fellas are looking after things.
07:58Sure, Tom.
07:59No sweat.
08:04We better go, boss.
08:08Remember, boy, this ain't Indianapolis.
08:16Take care of it, Sonny.
08:18I'll be grateful.
08:20I betcha.
08:41I think he's pretty stove up.
08:46Guess he wanted me to take that there cash box.
08:51Oh, uh...
08:52Well, thank you, Kino.
08:53Tommy said you were gonna have a lot of work to do, so...
08:56I'll just hang on to it.
09:10Municipal Park.
09:11About a mile this side of town.
09:13Just past the old fire station.
09:14You can't miss it.
09:15How much time does that give us in the morning to come back here and pick up the cars?
09:18The stock.
09:21Depends on how long it takes you on a load.
09:22Best be down by tonight.
09:23Leaves you free.
09:25Let's hit it.
09:42He's dead, ain't he?
09:43I knew it.
09:44No, you old buzzard, he ain't.
09:45Let's cut it out.
09:47Where is he?
09:48What happened?
09:49He's gonna kick the bucket.
09:50Sure as Junebugs.
09:51Ain't no way.
09:52Shut up, Kino.
09:54Tommy's hurt some.
09:55They're gonna check him out.
09:57Hold him over a couple days.
09:58What's wrong?
09:59Something about his kidneys.
10:01They wouldn't tell me much.
10:06His kidneys, huh?
10:08I told him he'll wear that belt.
10:12Holdin' a cash box, right?
10:16Now it sounds like we're holdin' a bag.
10:18You said we're holdin' a bag.
10:20I don't know, buddy, but it just, it sounds cockamamie to me.
10:22A guy got hurt, we're just gonna hold it all together till he gets well, okay?
10:26Yeah, okay, okay.
10:33Tommy tell you boys it's payday?
10:36No, he didn't.
10:38It is.
10:39Friday night, payday.
10:41Fellas are thirsty and tired.
10:43Well, I thought we had to deliver the load to Bradley Springs by nightfall.
10:47Well, we're just not gonna have the strength to do that, you know, without a little green nourishment.
10:52Listen, Kino, I don't know anything about your pay or your payday.
10:56All I know is we signed on to haul a truckload of goods here, period.
11:00Anything else is between you and Tommy.
11:02Well, suppose us boys just took a walk and never came back.
11:06Don't get paid none.
11:08You couldn't blame us for that, could you?
11:10No, I couldn't blame you if I thought that was all you cared about, Tommy.
11:14I was caring and done caring.
11:17Tommy Trueblood was a jackass to get up on that horse.
11:21Me, I'm going to Dallas, and you know where you can go.
11:39How are we gonna get this stuff together to put on a show tomorrow?
11:43Well, Jephthah, somebody's gonna have to work awful hard.
11:48Guess who.
13:33Show me how to get that camp stove started.
13:35Get some coffee on it, okay?
14:00Yeah, that ought to hold.
14:02Coffee ready?
14:03Yeah, I think so.
14:04You always do this?
14:06Sleeping on the ground, eating out of bean cans?
14:13As a matter of fact, we have a good season.
14:16We stay in big, fancy motels, eat filet mignon all the time.
14:20Oh, it still looks pretty rough to me.
14:25Yeah, well, Tommy likes to say this is the way the old-time cowboys did it.
14:28You know, this is a chuck wagon like that.
14:30Except you don't have any old-time cows.
14:36Yeah, well, it's just a show, really, you know.
14:39Just a show.
14:42You always want to do this when you grew up?
14:45You look pretty good up there, you know.
14:49Yeah, I like it.
14:52I want to be the champ like everybody else.
14:54Tommy says I ain't ready yet, though.
14:57You listen to Tommy pretty good, don't you?
15:02He taught me...
15:05Well, he taught me some stuff.
15:08I think about moving on sometimes, though.
15:12Well, like the man said, let's get this show on the road.
15:16See you later.
15:37Okay, tied off.
15:39Yeah, figured she'd get here sooner or later.
15:41Yeah, who is this?
15:42Tommy's ex.
15:43Oh, Helen?
15:44Haven't seen her in a long time.
15:46You ain't missed me.
15:47Hey, Bruin!
15:48Boy, am I ever glad to see you.
15:51I knew you were old, son of a gun.
15:53I don't know how a gorgeous creature like you ever found us out here in the sticks,
15:57but I'm sure glad you did.
15:58I found you.
16:00Morning, Manolo.
16:02How's the boy wonder business?
16:04Works good, pays lousy.
16:06You get what you ask for.
16:08You know, he's really pretty good.
16:10The hospital called me and they told me about Tommy's installment plan on his suicide pact.
16:16Have you seen him?
16:17How is he?
16:18I spent the night there.
16:19This isn't some new kind of eye shadow, you know.
16:21He's alive.
16:22He's a normal human being, you know.
16:24He'd live, but he's only got one kidney.
16:27Oh, I didn't know that.
16:28Oh, sure, he has for some time now.
16:30Now the other one's kicking up.
16:31We're trying to defend itself.
16:32I don't know which.
16:34Anyway, he thinks he's fine and jackass.
16:36You know, baby, I think you need some coffee.
16:39Oh, you're not kidding.
16:40And some food and some sleep.
16:43What are all these guys sleeping for?
16:52Everybody up!
17:05Here you are.
17:11I wonder when Keno's gonna get here.
17:13Is he at the motel?
17:14Uh, no.
17:18Is he laid up drinking somewhere?
17:24On a day like this?
17:26Not exactly.
17:28What's going on?
17:29He left.
17:30For good.
17:31For good?
17:32Why didn't you stop him?
17:33Emancipation Proclamation, 1863.
17:36Doesn't apply to rodeos.
17:39Keno left?
17:41I can't believe it.
17:44He's not coming back?
17:45That's what the man said.
17:48That's all the crew we got?
17:50That's it.
17:53We're two hours behind before we even start.
18:02Hey, uh, mind if I ask you something?
18:05I don't mind if you ask.
18:07We haven't got time, honey.
18:10There's always time.
18:11But, uh, that's not what I was talking about.
18:15Tell you the truth, I thought you and Tommy were divorced.
18:18Well, of course we are, honey.
18:20We liked it so much we got married again so we could do it twice.
18:23What are you doing here?
18:24I'm minding my own business.
18:26I own half the rodeo.
18:27The court gave it to me.
18:29And I want to make sure the show stays on the road.
18:32With Keno gone, I sure am glad that I came.
18:35He and Tommy were the only ones who could really organize this show.
18:39Well, got you working ready on?
18:42Ready as I'll ever get.
18:44Let's go.
19:11Luther Pittman, sheriff.
19:18Your boss around?
19:23Been in the hospital since yesterday.
19:25Hurt himself on a horse.
19:27Oh, I'm sorry to hear that.
19:29I always did like old Tommy.
19:31Well, then, just who do I see to run you folks out of town?
19:39You ain't got a carnival permit.
19:41Well, believe it or not, this is a rodeo.
19:44Same thing.
19:48How much?
19:50$200 a day.
19:52You know, if I had that, I'd pay it to get out of here.
19:57You know, such an extraordinary financial imposition amounts to prior restraint of free speech
20:02and direct violation of the First Amendment of the Constitution of the United States.
20:06I thought you said you was a truck driver.
20:08I thought you said you were the sheriff.
20:10If you weren't the sheriff, I'd call the sheriff to have you arrested for extortion.
20:14Howdy, Luther.
20:15Well, Miss Truebride, this is an unexpected pleasure.
20:18I was just having a little chat with your attorney here.
20:22Said we need a carnival permit for $200.
20:25Sure, Don.
20:26Small dog, large bite.
20:28Section 1045B states that any and all outdoor entertainment events...
20:33Well, I'll tell you, Luther, what we really need here is some help.
20:36You got any?
20:37Well, now, ma'am, I just happen to have the boys from the drunk tank here with me.
20:40Well, that's wonderful, because we're really short-handed here today.
20:44Well, I'm mighty pleased to help, ma'am.
20:46How much?
20:47Same, $25 a piece plus meals.
20:49And mileage, of course.
20:50That counts, too.
20:52Oh, call it $200, and I'll just go ahead and throw in the carnival permit.
20:57I'll get the money for you.
20:58You can unload the prisoners over there.
21:00Yes, ma'am.
21:02You got the cash box, don't you?
21:03As safe as Fort Knox.
21:08I thought you locked it.
21:09But you did.
21:13You know the combination?
21:25What'd you do with my money?
21:26Oh, now, wait a minute.
21:28I haven't touched that box since Tommy gave it to her.
21:30It must have been like this since we...
21:31Where's my money?
21:32Where's my money?
21:37It's gone to Dallas.
21:38Read this.
21:39Oh, you can't get away with this, you lousy...
21:41All right, all right.
21:42You can't get...
21:43Now, wait a minute.
21:44You think I'm some kind of...
21:45You're Tommy or whoever.
21:46You owe me for eight weeks' work, and that comes to over $1,000, which you ain't got.
21:52But then, neither is I.
21:54Now, I have took the $647 here,
21:59leaving you some change to start the box office at Bradley Springs.
22:02Hope this finds you well and that you get better soon.
22:06I ain't gonna ride for you no more.
22:08Your friend Kino.
22:11Don't blame your friend Sonny for letting this happen.
22:13He just don't watch as close as I do when it comes to money.
22:21Now, it's very simple.
22:23Tommy gave the money to you, and you lost it.
22:27So, you're responsible for it, see?
22:29And you gotta supply me with that money now, and I don't care how you do it.
22:33I can't do that.
22:34Why not?
22:35You screw things up, now you can unscrew them.
22:37I hate to tell you, lady, but that's not how things work in the trucking.
22:39Who asked you?
22:40Nobody has to ask me for me to know when something foolish is going on.
22:43Are you calling me foolish?
22:45I didn't say that.
22:46Yes, you did.
22:47Whose side are you on?
22:49You can both shut up.
22:50I'm sick of you weak, incompetent pseudo-machos.
22:52Get lost.
22:53I'm sick of this whole thing.
22:55So am I.
22:56And the world will get along very well without this rodeo.
22:59So can I!
23:03I'm glad we agreed on something.
23:04Let's get out of here before she changes her mind.
23:10Can I tell you something about Mrs. Trueblood?
23:12She's still following us.
23:15She wants you to come back.
23:16I know, but we're not going.
23:19Don't worry about a thing.
23:20Just let me handle her.
23:23Right, guy. You're the boss.
23:56You remember Cheyenne?
23:57Yeah, I remember Cheyenne.
24:00That's when Tommy was still sort of a star.
24:04Had a little money then.
24:06That was before the first divorce.
24:08You ever know why?
24:10Why what?
24:11Why the divorce.
24:15Usual reasons, I suppose.
24:17Tommy thought I was crazy about you.
24:20Because we danced 51 dances in two nights.
24:25Did you ever know that?
24:27I never did.
24:2951, are you sure?
24:31I'm sure.
24:35And he sat there.
24:38And he drank.
24:41Did you ever know that?
24:46And he was right.
24:49I was.
24:52Oh, hell!
25:00You know, the sheriff says we can pay him later,
25:02but you left the stock back in Lodestone Creek, Sonny.
25:07I can't put on a show nohow.
25:12Will you help me, Sonny?
25:21Don't worry about a thing.
25:45Handle that beautifully.
25:46Oh, yeah.
25:50Come on.
25:53Come on, Pete.
25:54Come on.
25:55Get him, Pete.
26:05That's it, get him.
26:06Come on.
26:09Get up.
26:19Come on.
26:44What the hell was that?
26:45I don't know.
26:47You better pull over.
27:06Let's go, cowboy.
27:16Come on.
27:30Hey, Sonny.
27:32I got one.
27:46Come on.
27:56I've never played one of these before.
27:58Will you give me a hand?
28:00I'm just...
28:01Take it easy, bird man.
28:54Take a look at that.
29:03It's got the old-timey little hornsies.
29:16All right, all right.
29:17If you two think you can do it any better,
29:19you're welcome to try.
29:20Oh, no.
29:21I don't think we could come up with anything like that.
29:23Come on, I'll buy you a beer.
29:24Oh, you do speak the language so beautifully.
29:27Uh, Will...
29:29Oh, that's all right.
29:30You two, you go ahead and enjoy yourself.
29:32I'll take care of the cow, the stock.
29:35Go on.
29:36He's smarter than he looks.
29:38He must be different than rodeo life.
29:40You really like the job?
29:42It's not so bad.
29:43You know, I like the job at the end.
29:46Next year, I'm going to be manager of the restaurant.
29:49Emma let me come down here and look after things, so...
29:52I can't complain.
29:53Oh, that's good.
29:54Tell you what.
29:55The next time I come through Porterville, I'll eat there.
29:58Shall I reserve you a table, sir?
30:00Get you a room?
30:03Yeah, that'd be nice.
30:04Quick, Edie.
30:05A white death's charge.
30:07Boy, have I got a hangover.
30:15Say, would you mind turning that back down?
30:25Sorry, Frank.
30:26Can't do it.
30:27Can't do what?
30:28Can't turn it down.
30:29Got to listen for my break.
30:31Well, I don't have to listen to that junk.
30:34Listen, that's me.
30:36I work for the station.
30:46Uh, would you like to join us?
30:52What's his name?
30:53Manolo Higgins.
30:54And believe me, he's going to be the next big star.
30:57Yeah, I heard of him.
30:58Oh, he's got a big following among the girls.
31:00They think he's really cute.
31:02Acne and all.
31:04No, I'm only joking.
31:05I'm only joking.
31:06He'd be really a good interview for you.
31:08An interview, huh?
31:09Listen, bring some of your friends.
31:11It's going to be a great show.
31:13A lot of color.
31:14A lot of your local people competing.
31:17I get off in an hour.
31:19I'll bring the tape out there.
31:20Be more realistic.
31:21Yeah, I'll talk to your boy.
31:29See ya.
31:43See ya.
32:35Well, everybody's got to start someplace, I guess.
32:38Yeah, well, there's lots of places I'd sooner start than here, I'll tell ya.
32:41I don't blame ya.
32:42Talent like you doing that kind of dog work?
32:45What happened to all your grub hands?
32:47They walked out.
32:50Well, I knew that, really.
32:51They come to me last night, asked me to hire them.
32:54I told them they weren't worth the money Tommy never paid them.
32:59You, uh, do any more thinking about that little talk of ours?
33:03Yeah, I did, but I figure that Tommy's still laid up and they need me around here.
33:10Let me tell you something.
33:12They're always going to need you.
33:14Till you get too crippled up to do them any good anymore.
33:18Then they'll drop you like a dead skunk.
33:22What's Tommy been paying you?
33:28Depends, depends on the gate.
33:33Depends on the gate.
33:36Manolo, there are boys out there in the big time that own their own airplanes.
33:40I can do a lot for you, boy, and I can do it starting right now.
33:46Manolo, this is Penny.
33:54I sure like the way you ride those bulls.
33:58Thank you.
34:03What do you say, boy?
34:05Well, uh...
34:07Look, why don't I talk to you sometime this evening after the events?
34:11Don't make it too late.
34:13This town ain't my idea of paradise.
34:35Everything going all right? How's business?
34:37Pretty good.
34:38Oh, it's a little early yet.
34:40Look, the Boy Scouts in the Junior Chamber had a nice advance sale.
34:43Over $500.
34:45That'll get us off to a good start.
34:47Sure does.
34:48Keep up the good work.
34:50Oh, Mr. Pruitt?
34:52I'm going to need some change here.
34:54Silver? Sure.
34:55No, all kinds.
34:56I'm going to need some change.
34:58I'm going to need some change.
34:59I'm going to need some change.
35:00I'm going to need some change.
35:01I'm going to need some change.
35:02I'm going to need some change.
35:03No, all kinds.
35:05I thought you said you just got $500.
35:07But Mrs. Trueblood took that.
35:10I told her I'd need some change, but she said I'd be all right.
35:13I don't think I will, though.
35:17What's she talking about?
35:19It's mine. She'll get by.
35:21That's not yours.
35:23It's Tommy's and the Boy Scouts. Part of it's mine.
35:26No, it isn't. The first $500's always mine.
35:30Well, now I'm the one that's confused.
35:33Hey, wait a minute.
35:36Now, what is going on here?
35:37What's mine is mine.
35:39Now, that $500 is mine, and you can't take that away from me.
35:41The court gave it to me.
35:42Look, don't give me that courts and that mine is mine routine.
35:45You've got obligations here.
35:46I don't have any obligations to anybody.
35:48Now, Tommy Trueblood owes me $500 a month.
35:51And he's going to owe me till the day he dies.
35:54And I ain't ever going to let him forget it.
35:56And don't you forget it, either.
35:58You are one selfish broad, if that's what you've been doing to that man.
36:01No wonder this show wanders around half-starved from hit town to hit town.
36:05That is his problem, not mine.
36:07It is his problem.
36:08Listen, if you don't like it, you know what you can do about it.
36:11And if you really want your money, you better pray for a miracle at the box office.
36:15Because after I collect this month's alimony, I'm standing right here to collect next month's.
36:25Wait a minute now.
36:26Number 35 is in bulldogging, calf roping, but not horse or bull riding.
36:31I thought that was number 33.
36:33No, you're thinking of Bill Jennings.
36:36Well, then you do it.
36:37I don't know which goes where.
36:39Oh, no, you don't.
36:40I did this last year and you went crazy.
36:43Mr. Pruitt, if we're going to catch that 1 o'clock calendar show, we better get with your boy.
36:47Oh, yeah, just a minute.
36:49Has anybody seen Manolo?
36:50Who could miss him?
36:52He was just talking over there with a man in a Cadillac.
36:54I saw them drive away.
36:56Gee, Manolo took his suitcase and saddle and everything with him.
36:59Mr. Pruitt, would you have a comment on that?
37:02Everybody's been coming here to see this young fellow perform.
37:04Aren't they going to be pretty disappointed?
37:06Um, well, we don't know where Manolo went.
37:09I'm sure that he'll be back for showtime.
37:12I seen him leave with Elton Edwards.
37:14He ain't coming back.
37:15Did he tell you that?
37:16He didn't have to.
37:18Why would he tell you?
37:20Edwards is a big rodeo promoter.
37:22Running a rodeo right this weekend over in Martinsville.
37:25You want an interview with Manolo, you'll have to go over there because he ain't coming back here.
37:31But there's no reason for the people to be disappointed because we have with us today, for a special appearance, one of the great rodeo riders of all time.
37:40Who's that, Mr. Pruitt?
37:41Mighty Michael O'Hurley.
37:43He's right here.
37:45Michael O'Hurley.
37:47Uh, beg your pardon, sir, but where have you competed before?
37:53That's right.
37:55I'm the Irish rodeo champion the last four years.
37:58Is that a fact?
38:00I didn't know they had rodeos in Ireland.
38:02Absolutely. Irish beef is famous all over the world.
38:05Indeed, uh, Irish bulls were known there a long time before bull caught on in the New World.
38:11That's right.
38:21I don't know.
38:24I don't know why.
38:49Say, Penny, honey, why don't you mosey on over here and light my cigar?
38:55Oh, there's an old cowpoke, lost with the smoke, having the time of my life.
39:02What amendment do you figure we're breaking right now?
39:04Who are you?
39:05Oh, there's an old cowpoke, lost with the smoke, having the time of my life.
39:18A flubblebag.
39:21Wait'll the boys back at the corral here about that.
39:24Hey, Manola, let me get your towel.
39:26All right, let's go, kid.
39:27Hey, come on.
39:28Here, let me hold your cigar.
39:30Wouldn't want you to burn yourself.
39:31Oh, you're getting out now.
39:33What do you think you're doing, you guys?
39:34You guys crazy or something?
39:35Slippery bronco buster.
39:37I'm not going in there.
39:38Come on.
39:39You guys can't do this.
39:40I'm getting the rug all wet.
39:44Crazy or something?
39:45No, no, no.
39:46You just sit there like a nice little girl and don't you make any phone calls.
39:51And if Mr. Edwards finds out about this...
39:52Don't worry about Mr. Edwards.
39:54I'll take care of him.
39:57You're going to put a shirt on.
39:58I'm not going to...
39:59Hold it, son.
40:00All right.
40:01You want to go naked through the lobby?
40:03Come on.
40:04Don't make any sense here.
40:06You guys are going to pay for this stunt.
40:08All right, all right.
40:09This reminds me of changing diapers on my kid.
40:12This reminds me of nothing I ever heard of.
40:14All right, let's go.
40:15Get the kid in the hat.
40:16Got it.
40:17Get the boots.
40:18Got it.
40:19I'll be back.
40:20Mr. Edwards, please.
40:21And Morton.
40:23The number is 65...
40:24Hold on.
40:31I'm sorry about the hair delay.
40:50I'm sorry.
40:51I'm sorry.
40:52I'm sorry.
40:53I'm sorry.
40:54I'm sorry.
40:55I'm sorry.
40:56I'm sorry.
40:57I'm sorry.
40:58I'm sorry.
40:59I'm sorry.
41:00I'm sorry.
41:01I'm sorry.
41:02I'm sorry.
41:03I'm sorry.
41:04I'm sorry.
41:05I'm sorry.
41:06I'm sorry.
41:07I'm sorry.
41:08I'm sorry.
41:09I'm sorry.
41:10I'm sorry.
41:11I'm sorry.
41:12I'm sorry.
41:13I'm sorry.
41:14I'm sorry.
41:15I'm sorry.
41:16I'm sorry.
41:17I'm sorry.
41:18I'm sorry.
41:19I'm sorry.
41:20I'm sorry.
41:21I'm sorry.
41:22I'm sorry.
41:30You're a fool and you always were.
41:33I'm grateful you could come down.
41:36I look after my money.
41:39Did you get it?
41:40I had to send you a money order.
41:45I always get it.
41:48I mean for you to have it.
41:51I know.
41:57You didn't have no right.
41:59We was gonna get married.
42:01You got more to thank us for than you know Manolo.
42:18I don't know if you were born crazy or just got that way from falling on your head so much.
42:27I guess rodeo ain't helped my coordination much.
42:32I sure could use some help with this thing.
42:45I feel like I'm walking on your grave.
42:48Hey, now.
42:50You ever know me to fall off a horse and not get back up?
42:53Well, I ain't gonna start now.
42:59Thought you were in the hospital.
43:02What's that thing?
43:03I got on a horse without this yesterday and fell apart, remember?
43:06It's like a kid's doll put together with string.
43:09You gonna ride today?
43:10Sonny, you're the smartest man I know.
43:12You don't have to. We brought your star back. He'll ride.
43:15Nope, I don't need him.
43:17You need him.
43:18Where you're hurt, all that outside taping ain't gonna do you a bit of good and you know it.
43:22Come on, let's put the kid on a bull.
43:23Look, you can't do that. If I ride today, Mr...
43:25Come on.
43:26Everyone's gonna lose that.
43:27If I ride today, I get up. If I ride today, I get up.
43:43Sure was good to see you.
43:47Thank you.
44:33Hold it.
44:34I've just been handed a bulletin.
44:36Say, here's some fantastic news.
44:37You can just sit there like a sack of potatoes if you want to.
44:39Especially for all you girls out there.
44:40But you're gonna look awful silly if you do.
44:42That sensation of the rodeo ring, who we thought was out of action because of a bubble bath.
44:48Bubble bath?
44:52That's you, kid.
44:54I'm fine.
44:55Go get him.
44:56Let me have him!
45:09That's sure one ride there, folks.
45:11And one fine upcoming young rider.
45:13Solo Hickory.
45:15Let's have a hand for this contender.
45:36Where you headed?
45:41If it's all the same to you, I'm getting married.
45:44Thank you.
45:55Well, I guess I'll go.
45:58You heading home?
45:59Yeah. There's a night plane to Port Israel.
46:02You gonna save me a table?
46:03I doubt it.
46:07Here's for next month. Save the postage.
46:11You know, this is all very sweet, but you owe a lot of other folks some money, Tommy.
46:15Well, I'm sorry. I ain't got it now.
46:17You ain't got it?
46:19You two are out of your heads.
46:20Why don't you just stick together and save the postage?
46:23It'd be a lot cheaper.
46:25If he'd stop riding, I might stop running.
46:28About chance of that, though.
46:30How much do you owe me, sonny?
46:31300 for freight, 100 for labor.
46:35Wait a minute. That's your money.
46:36I know.
46:40Thank you, man.
46:47Thanks, big buddy.
46:50Sorry I was so uptight.
46:52I get scared.
46:53I know.
46:55Take care.
47:06Here, you can't go out without a hat on.
47:12Can I go out without the horse?
47:15Why don't you just shut down this side show and go back to Nevada
47:19and see if you remember how to be a rancher instead of a play actor?
47:24That's crossed my mind.
47:27You know, bankruptcy would be a lot cheaper.
47:30I gotta get Helen her money. She owns part of this.
47:34Helen just might settle for you instead of the money.
47:38You could give it a try.
47:40Put this hand in the air.
47:42All right, now, when you want to go outside, you just call her Red or Ripped Potato Chip.
47:50When did I say that?
47:55Red or Ripped Potato Chip.
48:06Poor thing.
48:19Can't you find a starter button?
48:22Come on, horse. Come on.
48:24Come on.
48:40Come on.
48:57You know, the way you sat on that horse,
49:00you might make a broadbuster.
49:05You think so?
49:07Except I...
49:09I really think you're better at throwing the bull.
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